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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1557078 No.1557078 [Reply] [Original]

I work at a tire factory where i make $500 dollars worth of tires per hour but I only get paid $19 an hour. $35 goes to shareholders and the other ~$450 is eaten up by upper management, middle management, their work secretaries, their blowjob secretaries, HR, accounting, legal, etc.

Is this what you mean when you say capitalism is efficient?

Wouldn't that money be better spent on research and development or education for my children?

Don't tell me to start my own tire factory because i don't have the fourteen million dollars necessary.

>> No.1557085

Start your own factory then

>> No.1557092

>i dont have the fourteen million dollars necessary

guess who did? your employer

now quit bitching

>> No.1557098

>where i make $500 dollars worth of tires per hour
Wrong. The tires you make in an hour are only worth $500 because of:

* the product team that invested the item
* the R&D team that designed and tested them
* the sales team that put them in stores
* the advertising team that made them popular
* the finance team that funded the process
* the legal team that covers up your fuckups
* the upper management who made all of the above happen

You contributed, maybe, 2.5% of the process. So that would put your fair wage at around ... $19/hour.

You can stfu any time now.

>> No.1557099


> Not including taxes

Kek. Wage slaves.

>> No.1557110


>> No.1557114

So might makes right?

>> No.1557126
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in this universe it does...where the fuck have u been?

>> No.1557146

life isnt fair
best you can do is start a small business and accumulate enough capital to expand

>> No.1557157

Did you invent it?
Did you test it?
Did you sell it?
Did you market it?
Did you finance it?
Did you make any of these happen, let alone all of them?

No? Then stfu.

>> No.1557161

You need money to do any of those. Having good starting capital is not a skill.

>> No.1557164
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You're right. You deserve $300/h for doing low skilled labour in a tire factory.

>> No.1557168

The joke is that soon he's gonna be replaced by a robot

>> No.1557169

>if i suck at it , its not a skill

>> No.1557173

>Having good starting capital is not a skill
Boy do you have some growing up to do.

>> No.1557174

If the tyre you made bursts are you going to be liable for it? Did you rent the place or the machines? Did you pay for the materials? Where you the one who sold the tyre for 500? All those people who did that have to be paid as well

>> No.1557176

Of course they probably don't need to be paid as well as now, but they still need to be paid

>> No.1557177

>daddy gave me 500k wow im such a great business man!

>> No.1557181

No, but acquiring it, or raising it is.
And it costs nothing but time and effort.
applying for a loan, seeking funding, via investors, etc does not cost money.

Also, capital returns to those who take risk. No risk exposure = little reward.
Larger risk exposure = potentially larger reward.

Where is it written that you need money to invent something, sell it or market it?

Do any anons here need new tires?
I'm selling some.
No? OK, I'll keep looking elsewhere.

That cost $0.

Inb4 I Don't have tires to sell.
Send me the money for 4 tires,
and I'll get some to you.

Ebay sells billions of goods, without any goods in stock.

>> No.1557186

>Is this what you mean when you say capitalism is efficient?

no.....if it was efficient your boss would fire you and hire a mexican for state minimum wage and spend on R&D and industrial process improvements. wait that's bullshit. he's going to pocket the difference. shut up and be happy with 19 or you'll soon have no job wagecuck.

>> No.1557189


Feels good to be management, hows it feel to be a bitch?

>> No.1557191

the post

>> No.1557192
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If you feel entitled to those tires why don't you just take them? Think about it. You put in all that hard work standing at a factory station. I'm sure they wouldn't miss a few. You wouldn't have any problem sneaking then out. Just slide a few up your gaping asshole that your faggot boyfriend fucks every night. No one would suspect a thing. Fuck you op. You should be happy with $19 an hour. That's 19 more dollars than your retarded ass deserves to make.

>> No.1557193

>having lawyers write a prospectus cost's nothing
> driving to/ callling banks costs nothing in time value

>ebay doesn't spend extensively marketing its brand
>no goods in stock
>what is Iaas, SaaS?

>> No.1557196

Well, I think OP should have a raise, though 19$ an hour is not bad, I presume he earns 3000$ a moth

>> No.1557206

>i don't have the fourteen million dollars necessary.
>Implying people start with their own money
No, people put balls on the line with loans.

