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15598306 No.15598306 [Reply] [Original]

I am at this timeline buying cryptos for the future so when we are back in 2036 we are fucking rich.

Ama about the global economy and business in the next decade i have a few hours to answer questions.

>> No.15598334

Is twerking finally punishable by death?

>> No.15598351

There is almost no punishments anymore the law systems of the world start to break down hard by 2023 and by 2027 it's a very anarchical world only china remains strong and tweking is strongly punishable there as well as any western thing.

Western things are strongly attacked by the chinese government since the economic and food crisis of 2021 was terrible for them.

>> No.15598359

And they blame the crisis on a decadent west i may add , mostly the usa , but europe is in total economic collapse and westerners are seen as decadent there.

>> No.15598382

> comes from 2036 to shitpost on biz
> gives bad advices to see pink wojaks in 2036

>> No.15598400

Many people have time travelled and contacted crypto holders in the past , the truth is that time travelling and buying crypto is the only redituable reason to do time travel , outside of historic reasons funded by governments.

You go back in time , earn money by gambling on things like sports , invest it in crypto and go back to your timeline to live in a citadel.

>> No.15598439

if you go back in time you can litterally make money from everything: gamble on sports, pick penny stocks in 80s, buy fang stocks, commodities.
It's not necessary to buy crypto.

>> No.15598494

No you can't because identity problems , bitcoin is easy , you buy it and return , the rest have kyc problems.

Bitcoin has the same but not in the same level , you can get them without controls , also cryptos moon from 2020 until my timeline in 2036 because once they have lower inflation than the usd (the world reserve currency) , they start to moon non stop.

Ironically most earlies into bitcoin end up losing money in 2021 because they expected another bubble , so they cash out when the price breaks 200k usd in october 2021 , but this time bitcoin inflation was bellow fiat(something economist finally realized in 2025) , so no bubble happened the price kept growing and growing and growing non stop.

Also taxes , kyc and negative interest rates forced many people to NOT cash out in 2021 so a paradigm shift happens, bitcoin , litecoin and monero are the best investments of the decade.

>> No.15598515
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>> No.15598540

what will the price evolution for LTC?

>> No.15598543

i believe the part that the only asset you could reliably time travel with is bitcoin and other cryptos due to their public/private key methods of ownership. well said

>> No.15598556

Litecoin suffers a bubble and reaches 1600 in october 2021 , then it crashes hard to 170 by 2023 , then it starts to grow non stop by 2030 it's worth 117k per coin.

Litecoin becomes "the bitcoin for the poor" , in a sort of way and being safe from bitcoin asics it becomes a safe heaven.

>> No.15598566

ltc is already being mined with asics tough

>> No.15598588

Correct but not the same asics that mine bitcoin for the most part since it uses scrypt and not pure sha-256.

Also the moore law limits are hit in 2022 , the last asisc arrive the same year using 3nm chips.

This stops the minig centralization that happened since asics where created because residential electric costs are lower than mining farms , so people that bought asics in 2022 are still using them in 2036 with a massive return on investment.

As a matter of fact crypto asics are being used as heating for crops in green houses and things like that since after 2022 you don't need to worry about asic upgrade costs since these are the last asics.

Not only that since miners no longer need to sell to upgrade their asics the supply falls even stronger as if another halving happened in 2022 because they only sell to pay electricity now no longer to upgrade their tech so a second halving effect is felt in 2022-2023 and when the 2024 halving happens bitcoin goes straight to 3m usd.

>> No.15598598

I think OP is making that up desu

>> No.15598614

Pow btc max time travel. Welxome fren its like you came from the past

>> No.15598628

What is the prices in 2036?
Like how much do a ButtCorn buy?

>> No.15598633

Ethereum is removed from most exchanges early 2021 due to massive altcoin scams happening , the government attempts to kill all cryptos but monero and ethereum are the first to be removed by exchanges in an attempt to prevent government attacks.

Monero survives (tough it's price remains stable until 2025), ethereum bleeds to death as bitcoin steals all it's energy as it keeps rising non stop.

>> No.15598643

But monero is a three letter backdoor bro. The guberment report was just to set the trap. You have no idea how easy it is for them to track you.

>> No.15598656

>What is the prices in 2036?

Bitcoin is priced at 57M usd but the fees per transaction are about 3500 usd per transaction so poorfags are priced out it's a very anarchical price.

>Like how much do a ButtCorn buy?

1 bitcoin can buy an a320 plane to give you an idea , but the world economy is experiencing a massive slowdown since 2021 also you can't use a bitcoin freely anywhere , people get killed tortured if someone suspects you to have a bitcoin.

The stablest countries are not democracies to make things worse.
Also the reason why you can't buy a fucking a320 plane with 1 bitcoin is because international trade has been balkanized since 2021 , so there is little economic growth today outside agriculture , crypto mining or gold mining.

No government can enforce fiat anymore so they can't pump the economy.

Most crypto holders can buy anything they want in places like the united arab emirates or chile , but in most of the world 1 bitcoin will only buy you getting tortured.

>> No.15598681

I don't know it's still working in 2036 and it's inflation rate is even lower than bitcoin now , ethereum could have survived , it did not die because having high inflation it died because the scams done with it made it the perfect target by governments trying to scare investors of crypto.

They could not do that with bitcoin as well because bitcoin trusts where traded in the us market , also in the eu many btc companies where funded in projects to try to bank the btc holders so they cashed out through "legal means".

China simply did not give a fuck until late 2020s , they had exess hydro power and proof of work mining literally mantained their dams since it payed for the exess electricity so china was neutral towards bitcoin , but hostile against eth since moving to proof of stake threaten crypto mining.

By the time they went hostile against crypto mining already left china due to the moore law limits.

>> No.15598797

What about Holochain time traveller anon?

>> No.15598843

All cryptos except proof of work MONEY cryptos get rekt.
Make no mistake after 2021 things get crazy and all the projects start to be attacked by governments , but this impact descentralized ecosystem projects more than "just money" coins.

Also advertising projects becomes illegal if it's crypto related.
All that survives are money related projects , btc , ltc , bch ,xmr , bsv , and fucking dogecoin become the most valuable coins in that order.

>> No.15598846

how much is RSR worth, future anon?

>> No.15598960

0 stablecoins get rekt in 2027 when governments starts to persecute them and the imf attempts to create their own crypto(unironically based on the defunct libra) with the help of the g20 countries.

Their idea was to let holders cash out easily into a libra style global currency without kyc , but it had the opposite effect people used the imf crypto to buy bitcoin (and mostly litecoin).

That was the last attempt by governments into taking down crypto , or at least the last attempt we know off , it peaked with quantitative computer propaganda that bitcoin was hacked and governments that bough bitcoin in 2025-2026 dumped them for the imf coin(called global) , but it did not work for much time since it was like craig wright saying he would destroy btc , after nothing happened people dumped global and bitcoin and ltc mostly started growing again.

>> No.15598975

is there going to be a shitcoin pump before the 2021 rektening?

>> No.15599003

What happens to Craig?

Also what happens to LINK, surprised no one asked yet.

>> No.15599028

No from now on to mid 2021 shitcoins will be stable or growing little tough most are obvious scams.

That said all proof of work coins with scarcity will become extremly valuable after 2021 , in retrospective looking from this era the biggest "shitcoin pump" is bitcoin cash , it's going to be 17k in 2021 the only reason it losses the second place to litecoin in 2023 is because people don't save money in it because the fucking hard forks done every year and because it's hashrate is exposed to bitcoin asics.

