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File: 8 KB, 400x400, 5cd7407e3d256b0a52ee9105_Reserve Icon - White on Black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15625933 No.15625933 [Reply] [Original]

Targeting third world country for adoption is a retarded idea, and they're going to sabotage the project

>> No.15625963

Decentralized stablecoin will be used when tether collapses, good fud though

>> No.15626019

It's not when the team gets to decide which asset to add to the vault and 'manage' it for you

>> No.15626100

I actually concur, but I believe it's a great beta testing ground. Company is run by hipster liberal cucks so they need to be "saving the world", but once this shit gets in the hands of traders, investors, and basically white people we'll be mooning hard. Owning RSR will be way more profitable than mining rigs or any proof of stake validator node. The best part is it's one-click easy peasy. 2021 realistically this shit will hit MKR price points. Dai is dead in the water. Expect a lot of reserve copy cats next year.

>> No.15626108

>sabotage the project

>> No.15626125

MKR price with this supply would only put this at 10 cents

>> No.15626170

can you anonymously hold this stablecoin? I don't think tether/USDC mixers exist do they? That would probably be really useful

>> No.15626243

this is going on Coinbase. RSR is. above all else, that is what will matter when retail fomo kicks in. Nevin wears the Coinbase shirt on video / in pictures under a black jacket multiple times already. big cuck feels unless its a listing on coinbase before end of 2020

>> No.15626322

They can probably take inspiration from zkdai

>> No.15626476

This one is so obvious. I mean Coinbase Ventures holds an EQUITY stake.

>> No.15626537


the world is headed towards a great recession/depression within the next 10 years if not sooner. what better place to test the concept of a stablecoin than in an area where hyperinflation already took hold?

and if it's such a horrible idea then why would the president of the bank of England allude to something "like libra" to help us get away from the dollar as the world's reserve?

why would facebook try and launch libra with the target audience being similar to that of reserve? and the same goes for binance's venus "local stablecoin" also targeting shitholes.

read the whitepapers, the goal is to start on a dollar peg and slowly add enough assets that the dollar peg can be removed and have a currency (RSV), that's backed by a basket of decentralized assets. rather than the current situation where if the dollar fails most stablecoins fail. except maybe tether since they're doing whatever the fuck they want anyway

they are also going to be working on governance which will give RSR holders more of a say in what gets done but there aren't that many details yet since they're still focusing on making RSV and the protocol work before they focus on fine tuning the adoption of more assets. they will start with a centralized peg to dollar assets and slowly move into a more diverse portfolio and im sure they will be taking input as to the assets they choose but they're also using advisors that know more than some nigger on 4chan.

>> No.15626549

This is why xlm shit itself, muh Africans

>> No.15626553

When this hits coinbase and normies learn of thiel and Altman involvement the fomo will be legendary

>> No.15626703

so how is this supposed to actually make money? I briefly read over this when it was first shilled here, but isn't it 2 tokens, a peg and a feedback mechanism? And RSR is the feedback mechanism?

>> No.15626762


>> No.15626787

token burn via arbitrage

so you're making a profit from arbitrage at the same time the system burns tokens at a rate of 2-5%

this is why "investors will dump" is fud since investors will be unlocked mainnet and they will arbitrage because it's more profitable than dumping and adds value to the rest of their stack if they arbitrage in stages along with the rest of us.

>> No.15626819

arbitrage is a meme. they'll dump and take profits mr. bagholder

>> No.15626827
File: 1.43 MB, 2466x2164, BDF8C26D-755C-495F-B794-698458CA76FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup its a scam. No serious investor would get involved in this fairy tale project. Thiel just threw some cash in because Nevin is his boi pucci.

Buy a real asset like VIDT. All white male dev team. Working product making real revenue TODAY. Scarce as fuck unlike overabundant RSR. Charts prove it too: VIDT is up about 20% in the past 1 week, but RSR is only up 10% in that time. You bought the wrong coin, guys. Good news is it’s not too late too switch stacks. You dont have to get wedded to your shitty nu-male cuckold investment.

