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File: 312 KB, 1052x1468, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15632540 No.15632540 [Reply] [Original]

the global economy is on the precipice right now. hope you're not holding risky assets while markets are at ATH

>> No.15632569

risky assets like funny internet money?

>> No.15632573

yes and stocks

>> No.15632581

shut up retard it's been like this since 2011

seriously they figured out how to stop collapse and have done so with every slight market tremble

2013, 2015, 2018

and now 2019 seriously fuck off zoomer scum congrats it's your first 5% draw down now kill yourself lmfao

>> No.15632590

>this time is different

>> No.15632607

Sadly, nearly no one on /biz/ will understand how important this story is. Instead, they'll keep pumping their pennies into shit coins, all the while not noticing that the ground is crumbling under them.

As far as this story goes, it's a side effect of the fed's decade-long attempt to keep rates artificially low. They want roughly 2%, and it should be at least 4.5% by now.

They're going to continue to pump cash/QE into it, and it still isn't going to work in the end.

You are right... now is the time to check your holdings.

>> No.15632614

funny internet money is everything but in a bubble
270billion marketcap is peanuts

>> No.15632622

This make no sense if anything btc is the best holding

>> No.15632631

I'm a brainlet, but this basically confirms USD is fucked and BTC is on a moon mission, right?

>> No.15632636

The world needs antifragility built in. BTC is by far the best example.

>> No.15632637

How is LINK and gold for holdings? Hopefully the deflation will crash the usd price for gold and I can gobble up some more.

>> No.15632648

recession is not coming retards everyone and their mothers screaming for recession means we are breaking ath soon

>> No.15632652

>he's not all in Rheinmetall AG

>> No.15632657

btc is fragile not antifragile

>> No.15632659

o yes retard let me believe you, 20 year old anon who is sharing this kewl news story with /biz/

faggot i lost $50k shorting in 2013 when we were "for sure" going into the end times!

you learn quickly that there are people with way more money than you who are interested in keeping the game going

all knowingly at the expense of society's future generations.

or just short stocks or LEAPs like i give a fuck, you'll be at 0 in 2 weeks and crying at how "rigged" the world is. NO ONE CARES. society marches on.

>> No.15632678

read taleb..

Centralization makes systems fragile and incentivizes rent-seeking behavior. Which is why Bitcoin is not only antifragile but also an excellent idea. It fulfills the needs of the complex system, not because it is a cryptocurrency, but because it is owned by its users.

>> No.15632686

Gold defines wealth, so it is the ultimate hedge. Link is meaningless electrons, so it has no future.

I disagree. Crypto relies on hope in the future to have any value. There are purchases that are necessary, and purchases that are not. During a crash, people will continue to buy food because they MUST; but they'll stop buying boats and vacations because they CAN.

>> No.15632717

>you learn quickly that there are people with way more money than you who are interested in keeping the game going

Yes, but you can't rely on that in the end. In 2008 we learned that even they can't save a sinking ship. A perfect example would be Fannie Mae. In 2008, a lot of people thought it would be safe because EVERYONE had an interest in keeping it going. And yet it still failed, wiping out thousands of investors and accelerating the crash.

>> No.15632829

I'm sure everyone here who is screeching about the coming recession and stock market collapse but their money where their mouth is and SHORTED THE MARKETS, right???????????????///

>> No.15632880

the economics of btc mining lead to centralization, and it is easily btfo by law if TPTB desire

>> No.15632884

Fucking retards
You deserved everything that is coming to you

>> No.15632898

>the only alternative to being long is being short
brainlet. look at berkshire's cash holdings right now.

>> No.15632912


KYS, zerohedge fags are literally the worst, they lack the mental proficiency to make good decisiones and even worse they make everyone else lose their money through their advice

Zerohedge basically is the r9k of the financial world, bunch of losers who can't even get into crypto because they self sabotage themselves

>> No.15632914

shut up retard
sure looks like a sinking ship! lmao

what crash? the only bag holders were overlevered housing faggots like your parents

stocks are up above like nothing happened. companies paid off their TARP loans like nothing happened.

no one went to jail. everything went back to where it was, with more debt. they found the answer. we're not even close to Japanization of our economy.

you obviously have no clue what you are talking about and have some fantasy in your head. get over it.

stop romanticizing it. if the crash DOES happen, you're so beyond fucked you'll be in a slave camp within 2 years. or dead.

