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15617747 No.15617747 [Reply] [Original]

NEET/Failed life recovery strategies:

I've fallen behind, and am looking at a bleak future, what else can I do to try to catch up (In terms of cost cutting)

28 about to finish MSc theoretical neuroscience, unemployed, no savings,

Already heres what I've done:

Decided on no gf/wife (saved 30k on wedding, 650k on house, 50k on nice car, 80k on holiday luxuries.
Decided on no children (-25k for vasectomy, +450k for 1.7 children)
Currently working on a plan to avoid paying the 50k student loans I have, 9% repayment of earnings above 16k
Currently living at home and paying no rent, bills, tax, works out to +7k per year
no Car or motor vehicle, no plans on buying one, +10k per year
no plans on paying for further education without a sponsor/scholarship.
I have strong medical/science education so I am my own psychologist and doctor, can use NHS also, pay once for dental 20 pounds per two years
No eating out, +2k per year
Minimal drinking out -1k per year
no gym, exercise for free outside and weights +600 per year
food diet cut down to chicken(fat/protein), basic seasoning, and sugar through coolaid type drink (savings of 5k per year)
Caffeine supplements replace all legal/illegal drugs and stimulant drinks, savings 2k+ per year
Current wardrobe will last 10-20 years, savings +4k

What else can I do, by my calculations this still puts me behind my peers who have started work at 18-25.

>> No.15617754

I forgot,
minimal social life, no dating, no women, just men/scientists/mathematicians +3k per year
No paying for media, games, books, education, all pirated, +10k per year (closer to 500k but if I were paying I wouldn't be more selective)
Entertainment forced bill cut down to currently under 100-200 per year

>> No.15617759

Not buying a house doesn't give you money you fucking mongoloid. Also, how much is your rent?

>> No.15617768

not buying a house for a wife kids is a significant saving, buying a 1bed flat here is 650k+, and this on my sheets would be a net loss.

renting would be equal to a loss of 7-10k per year,

current rent is 0 because I am leeching at parents.

if I bought without a wife/marriage Id be looking at 100-200k in some kind of shared ownership loss, rather than that low estimate of 650k.

this is money saved....

>> No.15617833

chance of depression and unfulfilling life - 100%

grow up mate

>> No.15617856

I'm legally a psychologist and capable of treating any depression myself,

I'm not actually currently depressed too, and already doing these things,

In fact I think I could do many more, I really need the net money gains

>> No.15617863

Jesus Christ why won't people on this board just HAVE SEX

>> No.15617879

I masturbate to pirated hd porn, 1080p-4k multiple times per day, often exceeding 10 times.
I have a collection of 25tb on external 10tb HDDS that run in low powermode and are connected to my high performance laptop that is actually low power consumption and undervolted. ( I don't pay for electricity anyway)

Sex with prostitutes would be the cheapest option, 20-150 per week, I have managed in the past overseas to maintain 160 eur prostitute habbit (several brothel visits per week), but since my budget cuts this has had to go.

>> No.15617899

What is your time worth and how is spending it on all this misery and "cost-cutting" going to help you spend it better in future?

Look, anyone can manage money. What the fuck are you doing with your time?

>> No.15617905

This is literal brainlet thinking. You didn't buy a house and you still have zero dollars in your bank account. Not buying shit doesn't give you money. I didn't buy a 25 million dollar mansion, wow what savings!

>> No.15618129

Its not misery, I had a gf once and that was misery... she was attractive, thin and large breasts too.

Having children sounds like an extra job to me, and you you pay for yourself...

I'm working on systems neuroscience and AI with my time... and also looking for gainful employment

if the average person buys a 650k home, and loses this money on the home, maybe recouping 100k, and you don't buy that home but spend 100k renting,

then you win by 400k....

We use the average value, not 25m lol... unless you have that and are comparing yourself to others in that wealth class.

pls, lrn2 statistics

>> No.15618221

>bro I got it all figured out, just learn 2 stats bro!
>t. Unemployed retard with no savings
REALLY makes you think.

