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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15593565 No.15593565 [Reply] [Original]

My father is a failure. He called me crying that he had to sell his prized sports memorabilia that he collected all his life. Hundreds of signed pictures from Tiger Woods, Tom Brady to Roger Federer. He got $4000 for the lot. 46 years old and $4k makes or breaks you. I look at him with disdain. He's a pathetic stain on my lineage. My grandfather built a Steel Company and sold it to the Canadian Government for $28 million. My grandfather was a real man. My father is a weak bitch. He hasn't read a book in 20 years. He doesn't travel. He has no appreciation for food beyond fuel. I take him out to eat at a fine dining restaurant and he orders a burger cooked well done. There are seared scallops and duck on the menu and he orders a burger. He doesn't get the truffle fries either because he doesn't know what truffles are.

>> No.15593599

You seem like a failure as well

>> No.15593680

dubz confirmed
your granddad was a p.o.s. if he couldnt raise a man

>> No.15593686
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>> No.15593701

Your father is a failure for raising such a faggot

>> No.15593761

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

>> No.15593766
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You both have shit taste in food. You need to be eating protein shakes and onions. You will eat the bugs.

>> No.15593776

at least u can take your father out for a burger

>> No.15593784

Your father is the reason you can even post here

>> No.15593837

Sorry dude, the angsty zoomers are at school right now.
In fact, shouldn't you be at school right now, young man?

>> No.15593856

Your grandfather was a weak cuck of a man if he couldn't raise a man. and so are you

>> No.15593875

imagine not being able to give away 4k to your father

op probably by the nuts in debt for a used car lmao

>> No.15593884



Be a good son and help him grow as a person, as he (hopefully) tried to do for you.

It's hard man. My dad was a bit verbally abusive but more importantly literally acts kind of like a fag. It's just embarrassing and a weird problem to have. Can't even complain about my dad talking about cocks and nutsacks a lot, it's cringe.

I wish he just beat me like a normal high T male.

>> No.15593891

Your dad isn’t a fag and knows what he wants at the restaurant. He has to entertain you by going to these trendy little fucking fairy holes in the wall, that overprice a dish he isn’t familiar with and would rather not take the chance on.

t. A literal white chef who thinks you sound gay

>> No.15593899

My dad makes good money but lives paycheck to paycheck and carries credit card debt because he won't stop buying guns. He doesn't even shoot them. Just likes to brag about them to his friends.

>> No.15593921

Yet you somehow still manage to be more worthless.
Great achievement.

>> No.15593938

truffle pilled

>> No.15593945

>There are seared scallops and duck on the menu and he orders a burger
sounds based

>> No.15593946

Well duh, he seems to be a big sports fan. What did you expect?

Listen to ol' Sammy

>> No.15593963

What happened to the $28 million, anon?

>> No.15593965

He's only a failure because he raised a son that turned out like you. You're an ungrateful piece of shit with delusions of grandeur.
>heh what a pleb...burgers?? I only eat seared scallops and truffle fries...I guess you could say I have really refined taste.

>> No.15593987

how much of that $28 million remains

>> No.15593989


>> No.15593995

>seared scallops
>truffle fries

I'd rather have a well-done burger too

>> No.15593997

Well at least they will hold value.

>> No.15594014
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>1 post by this ID

>> No.15594018

Boomers are pathetic. Assert dominance over your family tree. You are the patriarch now. Your father is a bug. An embarrassment

>> No.15594084


>> No.15594362

Lol I never met my dad before he died of a heart attack

But I am told he was a very good salesman

>> No.15594416

Im unironically 46 years old. Have a few million from shitcoins and am shitposting right this second on Fantom threads. Am I a winner biz?

>> No.15594477

>Boomer crying because he is such a poorfag he has to sell his Nigger Ball memorabilia
KEK, you should offer to by it from him and then Low ball him when you actually whip out the cash.

>> No.15595455
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>> No.15595504

nice blog faggot.
no one cares

>> No.15595663

5th commandment

>> No.15595667

What an ungrateful little bitch you are

>> No.15595755

>Hundreds of signed pictures from Tiger Woods, Tom Brady to Roger Federer. He got $4000 for the lot.

One of the weirdest larps I've read in a while. Authentic Brady signed photos alone are around 1k each. Woods is close to that as well. Without even knowing what else was in his collection, 10k would be an extreme low ball. 4k is retard teir

>> No.15595791

My dad is hundreds of thousands in credit card debt. He circumcised me and gave me a felony charge as a minor. When he gets old and demented I will ensure he is placed in a state run nursing home filled with niggers.

>> No.15595795

If he had to sell them all in a hurry then he might have gotten a bad deal

>> No.15595800

Go back to rebbit with this faggotry. Literally no one cares, you're going to fail like your cuckold of a father.

>> No.15595876


>> No.15596331

I get the feeling for distain in people but everyone lives life on a different path. What it takes to make you happy might be different for him. Financial success is important in this world but you should try and respect the man who brought you into it even though you put pity upon him. 93.

>> No.15596348

one thing he isnt is a huge massive faggot thinking he's better than someone. wow you ate duck whoopty doo ive had kangaroo and girafee it doesnt make you high class nor does reading. you sound like the typical under 30 queer that goes around thinking and talking like he's far smarter in life than he really is... tell me mr perfect hows your billions in investments and your wife and children that just got into college on a scholarship with a 4.0 and perfect scores? oh wait you havent done that? just a faggot loser like your dad I see. a do nothing talk big nobody that will never be somebody.

>> No.15596994

balls sometimes skip a generation