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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15591163 No.15591163 [Reply] [Original]

This board is poison for your brain

>> No.15591179


try the entire site. i'd been a decently successful normie if internet didn't ruin me.

>> No.15591337

Thats why I propose some sort of social program to compensate millennials for being Guinea pigs for the internet

>> No.15591384

This place is absolute garbage. We have to leave boys. We only come back when eth is at least $1,000

>> No.15591474

Same. I've been here since I was 12. 4chan raised me and basically turned me into a spastic elitist retard.

>> No.15591485

Yes which is why a lot of people here are constantly intoxicated.

>> No.15591510

True but I cannot seem to leave.
I sometimes really enjoy being here too though.
But a doctor diagnosed me with depression two days ago. Idk man. Maybe its my fucked up home situation or maybe its crypto plus biz. But it's probably both.

>> No.15591555

I get banned in other places. I can't say faggot or retarded on twitter. On 4chan there are so many different opinions and viewpoints and so many autists doing great research. Plus the memes are fucking golden sometimes. The fact that it's anonymous with no user accounts is really great. If I get btfo I don't have to damage control. I just accept it, learn from it hopefully and move along.

>> No.15591557

I only come because I hope I'll find some lottery level investment and finally make it

>> No.15591570

So’s alcohol. I still drink it.

>> No.15591584


Take it in smaller doses and build up an immunity.

>> No.15591670

So if I'm browsing 4chan on meth or other drugs which I regularly do am I getting double poisoned? Fuck no wonder why I'm such a negative mess

>> No.15591693

Just do the opposite of what the faggots on here say.

>Don't go to college
Go to college and study STEM/business
>Don't invest in index funds, gamble on linkchain instead
Actually invest in index funds

>> No.15591715
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>> No.15591722

What the FUCK

>> No.15591758

9 myself. I think I'm better off, but I do sometimes wonder.

>> No.15591763

I went to seaside vacation about a few weeks ago and it was baffling how little I cared about any thread or crypto prices at all when I came back. Wojaks, memes, twitter screenshots. Literally scrolling through the board thinking how worthless all of this is.

Ofcourse after a day or two of habitual refreshing of the site I came right back into it, but it's possible.

>> No.15591784

I grew up on the internet and forums

Almost 30 and cant hold a conversation with normalfags if my life depended on it

>> No.15591786


We're all like minded and open minded. That is a valuable trait. However, you guys should sit down and focus on a handful of skills that will propel you to success. I don't mean making millions overnight. I mean going outside some more and meeting new people. You may find yourself doing new things a year from now.

>> No.15592865

Here's a tip:
1) download parental control software on your PC. I recommend Kaspersky Safe Kids
2) make an account with a disposable email and a password you will never remember - MAKE SURE YOU WRITE THESE DOWN
3) block 4chan using the software
4) keep the pper with your password somewhere where you can't easily access it like at work or at your parent's house

congrats, you literally cannot access 4chan anymore as it is blocked. I used this method to stop watching porn (as I literally can't watch porn even if I wanted to).

>> No.15592884
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I want to leave.

It's not an addiction, I just have nothing else

>> No.15592906

1.) kys
2.) suck my dick
3.) kiss my gooch
4.) kill yourself
5.) drink my coom
6.) pump my bags
7.) dubs

>> No.15592912

You can definitely bypass whatever filter you have, but the effort required is probably more than you're willing to give.

>> No.15592971

>taking biz seriously

>> No.15592987

First thread I see after not coming here for months

>> No.15593354


>> No.15593384
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welcome back

>> No.15593403


>open minded
>literally can't stand a normie speaking for more than 10 seconds because i can instantly spot his bullshit

>> No.15593428

Yeah, the whole "we're not buying your boomer bags" meme has proven to be retarded for a good long while.

Get a job, fund your IRA, buy stocks on pullbacks (there should be a little one soon, or a big one after the fed meeting), and just DRiP.

If you find it boring and don't want to do any research, just buy VTI and SPY (or SPYX)

>> No.15593454


Yeah, also remember putting all your savings on 401k, it's a sureproof way to live a good life in two decades

>> No.15593462

I made 100k off chainlink in a year and a half, is this what poison feels like? I want more

>> No.15593510

>putting all your savings
>all your savings
Great way to fuck yourself

Always have cash and try to have exposure to multiple asset classes.