But bch will do the biggest pump before the 2021 rektening the "flippening" will come dangerous close as local.bitcoins become the easier way to cash out without kyc so for a time during december 2021 people tough bitcoin would end up flipped by bch since bch kept growing while btc lost it's momentum for a time.

But then by mid 2022-2023 btc regains it's momentum and keeps growing non stop until 2036.

>> No.15599033

Larps on /biz/ are getting worse and worse. You just can see that a 15 year old is writing all this crap.
Assblaster was the peak, as many people actually believed it.

>> No.15599040

confirmed larper maxie cuck

>> No.15599053

>Ethereum is removed from most exchanges early 2021
>0 stablecoins get rekt in 2027
at least make your story consistent brainlet, as all stablecoins of any note are on ethereum. Even the new binance stablecoin kek.

>> No.15599057

I've heard this story about people getting killed and tortured over btc in the future. My gullible ass is interested af with all this

>> No.15599074

Link dies in 2022 with ethereum but Sergey Nazarov ends up being one of the richest known men in 2036 since by 2026 it becomes clear that every shitcoiner dev was actually selling their shitcoins to buy btc.

In a way developening shitcoins was a way to buy bitcoin by proxy.


BSV survives and it's in the top 5 coins

>What happens to Craig?

He disappears in 2023 many people involved with crypto end up being killed in this time because crypto is the only thing growing in the global depression happening as a result bagholders are hated with fury by the population.

They are seen as smug libertarians that ended up being right and became absurdly rich many people involved with the early crypto went dark or disappeared , some live sailing away from big population centers , others in citadels mostly in uae or chile.

Craig was one of the dumbest motherfuckers since he made a target of himself by saying he was rich full of cryptos , even people with 1 fucking bitcoin end up being tortured.

The attacks against crypto holders started this year heavily i am suprised this board lacks info tough probably everyone here is in shitcoins.

And mind you that most of the attacks are happening in first world rich nations before time travelling we studied the attacks to avoid shady places to get crypto for cash.

This year is already where things get dangerous a btc trader was already tortured in the netherlands and 6 days ago one norwegian btc bagholder had to jump from the 4th floor of his building to avoid torture.

It's going to get crazy after 2021 so maybe Craig ended up badly, hell even the bogdanoff end up bad as a schizo attacked them on the streets blaming them for everything in 2023.

>> No.15599096

It's already starting, a btc trader was tortured in the netherlands this year and 6 days ago a bagholder had to jump from his appartment to avoid torture , also a btc pajeet scammer was tortured in india resently too.

People did not give a shit about stablecoins liquidity after 2021 once bitcoin inflation went bellow fiat stablecoins lost their meaning since a stablecoin based on the usd had more inflation than btc.

Also ethereum get's rekt and bleed it does not die instantly it just keep bleeding non stop until everyone forgets about it.

>> No.15599103
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>hell even the bogdanoff end up bad as a schizo attacked them on the streets blaming them for everything in 2023.

>> No.15599104

> clown world confirmed
this is so stupid it can actually be the truth

>> No.15599107

You just don't believe.

>> No.15599114
File: 98 KB, 385x283, 1558644152221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone forgots about it
>while using stablecoins on it
>to the point that governments see them as dangerous and start actively persecuting them "7 years" after ethereum gets delisted
>all those users are somehow buying eth to pay fees during these 7 years

>> No.15599126

Nobody uses stablecoins by 2021 , a stablecoin based on the usd has 3% yearly inflation while bitcoin as 1.80% inflation.

Hell by 2025 it was alread knew that in 2021 the inflation of bitcoin was even less than 1.80% , because miners stoped selling to upgrade hardware due to reaching 3nm chips the inflation was more like 1% as the supply was incredibly small.

So stablecoins existed but nobody used anymore as bitcoin was more stable than the fucking fiat that the stablecoins where based on.

>> No.15599196

Ok it's a nice story, the only problem is that this 2036 fag speaks like a 2019 fag.
Think about it: if you travel in 1940 can you speak their way? Know all the funny words? Use the same phrases as they use them?
I don't think so.

>> No.15599236

Do you remember how boring the world was before the internet. Do you remember how difficult it was to buy stocks and such. Sure there are some smug hipster types that will do that shit but most of us really appreciate little things like air conditioning and medicine

>> No.15599253

Of course retard , you need to know the culture of the era to buy bitcoin , also while 4chan is shut down 4channel keeps existing in 2036 most of you here are absurdly rich and still shitposting in 2036 as a matter of fact , the entire word knows in 2036 phrases like "mooning" , "bagholders" even "bogged" the language of you motherfuckers became so well know because everyone wanted to know if people around them where bagholders.

I am not shitting you screencap this ,after 2021 things will get insanely crazy , the global economy will go to hell and there will be documentaries about bagholders , hell i even seen a documentary about bogdanoff memes from this board once.

People are fascinated with the culture of places like this board had during this era r/bitcoin.

Because bagholders are everywhere yet nowhere , everyone knows that people made it big but the people that made it big live under the radar so there is a fascination with them in the culture.

from 2021 to 2030 the global economy will be rekt to the point that governments can even do war between them because due to cryptos they can't tax anyone , doing documentary about your fucking culture will be one of the best business due to the anonymous tips you motherfucking bagholders did to the people doing documentaries.

The girl that did the bogged documentary ended up escaping to a citadel in chile in 2029 after the donation of you fuckers made her a target.

>> No.15599261
File: 605 KB, 702x1329, drumnbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am from 2036
not a LARP at all

what is the music like, homie?
why are there several hundred blockchains ruling the world?
what replaced the transistors in the microchips?

>> No.15599276

Will you fuckers let this one die?

I enjoy the timetraveller threads as much as the next guy, but this OP lost his turn on account of being an insufferable idiot.
Like this guy points out: >>15599114

Just stop giving him attention and we'll make a good TTT later

>> No.15599283

What's the roastie situation looking like? I assume the top 10% of males have harems and the rest is incel

>> No.15599284

You would need a translator to speak with us, it's not simply about knowing some term (and how you can see they change often, no one talks about NPCs anymore for example).
Even trying to speak like a 90s moron wouldn't be easy, since there are no same-language translators.

>> No.15599305

>what is the music like, homie?

Very similar to this era but more primitive society degenerated massively after 2021.

>why are there several hundred blockchains ruling the world?

Becaue the inflation rate of those cryptos ended up being lower than centrally created cash , even dogecoin is insanely worthy.

>what replaced the transistors in the microchips?

Nothing after 3nm the technological momentum of mankind slows down , the governments pulled the quantum computer larp a few times to scare people out of crypto but nothing come out of it.

Outside crypto the only progress that there has been was seen in the mid 2020s in low earth orbit internet giving terabyte size speeds , china lands on the moon in 2029 , spacex lands on the moon in 2031 with money earned selling internet.

Ironically the economic slowdown made most cables of stuff like internet or tv to not be replaced due to lack of income so p2p things like satellite internet prospered while centralized systems decayed to hell.

But outside crypto and satellite internet there is not really technologically advances in the 2020s , a few advances in china regarding medicine but that's all.

>> No.15599311

chilean guy here
Why is chile going to become a citadel lmao

>> No.15599335

Are traps gay?

>> No.15599342

I hope you are not holding shitcoins in 2021.

