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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15630744 No.15630744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It was actually really comfy. I'm now eating breakfast at chickfila
I can charge my devices at the library and bought a shit ton of power banks. How are you saving money /biz/?

>> No.15630795

So you are homeless?

>> No.15630814

By not buying a shit ton of power banks

>> No.15630823

I just woke up myself covered in blankets on a nice comfy mattress. Then I took a shower and made myself a filling 20c breakfast.

>> No.15630830

There comes a point in saving money where you are no longer only removing unnecessary expenses but are beginning to sacrifice your lifestyle. Why are you bragging about living in a tent? You are literally homeless. There is no pride in that. I'll give you a few months before someone stumbles across your tent steals all your belongings.

How are you even paying for things anyway?

>> No.15630834

I've got a home. Ita a tent. Its better then my last setup which was living in a office space

>> No.15630840
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>a filling 20c breakfast.

>> No.15630846

Do you plan on making any other purchases for your tent/home?
I assume this is all a big fat larp, but its a fun one.

>> No.15630849

I've got a job. Make decent money as a chef

>> No.15630857
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>I've got a home
> It's a tent

>> No.15630864

Not a larp bud. I want to buy a camping chair, outdoor shower, ground tarp, and camping stove

>> No.15630871

Also it's not worth it to steal. My tent is surrounded by thick brush

>> No.15630882

youre going to make it anon but just remember to get up to at least 1 million RSR

>> No.15630885
File: 509 KB, 917x947, frugal waifu 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and frugalpilled. I lived on a boat for a month to save money. I fully support this project.

you can get 2 pounds of potatoes for 20 cents if you know where to buy

>>15630830 is a coward who isn't going to make it.

I went camping with my brother and he brought his memory foam mattress which we put in the tent. It was the best sleep i ever had.

>> No.15630892

>I've got a home. Ita a tent
Get a membership to planet fitness its only 10 a month, use their showers to shower

>> No.15630896

I plan on it

>> No.15630901


my questions are whose land did you put this tent on and how will you keep your job when you smell bad and don't look presentable because you can't bathe

>> No.15630902

>I lived on a boat for a month to save money.
that was my first money saving strategy to begin with.
i bought a 1979 Drift-R-Cruz 35ft house boat for $2,500 at salvage
spent $3k fixing it up and moved to a live-a-board marina for $70/mo with electric/water/internet included

lived like that for about 5 years and saved lots of money on groceries bc i was always catching catfish and frying them up.
my favorite part of living on that boat was that i didnt have to mow a fucking yard unironically

>> No.15630906
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You consider living on a boat 'making it'?

>> No.15630915

I live in a old and smelly flat in easterne europe to save money (free rent)

it's been 3 month and I already want to go back in a comfy house

I hope you the best OP
Join a gym to shower and rest

>> No.15630916

once you sleep on a boat for about a week youll realize its the best sleep youve ever had.
floating on water is an amazing feeling

>> No.15630933

I've been showering once every two weeks for the last two years no one has noticed

>> No.15630938

for me the only thing I don't like:

no wash machine
can't bring thots at home
can't cook so it's not that frugal...

winter is coming and there is a broken window so I won't last long here

>> No.15630940
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where are you located, whose land are you trespassing on, do you own a firearm?
Have you ever been camping before deciding to live in the woods since you didnt even know how to set up a rainfly or why to use a tarp? Have you scouted and done research on your area to see what the crime rate is and how close you are to potential dangers? Why the fuck did you vote for bernie sanders you limp wristed fag?

>> No.15630998

>I've been showering once every two weeks for the last two years no one has noticed
What do you do if you dont mind me asking?

>> No.15630999

best investment is a boat or a trailer but you won't be able to get laid or reproduce so you should kys now or go full brenton tarrant

>> No.15631005

I'd imagine that would be soothing on gentle nights, but what about storms?

