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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15589626 No.15589626 [Reply] [Original]

Last night this link and the aggregator link were posted and then deleted and anons sperged out


I know nothing about this shit and so i read around...basically this means the certificate for the aggregator visualizing site's domain is signed and revocable by the institutional keys for microsoft mozilla and google? Is there anything im missing?

>> No.15589635

Aggregator visualizer link

>> No.15589656

It's a fucking SSL certificate. Lurk more

>> No.15589662

it nothing.. do you feel sleep? you need go to bed when feel sleepy..

>> No.15589663 [DELETED] 

If you don't get it, go back to your discord and ask your circle jerkers. Really, how boring does your little gay club has to be to be permanently on /biz/ with no effect beside scaring the shitcoin pajeets away

>> No.15589669

Does the revocation portion mean that google/msft/mozilla had to do anything affirmative or is it just that theyre listed as a generic source of blavklisted domains?

>> No.15589676

It's the most generic SSL certificate you can find on any website. It's literally nothing

>> No.15589679

Can you faggots stop being edgelords and just answer the fucking question

>> No.15589695

Fuck off faggot either contribute something or stay silent

>> No.15589715 [DELETED] 

>spoon feed lurking consumers and retail traders I want to be rich quick
No. Go back to your closed gay bath and send each other dick pics faggot. As long as you trannies spam the board you can't expect any infos from diggers

>> No.15589755

This you fucking spergs holy shit

>> No.15589811
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The aggregation link was far more interesting than thr certificate

>> No.15589958

Isnt it just a visualization of the heartbeat ethusd price?

>> No.15590080
File: 27 KB, 789x338, stinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's more interesting than the SSL certificate

>> No.15590103

What does it mean

>> No.15590129

That you're gay?

>> No.15590214

Let me suck your cock then

>> No.15590234

there was an apigee swift cert an anon posted a while back, lost the link to it and the archive is down. RIP.

>> No.15590276

Christ you fucking kids are hopeless.
Alright then, I'll play the nice oldfag.
The SSL certificate is just a basic one from https://letsencrypt.org/ . Literally anyone can get one for free for any domain or subdomain they own, like chainlink did for aggregator-beta.chain.link. A CRL (Certificate Revocation List) is used to revoke certificates in case a CA (Central Authority, where SSL certs come from, like Lets Encrypt) gets compromised. It doesn't mean Google/Microsoft/Mozilla can just arbitrarily make the cert stop working, because if they did that for no reason then everyone would stop using their CA. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_revocation_list
This is more interesting because https://chain.link uses Cloudflare to prevent DDoS/hacks/scans/etc. If you have the real IP address of chain.link, the one behind Cloudflare's protection, then you have a target that you can DDoS/hack/scan without Cloudflare being able to stop it.

>> No.15590286

would stop using their *CRL

>> No.15590347

Thanks anon

>> No.15590363

How is it interesting in any way lmao? Every literal who website has cloudflare implemented for ddos protection.

>> No.15590374

Can you not read?
> If you have the real IP address of chain.link, the one behind Cloudflare's protection, then you have a target that you can DDoS/hack/scan without Cloudflare being able to stop it.

>> No.15590388

Are you retarded?
>Every literal who website has cloudflare implemented for ddos protection.
It's nothing interesting. God you're dumb as fuck lmao.

>> No.15590399

Oh, I didn't realize you retarded.
Let me break it down into words you can probably understand:
> most websites use cloudflare
> cloudflare hides that website's real IP
> cloudflare prevents DDoS/hacks/etc.
> if real IP is exposed, cloudflare is bypassed
Do you understand now?

>> No.15590403

Are you implying we know the real IP now and that chain.link is at risk of an attack?

>> No.15590408

wtf do you think the pic in >>15590080 is?

>> No.15590428

who is mary and pete
are they behind the bogs?

>> No.15590441

kek. they're cloudflare DNS servers.

>> No.15590453

>> most websites use cloudflare
Thanks for proving my point you mouth breathing double digit iq shitstain. Does the fact that they have DDoS protection intrigue you? How new are you to the Internet?

>> No.15590463

it just shows the development of what they said they were doing into actually something

>> No.15590475

Are you incapable of reading any text?
The fact that they're using Cloudflare is not interesting.
The fact that the IP address behind Cloudflare's protection is publicly available, is unique.

>> No.15590500

the IP you see IS the cloudflare IP. As far as the internet protocol is concerned, the cloudflare IP is the real and only IP.
Also even if you know their real IP, it literally would not matter. DDOSing their website would do nothing but take it down until they change IP.

>> No.15590502

What do you think this suggests? Incompetence, a ruse, or something intentional?