ALWAYS have cash.
ALWAYS have an emergency fund

Oh... you were just making an ebin meme? wow thanks.

>> No.15593519


Yeah always have cash, are you a moron? obviously you need cash or how you would pay the bills, jesus christ some posters are really braindead, what else will be now, that you should get a job?

>> No.15593551

Yes, you should get a job.

Get a job and buy stocks. Max out your IRA contributions. and max out any company 401K match.

>> No.15593589


Found the NoCoiner Losers. I'm literally rich as fuck from crypto and only getting richer. Kill yourselves before you lead the youth astray. Boomer market is kill.

"Hurrr my society literally forces me to buy a 401k so it is going to go up forever even if alternatives arise :^)"

Fucking Circumcised Cumbrain Amerimutts living in a house of cards.

>> No.15593597

I'm doing just fine actually. Somehow.

>> No.15593668

found the nojob pajeet

I've got some bitcoin exposure, been swinging a bit to decrease my basis.


And I've completely lost faith, so I'm not even buying the dips anymore, just holding forever and hating myself.

You know you can put things like Gold in your IRA if you really like the idea of a "boomer market is kill". I've got some paper silver, but you can add physical, it's just a pain in the ass to navigate the bureaucracy.

>> No.15593703

Too much of for can cause me to drop out of school. /b/ was a mistake for 12 hours at a time. Although, after that was Fark. Really, any internet site I found I would hyper obsess over with.

Getting out of the chance and coming back here on occasion will help with filtering nonsense out of good ideas.

I've picked up a lot of good things from here, such as being more aware of my spending and having my eyes open to how other people spend money which helps with understanding the economy.

The danger lies in being sucked into the negativity that is espoused on the site. That said, all over here negative comments said by groups of friends to each other in a way that seems to degrade each other and prove who is tougher/cooler, so it can happen in the "normie sphere".

Frens, we need to lift each other up, not shit on one another. Get off of here on occasion, go to events, talk to people IRL. Get to know your community. Reduce the excessive stimuli and clutter in your life. Get proper nutrition and sleep. Take care of yourself and in doing so, you can help those around you.

>> No.15593712

Fuck, that was cluttered with typos. Yay for being tired a s using voice to text. Welp, nap time.

>> No.15593751
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Biz = 90% manchildren, 9% normal children, 1% normal adults. But I guess this is true for all the other boards too.

>> No.15593765

I like the freedom here.

>> No.15593802

>you're free to leave anytime you like

>> No.15593823

I am also free to stay anytime I like

>> No.15593848


But being circumcised is actually good, it lets you get frustrated at life and then fuck the life in the ass and make lots of money out of it, that's the secret of life kid, being frustrated and pouring it into your job so you become rich in a few decades

>> No.15593864

True, but ancient desert jews didn't have coconut oil, onaholes, or internet porn. They never became "cumbrains" as they say

>> No.15593894


Wrong, do you even know why sculptures were such in fine detail back then? yeah they didn't had 3d virtual models but they had sculptures, wankers gonna wank, real men are gonna build, you just got bad genetics kid

>> No.15594042

What sculptures from 6000 years ago are you referring to?

>> No.15594057


The pygmalion legend, the aphrodites statues, such many cases

>> No.15594071
File: 617 KB, 400x229, bitch_i_told_you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go to /smg and help lessen the amount of shitcoin threads. there should be like 1 or 2 threads about bitcoin and ethereum. the rest should be about stocks, retirement, ETFs, PMs, mutual funds, trump tweets, and anything else that actually exists.

the board should be /smg. there should be a containment thread for the shitcoiners, not the other way around.

>> No.15594096


We need more "how to get into this career" or threads on how to save money, maybe get into landlording or property managing, etc.

I would really like to get into mortgagemaxxing or whatever it's called when you buy a house and get renters to help you pay off your mortgage.

Also, growing shrooms at home to maximize vitamin D and psychological wealth.

>> No.15594104
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this is pretty impressive, but I don't remember if the greeks were circumcising 2k years ago.