It peaked in 2021 when the economic crisis hit globally all the social things like feminism started retreating , things become very darwinian from 2021 to 2029 as states go broke like dominoes one after another non stop , pension systems collapses , law systems stops working , thinks like divorces or marriages become rare as no one uses official institutions anymore so in a way the roastie situation solves itself economically.

Also bullshit jobs that women do are the most rekt , all jobs are but most of those service jobs are destroyed.

The npc meme remains famous specially after 2021 , also the internet is an archive so internet culture remains existing , there is an internet registry of EVERYTHING, things crazy like this one.


>> No.15599343

because of the name

>> No.15599356

You're not understanding what i'm saying, you assume you're speaking like your parents did when they was young, this is false.
If you speak with your teen granpa, you would notice extreme differencies in your languages.

>> No.15599363

After Argentina collapses late 2020 chile becomes a target of refugee waves from Venezuela and Argentina , you have natural borders that are easy to defend but the migration wave ends up being too much and you keep voting for even more right wing governments.

Your country had low debt when the crisis hit in 2021 , no inflation , security and a strong military relative to your area.

So your government decided to be good with no chilean bagholders if they cashed out in chile so many citadels where established in southern chile.
Most citadels are there , in the uae , in new zealand or hidden in the usa.


Correct but you don't get that all of you homos here going to be millionaires , the world becomes fascinated with earlies into crypto.

It's a hate love relationship , your culture is famous , early videos about bitocoin like "Love You Like A Bitcoin" become famous and know by everyone.

Everyone is like fucking hell why i did not buy bitcoin or things like that , and you made so much money that all the culture in the early 2020s is produced to get your gibs in form of donations.

>> No.15599369

Ok, you've been busted, try to speak like a 2036 guy now.
There would be a shitload of terms we can't understand, rught?

>> No.15599395

>There would be a shitload of terms we can't understand, rught?

No culture does not advance much , service economy get's rekt , things like movies , music or popular culture get extremly similar to today specially in the english language.

China opened their great firewall in 2029 infesting the interenet with chinese tough , and indians are everywhere too , but chinese don't know english so most of the popular "new" cultura is chinese , even the top movies on cinemas are chinese today.

The culture in the english language is stuck , nothing changed drastically , not only because the economic crisis but because the technological progress stopped and when the chinese opened their great firewall it was the fucking end , most videos in youtube are in chinese now , so do the comments , 4channel remains westernized , but reddit for example is in chinese now , it was slowly turned then in a cultural expansion probably supported by the chinese gov.

>> No.15599409

W-what about weebs? are we still exist or chinks will reign supreme as our new overlord?

>> No.15599419

Fag and gay

>> No.15599429

What is the future of libra crypto is it gonna work

>> No.15599431

China , chile , the ua and australia remain stable , china did not expand to enforce it's ways outside their borders , their culture yes but not forcing them on anyone , but weebs and neets are going to suffer post 2021 ,things are going to be very darwinian for a few years.

>> No.15599437

what happens to the rapefugees in western europe? how fucked are the eastern european nations?

>> No.15599441

No libra won't be allowd to exist but it will be resurrected by the imf in 2027 with another name in an attempt to create a gateway to fiat then they scared bagholders with quantum computer fud from g20 countries into it , but just like craig did years before it did not work.

Eventually people droped the imf "libra" and went back to bitcoin (tough mostly ltc)

>> No.15599457

how did you survive the period of anarchy op?

>> No.15599459

Nigeria ,ethiopia and congo together have more population than the entire fucking european union , egypt is also experiencing a population boom.

Things become very darwinian the refugess waves will continue to accelerate non stop but the european welfare states start to go broke in 2023 causing a resurrection in fascism , ironically the states are so broke that the "fascist" government end up only increasing taxes to pay pensions and eventually people simply stop paying taxes.

They then increase carbon taxes for the enviroment(in reality it was a way to indirectly tax everyone since even food is moved using the taxed fuels).
But this caused a popular revolt and no one believes in government anymore in europe but the refugee waves keep coming there non stop until 2036.

>> No.15599462

Safex continue scamming people?

>> No.15599465

Just how bad the crash? what triggers it?

>> No.15599469

I edited photos of dogos into art works in exchange for cryptos(no i am not trolling) , even if i was making the equivalent of today 35 usd per day it was enough since it was untaxed and it kept growing in price.

>> No.15599484

> nig eth and con have already more pop than eu
This is breaking news

>> No.15599492

There is no proper "crash" , just a total economic slowdown for no reason , no matter how much money they pump into the world economy it does not grow , the consensus in 2036 is that the crisis was caused by welfare state causing different economic conditions for different generations , so inflation was impacting generations in a different way for example old people in pensions did not sell their houses because they where increasing due to quantitative easing , and youth people did not consume because they where saving for a house.

Basically the game theory forced the generations into waiting and not consuming and the central banks where in no conditions to stop the quantitative easing so the economy starts to slow down massively worldwide and IN A SYNCHRONIZED WAY , not just like 2008 where the brics grew , it's a synchronized slowdown in 2021 all the world at the same time , the central banks increasing quantitative easing made things worse.

>> No.15599501

No they don't i know this for a fact because when this happen european nationalist use it as a propaganda point about how small europe truly is and why they wanted closed borders.

>> No.15599505
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Like proper fascists?
Or just the media calling them that?

>> No.15599510

lol a post apocalyptic world saved by memes, you cant make this up.

>> No.15599513

Proper but since the economy is rekt and they only increase taxes eventually everyone hates them.

>> No.15599519

can you share to us the ath of link before it died?

>> No.15599536

Tell me about boomer investment like Gold, Silver, etc I imagine ine shit world like that at least gold will moon as well

>> No.15599540

The thing is that the people that made it made it big , so they consume anything.

Go look bitcoin videos from 2011-2012 , and see the donations addresess , they have more than 100k usd and are abandoned.

You don't understand how much you guys you will make it.

For example one famous bagholder Steffan Molyneux who lives in a citadel is known to have received like 700 bitcoins in the last 25 years just by checking his donation address , that's about 8m usd today the guy is a fucking billionaire in my time for all we know.

That's the level in which you faggots will make it so don't be suprised that people paid me for stupid shit like memes.

>> No.15599551

Link already peaked

Silver will win big after the economic slowdown and low earth orbit internet the demand for metals for cables collapses , and silver was a byproduct of this mining so silver moons but it's supressed with paper silver until 2027 when it goes to 900 usd.

>> No.15599553

>Link already peaked

>> No.15599563

How's the depopulation agenda going, whats the world population?, what country do you reside in?

>> No.15599573

>How's the depopulation agenda going, whats the world population?

Terribly the world is experiencing a population boom , even in first world nations as people can't even pay for condoms.

>what country do you reside in?

Can't tell you

>> No.15599591

when is diablo 4 coming out? is it good or another diablo 3 shitstorm?

>> No.15599593

any word on the one belt one road?, does america still exist in 2036

>> No.15599594

No idea i did not check out not a fan of the series

>> No.15599599
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If what you say is true I'll probably die.
Also have you seen this thread on an archive in the future?
Anyway I hope you make it bro.

>> No.15599613

posting in epic schizo larp bread

>> No.15599620

so it peaked $1k amiryt?

>> No.15599625

China remains the only growing economy tough they may be faking the data they tried to establish the yuan as a reserve currency by gaining influence in india , brasil , south africa and russia , and while the governments of those countries did adopt it the population did not.

So the entire economies outside china is rekt , china is dealing with refugee waves from india , pakistan and southeast asia they are no longer looking outwards since their population is getting old , they seem to want to absorb as many immigrants of non african countries as they can , while africans move to europe.

