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15603472 No.15603472 [Reply] [Original]

>It's another episode of parents talking about how they want to move back to Russia

How do I convince them not to?

>> No.15603486

it depends, are they taking u with them or u staying in what presume to be western lands?

>> No.15603491

Up to me of course but I don't want them to make the wrong choice. Also I'm worried what will happen to my inheritance.

>> No.15603553

honestly dude, thats probably what u should be looking into down the line of your life. if you have any bit of (you) still left you should see thats the best place for longterm preservation of genetic code especially if thats what you already carry anyways. if theyre trying to settle in a more village type place and have their own chicken and vegetables and shit thats even better but even if not its their people thatre all still there probably. but most importantly youre probably being a bitchass and theyre just fed up and feel like they lost to the system that stole their son and mature enough to be alive, you know what you can do to make them feel more appreciated therefore appreciate the environment and not want to move.

>> No.15603590


Don't be retarded, pidor. If your parents already have a good income from retirement in the USA, then they will obviously live like God-kings out in Sibir or perhaps down near the sea.
If they're trying to do something stupid like move back to Peterburg or Moscow then brutally haze them or something as leaving America to live in NYC 2.0 tryhard edition is quite possibly the most stupid thing I could imagine.

>> No.15603592

But it's a shithole.
>The economy is consistently shrinking
>Number 1 in heroin addiction
>Number 1 in alcoholism
>Number 1 in abortions
>Moscow has the most muslims of any city in europe
>Number one in prostitution
>Opps got hit by a new sanction now your have -35% purchasing power over night
We already got lucky enough to move to a 1st world country why would we move back.

>> No.15603606

Everything outside of Moscow and SPB is Nigeria-tier though.

>> No.15603610

>Worried about inheritance.
You obviously have them set up a trust in the USA (or Luxembourg/Andorra if you're super monied) from which they will pay taxes and have dispensations of their retirement income at a fair monthly level to an account usable in the RF. Do not bring your money into the RF wholesale or you will never get it back.

>> No.15603619

They will probably do something dumb they're fairly financially illiterate, let alone when it comes to something complex like that. We're not very rich but I'd still like to get my fair share of what I'm owed.

>> No.15603623
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>what will happen to my inheritance

fucking shit mindset. grow up and become a man. you shouldnt rely on daddies money you fucking loser

>> No.15603624


I told you not to be retarded, Pidor. Do not try my patience a second time. There are wonderful comfy little villages where your parents can live an unassuming and truly comfortable life and no one will really care beyond "oh, they're on the pension". If you absolutely must live in a cit, Irkutsk is nice, if remote. Krasnodar is very comfy too, but you must watch out for churkas.

>> No.15603628

What is Russia's crypto tax policy. This is the only thing you should consider.

>> No.15603637
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>Number one in prostitution

>> No.15603638


Ahh, ok. If they're financially illiterate, sick, or ruski-boomer made it your inheritence is already gone. Ask me how I know.
-t grew up rich, now one of the doomed.

>> No.15603647

What are churkas

>> No.15603661

Stuff it, you cynical queer. Some of us are concerned with family legacy.

>> No.15603678
File: 424 KB, 736x514, u5UlW9q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just move to a village bro

They're soviet boomer, literally watch Russian television all day after work.
>Ask me how I know.
Please tell me

>> No.15603680

Turkroaches, central asian muzzies, dagestanis, chechens etc etc so on and so forth.

>> No.15603697

as am i, but i dont rely on daddies inheritance to be happy or anything. fucking pussy ass mindset. grow the fuck up you fucking loser

>> No.15603706
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anyone who is worried about their inheritance from their parents is fucking nigger tier. fucking nigger tier as fuck

>> No.15603711

I'm not defending Russia bro, I'm just saying there are worse places they can live if they want to watch reruns of Mosfilm, nu pogodi, and whatever bondarchuk shits out all day.

They could also move to Arkansas/Tennessee both states are analogues to the country parts of Russia in HDI/culture/feel.

>> No.15603734


>> No.15603737


Spotted the Gentiles. Stay slave-cattle goyim will thoroughly enjoy pissing in your shiksa daughters mouths and circumcizing your sons gg

>> No.15603741

We live in Canada, they constantly insult it and say how based Russia is and how literally everything is better. Got brainwashed by watching Russia TV and news all day.

I don't want them to make the wrong choice but I guess I can't stop them.

>> No.15603754

i dont even know what the fuck that means but good luck waiting for your parents to die. fucking niggers

>> No.15603770


Move to fucking Nova Scotia and call it a day holy fuck it's literally scots-irish Russia.
If they were from Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok or god help you someplace near Kolyma send them up to Yellowknife and call it a day.

>> No.15603795

They want to be in Russia anon you don't understand they aren't rational they're Soviet boomers.

>> No.15603808

Russia is based. Move back and carry on your family legacy, ivan. Don't marry a chink or spic.

>> No.15603818

It's not though >>15603592

It's a shithole with faggots injecting krokodil because life is so bad.
There's two million muslims in Moscow.

>> No.15603828


I have provided several possibilities to help you cope with their choice to move back to a nation that has been dead since ole Kolchak got capped.
I have provided you alternatives to pitch to them.
All you can do now is seethe, followed by cope, possibly dilate, and then eat shproti while screeching at the loss of your inheritance.
I am sorry for your loss, even know Lenin's cold plasticized hand grips your pocketbook.

>> No.15603850
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Thank you for the condolences

>> No.15603924

If Russia is so bad, then why do so many Muslims want to live there? Why are so many western groups fixated on representing it as a terrible place?

>> No.15603970

>then why do so many Muslims want to live there?
Because the Caucus countries surrounding it are even worse.
>Why are so many western groups fixated on representing it as a terrible place?
There aren't very many, you just have to look at statistics to see all the negative things about it and how many people are constantly trying to leave.

>> No.15604002

>just have a look at these (((statistics))), you don't want to live in Russia, trust us goy

>> No.15604008

>Actually statistics are created by jewish people and russia is based and redpilled, putin is actually the savior of the white race!
Literally ask any russian living there just how "based" it is.

>> No.15604037

Your parents who have actually lived there seem to think it must be okay.
>b-but ask some looser druggie on the streets of Moscow, it's a complete shithole!

Also, Putin is unironically the savior of the white race, this isn't even up for debate. He was even magnanimous enough to help Americans elect Trump.

>> No.15604044
File: 364 KB, 1080x826, nizhny novgorod(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty comfy desu

>> No.15604065

you're a fucking retard kys

>> No.15604099

Why don't people who think their country is the greatest, live in their country?

>> No.15604101

That's because boomer immigrants are always nostalgic about their homecountry. But you think statistics are a jewish invention so I'm not sure what I can possibly present to argue with you.

>> No.15604139

1. Are they wealthy?
2. Where are they moving?
3. How old are you and what do you do for a living?

>> No.15604315

If they're legit retired, why not move to somewhere warm like Costa Rica or Cyprus? There's probably zero chance I'd consider staying and Canada if I had a normal Canadian level pension, but I sure as shit wouldn't move to Russia. Fucking lol.

>> No.15604328

Maybe Crimea is a compromise choice. idk