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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 628 KB, 1080x1379, 20190613_223152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15606719 No.15606719 [Reply] [Original]

this are my emergency funds. about 100k in here. why are you guys poor?

>> No.15606725

> -3% per year

>> No.15606741

At this rate you'll be broke in a decade

>> No.15606742

fuck off, hope roastie toastie steals it. from u

>> No.15606746

>keeping that much cash on hand


>> No.15606790

>literally denim based paper with ink on it
I can't believe that's your "emergency" fund
buy a gun and some boomer rocks at least god damn

>> No.15606878

i am poor because i was born into poverty, my dad had no support from his family and therefore had to start from zero

>> No.15606896

>i am poor because i was born into poverty, my dad had no support from his family and therefore had to start from zero
me too, before I DCA BTC for 4 years

>> No.15606929

Your emergency funds...

Are you somehow expecting an emergency scenario where your bank account will be completely unusable, and yet the US dollar will still be viable?

>> No.15606997

This is not a lot of money

>> No.15607043

>having 100k and not having a portion of it in silver, gold, and bonds

inflation will eat you alive.

>> No.15607085
File: 2.52 MB, 2752x3432, mattress portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice OP I recently started adding to my cash position. how do you find nice bills straight from the mint? I don't like all this gross money. I'm preparing for the inevitable when we eventually go cashless

>> No.15607233

Cash is trash.

>> No.15607284

I hope you mean it's your emergency kindling because that's all it will be good in an actual emergency.

>> No.15607452

Says the NEET

>> No.15607510

Nice drug money

>> No.15607516

i cant hold more than 10k, or i get 2 years imprisonment here in australia

>> No.15607535

When shit hits the fan im going to buy a revolver and pay everybody that looks like a incel neckbeard a visit for some old fashioned robbery.

>> No.15607543

Can you prove where that cash came from?
Do you have receipts for all of it?

>> No.15607554

WHO the fuck cares. IRS fag.

>> No.15607568

You do know port4 has an ip and Mac nabber right? They could technically figure out your rough location. Really only works for phone posters so modems are safe but anything with wireless hotspot ting or cellular can be tracked right from here. Wouldnt say its too likely youd be found but its not impossible.

>> No.15607571

Because if he can't prove it and they find it they'll just seize it and prosecute him for lulz.
You dumb fag.

>> No.15607591



>> No.15607596

>having money is illegal in Aussieland

What the fuck is wrong with your country

>> No.15607599


>> No.15607606

This. If you hold cash to protect yourself against recession then just buy government bonds.

>> No.15607636

LMAO taking care of other people's money is the worst job there is (banks don't count since they make $$ out of usury). You're just a wagekek at a moneygram/exchange office or something similar.

Been there done that, worst job ever

>> No.15608056

this. USD is in a death spiral.

>> No.15608062

and its in a portable safe no less. the cops are more likely to seize it than OP actually keep it but the most likely scenario is it hyper inflates and OP just an heros bc of it. all he had to do was buy bitcoin.

>> No.15608076

> -30% in a decade

>> No.15608077

>emergency money
>box of paper rectangles
Choose one

>> No.15608083

that happened already in greece few years ago

>> No.15608107

>thinking cashless means using coins
Mekkle shekkle kek

>> No.15608240

Guess (((who))) pushed that law through...

>> No.15608263

I'm amazed (((America))) hasn't passed a law like that.

>> No.15608358

Ftm is a chink scam.

>> No.15608419

>thinking gold and silver are actually valuable and not just another piece of the intricate economic system

Gold is:
- yellow
- heavy
- soft
- metal
- shiny

>> No.15608456
File: 103 KB, 1280x1358, IMG_1205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga pulls out a fucking cash register.

>> No.15608475

Sounds interesting, anon. But what is Port4?

>> No.15608481
File: 167 KB, 636x426, 3F35B196-AB79-4756-9F44-9909F2002FF0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many bitter envious anons.

I hope the OP considers obtaining smaller denominations. A bunch of 100’s is a problem to use imo.

Iirc certain hairsprays can trick those pens.

Poverty is a mindset past a certain income. I think that income is $30k in MO. So many spend more as they make more without ever accumulating.
You anons need to make regular payments to your savings the same way you pay rent monthly.

Wish you all (not kikes) the best.

>> No.15608535

Fucking lmao, just buy RSV because Tether is centralized garbage.