>> No.15599638

>Also have you seen this thread on an archive in the future?

I have not maybe when i return it's there but that would alter the timeline , so i did not see it before coming but it will be after returning.

No , at 4,40$

>> No.15599666

1. How did time travel get invented amidst all the chaos, especially when it sounds like there were basically no technological advancements at all?

2. How does time travel work? Can you give a basic idea on how the tech works? What physics concept or whatever was discovered to allow it?

3. How can you even afford a time travel machine, or how can you even afford to pay for access to it, when you were barely surviving by selling doggo meme photos for 35 bucks each?

>> No.15599681

Isn’t your tale of the future only one potential timeline? Couldn’t we here, in the present, veer off in another direction?

>> No.15599685

satan with the hard questions

>> No.15599690

Top 5 coins?

>> No.15599719

What happens to altcoins? (i am all in ftm)

>> No.15599731

>1. How did time travel get invented amidst all the chaos, especially when it sounds like there were basically no technological advancements at all?

The governments spent their last resources into phyisics research to get quantum computers to destroy bitcoin can't tell more without fucking timelines.

>2. How does time travel work? Can you give a basic idea on how the tech works? What physics concept or whatever was discovered to allow it?

Can't tell you a time travel retard already told enough on reddit a few months ago he even told that epstein would be suicided the fucking retard go to r/bitcoin for more info.

>3. How can you even afford a time travel machine, or how can you even afford to pay for access to it, when you were barely surviving by selling doggo meme photos for 35 bucks each?

Going back to buy bitcoin is extremly redituable , they don't send retards , they send people with experience in cryptos usage from the early days since when bitcoin fees became massive most of the pop was forced outside cryptos until litecoin gained power.

>Couldn’t we here, in the present, veer off in another direction?

Yes but you won't you will buy more bags and wait , that's the irony of crypto , research into how to destroy crypto only lead to people travelling in time pumping crypto.

It seems that altering the timelines can't change the tide of how things are going only small details.

>> No.15599733

What about the crypto project NKN ? (New Kind of Network ? And the global state of the web ?

>> No.15599742


They get completely rekt after 2021 after governments start to attack crypto only the big cryptos with already low inflation remain untouched , all the premined coins become illegal worldwide , specially in g20 countries.

>> No.15599765

All alternative crypto projects get rekt after 2021 , the internet is a fucking battlezone in 2036 , it already becomes one after spacex and oneweb start to offering worldwide internet and china and russia got pissed off about it working in their lands.

But after china destroyed the great filtrer it became a fucking battlezone , internet anglo culture is fighting chinese culture online while western governments lost all capacity to enforce any internet control so the internet is in a kind of way more free than today but with china gaining power.

>> No.15599794

Why don’t you go back further, like when bitcoin was a lot cheaper and shit. Why did you come back to this year lol. Larpppp

>> No.15599808

>larp claims China is the superpower of the future

>> No.15599822

People do that but if you buy much in the early days you alter the timeline if you bough too early then you can end up having like 3% of the supply that can alter the timeline to the point that you would not know where you would return.

Because bitcoin impacted economic activity , and culture and relationships and births.

It becomes so influential than buying before 2015 is dangerous for the timeline as it can alters everything kind of like going to vienna in 1913 and fucking shit up did.

>> No.15599828

it's the only remaining stable superpower yes.

>> No.15599834

You can just buy less?

>> No.15599840

Yes but you are still altering more the timeline , imagine you end up outbuying mark karpeles and he decides this bitcoin shit is too costly.

Lot's of place to fuck up early on.

>> No.15599845

not crypto related but is it possible to stop/reverse aging in 2036?

>> No.15599849

Yes, the ethernal boomer is no longer a meme.

>> No.15599888

Are boomers (generation of 1950) the most despised people because of economic catastrophe?

>> No.15599911

Yes , but not for the economic catastrophe , mostly because their attempted solution was abolishing cash to create more fake money , for them it was just pumping their housing prices and giving them free pensions , meanwhile the pressure grew in the milenials , and generation z to the breaking point so they ended up extremly hated and they demanded solutions to the governments that created the problem making things worse.

Overall from 2021 to 2029 it's a free for all , but the boomers still have some kind of group unity due to depending on pensions so they are the governments cucks and foot soldiers this causes a division in western society and the hate they get is massive.

>> No.15599976

What about smart contracts? I find it hard to believe they don’t survive into the future. Or do they run on something other than ethereum?

>> No.15599983

They don't survive 2021 , the concept does but never takes off , the economy is basically stuck since 2021 , with a little recovery since 2032 , so no much places for innovation in that sort of thing.

>> No.15600004

Isn’t your communication with us dangerous in that it could significantly alter the future? Or, if I understood your previous posts, you consider us “bag holders” who will not alter our behavior?

>> No.15600005

What happened in Estonia?

>> No.15600050


If red china becomes the next global hyperpower, what happens to xi jinping? And to the rest of the CCP?
I live in the philippines and it's very easy to cripple the country by devastating our major urban areas - why won't chyna have their own manifest destiny as the west implodes brutally?

>> No.15600090

It's only 17 years you blockhead. do you really think you couldn't communicate with someone in 2002 without a translator?

>> No.15600204


ok, im asking about wars

now 2019 there is escalation between Iran and US and Israel and co.

will be there war with Iran?

also there is now crowing escalation between Russia and NATO

will be there war between Russia and NATO?

>> No.15600207

what is the price of 1 xmr in 2036?

>> No.15600221

and is monero still on RandomX in 2036?

>> No.15600237

You are a really good LARPer. Really good FUD on alts and FOMO Bitcoin.
There's even a tiny possibility that you are actually from the future (mandela effect seems true after all).
I still believe ethereum has a future but anyway good LARP.
Even if you are not from the future what you say makes sense.

>> No.15600244

oh will binance still be up by 2021 or should i store my bitcoin offline?

>> No.15600251

Price of BTC and HOT in 2036?

>> No.15600265

No most of you are involved in scamcoins or coins with already low inflation there is nothing you can do to alter the timeline.

Estonia tries to get citadel money by extending their e-residency program but the eu cucks them.

Overall they have a stable situation and are sheltered from the problems but with a stagnant economy.

The ccp remains building infrastructure projects during the 2020s and investing in science , they also privatize their space industry like the us did.

>why won't chyna have their own manifest destiny as the west implodes brutally?

Not only they can't finance it with , they can keep their fiat working but barely , the rest of the countries can't anymore.

China enforces it's area like in the south china sea strong but is not expanding phyisically , they want the yuan as the world reserve currency but they have started to realize they can't overthrow bitcoin so they are going for cultural domination which is why they open the great firewall.

145k usd.

>now 2019 there is escalation between Iran and US and Israel and co.

No after the 2021 economic slowdown countries start to collapse from the inside and i mean all countries , india , iran , china , the usa , israel , saudi arabia , turkey , france , the uk , massive internal conflicts explode as the entire world economy collapses in a synchronized way.

>> No.15600292


sorry, but i have to clarify to ask again

so there is no coming war in middle-east, or WW3 between east and west?

>> No.15600306

Yes , after bitcoincash lost it's price in flash crashes few times hard forking monero was one of the few communities that went full btc and stop any hard fork happening (also ltc did the same) , tough the idea of abandoning randomX was very popular around 2028 because fear of government attacking it by simply buying mass ammounts of consumer hardware.

