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File: 136 KB, 748x856, linkies are all retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15600089 No.15600089 [Reply] [Original]

Just my daily mockery of the financially illiterate and perforated buttholes who invest in this dumpster fire with no real world uses known as Link.

Today's inspiration of mockery is by a Linkie who wrote a wall of sarcasm to me like a pussy ass diva teenybopper.

>You have better things to spend your time on anon, clearly. You were smart enough to identify the link for what it is, a mere scam. You can cut your losses now and go spend your obviously very valuable time on something you love. Congratulations anon, you passed the litmus test, you won't have to suffer with the all of the delusional linkies as we go all the way to zero. You should be proud of yourself!
Daily reminder: It took a fat Russian test tube baby with missing chromosomes a total of 5 minutes to come up with an idea to convince you monkeys that it's worthwhile. The 30 minutes I spend daily observing the trainwrecks in this financially illiterate shithole to remind you that YOU'RE MY BITCHES for being gullible retards is worth it every time.

Linkies are my bitches, now and forever.

>> No.15600111

Yeah, everyONE knows what the real patrician coin is.

>> No.15600114



The glamor of LINK has worn off by now and the bagholders remaining are the same type of subhumans who held REQ down to below 1 cent and VeChain.

>> No.15600127

sage and have sex incel

>> No.15600138


im happy too. most of these people are too dumb and lazy for a real job and banked what little they had on something just because 4chinz put a green frog next to the coin. they're worse than just gullible.

>> No.15600199

the only people holding this coin are bagholders lul

>> No.15600262
File: 93 KB, 949x507, thebestboss1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of these people are too dumb and lazy for a real job
They're probably the biggest presences in the dirty communist threads too - they know they're useless in the real world and want to use the government to point a gun at someone. When big daddy government isn't there, all they have are their stupid memes that they believe in willing success into existence through hyping a dumpster fire with NO REAL USE.

I love it when these idiots ask me how much I lost in Link, as though I'd ever be dumb enough to have bought it. I'm happily making cash in real estate while being successful as an accountant (pic related). Linkies are my bitches in every way conceivable.

>> No.15600313

although I probably make more than you since you're an accountant, damn if I didn't wish I had a boss like that for a small paycut. everyone in oil is a prick but oh well.

>> No.15600448

Up 0.72% today. Cope harder no-linker

>> No.15600483

0.72% is a win for stinky linkies.
wait until the $5mill whale dumps. his coins are already on binance.

>> No.15600500

dumb coin with dumb bagholders

>> No.15600527

>How do you do fellow millionaires why yes I am a millionaire with heavy investments in real estate. And I hate chainlink, I hate it so much I post about it on 4chan every day. Also I'm very rich.


>> No.15600563
File: 30 KB, 550x543, 12a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd call you a prime example of Linkie stupidity, but you're all dumb in egregious ways.

If one day worth of data constitutes the makings of judgment for a worthwhile "investment", no wonder you mistook a neckbeard for wisdom. Fucking loser. I won't tell you to even learn what a trend is, pea-brain - just focus on brushing your teeth for once.

Right? If I were coordinating a scam, I'd be thrilled if a number like that inspired dumb bagholders (like >>15600500 said) to allow me to continue all the way to $0.

One step forward and 10 steps back - the path of a retarded Linkie. Fucking ball-less brainlets.

>> No.15600613

Uncleoldfag/detectiveanon/schiff will win

Just give it up bro

>> No.15600650
File: 81 KB, 655x720, 86fad199652ec05a7d4ef63b0e72038c5413ce99a23c62f3655949d3638d2266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can OP, or anyone who agrees with OP, add me on Discord? I'm interested in a debate.


>> No.15600671

these threads are made by sergey. you all laughed at his weight, now he's laughing all the way to the bank and your financial annihilation