>> No.15608594

In order to have money someone has to give you money
In order to be given money you must give them something that they deem is more valuable than money
For your typical male this is labour
Labour is already effectively worthless due to globalism and automation
Therefore the only means to acquire enough money to no longer subsist one must "trick" your employer into believing you are worth more than the absolute true value of your labour (which is pennies) due to spooks like "experience" and by exploiting heuristics that primates use such as body language and confidence to determine likeability
So while I have calculated every vector necessary for a successful trajectory, I lack the grifters touch to con someone else into making me rich. Which is why I am a molecular biologist making 32k a year.

>> No.15608667

Is this one of these fire proof boxes?
Enjoy your moist and rotting paper lol.
Hope you stacked up on silica bags.

>> No.15609054

Do something about it then fuck head

>> No.15609078

different ID
i am, i am not complaining or anything, OP asked why i am poor but i wont stay poor.

>> No.15609113

Lol at everyone believing this is real without posting a note.
I hold similar amount of cash (no physical though).. about 12.5 % of my net worth.
I mostly have it as a hedge.
I'm underweight stocks and bonds.
Overweight PM's and cash.

>> No.15609114

I agree, especially with $100 being hard to spend. The last time I tried to pay for anything with $100 they told me they didn't have change for it.

Keep your money in $20's, even $50's are getting harder to spend on anything but gas.

>> No.15609123

quite a few salty bitter anons posting itt

>> No.15609141

You seriously keep 100 grand in a $50 firebox? That shit is barely rated for paper and burns the paper. It works by melting the surrounding plastic to seal it. Like dude. WTF?

>> No.15609150


>> No.15609166
File: 2.05 MB, 286x186, jimmies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15609187

Who the fuck puts a label for 500$ this must be your first time... plleeeeeebbbbbb shhhiiieeeetttttt

>> No.15609624

The word illegal is so scary. Why not just go to negative interest rates over time and inflate the currency's value away at your leisure? That'll get people spending.

>> No.15609651

why is your emergency fund not in an online bank account earning 2% per year instead of losing 1%-3% per year to inflation?

>> No.15609743

Fucking newfag seriously answering to a stockimage picture from fucking google. Either fuck off, or eat a bullet you oxygen waster

>> No.15610250

anything over 10k can be seized and the burden of proof is on you to prove its legality, through a process that takes months or years and can cost thousands

Reported to DEA

>> No.15610251



Wow, what are you going to do with all that money? Buy a shed?

>> No.15610273


>> No.15610289


I think >>15607233 refers to paper money, not metals.

>> No.15610304

It's risky to have over 10k outside a bank in America too. Can be seized for frivolous reasons and happens all the time, look up civil forfeiture. It can take years to get it back even if you did nothing wrong

Protip: Don't use localbtc

>> No.15610317

it's close enough if they want to fuck you over they are going to find a reason

>> No.15610343

Thanks for the laugh

>> No.15610353


You know, I looked up what laws Australia had on this, and only found a law stating you can only *spend* 10k a once. Nothing on mere possession.

>> No.15610379
File: 119 KB, 798x770, 1561795502274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 dollar banknotes

>> No.15610380

say it in your phone 3 times while looking in the mirror and a glowing will appear behind you

>> No.15610417

Step 1: Make a Coinbase Account
Step 2: Watch their videos for free crypto
Step 3: Trade to LINK

Now shut the fuck up about being poor.

>> No.15610511

Nice nice, I'd upload a photo by my fucking IP is banned from images

Emergency safe contents

> 5k cash
> 3x .999 oz gold bars
> 55 silver Morgan's
>1 denarium bitcoin (loaded 1.0)
> 25lbs tannerite
> 1 Armalite custom
> 1 HK USP
> 1 m1 garand
> 500rds 3006. 556 .45
>1 plate carrier and level 3 steel
>1 week MRE
>water purifier
>mini solar
>T43 laptop + battery (crypto)
>20lbs of homemades
>winter gear
>field aid kit

Lotta assorted shit. I havent opened it in about 4 or 5 months now so i dont remember everything. Just sitting in the corner of my armory /office as a last last last option

>> No.15610577

what, no gas mask? I like the morgans, I have a handful of those. I collected ASEs for a bit then decided to switch to morgans.

>> No.15610730
File: 93 KB, 620x670, edd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having money is illegal in Aussieland