>> No.1557209

If you don't feel fairly compensated for your work maybe you should seek employment with someone who will better reward your skills and efforts.

As for the other stuff.. If the shareholders are okay with management paying those people so much what concern is it of yours? It's their company they can do what they want with it. If the company is mismanaged they're ultimately the ones who are going to eat shit.

>> No.1557222
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>what is collateral

>> No.1557280

Well according to the Marginal Productivity Theory of Wages OP is getting paid exactly his value.

But the problem with MRP is it's more accurate when applied to small groups. Within this group some workers production value must be above or below the mean.Therefore it's plausible that someone like OP is actually getting paid MORE than he's worth.

You're doing a low-skill labor job and bearing NONE of the risk that is business.

Don't like it? You're more than welcome to take some of that $19 and become one of those "evil shareholders".

>> No.1557297

You wouldn't even have a job if someone else didn't have the money to start a factory for you to work in.

Basically, you are dependent on smart rich people to provide you with work, or else you'll be begging on the street for change because your attitude proves that you are incapable of acquiring the knowledge, wisdom, capital, integrity, and responsibility to build your own fortune.

I bet you're a berniefag

>> No.1557305

What kind of tires do you have for sale anon?

>> No.1557324

That's what your balls are for.

>> No.1557341


I'd really like to invest in a tire company that pays out $35/hour/tire bitch to stockholders.

>> No.1557433

You work in a factory. You receive adequate compensation for the work done. That work is worth $19 an hour. Depending on where you live, that's actually quite a lot. Although if you don't like it, I'm sure they'll have no problem replacing you with a robot. Without rich people, you'd be living under a bridge. So, instead of taking your anger out on rich people and acting how the world is unfair, be grateful you have a job and maybe think about why you're in that position. Why are you working in a tire factory? Do you not know any other skills? Or did you do nothing your whole life and then complain about how the world is against you? Waiting for the Bernie gravy train, huh?

Start your own factory then. Instead of wasting your money now, which I'm sure you are, save it and start a business. Unless making tires is all you're going to do in your life.

>> No.1557687


> not considering the costs of the factory itself

Lol, $19/hr aint bad for monkey work, and here you are complaining.

Let's review some costs shall we?

> The factory
> Property taxes on the factory and land
> R&D
> Legal
> HR
> Workman's comp
> Insurance
> Advertising
> Sales and Marketing
> Accounting
> Raw materials
> Shipping

They are actually being pretty generous IMO.

>> No.1557920

You aren't paid to think you worthless piece of shit

Go cry at your next union meeting or something

>> No.1557936

Maybe you should buy some kneepads and get a promotion to become one of these "blowjob secretaries" that you have mentioned

>> No.1557953

why havent you been replaced with automation?
figure out how to kill your own job to be rich.

>> No.1557966

>not owning the means of production


>> No.1558274

Start your own tire store. Build some capital. Find a few partners. Start your own tire company.

>> No.1559894

>I only get paid $19 an hour. $35 goes to shareholders and the other ~$450 is eaten up by upper management
Where do you factor in the cost of materials? Where do you factor in the cost of the machinery? Where do you factor in the cost of the plant where you work? Or do you make tires out of free materials with free machinery in a factory with free rent? How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.1559904

The fuck is your pussy ass doing on /biz/?

>> No.1559923

>I'm 19 years old and just realized the world isn't fair: the post

>> No.1560085

i hope you get outsourced someday

i don't steal things unlike capitalists who steal the products of labor


>You wouldn't even have a job if someone else didn't have the money to start a factory for you to work in.
that's like saying the peasant wouldn't even have a plot of land if the lord hadn't made him a serf

>> No.1560102

>You wouldn't even have a job if someone else didn't have the money to start a factory for you to work in.
When will this meme end?
Dumb trust fund babbys playing on the casino by putting money on tons of places is not a fucking skill.

>> No.1560117

>turning 500k into the 14 million dollars you claimed it takes to start a tire factory
>literally a 2800 percent increase in value
>not a skill

>> No.1560154

>You press a button that makes $500 worth of tires per hour

>> No.1560165

who made the button? people like me or people like Zuckerburg?

