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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15589808 No.15589808 [Reply] [Original]

Now that psd2 was a failure, what do we do now?

>> No.15589835
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Continue to meme. It will happen soon. Kek wills it.

>> No.15589862

Definitely, you cannot just throw away your faith now when kek has blessed us so many time with digits and predictions.

>> No.15589905
File: 151 KB, 500x637, 1534133597789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Kek is chaos. We do his bidding not the other way around.

>> No.15589918

We don't sell, that's what.

>> No.15590051

Has it been a failure though? What’s going on at this moment?

>> No.15590073


>> No.15590110

They've asked for an 18 month extension in relation to the SCA part last I heard. Many banks scrambling, as expected, and working on fixes hours before deadline

>> No.15590114

Nice. When Do you think institutions will start using link?

>> No.15590121

No the deadline is still on. 18 month period is just for those that missed the deadline and won’t get penalized for it.

>> No.15590250

why would they scrap a perfectly working solution right now?

>> No.15590330

>why would institutions want to save billions of dollars?

>> No.15590458
File: 380 KB, 679x395, Screen Shot 2019-08-13 at 9.33.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have sex nearly every day, with my wholesome gf. I enjoy my high paying seasonal job which grants me ample free-time throughout the year, I'm in good shape and have a few hobbies. I limit my electronics exposure and eat healthy, I fundamentally value my life and the limited time that has been granted to me.

I have been holding Link for two years and will continue holding. Anonymous transexuals with room temperature IQ's leave me completely un-phased. I have control over my emotions and life, and the self-awareness to filter out intense faggotry through the conduit of my mind.

I would say I feel bad for you, that you had two years, but the truth is, I don't really think of you at all.

>> No.15590547

>perfectly working solution
Are you for real?

>> No.15590571
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kek has already willed it

>> No.15590584

They just switched on psd2 (not all countries but most)
it doesnt involve LINK
Its gonna be another 10 years or so until they decide the infrqstructure needs another update (aka chainlink)
enjoy bagholding for 10 years deluded retards

>> No.15590601
File: 234 KB, 549x413, D079767A-4A5D-4F54-8E8D-32ACC5EA4232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its gonna be another 10 years or so
Thank you for your insightful input, oh great internet expert.
I bet you also don’t hold any links right?

>> No.15590650

psd2 means that european fintech companies can start building a wider range of products than before, some of them might utilize chainlink
i get the impression that some retards think that chainlink literally IS psd2 in some way, which is wrong, but retards gonna retard i guess

>> No.15590661
File: 124 KB, 750x470, 55BA459D-FB51-4719-BF19-8B7ECE23B8F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short this shitcoin

>> No.15590675


>> No.15590685

Here we go. Kicking the ball down the road now

>> No.15590687

Isn’t it great? I can accumulate more before the moon mission.

>> No.15590692

nope, i actually hold linkies myself, i'm just not delusional

excuse me?

>> No.15590693

Well, it is a saturday so maybe we wait until monday

>> No.15590701

God dam you’re dumb

>> No.15590702

The dwolla adapter today lets link do ach transfers, so that's fucking huge.

>> No.15590717

>just wait till psd2 mug singularity
>nah devs need to build the stuff now it’s another 6months before it happens

>> No.15590728

good job moving the goal post retard

>> No.15590745

>another 10 years or so
most probably longer. 10 years isn't a lot to justify yet another and more drastic change. and if they even start thinking on it in 10+ years, it's gonna take years to decide and then years to actually implement.

>> No.15590755

i haven't moved shit
never reply to me again

>> No.15590776

ID resets on other threads
I would love to but how the FUCK do I know its you thats posting huh retard?

>> No.15591599

The change is so drastic, most likely 10 years isn't even enough for the inception of the idea to use chainlink for fintech and data. Each generation of new fintech experts will merely put together tiny pieces of the puzzle as time goes on, so it will probably be more like 1,000 or 1,000,000 years before they even consider implementing it. Then they still have to do the work, which will take another 1,000,000,000 or so years.