>> No.15594115
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I agree. also image related.

>> No.15594128



>> No.15594143


>> No.15594145
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you don't need a PC, I don't have one. just boil or steam for 90 min.

>> No.15594175
File: 41 KB, 732x960, 68DE4DB4-225B-4BBE-83C9-4162CE76B2F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a better board to have as your home board than most others, the narrative is about being successful and improving your life, not consuming pornography or other media, or tying your mind in knots over things which may or may not have happened and which you cannot influence, like /pol or /x.

This is easily one of the more productive boards. My home board for a long time was /asp. You think /biz is bad, try hanging out there

>> No.15594204
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you don't need hookups either just buy a syringe online, they're legal. keep it going with prints or liquid cultures. don't buy if they want you to use cryptofaggotry. those are scams (like crypto).

>> No.15594205

Why don't you dry em?

>> No.15594214
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I do, that was pre-drying.

>> No.15594240

thanks fren... I have to do some research since my info must be 10 years old now, so im not familiar with this method... I remember it was either the cake medium, or you pretty much had to use a PC. Especially if you were going from prints.

>> No.15594279

crypto turned me into an autist, biz turned me into a racist.

>> No.15594291
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I am formulating my own tek at the moment. might post it here sometime. sounds like you know pf tek. look up gordotek.

mine is a combination of a few teks, the goal is minimal need for sterilization, minimal need for clean room, maximum colonization times, bulk scalability, and ease of harvest.

>> No.15594315
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the secret ingredient is peroxide. do your DD but keep an eye out for that.

>> No.15594329

What do you guys think about the pollen falling (the black stuff)?
Does it reduce yields?

>> No.15594339

Fuck. that looks good.

Not sure what the point of taking the weight of the harvest before drying is, never did that with cannabis grows. Unless it's just for fun and because it's just really nice looking.

>> No.15594355

You would have been faggots anyways. Blaming your problems on others, ha! That's why you are losers

>> No.15594365

anyone raised by the internet and essentially redpilled by the years wandering through forums eventually gravitate to this website due to the anonymity and free speech, like minded people go to the same place. this website is both an intellectual hivemind and a toxic shithole, and I cant leave because the small dopamine from shitposting is all i have

>> No.15594387

>that patreon account
kek, interesting. seems like they tried to make it pretty straightforward though.Will download video and read forum posts. Just don't want to get put on any spooky internet lists. Boomers seem to love to fuck around with regulations, gray areas feel like they could slip into the black at any time.

>> No.15594410

yes just because it looks better. the water is 90% so just do math.
he's already had it taken down and then reuploaded. I have the original on my hd.

>> No.15594454

found a link to a 1080 and 720 version on the patreon page for google drive.

I don't need that many pixels to download the 3gig video. Is there anything in the original he had to remove because of legal reasons or something that I should know (yes/no is fine if you can't go into specifics)

>> No.15594473

yes. but it won't change anything. just use the concepts. it's like learning to cook. once you know enough recipes, you don't need to learn any more and you just start making good food from your mind.

>> No.15594497

I still have to look up the recipes every time...

I'll do some research after I get caught up on schoolwork. Hopefully I can find what he took out, I'm just not that inventive.

>> No.15594525


the specifics of each of those steps is up to you. you can do it.

>> No.15594555

Thanks man.
I just want to get off the damn SSRI's and get a hobby that involves creation instead of consumption.

>> No.15594592

There's lots of good advice and information here, it's just most people are retarded. No, this public forum isn't your secret pump and dump group, and no, that doesn't mean you should start buying boomers because you fell for SENT.

>> No.15594602

SSRI's are evil man, grow your mind don't destroy it. microdosing has made me love more. and see things others can't see. look up stoned ape theory, we should all be doing this or the AI will eventually catch up and surpass us.

>> No.15594624

>stoned ape theory
HA I used to love Terrence. It's all very theoretical, not really any way to validate his claims, but they're plausible

SSRI's helped me through some dark times, but now I think I'm too comfortably numb

>> No.15594642

Responsible use of psilocybin mushrooms along with meditation does wonders. Wean yourself off the SSRIs and then give it a try.