>> No.15618315

>t. Unemployed genius with no savings

>> No.15618365

lmao this schizo is saving money he doesnt have good luck with that

>> No.15618535

If you're stupid enough to be 28 and have no savings or experience making money, what makes you think you're smart enough to make it?

You've had 10 years of adulthood and wasted it. You're most likely gonna do the same with the rest.

>> No.15618632

Just invest in link

>> No.15618651

You're going to regret all of this when you are 35. I have beautiful kids and a beautiful wife now. Wish I did it when I was 25, but I was checked out of life like you.

>> No.15618670

This is depressing and makes me realize I won't make it.

I grew up homeless and now I'm 33, and realize I won't have the time to learn the skills I need to have the things I want in life, which is an amazing job at the software company I admire and eventually become a homeowner.

Like OP, I've wasted too many years often trying to help those around me. All I can say is that if you're 28 and you feel like it's too late... Just wait till you're 33. Spoiler, your desire to improve and reach your dreams doesn't go away, you just feel far more depressed and anxious. If you're 28, just write down your goals and go for them like I'm doing now, because even though I'm 33 and life has treated me like shit, I've still not given up.

>> No.15618776

i'm not checked out faggot, I'm plugged in, switched on,

my life is just more streamlined and efficient now.

there are no attractive women over the age of 25,
the women I have left is 28 now... its only getting worse from there.

Your wife and kids are costing you more than one million dollars. Think about how many hookers and how much cocaine you could buy with that.

I've been in school,
I've seen so many fail even to get into school, fail half way, and fail their jobs and school at the same time.
Those who didnt get to school are working horrible jobs...and have no upward mobility.

I think I'm a loser compared only to those who did well at school and worked fulltime in an advanced job at the same time.

>> No.15618960

>trying to replace the fulfillment and joy of a loving wife and children who admire you with roasties and brain poison

Fuck off, kike

>> No.15618981

>loving wife

anon pls, she takes mexico dick regularly and has been bareback analized by dozens if not hundreds of black bulls

she willingly participated in gangbangs...not out of a drug addiction (she probably had) and not even for the money

the whores I facefuck are desperate and exploited, they don't have another choice, I have more respect for them than your whore wife.

those children are parasites

>> No.15619117

You sound absolutely pathetic kek good luck, fag

>> No.15619186

bro your wifes pussy is stretched

when you kiss her, youre tasting mexiccan semen

>> No.15619200

fuck this is good bait

28 year old with - net worth dishing out chat

>> No.15619235

having a zero net worth at 28 is actually higher than the median...

>35 married to a fat washed up aging whore looking for a cuck slave to pay for her kids for the next 20 years then her retirement

>> No.15619250

According to CNN Money, the average net worth for the following ages are: $9,000 for ages 25-34, $52,000 for ages 35-44, $100,000 for ages 45-54, $180,000 for ages 55-64, and $232,000+ for 65+.7 Feb 2019

>> No.15619290

This has to be bait, no one is this retarded
>doesnt buy item, asset, or pursuing family
>i saved money by not spending money i never had
>somehow this nets positive value
>high iq brain surgeon
no wait, you're a THEORETICAL brain surgeon

>> No.15619359

that money is projected earnings, taken by estimating lifetime earnings, then subtracting the foregone purchases.



theoretical physicist: einstein

Applied physics: local builder picking up bricks

>> No.15619448
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Judging by your poor grasp of English grammar I'm going to guess you're either a Romanian or a pajeet. My advice would be to fuck off back there if you want to live frugally. Alternatively if you stay I'd suggest :

Kneepads: -£20
Suck dicks for money, 50 blowjobs per day at £1 per suck = £50

£50 x 365 days = £18k per year,which is more than enough for you to continue with your pathetic existence

>> No.15619456

>about to finish MSc theoretical neuroscience
not NEET

>> No.15619489

you know this pic is the fathers fault right?

>> No.15619510

>im legally a psychologist
>i live with mum for free

you may not realize it but your parents are your biggest downfall, they let you stay a loser

>> No.15619522

Ok, so in theory you have shouls have 1 million+ over your current age at 28... so wheres the actual money?