>> No.1560167

>Wouldn't that money be better spent on research and development or education for my children?

Also, you sound like an idiot so any spawn you have is already at a severe disadvantage so it would be a waste. Gods and ancestors be bless they take from their mothers side.

>> No.1560196

People like Tesla made the button, jews like zukerburg stole the idea, then some guy said i'll risk everything to put that button to real use, and then pays some self entitled slob to push the button.

>> No.1560203

$19 sounds pretty high
Why don't we make tires in China for $19 a week?

>> No.1560226

Mostly its transport cost, quality control and fucking chinks will screw you over if you don't deal in bulk tonnage

>> No.1560253

So much on the bulk think. Damn near need a whole cargo vessel of crap to get a good deal.

>> No.1560257

Better get central planning to figure something out. A bunch of independent private enterprises would never work together to fill a whole freighter and minimize costs collectively right? Capitalism can't do that could it

>> No.1560278

Wanna swap jobs OP? I make 11 bucks an hour to sperg out about floor tiles and carpet and clean up people's messes when they are done playing with merch.

>> No.1560287


>$19/hr aint bad

tell me about it
i work in an explosive fertilizer warehouse for $12/hr

>> No.1560293


Sure yah maybe the low levels

>> No.1560298

You guys need to become a server. I make 25$ an hour and get all the free food I want while working with hot girls.

>> No.1560302

>Wouldn't that money be better spent on research and development or education for my children?
Not necessarily. The utility of your children's education may be less than the utility of secretary bjs.

Protip: your job is easily replaceable by automization. It is low skill. Learn something of value and you might make more money.

>> No.1560305

>Labor Theory of value
Get your ass to the 21st century. I don't value your labor at all. Hell I don't even value the things you used to create the tires. I value the tires themselves.

>> No.1560333

Too old now but man pulling in 200-400 a night as a college kid was the dream.

>> No.1560358

>I don't value your labor at all.
But anon, without someone's labor there would be no tires.

>> No.1560385

you don't work at a tire factory
why don't you just say "widgets"

>> No.1560405
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>Making damn near 40k a year before taxes working an unskilled labour job
>Still feels like capitalism is an unfair system and shills communism

>> No.1560437

I still don't see why you are complaining since you represent an incredible miniscule part of contribution and skill for creating the product.

Basically said everything and you haven't provided any proper response against him. In fact, you just seem to come off as incredibly childish.

>> No.1560443
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shouldve buckled down in high school you whining faggot

>> No.1560457

You are defining utility as natural results of capitalism and then saying that capitalism increases utility. This is circular logic.

>> No.1560465

The real reason I don't say widgets is because this board is full of people who have literally never opened an economics textbook and they wouldn't know that widget means "generic good."

That's honestly the reason I have to make up simple real life scenarios so that the deluded proles on here can get some god damn class consciousness.

>> No.1560516

Get the fuck out of here you dirty commie motherfucker. Perhaps to best korea.

>> No.1560539

i'm not communist i believe in a social, democratically controlled stateless society

>> No.1560540

so communism?

>> No.1560541

>i'm not communist i believe in a social, democratically controlled stateless society
You meant to say classless didn't you?
Also yes that's communism.

>> No.1560542

no i believe in democracy and freedom

>> No.1560545

So did marx, but it turns out that you can't get to a classless society without enforcing it red army style.

>> No.1560556

not true jeremy corbyn will make anime real without firing a single shot

>> No.1560562

Cool well you let me know how you're going to totally-not-force-at-gunpoint all the CEOs, engineers and doctors to do their shit for the same reward as floor sweepers despite it being about a million times harder.

>> No.1560569

they can always leave :-)

with their now worthless money and paper "assets"

>> No.1560580

>they can always leave :-)
Yes, like in East Berlin. Oh, wait, no.

>> No.1560586

i told you i'm not authoritarian so why do you keep bringing up soviet stuff?

I don't keep asking about the employment of 12 year olds in the 1800s by capitalists, do I?

Are human beings allowed to imagine and try for anything new?

Or are you just mad that someone isn't drinking the cool aid like you have?

