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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15596294 No.15596294 [Reply] [Original]

Its over, isnt it? Someone please give me some non-schizo hopium, its all so tiresome

>> No.15596299

It will be the last fud dont worry my fren

>> No.15596301

I sold at $1.48. Its guaranteed to rise

>> No.15596307

back to 20c EOY. not memeing. get out now.

>> No.15596315

Why would you think fake internet money has any value in the first place?

>> No.15596325
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>> No.15596339

Insider here: BREAKING NEWS
Following the successful release by our developers of Mixicles the revolutionary new method for uptake of blockchains by enterprise our developers have an exciting new product about to be released:
Introducing TEXTICLES.
Another revolution in the spread of blockchain to the mainstream through pairing state of the art nodes (NADS) with enterprise toolset.
Those of you knowledgeable enough to take full advantage of this exciting RELEASE before the worldwide adoption will profit EXPLOSIVELY.

>> No.15596356

in the absolute best case scenario, LINK crab markets for another 10-12 months, and then explodes like ETH did.

>> No.15596359

99¢ just for shits

>> No.15596363

Listen to me very carefully. Ok?

>The only reason I sold is because I can’t afford to have 75% of my income tied up for 10-20 months
>I believe in link for real
>I’m 90% certain i can make real money off link
>I just lost my job

Look. It might go down to $1 or less. It might go to 50¢, but it WILL go back up. I’m guessing it will be $5-$15 sometime next year. I don’t have the luxury of waiting.

Stay strong anon. It might be tomorrow that it fucking skyrockets

>> No.15596394

>why would you think paper rectangles have any value in the first place?

>> No.15596405

Also, link will NOT be $1000 eoy. MAYBE in 5-10 years. If it hits $4 eoy I’ll be shocked. Not expecting any real gains for at least 6 months

>> No.15596416

It has always been over for this useless “product”. If you didn’t sell at $4 your money is gone forever.

>> No.15596431

Link will make you money (well most likely) but it won’t be tomorrow. Gonna have to wait

>> No.15596434

This shit is going to dump hard soon, it's consistently underperforming every other crypto in the market. When a market wide dump happens this is going to be one of the biggest losers.

>> No.15596439

its over man

>> No.15596440

One more 700k dump n it’s going to 80 cents

>> No.15596443

imagine needing to be spoonfed hopium after everything that has happened this year.
fuck off and sell.

>> No.15596457

He’s not going to dump anytime soon dipshit. Any dump below $2 will cause a mass panic and effective end all confidence in link.

>He always has $35M from link sales
>He got away with this because of high confidence in link and strong support base
>He has no legitimate excuse why he needs to sell more to pay off past debts, pay staff or expand

He won’t dump for over a year (unless it skyrockets to $10 or so)

>> No.15596459

Okay. When staking launches, and thus the truly decentralized oracle network begins, it will be a game of musical chairs--those who hold linkies own a secure annuity for the entire life of the network, and traders get btfo, as the true value of a given amount of LINK comes to equal the value of that same amount of LINK held & staked in the future for the entire life of the network.
That good?

>> No.15596462

He won’t dump, but another 700k would cause the price to drop to 20¢ in 48 hours. Which is why he won’t dump

>> No.15596465

I’m too stupid to understand staking. If I just sit and own it, do I win? Or do I sign up for staking?

>> No.15596477

You win whether you stake or not--somebody who wants to stake them will be happy to buy them off you

>> No.15596483

Let’s say I have 10000 link and staking begins. That just means I’m loaning out my link for a %????

>> No.15596542

No. Read one of the many sources about chainlink staking, I'm not going to spoon-feed you

>> No.15596555

you weren't kidding. staking is when a node locks up its link tokens as collateral to prove their commitment to deliver accurate data to a contract. if they provide bad data to a contract, then the owner of the contract receives the collateral as compensation. if the node provides good data, then it is paid and gets to keep the collateral and use it again to stake on more contracts.
if you are staking, you are not loaning out your link. however, in the future you will probably be able to loan out your link to others so that they can use it to operate nodes and service contracts (this is sort what linkpool is).