>> No.15590517

The IP I posted in >>15590080 is their real IP, not Cloudflare's. If you understood anything about the internet, you would understand how that's significant.
Definitely incompetence. Any time you setup a DDoS protection service like Cloudflare or any other GRE tunnel service that does the same, you would block all access from the internet except for that filtered service's IPs, otherwise anyone scanning the internet could find your unprotected IP and scan/DDoS your website as much as they wanted.

>> No.15590530

Does it matter that the url in the certificate is not the same as the one in that pic?

>> No.15590539
File: 115 KB, 575x601, 1565276917501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad dude that completely flew over my head. I'm the double digit iq shitstain.

>> No.15590540

My pic shows their main website's IP.
That's much more important than some random test website they setup, the one in OP's pic.
That one's also behind Cloudflare, but the real IP of it isn't publicly available. The two public ones are both @ DigitalOcean though, so it would be a safe bet that the test website is also some random VPS @ DigitalOcean.

>> No.15590550

This does not bode well for my comfy levels, Anon. But thank you.

>> No.15590574

Stinky linkies are well past done at this point.
If you haven't made your 100x or more by now, it's not happening.
I already did 1000x because I acquired a bunch in late 2017, sold it all a few months ago at the top.
The reason there's still a shitload of chainlink threads is because most of the people here didn't get in early enough, or they don't want to sell because it's the only thing they've held for such a long period, I guess.
But that's always been the /biz/ way, buy high, sell low, or never sell.

>> No.15590592

What're you in, then?

>> No.15590626

Lotta shitcoins just for shits n giggles, but at this point I just do it with play money since I'm already comfy. BRAP gets a lot of FUD here, but I could see that nonsense mooning EOY or next year. SENT could do well if they hired some people that actually knew how to configure a VPN. Pretty much everything else shilled here is pajeet level nonsense.

>> No.15590631

BRAP mooning would be hilarious.
>tfw top 50 bagholder

>> No.15590642

clown world man, silly shit happens. I unironically think it could happen with them. I've looked at the source for brap.me/verify , shit was written by someone who actually knows cryptography (uses Ed25519 ffs, pajeets use RSA), which is ironically unheard of in /biz/'s "crypto" world.

>> No.15590666

Interesting. I've got a lot of fingers in some nice pies. I'll admit the biggest one by far is LINK. I'm still in the black by quite a bit, and will wait to see if it continues to bleed whilst everything else goes up. Because currently it's not really much different than anything else (except BTC).

>> No.15590684

Hi Satan! I doubt it'll go up much, if at all. Alt season is based around what BTC does, so if BTC moons a little bit then maybe linkies and almost every other shitcoin will too. I doubt it tho

>> No.15590690

fuck off overton

>> No.15590698

Just feels boring more than anything else, you know? I want some vitality. Do you know about PNK? What's your thoughts, if so.

>> No.15590738

Looks like it has a few use cases, but it's way too complicated for normies, which means it'll likely never get used in any real world scenarios.
But projects with actual use cases often don't make it, while ones with absolutely no use case at all do.
Clown world, man.

>> No.15590756
File: 178 KB, 750x864, 1563237010852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel it my man.

>> No.15590876

You can advertise your real IP and use BGP to reroute DDOS traffic to a scrubbing service like Clodflare, Akamai, Level3 and have it returned to you via GRE Tunnel.

>> No.15590952

True, but most people wouldn't want to advertise their real IP in that scenario. The scrubbing services would need to be between the real IP and the internet. If you use BGP/GRE after the real IP, you're introducing a single point of failure that can go offline before it gets scrubbed. It's doable though if you've got some heavy load balancing behind that IP, like Google does with and you've got uplinks that can handle redirecting that much traffic, plus the hardware for it all. Most people don't have the money or know how to do that though.

>> No.15591051

Are you saying the company that has a product around blockchain agnostic, sibyl attack-proof, decentralised oracle solutions has centralised their online presence? That's hilarious.

>> No.15591100

Well they use DigitalOcean, which has a decent size network. I'm sure they've got backup hosters lying around somewhere, but they're not exactly hosting high risk content (piratebay, etc.), so maybe not.

>> No.15591437
File: 746 KB, 1156x1084, 1568054566618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed, satan loves LINK and BRAP

>> No.15591489

I Believe In An Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent God Who Is In Control Of Everything All The Time There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence In My Frame Of Reference

>> No.15591503


>> No.15591546

?? Nothing to do with Chainlink.

>> No.15591568
File: 13 KB, 568x100, dsggs4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15591640

Salesforce? And?

>> No.15591641

Hah, lemme write that down real quick. Thanks, anon!

>> No.15592580

Looking through this and cant see anything that points at chainlink...what do you know anon

>> No.15592623
File: 262 KB, 1536x1564, ovendodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15592726


literally a digital ocean IP address https://exchange.xforce.ibmcloud.com/ip/