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15599502 No.15599502 [Reply] [Original]

Who here saving vape receipts so they can /make it/ on the inevitable class action against vape companies

>> No.15599514

You mean the "vaping disease" on the news? Some Chinese faggogs cut their CBD liquids but they needed something to maintain the thickness and yellow colour so they added some Vit E derivative. Nothing to do with vaping nicotine.

>> No.15599527
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, Tipperson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there's popcorn lung, and yes it is a real thing from the fruity-flavored liquids

But I think the OP is talking about them promoting vaping on college campuses

>> No.15599554

You faggots need to try the flavored cigarettes in Japan. I recommend Winston sparkling menthol, tastes like citrus gum

>> No.15599555

So I'm still good vaping 90%+thc oil lads

>> No.15599568

Only if it's actual lab tested shit and not some shitty knockoffs for like 20/g or have no actual lab analysis/lab printed on the package

>> No.15599572

>popcorn lung
>fruit flavoured vapes
You mean diacetyl? It's a buttery aroma note, not fruity whatsoever. And no, vendors reformulated their flavorus to remove it years ago.

>> No.15599663

Old vaping juice used PEG which some say causes something similar to popcorn lung.

>> No.15599696

I dont have any receipts because I'm not fucking retarded. I remember when that shit first came out and everyone was blowing these monster clouds of smoke everywhere going "no bro its totally harmless it's just water vapor.", thinking to myself, no I dont fucking think so dumbass. Wait a few years and motherfuckers are gonna start dropping dead cause of this.

>> No.15599897

i also think this.
these "vape juice chemists" are just your typical drug addicts whipping together a FOR CONSUMPTION product that is entirely unregulated, non-lab tested, and the long term effects on humans that regularly consume this shit are yet to be seen.
i suspect major lawsuits in the next 10-20 years regarding the vape nigger companies.

the fact its entirely unregulated and is for consumption is shocking. since the FDA has a hand in regulating anything that is for consumption. just doesnt make sense.

>> No.15599940


It's not entirely unregulated. One of my good friends manages a vape shop for its 75 year old owner. Every year they must submit a list of ingredients in each and every formulation of juice to the FDA/local agencies to be reviewed and accepted. If any ingredient is found lacking, that formula cannot be sold.
Furthermore, I can look at the ingredients on my vape juice and see it's all registered USP grade. For the brainlets, that means its fit for human/medical consumption.

Please don't speak about things you know nothing about. These deaths are stemming from chinese juul pods that you can buy on alibaba that have industrial solvents still coating the plastic: which drug dealers fill with THC oil. When lil' zoomie smokes his dab, he takes good ole industrial adhesive straight to the lung, and he dies like the retard he is.

>> No.15599956


Not if it comes from a street dealer. That is literally who is causing the deaths.