>> No.15631019

i was in south carolina on the ICW about 50mins on the water from the ocean.
i lived thru 3 hurricanes. it got pretty wild but i was far enough away from the worst of it

>> No.15631024

>where are you located
>whose land are you trespassing on
I think its utility company because there is a cell tower about 500ft away
>do you own a firearm?
No there arent bears this close to civilization
>Have you ever been camping before deciding to live in the woods since you didnt even know how to set up a rainfly or why to use a tarp?
When I was a kid I went camping. Other canons pointed this out in the previous thread last night. I fixed the rain fly and am going to get ground tarp

>> No.15631033

I'm a chef not even joking. I just dont sweat much

>> No.15631065

>can't cook.
Get a camping stove problem solved

>> No.15631078

this is a bad idea op, i know you won't listen but i feel the need to post this. find an alternative

>> No.15631088

Say bye bye to your kidneys winter time. Better short them.

>> No.15631094

Fuck these normies OP keep us updated with your fresh posts.
How are you staying entertained? Whats your pooping schedule like?

>> No.15631108
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I plan getting 4 of pic related and the solar panel hookup so I'm never without power. I will buy a separate small tent for these

>> No.15631119

I watch YouTube videos and read biz
>popping schedule
after I have my coffee

>> No.15631135

I'd literally come to your place, rob clean and ass rape you. But hey, there are tons of fellas who will do it

>> No.15631143

They've noticed. That's why you're a socia outcast who posts on a Ukrainian potato farming imageboard

>> No.15631148

There's heavy brush so no one can see my tent

>> No.15631155

I'm a social outcast not going to lie

>> No.15631158

I won't even tell why

>> No.15631159

If you're saving money, why are you wasting what you save on fast food. Never going to make, will always live in a tent filled with coom.

>> No.15631162

Just read youre camping 5 minutes away from work you absolute mad lad you holy shit the absolute BALLS on this unit

>> No.15631185

There's a lot of woods nearby so it's easy to hide

>> No.15631186

One night some gruff, burly homeless man is going to enter your tent and rape you. It will be like the Herzog Grizzly man tape.

>> No.15631214

I will buy a camp stove next week so I can cook and make my coffee

>> No.15631250

This will be your biggest regret and the fact you plan on buying this solidifies your eventual failure. At least you will learn by experience.

>> No.15631258

lmao you finna get fucked and robbed

>> No.15631274

this is pretty cool op, hope you are enjoying this shit

>> No.15631283

I get a good laugh out of this thread.
But does anybody mind telling me why OP gets fucked over from buying this?
I never went out camping or owned such a thing, so I would appreciate an explanation on this

>> No.15631288

You sound just like some of my employees.

>> No.15631291

they are little pussies who never left their mum basement

>> No.15631298
File: 70 KB, 1024x759, 1493154619751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter is coming anon. Start watching videos on outdoor survival before you die. Better have good thermal clothing and good sleeping bag that will keep you warm shitty walmart ones will make you freeze. Your crypto coins will do no good when you catch pneumonia because you wanted to camp in the winter.
>No firearm
Where in Virginia? I knew you were a s0iboy. Its ok first step is to admit you have been wrong hopefully this experience will help you grow up and man up. Go purchase a used 9mm handgun right the fuck now if you are "this close to civilization" your worries are not bears but 2 legged predators wanting to rape or murder a skinny guy like you. At the very least keep a knife and mace on you at all times. When you go to sleep you can set up a tripwire alarm with string and cans around your perimeter in case you get night visitors stumbling onto your camp. You are eating canned food instead of spending your money on fast food right?

>>15631108 If you are living out of a tent and going to work do not do this it will just get stolen unless you know for a fact you are in an area no one else ventures into. Since you are so close to work and food it means you arent in an isolated area. Always break your daily patterns when coming and going from your tent to avoid drawing attention and being followed.

Whats your backup plan? Closest family? whats the safest routes to get out of your tent if you have to bolt at 2 am because you are in danger and can you navigate them at night when you are scared and left your flashlight behind? Are you sleeping with your most important belongings on you at all times? Finally what shitcoins have you put your money in since you seem impulsive

>> No.15631302

Cucks and so1boys scared of the fact that a real MAN like OP is taking charge of his own life to achieve his goals.

>> No.15631309

If you start expanding you little settlement, its impossible to move, to change location and you are more open to attacks, du to percieved higher value

>> No.15631310

I fucking love you op
Godspeed and I hope it all works out for you
What an awesome story to tell

>> No.15631336

This, and if an enemy priest comes to wololo him he won't be able to move away quickly enough.