>> No.15626895

investor dumping is a meme. they will arbitrage and you will stay poor

>> No.15627229

A couple of stoners in Amsterdam or Thiel/Coinbase... hmm hard decision.

>> No.15627694

when rsr is $10 i'm throwing a party for anons with at least 1M rsr. it will either be on my yacht, mansion or penthouse. there will be 3 hot asian 10/10 w/out makeup whores for each anon. if you prefer sex dolls or tiger girls i can make arrangements.

>> No.15627704

I only got 100k

What can I do

>> No.15627714

get dumped on gay boy

>> No.15627913


>> No.15628191
File: 87 KB, 500x750, 1563232104757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>targeting the third world
>where even minor usage could result in a market cap of billions
>asking each exchange to politely add another stablecoin with a fraction of the liquidity of tether
>have yet another stablecoin hedge against falling markets

No one uses PAX, USDC and DAI for a reason bro. Tether wins right now. They're all just hoping it fails and to be next in line.

That's a mistake. The real money is in non crypto holders. Developed countries don't need that shit, and the infrastructure for defi isn't ready yet.


Watch reserve get a MC of billions quick as it catches fire in places that actually need it.

>> No.15628202

XLM shit itself because Jed spent the last year trying and failing to make stellar faster. Not because muh blacks.

>> No.15628468

dont overthink it

>> No.15628508

shit was born dead with all 200 of their holders

>> No.15628720
File: 78 KB, 1200x848, 1559652349144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are still people sleeping on rsr
They're going to be butthurt when RSRbros make it.

>> No.15628748
File: 25 KB, 474x473, 1564260149348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink was the last moon mission. Reservecels can't cope with being priced out.

>> No.15628801

the only people getting targeted by this are gullible IEO investors and people that are now willingly buying "cheap"

>> No.15628809

If you look at third world countries, in particular those with a failed currency, it does make sense that a broader adoption could take place..
This has however not occurred, you could litterally just use Tether, Eth, Xlm etc. All of these coins could serve as a superior alternative to their own failing currency.

Why hasn't this happend? why aren't bitcoin in large being adopted as the "bank" in Venezuela?
I don't know, but i don't think RSR would be any different. Perhaps if the app is really good and easy to use, there is a chance. But it is not likely.

>> No.15628835

It’s a moonshot dude. Gamble a couple grand on it and see what happens. That’s all I’m willing to risk on it anyhow.

>> No.15629429

>Thiel just threw some cash in because Nevin is his boi pucci.
I love this FUD

>> No.15629430

That is still 50x

>> No.15629447

Supply will be reduced significantly when it’s used to mint RSV.

>> No.15629770

Gonna add this tidbit into the mix for your consideration. The reserve protocol is very simple and doesn't require a pioneering some pie in the sky Blockchain solution. We don't need to wait for some main net that will never come or anything like that. In the last QnA they said everything is actually pretty much done they just need to audit and double check the theory before launching. All that to say it really should be an elevator ride up to $1 as long as the market is bullish and we keep getting new exchanges and announcements flowing over the next year.

>> No.15629789

>Gonna add this tidbit into the mix for your consideration. The reserve protocol is very simple and doesn't require a pioneering some pie in the sky Blockchain solution. We don't need to wait for some main net that will never come or anything like that. In the last QnA they said everything is actually pretty much done they just need to audit and double check the theory before launching. All that to say it really should be an elevator ride up to $1 as long as the market is bullish and we keep getting new exchanges and announcements flowing over the next year.
based 130+ iq redpilled anon

>> No.15629880

this project is stupid as fuck, but...
good luck targeting first worlders who are buried under regulatory nightmares from hell and who have perfectly functional systems that work today. the first world targeting strategy is actually the stupid strategy

>> No.15630323


>> No.15631048

does it stop there or are there predictions that it would moon to $10-$100?

>> No.15631077

No alts will make it. We're headed for total BTC dominance.

>> No.15631099

there's no quick buck on BTC tho..

>> No.15631131

LTC will 100x in two years

>> No.15631355

Literally the entire premise of this shit can be copied ad infinitum using chainlink
You literally bought a local dialup isp when you could own mae east