>> No.15594657

try paul stamets next

>> No.15594674


Elaborate on the AI and how it relates to the getting stoned vs being complacent

AI is dangerous but i feel AI was installed on us very long ago as an idea, please tell us more

>> No.15594701

>getting stoned
I'm talking about microdosing. they're vitamins for brain growth. if humans expand brain capabilities then we won't be complacent to possible ai takeover. insurance policy.

>> No.15594734

The worst part of /biz/ is that its filled with all these shit stain moon babies that unironically think we are out of the bear market. How dumb money can this place be.

>> No.15594749

>coming soon

>> No.15594780

eating dinner with wife n kids now. good luck, have fun.

>> No.15594803

where/how can i start micro dosing? i need to get out of this toxic loop, my mind is ruining me

>> No.15594853

I wanted to do both, I was thinking a good strong trip a few times a year could be therapeutic.

>> No.15594899

After weaning, not during?

>> No.15594916

Hey good man, you’re on the right path already with this kind of thinking. You should feel happy and positive about that, you’re already halfway there. Keep going anon you’re going to make it.

>> No.15594949

Nice personal accountability faggot

>> No.15595354

zoomers detected. God damn being a goon and old enough to browse early 4 channel was the best.

>> No.15595400

Truly a wonderful race of men equal to whites in every capacity and metric. How do we get MORE of them in Europe boys?

>> No.15595457
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WTF I love this butterface now!

>> No.15595780
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>> No.15596317

This board would be great if they banned crypto talk.

All crypto fags go back to Twitter

>> No.15596602

This. I came to this board expecting people discussing stocks and actually doing bussiness, but most of the board is just coin faggotry.

>> No.15596629

>just figured it out

>> No.15596645

You should at least limit your intake of Internet in general

>> No.15596647

She is 100% right to do so. Her other ideas will get us all killed however that

>> No.15596653

sounds like you're pretty outnumbered
why don't you niggers just go back where you came from

>> No.15596675

Stock Market General does

>> No.15596811

delete this
we don't need new clueless posters

>> No.15597198
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r/btc is legit the only place in crypto that isn't poison.

>> No.15597775

>Max out your IRA contributions. and max out any company 401K match.

>Lol just have a spare 25,000 dollars per year bro!

You do realize that the average person can't even come close to affording that right? You need to earn like 70 to 100k to max out your shit, assuming you are an independent adult with bills, loans, and a family. The average person earns less than 40k, and saving 55% of your earnings for retirement in your 20s is beyond stupid.

And yes I have a 401k and stocks. It's important to save money, but it's also important to not forget that this is the only life you get, and waiting until 60 to live it, isn't worth it.

>> No.15597802

But how would you prove that you're damaged enough by it to deserve compensation?
Personally I think LINK is the program you're talking about. No way in hell are you going to have the fortitude to hold and aptitude to understand what the fuck the FUD and fundamentals of it are unless you've been here a long time.

>> No.15597985

it's $6000 every year in your IRA, and then just a percentage, usually something like 5% from each paycheck?

So, $500 every month, plus 5% of whatever you're making.

>> No.15597997

12 years and counting.
Fuck you 4chin
why can't i leave

>> No.15598322

Since coming to this board I've gotten

>401k up to 30k
>.5 BTC, 8 ETH, 1k LINK, 12 LTC
>60 oz. silver

I only make ~45k before taxes. I am going to start my IRA soon. I started going back to school to finish my bachelors in business administration. When I finish I have a couple of companies I can work for or if I want to pivot I have two friends that work IT who can get me jobs. I have my real estate license but haven't done anything with it; I would like to get into rental properties. I just turned 28 and finally feel like I'm heading in the right direction

All because of you toxic fucks either LARPing or being honest about having 6 figures jobs and 1 mil+ net worth. I easily blend in with normies but I'm not a normie. For a long time I just drank, work, and gambled trying to feel something. I felt I was so far behind that it was pointless to even try until you guys pointed out just how fucked the average normie us and that even my modest position currently is ahead of the majority of normies. /biz/ saved me and I hate it. Thank you, frens

>> No.15599002
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It's fun.