>> No.1560605

You're the only one drinking the kool-aid my man.

Non-authoritarian leftism simply cannot work. People will simply say 'no, I'm not going to mine that coal in some dangerous ass mine while so-and-so over there is as well off as I am but all he has to do is cut hair' and so on with every mildly unpleasant task. So nothing gets done and your country gets conquered. Socialism naturally devolves to authoritarianism extremely rapidly.

Also there's literally nothing wrong with employing 12 year olds. Edison for instance was at this age a ticket boy on trains and this is actually when he started his first businesses endeavors.

>> No.1560622


OP needs to inherit at least $1.5 million dollars to do that. It's still true though, if you are being jewed start your own business. Though, if your work doesn't make you feel like you're dead at the end of the day, I'd say $19 is pretty decent.

>> No.1560625


>> No.1560643

Why do socialists keep thinking socialism is new? How's Venezuela doing?

>> No.1560664

Nobody said anything about right.

>> No.1561105

>Don't tell me to start my own tire factory because i don't have the fourteen million dollars necessary.

Even if you had the 14 million dollars. You'd just have a big pile of tyres you couldn't sell and a load of employees expecting to be paid at the end of the month. You gonna pay them in tyres?

>> No.1561138

Don't forget the equipment and machines, he probably only produces a part of the tire. Most of the processes are automated.

>> No.1561187

Golfing all day every day is hard work :*(

>> No.1561205


>Don't tell me to start my own tire factory because i don't have the fourteen million dollars necessary.

Hence why you get paid 19 dollars idiot. Unless you can fund, make, ship, advertise, sell, and guarantee all your tires get fucked. You are making exactly what I would expect that kind of job to be paid.

>> No.1561216

>I only get paid $19 an hour
I only get paid $12, and I live in fucking Australia.

>> No.1561399

>having lawyers write a prospectus cost's nothing
>implying all companies have done an IPO

>> No.1562314
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That's the problem. That is amazing for an unskilled job, and it wouldn't be that bad if the costs of living were half of what they are. I make ~42k working a simple auditing job that anyone with a few days of training can do. But it has no benefits, and there's just no way to survive well and really invest and grow income. I have a pittance saved away, but when I eventually get punched in the dick by fate it's going to get eaten by some fucking hospital.

I love the new things that technology has brought. But if it would mean giving it all up to live with the comfort that the 50s brought then I would do so in a second.

>> No.1562375

I would think minimum wage in Australia would be at least $15, since your monopoly money isn't worth anything.

>> No.1562421

>OP needs to inherit at least $1.5 million dollars to do that.

If starting a massive tire manufacturer is so simple, all OP needs is to lay out a business plan that shows just how easy it'd be for VCs to make money off of their investment in OP, then use that as collateral for the rest of the needed loan.

It's just making tires, right?

Except that no, it's not.

Starting any business isn't some hilariously linear process of Make > Sell > Profit. Only retards think this.

What kind of tires? Racing, sports, mudding, truck, tractor, 18 wheeler, performance, high millage, high/low end, eco friendly, spares, ATVs, motorcycles?

What kind of rubber / tech is needed to make that particular kind?

How are you going to break into the market?

Whose going to distribute it?

How will you handle liability issues if your product is released and start killing people?

How are you going to price it to cover all costs, turn profit, pay your VCs + loans, allow distribution to turn a profit, and allow retail to still get their 40+% margin?

What kind of population is going to trust a no name tire manufacturer with their life?

Retards that think simply having a pile of money is all it takes to create a successful company are just defending their ego with "if only"s to maintain their lazy lifestyles and put the blame outside themselves.

>> No.1562450

So you work at a tire factory, under somebody, who's under somebody else, who's under the owner of that tire factory and business. You are getting paid an agreed upon wage for your labor, in that factory you do not own, using equipment you do not own, to make sales for the business that's paying you.

What's the problem? That the money you agreed to work for is less than the profit made off your work?

Newsflash; you're a worker, not a business partner. You don't step into someone else's business, offer your labor, consent to the wage off your labor, and then get all pissy over not getting paid enough.

>> No.1563346

Casual under the counter.
I can't find anything better while I study.