>> No.15631337

second this

>> No.15631348 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 2160x2160, 1568814657356505127003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, how does it make you feel im still laying in my comfy as bed. I showered and shaved all of my pubes, gooch and ass hair because i have a king size bed to fuck stacy in? The girl you lust after will be getting dicked down tonight by me while you sleep on the grass with your crusty hairy disgusting smegma smelling cock jerks off too bbc porn you cuck.

>> No.15631358

>all this projection
stay smooth cuckboi

>> No.15631379

Pls OP change to a Van-Life or go to a trailerpark before you get shot
Make frens with hipsters and scam them out of food and a refurbish of the van
>i'd move into vanlife in a heartbeat, but germany is brutal as fuck in the winter and money is still too good
>as someone with a bizeps the size of your leg, i detest planet fitness, but here you can train, smash art hoes and get free food

>> No.15631384

A wagon would be unironically more safe

>> No.15631387

Based, does the management care if you take food back home with you?

>> No.15631392

tent anon - are you the same guy that posted here a few weeks ago about living in an office, somewhere in the NYC area??

>> No.15631400

>to fuck stacy in
I hope Stacy is a midget, because that's an extremly small dick. No normal sized human would even feel that. Not even a virgin.

>> No.15631405

now that is actually pretty based. fuck living like a hobo in a tent though thats just retarded

>> No.15631411

This is literally the same as a homeless dude in las vegas

>> No.15631413

Thanks for the advice.
My backup plan is to live with my parents.
The area is surrounded by thick brush so there aren't any easy ways out.
My best belongings are at my parents house

>> No.15631421

OP do you mind saying what your networth is? Would be interesting to know after all those years of frugal living.
Also what's your exit strategy?
When will you leave the country and retire? Or do you plan on going on like this forever?

>> No.15631423

They don't. They are Italian family so they encourage us to eat constantly

>> No.15631429
File: 533 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190908-124601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish i was larping, infact you wish ypu could see this vid on my phone.
Op is a fag and is proving it by ironically unironically cucking himself.

Stay virgin, virgins

>> No.15631438

I thought you were just fucking with us yesterday, wow

I have these for camping, can't live without them:


then get a cheap car battery from Walmart:

If you have a good fan pointed at your head while you sleep, you can get through anything

Also, I use "ghetto air conditioning", it works fucking amazing in a tent : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITtlxjvLQis

inb4 how do I charge it you stupid cunt I'm homeless - you're obviously smart, figure it out

>> No.15631440

i hope you make it anon, i really do

>> No.15631443

My net worth is about a $1000 I just started investing. I plan on retiring in the next 5 years after I have enough money to buy my own land

>> No.15631458

Lol that flat ass. It looks like a mans

>> No.15631467

How is there no vanlife board here. Would be the best neet setup

>> No.15631469

Alright, all the best anon! Hope the sacrificing pays off at least

>> No.15631471

The heat honestly doesn't bother me. It's the cold that worries me

>> No.15631488

I could never be a chef because of the sweltering heat in the kitchen, I'm glad it doesn't bother you

Check in with us when it gets cold so we know you're ok

>> No.15631492

Lmao not sure anyone is lusting after that sad ass.

>> No.15631517

I will fren.

>> No.15631529

Fuck, I love this basket weaving forum!

>> No.15631544

I have always wanted to do this

>> No.15631558

those panties suggest there should be an ass there but for some reason there is not

>> No.15631567

>moves into the woods to save money
>still eating out
Jesus Christ come on anon...

>> No.15631583

It's only a dollar for hashbrowns. And I said I was going to get a camping stove

>> No.15631634

I mean if that'll fill you up then good shit. I'm just glad you survived the night.

>> No.15631660

Thanks fren..I've never done anything like this aside from going camping as a child

>> No.15631687

>Winter is coming anon. Start watching videos on outdoor survival before you die. Better have good thermal clothing and good sleeping bag that will keep you warm shitty walmart ones will make you freeze. Your crypto coins will do no good when you catch pneumonia because you wanted to camp in the winter.

I was at the bar this past weekend and while I talked about wanting to travel cross country in the US (I live in the Caribbean), one of the bargoers told me "Remember, Cotton kills". Have 2 layers, one with polypropylene and the other with Wool since they absorb the sweat and keep you dry. Cotton doesn't, it would rather support you in your endeavor to your frozen hell.