The reality is that the boomers in charge did no see it as a much of a threat as bitcoin and litecoin because the fiat gateways into the cryptospace where btc , bch and ltc , so monero price grows massively but until 2030 it's pretty down due to fear of government attack.

>> No.15600321

>so there is no coming war in middle-east, or WW3 between east and west?

Between nations no , inside nations , that's another thing.

>> No.15600348


>> No.15600349

answer pls

>> No.15600362


Well shit time to bag myself a chinese loli
What happens to the lightning network though? is being a BTC maximalist worth it?

>> No.15600400

Does Sergey get stabbed by some insane incel for scamming all of the NEETs here or does he get away with it?

>> No.15600423

Have homoports been shipped yet?

>> No.15600426

pls answer

>> No.15600434

Where does Pewdiepie live in the future? What happens to that guy?

>> No.15600447

Binance will still be up , it will be the most stable exchange until 2028.

But you should store your bitcoins offline , in a trezor if possible , lot's of viruses against software wallets are going to happen in the coming years , also don't tell anyone about your bitcoins or you risk torture.

Google "bitcoin torture" and "bitcoin investor norway" , the attacks or attempt to torture bitcoin holders have already started , be smart and you will make it also if someone offers you to edit picks of your dogo in artwork hire that dude.

>> No.15600466


what are the free and best places people to live year 2036 in world?

did i understant correct that there is places that there are no government rule?

and for example you say China exist, you mean China government exist?

is China government totalitarian year 2036?

and again if you want avoid totalitarian governments, which is best places to live in world?

>> No.15600480

No , Sergey lives in a citadel in the united arab emirates.

The usa i think and regarding what happens i am not sure , since all popular youtubers went dark after 2023 , as they where demonetized to hell during the economic crisis , hell things are about to go real "clown world" , for example freelancers are going to have to paid to send job offers , youtubers to pay to upload videos , things are about to invert in a bizarre way due to the economic crisis.

The idea of paying to send your resume is absurd but that's how bad things will be , all the easy ways of living like being a blogger , youtuber , dropshipping and more will disappear.

>> No.15600525


Hey answer >>15600362 and also USD tether will have to die too right? Tether is that fucking kike of crypto coins lately

>> No.15600533

Any rare earth metals I should stock up on besides BTC?

>> No.15600548

do people still beleive and fight against man made clobal warming in 2036?

>> No.15600549

>what are the free and best places people to live year 2036 in world?

If free as in democratically and stable , then Chile.

>did i understant correct that there is places that there are no government rule?

Territorially the land is part of a country but governmetns no longer can enforce taxes or laws so many countries are pure anarchy, the us is an extreme case , republican states remain "stable" while democratic strongholds are pure anarchy , mostly because gun laws made it easy for lunatics to kill each other in republican states so there is a darwiniean peace.

>and for example you say China exist, you mean China government exist?

China still has stable electricity , public works , investments , the rest of the world has such instability that you can't invest anything , capital controls are everywhere and inflation is out of control.

>is China government totalitarian year 2036?

Same as today but without the great firewall as they are expanding their culture.

>and again if you want avoid totalitarian governments, which is best places to live in world?

Chile , some republican states , switzerland , then the list goes pretty weird because you have "non tyranical" but non democratic places like singapore or the uae that are stable but clearly not "free".

Mostly western democracies are unstable because they can't fix their fucking deficits in a world where they can't enforce taxation anymore.

>> No.15600580


Stablecoins bleed after 2021.

Yes people believe but emissions collapsed after 2021 due to lack of economic activity , the world is going carbon neutral , because it's cheaper to buy a solar panel that will last generations than invest in fossil fuels in a world with unstable supply chains , also most crypto mining has move to micro hydro power plants so there has been a lot of investments there.

But people don't care much about global warming due to how bad the economy is worldwide.

>> No.15600664


question about altcoins

EOS is now $ 4 year 2019
how high EOS will go until it goes down?

>> No.15600695

How much is Digibyte worth?

>> No.15600753

what about the global banking system?
do they still exist or are they fused with the blockchain or something?

>> No.15600761
File: 139 KB, 875x1225, 1567087473939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright OP link to your own thread archive

I still believe in LINK but it'll be 30% of my portfolio while the rest are BTC - maybe this thread changes everything after all

>> No.15600779

even if the op is larping bitcoins dominance is 70%
its like shit niggers wtf are you doing?

>> No.15600791

EOS will go to 115 by 2021 before collapsing with no survivors.

It does not exist anymore outside central banks.

>> No.15600804

>world will go to shit in 2 years
How to weak larp 101

>> No.15600818

Is Elon musk going to Mars?

>> No.15600840

the world is going to shit in 2020

>> No.15600842

if you haven't noticed already we are in a similar situation as 2017
so will there be a bull run at the end of 2019?

>> No.15600881

The us economy is rekt , musk money remains stable thanks to starlink , the plans are to go to the moon with the bfr structure and establish a base first as there is no money to do a mars mission in time , also the radiation concerns are more serious than previously tough.

Stable growth , 2019, constant growth 2020 , massive bullrun 2021.

No , 2021 after the lower interest rates stop having any effect and the central bankers realize they are out of tools , plus global economic slowdown.

>> No.15600891

You need to research BTC halvening charts, their relation to BTC bull markets, estimated arrival of eth 2.0, the timing of how all these factors intersect is the answer to your question. If gas usage is any indication, Link will be a top 5 project when this intersection occurs. Most alt coins are going to zero. Only invest in store of value, utility, and p2p projects, everything else is destined for deadcoins.com

>> No.15600910

So what? I'm American, what do? If I get rich I just get tortured to death.

>> No.15600927

>China wins

tell me more Doc Brown

>> No.15600940

China does not win they are just the last superpower standing

>> No.15600945

so what the fuck happened back in 2017?
government money?
wall street?

>> No.15600949

Yes it's going to be dangerous specially after the kyc leaks so far only binance suffered them.

But being careful you will be safe with your crypto.

>> No.15600958

mean for>>15600891

>> No.15600967

>tells you what to research
>asks irrelevant question
okay, you don't even deserve that much

>> No.15600976

this thread is cancer

>> No.15601041

how is that irrelevant ?
what you told me implies that certain factors will intersect that a certain point which will trigger the bull run

same thing obviously happened back in 2017

>> No.15601047

How will they suffer??

>> No.15601049

Especially when OP downplays link in all of this

Has MOA with top 5 everything

- op said $4 is the top

Fk you OP


>> No.15601087


what a fuck dude you said no shitcoin pump and now eos goes to 115?

>> No.15601106

>145k usd.
what is the price of a bread in 2036?

>> No.15601129

What happens to XRP and XLM? They die in 2021 too?

>> No.15601140

i can hear you breathing through your mouth

>> No.15601153

The state will be defunded , food prices will go to the sky , people will fight between each other for shitty reasons as life costs increase the economy will slowdown massively and social help programs such as food stamps or unemployment programs won't be enough to calm the population , it's going to be a few toughh years specially for those that are not prepared or lack skills.

I am simply telling you the truth , the economy is going to slow down massively in 2021 , darwinian conditions will be very strong , in the crypto world only store of value projects will survive eth has the conditions to survive but the scams happening with eth will made it a target of the regulators and exchanges will simply drop it to avoid scrutiny during the peak of the next bullrun.

2017 will seem like a shity bullrun compared to 2021, quantitative easing , bad economy , us elections ,lower inflation than fiat all this things will cause a massive level of atention into crypto.

eos and eth are not shitcoins , both will pump and both will die , eth first as it's already in the sight of regulators due to the scams.