>> No.15633023

>sure looks like a sinking ship! lmao
You do realize they've been nationalized on taxpayer dime right?

>> No.15633042
File: 73 KB, 1045x635, FNMA_Crash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sure looks like a sinking ship! lmao
It's funny how if you look at a narrow enough time frame, any chart can look good.

Here's the real fannie chart. You see how it went from 70/share down to below 1/share? That's what happens when you rely too much on "smart people" somehow being able to "figure out" a way to save themselves.

You're not required to pay attention to history, but doing so will save you a lot of tears.

>> No.15633171

ok and the american taxpayer is a "bagholder" right?
see anon you are looking at a tree in the forest

noone cares about your doom and gloom

the market is information complete. someone much smarter than you already figured this out

>> No.15633172


>> No.15633186

I'm curious... how old were you in 2008, and were you trading at that time? I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around how short-sighted you are being.

>> No.15633198

>see anon you are looking at a tree in the forest
Oh, and fannie backed 1/2 of the US mortgages, something in the neighborhood of $6 trillion. You may think it was just a tree, but it landed on a lot of people when it fell.

>> No.15633216
File: 114 KB, 1033x558, tsps_guest_michael-batnick_reasons-to-sell1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15633249

Tell you what, let's see that same chart, only going back 2 more years.

>> No.15633251
File: 127 KB, 710x594, 1518129772260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight fellas, where would a burger put his money into aside from gold if these doomsday scenarios actually come to fruition?

>> No.15633268
File: 46 KB, 600x399, 33warren_buffett-5bfd75a546e0fb002697617c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in 2008 i was 18 a freshman in college but have been trading since i was 14 and now i just turned 29. i studied finance at nyu and work in tech but traded full time for a few of those years

shorter term is all you can worry about.

if there actually were to be a crisis it will hit normal people first imo. just like 08. whether it's the car loans, student debt, credit cards, who knows what the tipping point will be.

it certainly won't be banks needing liquidity lmao. sadly.

i'm just as bearish as you anon, i just trust financial magicians more than i trust sound money principles as evidenced by 10+ years of this. it's only getting worse.

sorry i was rude in my tone before anon, just be careful. and buy ETH

>> No.15633305
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>> No.15633306

You can go back 100 years. The point is, it will recover and keep growing.

>> No.15633339

Garbage and toilet paper. I moved a good chuck there before the crash, and came out pretty well in the end.

I guess we just have a fundamental difference in theory and outlook.

I believe in worrying about the long term. I also believe that banks will be hit again, just like they were last time.

The market has made amazing gains in recent years, but I believe a lot of it is smoke and mirrors brought on by a combination of artificially low interest rates and a massive increase in public debt.

Everyone in Washington knows it can't last, they know it's going to buckle, but their only concern is that it doesn't crash while THEY are in office.

I think the repo story from the last two days (it was a two day event), combined with the yield curve inverting is an early canary in the coal mine. It suggests that those on the inside are expecting something bad to happen fairly soon.

>> No.15633346

NYU has Roubini on their payroll that's about all you need to know about their program lmao. Try having a former Lehman exec teaching you a class on the 08 crisis and then come back. You'll find out that people who have actually experienced the collapsed first hand are as bearish as they come rn. As for the "market knows" yeah you're right, that's why the gold market is at an ATH in 12 different currencies and bonds have been on a tear since the fed tried to raise interest rates back to normal.

>> No.15633352

I agree with you in theory. One of my "standard phrases" when talking to people IRL about this is "the market goes up, the market goes down, but eventually the market goes up".

I agree that the market will recover from (nearly) any crash that will hit it; but there's a difference between the "market" and the "individual". While the market will survive, the same can't be said for the individuals who are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

>> No.15633358

gee thanks for that valuable /biz/ wisdom anon

>> No.15633382

join @chadlounge on telegram

>> No.15633385
File: 58 KB, 1200x1200, biz running dollar come back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't "cash" mean actual paper money or am i just extremely old fashioned?

