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1560568 No.1560568 [Reply] [Original]

Need some serious advice here guys. I just started a job in industry at a new company a couple of months ago and have been training under the controller to do the various tasks. Today, the controller and another coworker in our group went out for lunch and the coworker later let me know that the controller said he smelled alcohol on my breath today. This is totally baseless as I haven't drank for days.

Here's the kicker, the controller has cancer and part of the reason why I was hired was that he was taking reduced duties (working half days and taking weeks off at a time for treatment) and they were short staffed. I suspect he's paranoid about me edging him out of his role and he might be doing this as a result. Or maybe the cancer is fucking with his sense of smell, I dunno...

I've considered that the other coworker is stirring up shit, but I don't thinks that's likely due to my assessment of her personality so far and the fact that she wouldn't have anything to gain because she and I aren't directly competing for a role. (I'm a CPA like the controller, whereas she's more of an HR/Payroll person).

There is also another person above us (VP, Finance) who've I considered talking about this to. Not sure if I should atm and pretend that I don't know about the accusation. It's not like the controller made an official complaint, though office gossip of this nature can be damaging to reputations. Although if he does say some shit to the VP of finance in the future, it's on record that his credibility has been questioned if I do bring it up to the VP.

I'm thinking I won't do anything or say anything for the moment, but I'm pretty pissed off desu. (Not to mention the dude has cancer so I have to treat him with kid gloves) What should I do?

>> No.1560576

Why were you kissing him? Do you want to catch cancer?

>> No.1560584


talk to the dude, best with the lady present, asap. preferably still today. say you want to clear up some misunderstanding and that you want to clear up any potentiality of bad blood if there is any. you mean nobody no harm, and maybe you can work together if they were to make you privvy to their ulterior motives.

>> No.1560588

I wasn't kissing him, I was however sitting next to him as he was showing me stuff on his computer.

>> No.1560593

>should I tell my boss's boss that my boss may have possibly been trying to gossip about me to people I don't care about?
>after all, my job could be on the line
Where I work, you're judged on how well you do your job, and on how well you help your coworkers do their job. That's it. If your job isn't the same way, I suggest you start looking for another one. Or invest in kneepads.

>> No.1560595

Journal this info with all the details. If it is brought up later, you'll have it to refer to. Dates times who what where...