Depends where you live , the usd has been extremly strong , the us economy not so.
It's a weird thing to say but as other fiat collapsed people bought usd ironically this rekt the us economy as the usd became stronger exports collapsed and even the service economy was outsourced so the us is very unstable.

That's not to said the usd did not suffered considerable inflation , from 2021 to 2036 the usd has had about 7% yearly inflation so 145k usd are 72k of today more or less.

>> No.15601167

you are really good at this and know how bitcoin actually works...decent work and thought provoking bread

>> No.15601168

I have a young son. Should I get out of the US? Where should I go? I don't really have much money.

>> No.15601185

so you are impressionable AND dumb
how old are you?

>> No.15601197


>> No.15601203

i'm starting to believeing in this kek
so most of the "legit" coins will exit pump the next 2 years.
how high will eth and ftm go?

>> No.15601230

how high will ETC go, also what can we do to try and prepare for the collapse?

>> No.15601236

>cant come up with any reason
>le ebin mouthbreather meme
pretentious twat

>> No.15601237

yall fokin 9yo

>> No.15601244
File: 62 KB, 583x601, 1567314856171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I time travel? Meditation? Will this also fix my crippling video game and fapping addiction?

>> No.15601279
File: 96 KB, 1140x223, 6759467946777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I time travel? Meditation?
yes but good luck

>> No.15601281

alright without being a cunt
not taking any time travel bs into consideration
if the welfare system fails and isn't sustainable anymore
any sane person should ditch the cities because nogs will be chimping out

>> No.15601299


You have no understanding of inflation and how right now it is too low, not high. Nor expected to ever be high.

>> No.15601305

what about combat?
any breakthroughs in the current years?

people still use gas operated shit and gunpowder boolets?
if so is stockpiling ammo a good investment

>> No.15601322

The us is fine , the rest of the world will be worse.

ETH will be above 1100

ETC wil be around 100 at the peak and for preparation buy btc hold , study skills that can be used in other countries.

No you will intensify your adiction as the economy get's rekt.

>> No.15601339

Inflation is low because the world economic slowdown i am warning you all is happening , right now , people are not consuming even tough deficits keep growing and inflation is disappearing.

Check latest india economic data.

Same stuff.

>> No.15601345

>source is a fucking glownigger paper

I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical about the capabilities of meditation and claims, but even the government acknowledges its power now? Holy shit!

>> No.15601356

OP confirms link will be 1000 eoy

>> No.15601385

please op. i need answers

>> No.15601431

Reading this gave me a gigantic boner

>> No.15601488

nazis got their tech(that lead to the rise of nasa) from communicating with the higher dimensions with meditation and lsd

>> No.15601500
File: 107 KB, 480x480, 1560862258755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Surely you guys should now by then. Especially with the alleged '1 bitcoin torture' shite

>> No.15601517

XRP grows a little and remains top 10 after for a tiem but keeps bleeding xlm dies.

We don't know , people think he was an ayn rand fanatic and wanted to create a new john galt since people ask who is satoshi nakamoto as "who is john galt" , he becomes the richest individual on the planet by 2023 and by 2036 no one knows who the fuck he was.

>> No.15601547

Hey mister, what can you tell me about 0xBitcoin. You know, the first mineable token for Ethereum. It has all of metrics only that 0xBTC runs on top of Ethereum.

>> No.15601553

what about stock markets? USA/EU/JPN?

also BTC price for 31.12.2019?

>> No.15601615


you mention some hacks

can you say that are ledger nano s, etc. ledger hardware wallets safe, or do you know that ledger got hacked?

>> No.15601639

is coinbase fucked?

>> No.15601641

No hardware wallet got hacked directly but ledger is not open source so it's not very trusted.

>also BTC price for 31.12.2019?


>what about stock markets? USA/EU/JPN?

All rekt.

>> No.15601646

He is larp......he said link will be $4


>> No.15601651
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, Medini_City.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did my MITX bag made me so rich that I bought a condo in Medini?

>> No.15601670

how the fuck can a shitty thread have almost 200 replies..

>> No.15601710

what about this op? also explain how the idea of smart contracts don't take off as they're taking off as we speak?

>> No.15601713

Did UOS really make it to 20$?

>> No.15601715

you invalidate the claim "nothing technological advance happens" but you larp here as a time traveler how is that possible

>> No.15601735

You're dropping some hard redpills. Thanks so much, fucken saved

>> No.15601756

>also don't tell anyone about your bitcoins or you risk torture
if people are risking torture for holding btc, why they are holding it? Why moneros price will be 0.002 btc as you said 57M for a BTC and 145k for XMR? Why the fuck people are messing around with BTC in 2036?

>> No.15601803


Stocks are rekt, ok but what about food, normal stuff, etc mcronald? What can you do with BTC or money without any goods to buy?

DJ price in 2036?

>> No.15601812

adding to this, what is the value of 36 million or whatever if fiat currencies and economies are rekd? what is the value of anything if there's nothing to spend it on? is 36 million really worth anything at all?

>> No.15601856

governments spent their last ammounts of power in physics research to attempt to destroy cryptos.

>> No.15601868

How about electric cars, do they take off?
What about e-ink technology for displays?

>> No.15601897

Electric cars survive mostly on china , but they don't prosper due to cheap oil caused by slow economic growth.

e-ink is used in china mostly , it does not prosper in the western world.

>> No.15601904

Also is living in the countryside safer?
Will Marxist ideology be more discussed about?

>> No.15601936

Trump's date of death?

>> No.15601946

No it's safer to live in the cities , even if they are decaying there are many cameras on cities , while on the countryside if a kyc of your past got leaked you can get tortured.

>Will Marxist ideology be more discussed about?

Yes the countries with strong marxist governments are the first to fall , as they attempt to use price controls and nationalizations to prevent the inflation of leaving everyone poor , this causes scarcity in places like argentina , the uk and many eu countries of things such as food.

>> No.15601947

Cmon OP is a larp. He said link will peak at. $4

Trump does not

He never does

>> No.15601954

2030 June

>> No.15601957
File: 71 KB, 720x960, gclh0vyqv4d11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So whats the scenario in the following countries:

Also what happens to kanye west and all the similar celebrities? What about the nba and sports?

>> No.15602079

>as the economy gets rekt
The crypto economy? You just said eth is going above 1100 so that seems contradictory, unless you're implying I'm in boomer stocks

>> No.15602096
File: 58 KB, 499x500, 1548158059576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Risks torture by using bitcoin, still uses it.
People must be even dumber in 2036.

>> No.15602111

What happens to Brap?

>> No.15602138

Brap is already dead....
The only thing left is for it to be buried along with the other failed shitcoins in the deadcoin graveyard.

>> No.15602167

So if i understood, there will still be an alt bullrun in 2021.

>> No.15602200

All the economy , cryptos with low inflation that where designed only to be store of value survive , even fucking dogecoin.

Sweden fine but decaying because they been forced into the euro.

Columbia , once again trouble with the commies and still receiving venezuelans non stop.

Thailand stable but no longer as open to foreigners anymore also weirdly hostile to crypto.

Brazil , under commie control after refugee waves from argentina and venezuela ends up putting too much stress to an economy that already was not generating enough jobs.

uae place with a shit ton of citadels and crypto holders very stable.


Don't exist.

>> No.15602207

yes and then they will be destroyed.