>> No.15631758

I've got a nice carhartt winter coat

>> No.15631806
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, AmNotAmused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on a business and investing board in a topic where one guy is literally making the ultimate sacrifice in lifestyle so he can save money and you're busy showing off how you have a girl to waste money on and bang.

Have you ever heard of the term, "situational awareness"?

>> No.15631818
File: 577 KB, 1080x1440, mountainTJBlack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes OP should at the very least do some research on how to survive and not get hypothermia. Get merino wool. Cotton stays wet. Get thermal long johns, thermal socks, etc etc as well as a survival blanket. Visit thrift shops and look for camping gear from good companies like Patagonia. Look for a camping store near you and browse their used selection at the very least you need a good sleeping bag designed for sub zero weather. Get a camo tarp and place it over your tent at an angle to keep the rain and snow out. You can go 3 days without water but will die of exposure in 3 hours if you cant stay warm. Jesus OP you need to stop shit posting on /biz/ and start reading a winter coat is not enough to get you through a whole winter of being outside

>> No.15631854

I hope you got a real sleeping bag, and some good boots. The snow is gonna fuck you.

>> No.15631866

and find out if you have a place that sells army surplus stuff for cheap nearby.

>> No.15631923

I've got one..its cozy. I don't have boots yet

>> No.15631934

>cell tower about 500ft away
enjoy cancer
otherwise based

>> No.15632005

Any idea how to stop the tent from collapsing when it snows?

>> No.15632199


>> No.15632224

Get a roof tarp and hang it with some cords maybe? I suggest asking >>/out/ for help

>> No.15632340


>> No.15632351

ID confirms youre a fag

>> No.15632377

>no one has noticed
you live in a fucking tent in the woods retard

>> No.15632437

When I was in high school I worked in a call center for a bit and there was a guy who lived in the parking lot out of a camper in the back of his pickup. There was a nearby truck stop that he would shower in, he saved a ton of money.

>> No.15632482


Why do you shave your pubes and ass hair, you want to look like a little boy when tyrone fucks you in the ass?

Second this


Get a gun bro, ur a fucking murican its your god given right,
and god speed, ur fucking based. When civilization collapses and niggers start eating people in the inner-cities, you"ll know what to do and, hopefully, survive.
So you save some 1000$ a month extra; whats your portofolio look like?
Wanna share more pics?

Eat loads of lentils. They nutritious, full of fibre and cheap.

>> No.15632494


>Showering in the trucker coom chambers/sex sauna"s

Was he gay?

>> No.15632519
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>> No.15632525

>I've got a home. Ita a tent.


But godspeed, anon. Just don't get eaten or beaten.

>> No.15632566

fucking nostalgiaring

>> No.15632579

No I live in Virginia. I lived in a office space until 2 days ago. Going to move my stuff slowly work landlord doesn't get suspicious

>> No.15633077

I support this. Good luck Anon. People who make it always do something out of the ordinary. Getting haters means you are doing something right. Hope you survive the winter. I am in Eastern Europe with minus 20 winters so I don't think I can pull this off. Last winter I switched off the heating in my house a lot though and just wrapped up in blankets. Suppose it helped some - the sleep quality in cold air was certainly nice.

>> No.15633142

Thanks fren. It gets around -11°c here in winter. Am going to get myself a heater and maybe move further back into the woods so I can start a fire

>> No.15633248

What did you do in the winter? Pls no bully

>> No.15633311

Good to hear Hobro, been following your story. I want to know though, is this just to save money? Or are you not making enough to get by with rent costs?

>> No.15633379

OP makes around $2100 a month as a chef.
hes doing the tent lifestyle so he has more capital to buy crypto with.
he basically just took the /biz/ pill.

he'll make it tho if he sticks to it and poorfags and just invests for about a year

>> No.15633409

For someone who's trying to be secluded, you sure are doing a good job doxxing yourself.

>> No.15633416

Based, woke, redpilled, perfect timing to take the pill. I would highly suggest you get a internet box. Just so you can make trades and update stoploss.

