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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1558716 No.1558716 [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ think about Phenibut for conquering social situations?

Shit makes me a sober god. No one even knows about it. Mfw.

>> No.1559194

No one?

>> No.1559207

I took that once for a headache. it didn't do much

>> No.1559266

>conquering social situations
please provide examples

>> No.1559300

Id use kratom instead, never got much out of phenibut other that amazing sleeps

>> No.1559350

Hey hunter

>> No.1559706

Look up a video of what it actually does.

It's better then Kratom.
Hey Dylan.

>> No.1559717

The side effects of phenibut are said to be similar to but milder than those of baclofen.[5] They include sleepiness and hangover-like effects such as headache and depression once the drug has worn off.[5]

Hm. Not sure about this.

>> No.1559734
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>there are no girls on the internet
>get online and bitch and whine like a girl
>probably a landwhale feminist with penis envy typing this

>> No.1559745

removes inhibitions in the same way alcohol does without the inebriation. makes me feel angry though for some reason

>> No.1559751


phenibut is good for a lot of stuff. It has some gabergenic properties though so be careful there is actually a slight hangover effect and with prolongued use you will get painful withdrawals. Reccomend you take it with choline as well.