>> No.15602217

lets talk about the thots, how are the thots doing in your timeline sir. How many thots can i buy with 0.0034 BTC? or 0.078

>> No.15602234

I refuse to believe there'll be a wild alt bullrun and somehow chainlink topped out at $4.50. Doesn't add up in any way.

>> No.15602261

I'm nearly 395 years old and have never once met a genuine time traveller. I will enjoy your larp though which is more than I can say for the majority of my nearly 400 years of 'life'
in before someone says I'm a fucking vampire. They don't exist. Some people just live a long time.

>> No.15602266

The thots are more moderate this days 0.0034 btc will be the equivalent of 200k today.

it's not going to be as crazy as 2017 relative to the btc movements , yes alts will move but not as much as in 2017.

>> No.15602279

What about DAG coins like Nano and Iota, will they still be alive during the next bullrun?

>> No.15602293

Who wins the 2020 and 2024 US elections?

>> No.15602306

How do you get money/banking/internet/food while your living in our time OP? How do you survive and buy BTC? Did you travel back in time to be a wagie?

>> No.15602307

Will EU collapse? If so, which country will rise out of the ashes?

>> No.15602327

Which was the best decade of your life old man?

Yes but mostly because the shilling about muh bitcoin 2.0 , kind of like xrp not growing much tough.

2020 Trump , 2024 there are not elections since trump does not finish his mandate elections happen before 2024.

>> No.15602335

The eu won't collapse due to defense problems no one likes the cashless crap pushed by the eu but everyone is afraid of not being in the eu since france is a nuclear power it guarantees the security of the rest so no one leaves.

>> No.15602376

France nuclear supapowa

>> No.15602417

How about life in France btw? Much immigration of course, but will the country collapse?

>> No.15602441

Earlier you mentioned that government focused on researching physics, which is how time travel was invented, to fight crypto. Why wouldn't they go back far enough and stop crypto? Sure, you said it'd alter the future, but that's the whole point, I'm sure they wouldn't give a fuck.

>> No.15602461

Someone help, what does that mean about icx

>> No.15602475

Imagine believing someone who claims to be a time traveler from the future, when they mention btc as anything other than a relic.

>> No.15602488 [DELETED] 

Is btc gonna dump or pump, short term? What the target price for october late september

>> No.15602490

What coin rises by the greatest % between now and the end of 2020 and what is that coins peak price?

>> No.15602493

how does your skeleton still work for you to type this?

>> No.15602522


what about housing prices?
now 2019 house are really expensive

will be there housing price crash?
or are houses prices still 2036 relative as high like now 2019

>> No.15602550

Lighting network remains cucked but that's ironically one of the reasons of the price growth , the hashrate is so masive that no one can stop it , and that's in part due to small blocks.

>> No.15602575

imagine being from 2019 and mentioning html as anything other than a relic.

BTC 65K eoy 2020

They keep increasing in fiat price but decreasing in crypto value , i know it's hard to understand but that's what will happen due to quantitative easing.

>> No.15602584

Pump , the asuka prediction is weirdly exactly what happened in my timeline probably another time traveller shitposting.

>> No.15602593

>237 replies to this thread

>> No.15602604

No one knows who satoshi nakamoto was and he emailed the idea to a shit ton of programmers in fact he did not programmed the early bitcoin a finish dude did , simply because he got satoshi email.

Thea idea was already out of the box if anything bitcoin ended up being less powerful than it could have been due to the 1mb block put by satoshi so maybe that's why they don't wanted to stop it.

Or maybe everyone they send to stop bitcoin simply ends up buying and staying in this timeline.

>> No.15602610


so you say that Bitcoin will hit about 200 k year 2021, but it isnt collapse after that, i.e. there is not coming bear market after BTC hit 200 k, instead it price just keep increasing

is this what will happen, no BTC bearmarket after when BTC hit 200 k?

>> No.15602632

Okay, if that's the case, then surely some dummy would come and buy (or mine) millions of BTC and ruin it for everyone else. I guess there would still be other coins based off of BTC, but surely they could hurt it somewhat if they wanted to.

>> No.15602640

How high does zcash go it is a pow coin

>> No.15602650


can you answer thank you

so do i understand you correct, no bearmarket after Bitcoin hits 200 k, after that BTC price just keep increasing?

>> No.15602651

Very small bearmarket , 200k and then a 37% collapse in price , previous bear markets had at least 83% collapse in price over 16 months.

This time it will be about 37% over 7 months then again another bullrun , the second bullrun will be triggered by a second halving effect caused by 3nm asics adoption , since this will be the last asics miners won't sell anymore to upgrade their asics(asics did not last more than 6 months) , so all of the sudden all miners stop selling to upgrade asics due to the moore law causing a second halving effect in 2022 by the time this effect stops it's less than a year till the 2024 halving.

>> No.15602663

Chink lovers getting desperate

>> No.15602665

zcash is top 15.

I doubt it littlecoin is without a doubt a better concept due to shorter block times and it was already in 2011 in any case bitcoin is an idea , you can't kill a concept maybe delaying it but not stop it.

>> No.15602672


can you buy house with BTC?

i.e. do governments acknowledge BTC legimate currency which you can buy house if you want?

>> No.15602686

>can you buy house with BTC?

Yes through bitpay but it will later be banned in 2024

>i.e. do governments acknowledge BTC legimate currency which you can buy house if you want?

No governments will become very hostile but cryptos will keep growing in price for the simpel fact of having lower inflation than central bank currencies.

>> No.15602706

Will the anti-christ reveal himself? Will virtual reality absorb peoples lifes?

>> No.15602709

So you are saying that btc price will go exponential but you won't be able to do anything with it b/c governments are hostile to it? Unless you live in a citadel?

>> No.15602716

>Will the anti-christ reveal himself?


>Will virtual reality absorb peoples lifes?

It already does in 2019.

>> No.15602719


>> No.15602722


you talk these citadels

are they places where no governments and central banks rules work? i.e. are these citadels free of governments and central banks rules?

>> No.15602724

when does doge spike up and how high above 0.01 does it go?

>> No.15602735

There will be a transition time , also it's not just governments it's going to become dangerous in the last 3 months there has already been news of bitcoin traders , btc scammers , and holders being tortured or persecuted.

Just 6 days ago a norwegian btc holder had to jump from his appartment to the street because they wanted to steal his crypto.

The transition period will be hard , you will be able to do a lot of things with crypto as people will start to preffer it to save their money , than leaving it in the banks due to negative interest rates but governments will try to delay it by making it hard.

>> No.15602751

Doge will be neutral in price slowly growing until 2032 due to it's high inflation , then it starts to go up in price.

That said it will hold value better than fiat.

>> No.15602763


you talk these citadels

are they places where no governments and central banks rules dont work? i.e. are these citadels free of governments and central banks rules?

and if these citadels are free of government and centralbanks control, which is your opinion best citadel places in world

south-america, US, i.e. what is your opinion most best citadel places in world?

>> No.15602767

Did Elon already make catgirls?

>> No.15602782

hmm that's alot of years to stockpile a coin I already collect. well wont change my plans regardless just curious how long it'll take.
so no above 0.01 til 2032? or will I make decent chump change with it in 2021 altbullrun?

>> No.15602790

Uh .. should I sell my $100 worth of XRP on coinbase ?

>> No.15602796

lol you're still holding that hahahah

>> No.15602800

What about Ethereum plasma and sharding, will they pull it off?

>> No.15602801

Such a strange larp. Who dedicates this much time?