>> No.15619574

> Decided on no gf/wife
> Decided on no children

Dude,you already lost. If you ever come to your senes and aim for a 180°, you'll be 30+. And that is with probably no experience in living together at all. You'll have to grab the first one you'll get, with no time of consideration or testing, no second shot before you're too old to found a family... good luck pressing out one miserable child before you hit the wall with 35+ (this is unless you want to play 50yr old daddy to some teenagers later in your life). Oh but wait, i forgot to mention option two: live and die lonely. Well, good job, OP.

>> No.15619578

maybe first invest more concern into your employment and earning money with your degree than saving pennies

you can save as much as you want, doesnt matter if you dont earn anything

>> No.15619618
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 1565465578231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK this schizonigger just gave us one of the funniest threads in AGES

>> No.15619697
File: 109 KB, 621x378, neuropsychologist-donald-hebb-who-proposed-that-neural-cell-assemblies-could-be-involved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jakes on you my grammar is expert level

I am just choosing to type in 4chan to better appeal to the oldfaggotry

I might as well be NEET since there is no profession for this study, and it is literally one step above theoretical physics (one of the directors is literally this kind of fucking physicist), everything we are doing is beyond the frontier, hypothetical, high dimensional unexplainable neuronal dynamic networks etc black boxes to black boxes....all the way down

also I didn't work during it, nor my previous degree

yes they are losers, they divorced too and didn't get rich (father is porche tier cash but is billgates boomer generation so poverty poor in comparison and is even better educated than that faggot)

also if I was kicked out I'd probably go full shooting spree, I am already at the bottom, falling any lower would cause some kind of lethal mental break....combined with my training and science it would probably be devastating.

I extrapolate those lifetime earnings over a non linear distribution, heavily right skewed and peaks at 55... this graph actually exists btw.

explain how marrying some disgusting fat aging whore and have sex a few times until she has a kid that will cost 350k, that I have to work for is winning?

yeah no.
I've lived 28 years of my life alone (except two) and it was fine...


>> No.15619739
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>> No.15619751

It's maybe 25% the father's fault, max.

>> No.15619903

>25k for vasectomy
25k for vasectomy

self cuckistan

literaly never get to ejaculate properly again

>> No.15619936

Life's not a race. You did the best you could under your circumstances.

>> No.15620107

it is a race, there is literally a scoreboard, its your bank account.

>> No.15620552

You're like the meme version of an incel.

Bringing home the bacon for the wife and kids is rewarding af. There is only so much money you can spend on yourself. And raising a kid right is the most rewarding thing you can do with your life.

Enjoy your hookers and blow. The rest of us will be contributing to society, and continuing our legacies.

>> No.15620650

You are 28 but that doesn't mean you can only date women who are 28 or older lol. That is feminist propaganda to trick men into settling down with 30 yrs old women.

>> No.15620672
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You do understand the concept that (((Einstein))) didn't actually come up with whole theory by himself and used others work right?

Just shows why you relate so much with plagiarizing twats.

Also bait thread

>> No.15620734

It's a lot tougher when there's no wife, just the kid.

>> No.15620736

Yeah, goy. Shit out more little slaves to increase my wealth

>> No.15620776

You have a degree, although perhaps not a terribly useful one. Why don't you get an entry level job while you figure out how to advance your career? Have you tried asking your seniors for advice?

What's stopping you from learning how to program? It's something you can learn for free, you just need an internet connection.

>> No.15621043

pls retard, do some basic reading on biology and DNA, and then personality too,

your kid is almost nothing like you... and 2,3 generations later thier DNA is almost completely gone,

then the 150 years or so is 0.000001% or less of earth time, and 0.0001% of all humans who have existed, not to mention the other species etc

you are a fucking slave, and you are giving birth to a slave.

and "bringing home the bacon"....literal fucking slavery for a parasite, a parasite that births another parasite. You are the host.

you are deluded into your own slavery

he literally 1 manned it....

almost all science has been done by a handful of men.

also in science there isn't plagiarism you retard...the process literally needs multiple generations. In any case he did the work of 100,000,000 men, in a single mind, and probably thats an understatement.

You on the other hand are an insignificant piece of shit.

I can program in several languages, AI and write ML algos... I'm not sure its for everyone and if it is useful...