>> No.15596560

by the way, i haven't seen anyone answer stupid questions like yours for a few months, so you're welcome. now dyor and lurk more retard

>> No.15596584

Checked. Next time don’t spoon feed the nulinkers

>> No.15596628
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I appreciate it. No one answers questions around here. /pol/ will usually answer questions if you ask them. Here, no one bothers. This place is literally filled with angry psychopaths.

Thanks fren

>> No.15596648

Money is time, nigger.

>> No.15596670

Yeah I get it. But this place is filled with some subhuman trash. I’ve actually been here since 2003 -2004. These shills and constant fudders aren’t even human. I’m not talking about the people just shitposting, but the paid group of mongoloids and the faggot swing traders

>> No.15596683
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you only lose money if you sell at a loss. be patient

>> No.15596696

Too late. I already sold the bottom.

>> No.15596699


>> No.15596713
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>> No.15596764

There are none.

>> No.15596778
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> Steaking
> Sergers
Sergey's burger bar when

>> No.15596873
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>> No.15596892
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Fuckin kek
Honestly if enough autists make it you probably will see a startup appear that is selling sergers to launder linkie steaks

>> No.15596909

Isn't this the logo for chainlink? The one which shows up as a pump and dump scam in google?

>> No.15596962
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I bought at .7 sold at 3.4
Got in again at .99 after riding out the massive devaluation of stinkies sitting very comfortably in gold. Now I just hope theres no future dumps

>> No.15597017

/pol/ will call you a shill or a shareblue plant or something. /pol/ has gone full schizo ever since donald won and everyone of quality came to /biz/

>> No.15597051

>last fud
I'm bullish af for link but this won't be the last round. Nothing is going to be announced this or next month, we will just trundle along till singularity.aka mass adoption.

>> No.15597092

How do I find like minded people to speak about links future implications? I Was going to attend oracle code one see links use cases and join a discussion but now that's not even going to happen.

>> No.15597098

if you literally believed $1k EOY for anything other than meme value, you are a fucking idiot an deserve to be shaken out of your bags (and anything else you own, since you are so fickle).

this is a long term hodl. stop checking biz and the price to temper your trading emotions and find something else to pass the time, like a job.

t. fairly nufag linker (since May '19) ~1.10-1.80.
still accumulating. not selling. no fucks given.

>> No.15597127

100% agree and have the same mindset. Can't wait to go back to school and having my stack rise rent free. It's really that easy

>> No.15597134

Oracle is training many teams to work with chainlink. Doesn't happen overnight. Have people already forgotten this?

>> No.15597138

>Cold hard facts

>> No.15597149

>this is a long term hodl.
It's been 3 years and there's no adoption or anywhere near close DECENTRALIZED oracles. The team has also blown through $50mil.

It's not a long term hold. The team has proven they are incapable of delivering anything other than fake partnerships.

>> No.15597156

>3 years
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15597173

stay strong brother.
find part time work hauling bricks or garbage if you have to, just don't sell your stack, no matter what happens. the psychology of hodling is the hardest part.

700k movements, yes.
i still have seen zero evidence it is being sold. if it was being dumped on market, the price certainly is resilient.

projects like this take time, and cost money, anybody that knows anything about system design and implementation knows three years is nothing, particularly when you're talking about interoperability.

besides, i don't believe sergey's team needs the money from "dumping". $50mil in three years? good, it means they can afford to finish the project.

>> No.15597183
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You got duped. Sorry bro

>> No.15597245

Thanks. Godspeed

>> No.15597285

You can tell which people didn't buy when it was at .10-.50 lmao. Easy money

>> No.15597302

Agreed. Some people can’t see through fud.

>> No.15597306

You are an idiot and deserve losing your place.

>> No.15597315

Ruby network
Hes OG

>> No.15597356

Staking shows exactly what the service is worth. You stake, you earn. You calculate a percent on the return. You realize it's shit because no one is using it, and you'd be better off with boomer stocks.

>> No.15597408

he said he had to from financial necessity, wasn't a fomo decision. still a dumb move for letting it get to that point, but i can understand his logic, i think the timing *might* be terrible though (hint my fomo showing).