>> No.15633396

I'm not joking, I'm entirely serious. When a crash happens, people give up on the luxuries, but they still have to buy the necessities.

So last time, I put money into Waste Management and a few toilet paper manufacturers. They are some of the few industries who keep going no matter what the economy is doing.

And, if you use automatic dividend reinvestment, when the economy recovers you are further ahead than you would have been had the crash not happened.

>> No.15633406

I listened to you doomers for the last 15 years about "the coming collapse." I kept my money in the form of cash, silver, and savings accounts.
If I just put it in a simple index fund I'd $500k richer and retired.
Fuck you retarded doomers. Work til your 80 to pay off your stupid mortgages.
Oh yeah buy and hold chainlink for the next 10 years but not VTSAX, they market will collapse any now.

>> No.15633431

The image/article is a little misleading. This gives a better explanation:


>> No.15633461

I haven't been a doomer for the last 15 years, so you weren't listening to me. I have no debt (and no mortgage), but thanks for your kind thoughts anyway.

I'm not saying that a crash WILL happen; I'm saying that a crash COULD happen, and that there is evidence that it could happen soon.

You can ignore the signs if you want. That is your right. But the signs are there if you know where to look.

>> No.15633499

lol anon i am a northern european who believes in asset backed money around a bunch of globalists

most of my professors were mit or harvard types and i was quickly redpilled

roubini is a tard but there's plenty of hyper connected types here. i mean the ny fed runs the world don't you know?

yeah you're very bearish and bordering on schizo level. recommend a nice hike and unplugging from the news cycle and overstimulation anon. it's not doing you any good.

it doesn't sound like you have a very good grip on how the global economy runs these days and just buy into the zerohedge bear hype machine


>> No.15633501
File: 150 KB, 940x616, bitcoin extraordinary delusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>funny internet money is everything but in a bubble
but how would you know if it was?

>> No.15633502

>hat there is evidence that it could happen soon

been hearing that non-stop since 2009

>> No.15633527
File: 174 KB, 1100x777, frugal waifu 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't hedge for both cases
you were never going to make it anyway.

t. retired at 25

>> No.15633568
File: 77 KB, 1628x1304, Nikkei_Monthly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree that the market will recover from (nearly) any crash that will hit it
lol tell that to the Japanese investors, Nikkei hasn't reached it's all time high that was set in the 80's despite BOJ intervention. Through ETFs BOJ owns half of Nikkei listed stocks. Markets can not be manipulated for ever, even central banks will run out of power. It has already happened in Japan.

>> No.15633575

barely anyone has even mentioned the stock market dummy. Corporate stocks are a tiny part of the economy but you've been brainwashed into thinking it's more important than it is.

>> No.15633609

I'm not sure what your point is broski. They may all be smart but they're still fundamentally tethered to the financial matrix and rarely question the status quo, hence theit delusional bullish bias. Like I said, talk to people who were at the epicenter of all this and you'll get a very different asssesment than your ivory tower academics.

>> No.15633672
File: 33 KB, 1232x804, USDJPY_Monthly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to mention, after the tsunami a consortium of major central banks agreed to intervene and devalue the Yen to help Japan economically recover. Even with that Nikkei barely budged.

>> No.15633679

I just threw that out as an example.
I didn't know I had to list every financial instrument in existence so the autists with OCD wont start punching the sides of their heads while screeching.

>> No.15633728
File: 444 KB, 465x455, laughing men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back peddling there pretty hard aren't you, chief? You're supposed to lurk for 2 years before posting so you don't embarrass yourself.

>> No.15633804

We get it bro. You're a financial genius. Probably work for a big firm and you make $10K a day.
I'm just a normie who fell for "the coming collapse" meme and now trying to warn other people not fall for it too.
But for some reason, you have more contempt for me then all the people here who say to max out your credit cards and buy latest fake shitcoin.
But you're probably just another fat putz in trailer trying to impress every with your superior knowledge.

>> No.15633829
File: 723 KB, 3504x2336, enermous salt mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back the truck up boys, we've hit paydirt.

>> No.15633860

Markets go up, markets go down lol can't make this shit up.

>> No.15634147
File: 2.60 MB, 260x291, 1547071372115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem more salty than the guy who you're replying to. what a cringe faggot you are kek