>> No.15602839


continue this question

if there is governments in 2036 which are hostile in BTC holders who live in citadels, what prevents these governments, China, EU, etc. bomb these citadels to ruins, i assume that goverments control military, so some liberal citadel cant do nothing if goverments attack and bomb citadels with their bombers, jets, tanks, artillery etc. hard weaponry

>> No.15602854

From what i understood, citadels are just fortified places were you are safe from being abducted, tortured. Like a giga luxury residence. It's not a sovereign entity.

>> No.15602868
File: 191 KB, 960x849, 1559863952388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the price of coti, anon?

>> No.15602869


so citadels are still under governments and central banks control, and they have to pay tax etc. like everybody else?

>> No.15602876

I guess so.

>> No.15602880

Thanks OP, one of the most interesting threads on this shithole board in a long time

>> No.15602907 [DELETED] 


but if so, that citadels are under government control who are hostile people who own BTC, who can these people could buy nothing, for example houses, if they are controlled by government who are hostile over BTC holders?

so how you can buy anything with your BTC, if BTC hostile government still control area where you live?

>> No.15602920

>premined crypto becomes illegal
>but nobody believes in government anymore
>to the point of nobody paying taxes
>but still the altcoin ban is in effect

Inconsistent larp

>> No.15602926


but if so, that citadels are under government control who are hostile people who own BTC, how can these people could buy nothing, for example houses, if they are controlled by government who are hostile over BTC holders?

so how you can buy anything with your BTC, if BTC hostile government still control area where you live?

>> No.15602930

Maybe what he meant is that people stop using alts because they're garbage

>> No.15602956

If crypto is running the global economy in the 2030s there'd be a billion smaller altcoins like we have today with the difference being they'd be proof-of-work coins. The potential reward far, far outweighs the potential risk in such a scenario.

>> No.15602961

They are not exactly free from central banks , they are like private cities inside governments that want bagholders cashing out, why private cities? Because every early fears torture so they form communities and keep together.

Yes it's the greatest irony of bagholders , they wanted money to be free and now they need fortresses around them.
Citadels are just crypto communities in crypto tolerant governments like in the uae , chile or many us states.

eth get's rekt.

No but he did landed on the moon

>> No.15602966

There is a transition period , premined cryptos get rekt not only because government attacks but because there is a lack of money after 2021 so people only invest in the store of value cryptos and nothing else.

>> No.15602978


>> No.15603004


thank you for answer, but you said that government are hostile over BTC holders

do government still allow citaled residents to use BTC as currency and for example buy houses?

because it would be easy government to ban BTC totally and you couldn buy nothing with your BTC

so can you clarify

citadels are controlled by governments, that are hostile over BTC holders, but somehow citadel resident could use BTC as currency and buy for example house in citadel?

>> No.15603015

Did the uk actually do brexit. What is the uk like in 2036?

>> No.15603035

So, please call the prices of top 5 in your time

>> No.15603038

Bumping this

>> No.15603069

what will the price of XRP be at peak bullrun 2021 , or what is the higehst price you remember ?

>> No.15603080

Not all governments are hostile , all say they are on board of being anti cripto but many encourage bagholders to cash out and live in their lands.

After quantitative easing continues and housing prices go to the fucking sky the uk falls into control of literal marxists that want to expropiate houses or shit like that , brexit do happen.


it's a top 15 coin but lacks liquidity and it's dying because all the coins are already mined , but the mining was so fast relative to btc or ltc than it's in few hands and never achieved enough liquidity to survive since everyone knows that earlies can dump on them.

>> No.15603087

xrp remains at the current price and by 2021 it's overthrown by bch and ltc it remains a store of value tough.

>> No.15603095

Im asking about prices

>> No.15603099

I have to go anons , maybe if when i am back in some hours this thread is alive i will answer otherwise see you on a citadel friends.

>> No.15603111

I already told btc and ltc prices before i have to go maybe in some hours i answer but the best investment will be btc long term and ltc after 2023.

>> No.15603118 [DELETED] 


your opinion, is world better, more free place 2036, what it is now 2019

list some positive things if there are, what things are better in 2036 compared now 2019?

so overall, your opinion, is world better or worse place in 2036, then its now 2019?

>> No.15603148

last question, BSV

>> No.15603220

Does anything significant happen at the World Expo 2020? Queen's date of death?

>> No.15603232

Already answered, number 5 coin and still around.

>> No.15603250

asking about price you faggot nigger

>> No.15603256

No you just said BSV nothing about price.

>> No.15603262

what US states have the citadels

>> No.15603283

Low IQ nigger confirmed.

>> No.15603312

>believes some guy larping as time traveler
>still asks about the price of a turbo shitcoin when already told BTC is $57MM
You have no right to call someone else low IQ.

>> No.15603328

i've read the briefing, this helps to fully understand the hidden hand dialogue that have been circulating. my mind is melted. thanks for sharing anon. whew

>> No.15603349

You have no right to denounce my right since I'm not a nigger my rights are unalienable.

>> No.15603485

All that would need to happen is China shutting down their mining operations. With its hash rate cut by 90% instantly, BTC would cease to operate, and majority of people equate BTC with crypto, so that would be the death blow.

>> No.15603576
File: 43 KB, 460x610, 8398fbfc7de467573acf3bdefd23346f--pomeranians-chihuahuas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Timelarper already told you it's some republican states, you do the math.
what will happen to Germany, based Timelarper?
Is my Dad a timetraveler too, because he always stressed to me in a serious tone to never tell anyone about our crypto holdings, like my life will depend on it?

>> No.15603643

So how the fuck do we sell btc? If we are going to get tortured for having it?

>> No.15603805

very Cool OP, If I sell my LINK in 2021 at 4.20 and buy 300 LTC will i have it made?
Also what is the friendliest red state to live in and does a guy catholic named Kevin rise to prominence militarily or politically?

>> No.15604488


Please tell me what happens to Harmony ONE?

>> No.15604506

Holy shit this entire thread is a mixture of bagholder cringe and data minning


>> No.15604605

was sort of a fun thread until this

>> No.15604663

we're bored since all the wagies went to bed

>> No.15604680

Advertised Annuity MEGA MILLIONS
ITS GONNA BE ON September 17, 2019
Ticket Cost: $2
Draw Date: Sep 17, 2019
Advertised Annuity: $192,000,000
Cash Value: $130,700,00

>> No.15604681

>China wins
Awful LARP

>> No.15604695


>> No.15604701

Fuck off with your bullshit, you weirdo.

>> No.15604708

I promise I will reveal my true identity and thank 4chan when I get airtime.

>> No.15604739

holy shit, this gay ass thread is still going on? the tone in here is really fucking alarming...it's like half you cunts actually believe a time traveler came from the future to shitpost on the most pathetic corner of the internet. fucking weak minds, the lot of you.

>> No.15604765


Thos website you can search past winning #s

>> No.15604768

It's a data minning thread to indirectly measure how fucked up crypto market is.

>> No.15604803

My email in case you dont wish to give it to the anons to share
gedete at 88avdotnet

>> No.15604832

Please I want to help my momma we are both poor as shit i promise i will donate majority to anons.

>> No.15604844

6 lucky #s cmon ;(

>> No.15604916

Relax, we just having a good time.

>> No.15605405


you're welcome

>> No.15605543
File: 48 KB, 970x684, china-health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most pathetic corner of the internet
excuse you, we're a big deal in the future if you didn't know faggot. No entry for you inside the citadel

>> No.15605747

Price btc eoy?