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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 160 KB, 900x1200, 1568460742999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15605121 No.15605121 [Reply] [Original]

How do you go from 0 money at age 29 to 1million dollars by the time I'm 35?

Also, I'm a sex offender and i have an ED page

>> No.15605135

uhhhh can i get some sauce with that

>> No.15605137

Is that you in the pic?

>> No.15605152


>> No.15605155

>not recognizing the real life Coomer guy

>> No.15605156


>> No.15605165

>alt coins
Its the only way

>> No.15605168

saw thot, got distracted, not my fault was born with a disproportionately large amygdala

>> No.15605242

posting in this thread to remind myself to never sell my linkies

>> No.15605392

I wish I was a girl

>> No.15605410

Fucking filthy COOMERS

>> No.15605440

Explain sex offender charge.

>> No.15605458

is this the chick from shark tank?

>> No.15605466

You want to sit on the coomer's lap?

>> No.15605483

You forgot the lottery and fraud.

>> No.15605489

Sauce on this whore

>> No.15605546

post link to your ED page and I'll provide you exact steps with about a 20% chance
you'll have to basically risk some fat fucking stacks a few times but you should be able to squeeze out a win in 5 years or so

>> No.15605559

i can't remember the full name but it's kenzie something. should be able to find her easily

>> No.15605577


>> No.15605584
File: 18 KB, 210x240, reCOOMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need higher COOM percentage

>> No.15605610

kenzie reives -fellow coomer. kek

>> No.15605641

Kenzie Reeves

>> No.15605744

Aww I wish she had a dick

>> No.15605763


"Recoome Recooms Part COOM: The Re-Recoomining coompile of cooms"

>> No.15605778

This guy coomed out his last remaining brain cells

>> No.15605798

Thanks anon. I just came

>> No.15605896

>I'm a sex offender

Come, tell us your story.

>> No.15606119
File: 35 KB, 750x480, 1528322756492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15606124

Post Ed article

>> No.15606127

work every waking moment, live like a pauper shove everything into stocks and real estate and hope for the best after 6 years.

>> No.15606281

>into stocks and real estate and hope for the best after 6 years.
You will probably be richer than 90% of Americans one day.

>> No.15606293

once you get over that initial hump, the whole "having enough capital to be a capitalist" hump, its all downhill. first stack is the hardest.

>> No.15606294

the guy in your pic is a fockin legend. anyone have the other pic of him at the blacked expo?