>> No.15597427
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my phone service is dead and i have 2a enabled and I cant afford to pay the bill so I couldn't access my account since before the google pump. I don't even check anywhere for prices, because I know I'm gonna make it. We're all gonna make it, unless you sell.

>> No.15597463
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>he wants cold hard fact now
>after he put money into a shitcoin because /biz/ told him to

>> No.15597466

turn wi-fi on faggot

>> No.15597469

Would buy food and merch just for the hell of it. This shit lost me my networth orrrr this shit made me a millionaire

>> No.15597505

Just think about REQ.
This also can happen to Chainlink.
Sell at least 1/3 of your stsck now to minimize your losses.

>> No.15597506

Then sell what he needs as he needs it. He suggests he sold it all. If he had about 500 link then fine but he should stop crying.

>> No.15597516

Ha. You sound genuinely brainwashed.
You got brainwashed by Sergays pajeet marketeers.

>> No.15597530

>Google pump
To give you some perspective, Link is now cheaper than it was in January

>> No.15597562

You would have to be retarded to hold link at this point. As long as Surgey is willing to dump whenever the price rises people should not buy or at least wait until his account is empty

>> No.15597588

Post proof cunt

>> No.15597833

Or maybe I just know shit other people don't. Seethe more, mandeep.

>> No.15597878

>$50mil in three years

>Team wastes $50mil and 3 years making barely any progress towards decentralized oracles and adoption
>Linkers: This is bullish!

>> No.15597882

its over op
heading back to sub $1

>> No.15597894
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its going to its real value, zero, because chainlink is complete scam

>> No.15597907


Been investigated to be pump and dump scheme

what other proof do you need that chainlink was a complete sham designed to enrich a few individuals.

they hired a pajeet team to spam 4chan board

>> No.15597913

Can’t wait to see Assblaster in court

>> No.15597920

No, it's just par for the course in project management. Not understanding this shows your lack of real-world experience.

I see the paid shills are starting their Euro shift with East-coast division coming online soon.

>> No.15597933

I'd sell Before it gets delisted for being PnD scam.

>> No.15597945

You want some hopium? Think of the last 5 months without thinking about price at all.

>> No.15598226

>Team wastes $50mil and 3 years making barely any progress towards decentralized oracles and adoption
>Linkers: This is how normal businesses operate! This is bullish!

>> No.15598366
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I feel that link has grown beyond being a purely financial product so they dont really belong at sibos.
A few years ago link was a simple poc for a bond transaction but now they're middleware for the smart contract industry which might fall outside the scope of sibos which is just finance in a very traditional sense. Link is much bigger now.

>> No.15598944
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I can't give you hopium, but I can give you a place by my side. For too long have you link-holders seen yourself as 'better' than us other humble bagholders. For too long have you spammed every other project with 'pajeet pnd' or 'chink scam' or 'dyor 4th industrial revolution', we were once all in this together, trying to make it with various investments. But you let your hearts grow dark and turn against your fellow /biz/raeli, you stopped doing research into new projects and stopped participating in healthy discussions because you believed '1K eoy', like a cancer all discussion died and you became lazy and your optimism was your hubris. But now, now that we have all been burned by our bags, now is the time when we can all stand by each other as brothers. Admit that none of these projects were any better than the others and that maybe we can find something new.

>> No.15599195

9 hours later. JUST

>> No.15599399


some fed niggers sent me a cryptic message that basically went something like
"we know you have some link, you'll be happy around halloween."

except it was more cryptic than that.
and they sent a picture of link from zelda without saying shit about link

>> No.15599473
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Chocolate money anon

>> No.15600371

Nice spooky lado fag

>> No.15600733

scam token with professional spammers here on 4chan

>> No.15600992

Hey everybody! Look!
ChainLink Insider over here!
Tell us more about how your precious project is is going to be worth $1000 EOY.
Tell us how they they partnered with Facebook and Google and are the next big thing the world has been anticipating.
Oh wait.. you can't because Sergay has been outed as a scam artist and made himself a literal millionaire by dumping millions of Link on exchanges.
It's a confirmed pump and dump : https://cryptonews.net/en/news/analytics/213373/