>> No.15633473

so i can pay $10 a month and workout shower and take naps in there if opens 24/7, if i was hjomeless i would do this

>> No.15633503

he is solely doing this to save money, there is no other motive

>> No.15633564

Kek, he has the autism!

>> No.15633602

>it's not worth it to steal
Tweakers bro

>> No.15633634
File: 58 KB, 640x640, F6906DA7-860D-47C3-832E-AB8BC5FF4CC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a no floor tent with a stove to survive.

>> No.15633652

Keep spending like this and you'll always be homeless.

>> No.15633662

By that logic it's not worth it to live there.

>> No.15633665

I'm not spending a grand on a tent

>> No.15633686

It's only a dollar for hashbrowns. Also am going to get a propane camp stove

>> No.15633695

They can be as small and as cheap as you want. I just pulled up an example of the set-up. This is how people who know, winter camp.

>> No.15633701

>cell tower about 500ft away

Your site will probably get discovered.

>> No.15633720


Will they deliver to your tent?

>> No.15633751

I'll have it delivered to a friend

>> No.15633808

I dont think so it's a pretty heavily wooded area

>> No.15633823
File: 130 KB, 960x1280, 0E9C9F25-2A91-46B7-96C8-7BFFE65C69A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, that's all the info I need. I'll be sure to visit next week when I'm back in VA. I could sure use some new portable generators too, twig boy.

>> No.15633849


Read this or die in the winter.

>> No.15633934

I used to see this fat dirty homeless guy in his 60s on my morning drive every day. I've always wondered how people ended up like that.

>> No.15633943
File: 2.34 MB, 320x310, 1564249900629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shaved all of my pubes, gooch and ass

Are you literally a faggot?

>> No.15633967


Fag confirmed. If that actually is a woman and not a dickgirl, how big is the peg?

>> No.15633997

>doesn't build up his fellow man
>gets power thinking that he is better than others.
You've been failed. There is still hope though.

>> No.15634049

Godspeed, anon. I genuinely hope this pans out for you. Winter is going to be the most dangerous part.

>> No.15634140
File: 142 KB, 700x700, bigboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much link for a gf like this?

>> No.15634187

>i didnt have to mow a fucking yard unironically

No one has to mow a yard

>> No.15634198

winter in virginia is no joke either

>> No.15634219


>> No.15634459

My cousin just bought a fucking roomba type of robot for mowing her lawn. $1600

>> No.15634964

>eating breakfast
you'll never make it

>> No.15635110

>not eating breakfast

You'll never make it.

>> No.15635375

Just live with your parents...

>> No.15635570

Not going to do that I'm 31 years old

>> No.15635834

Went allin on UDoo and benefited from the pump today?

>> No.15635862

You think being homeless at 31 is better?

>> No.15635884

Oh hey tent guy, so what are your coins of choice?

>> No.15635932


/out/ here, have spent weeks and months in the woods at a time -- you should be very aware that if the inside of your tent, or your sleeping bag, gets wet during the winter, it's over. You aren't going to be able to dry it out. This last winter I was blown the fuck out by a two consecutive thunderstorms and a subsequent freeze, soaking all my gear then turning it to ice. (Leaky tent past its expiration date.) I had to pack it in and go home much earlier than I planned for. That's fine when you have a home, and potentially deadly when you're living in your tent.

Good luck, stay safe and be smart.

>> No.15635937

Earth is home retard

>> No.15635962

what do your parents think of you living in a god damn tent?

>> No.15635968

One and link. I want to buy HTC

>> No.15635989


>> No.15636192

>Why the fuck did you vote for bernie sanders you limp wristed fag?
where did he say that

>> No.15636249

Isn't the inside of your tent going to get wet regardless, because of the moisture from your breathing?

>> No.15636283

dude, go hammock, not tent
tents are for winter camping

>> No.15636323

>save money
>by spending it to buy fast food which doesn't fill you up for the day and makes you feel like shit

You're real smart OP keep saving that money.

>> No.15636907


fat disgusting fuck

>> No.15636942


Some tents do better with condensation than others. Usually you'll get a bit of moisture on the inside of your rain fly, but it's not enough to soak anything. I'm talking about puddles on your floor, half your sleeping bag soggy, wet gloves, coat, boots frozen hard as a rock, etc.