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1558126 No.1558126 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it near impossible to pass job interviews as an introvert?

>> No.1558127

try r9k

>> No.1558128

Try /r9k/ you stupid frog poster

>> No.1558130

You have to be confident to get a job. You cannot show any weakness.

People hiring hate having to carry out a job interview. They find it to be a horrible process, and will hire the most confident person + experience.

If you come across as unsure, it will unnerve them and they will reject you.

>> No.1558145

That's how world is. Gotta put on fake smile and somehow full of energy. It's all bullshit of course but if you try to be you, that could be a risk and business taking risks? Na that enver happens ever so you get reject.

You not missing out on much anyway, all jobs get exported to third-world shitholes for cheap, and they still try to tell us globalism is good thing, it's not very good thing for them if they get rid of all our jobs, all our source of income and we can't buy the stupid shit they make in exported third-world shithole manufacturing.

>> No.1558407

Take an acting class or study acting on your own.
Improv too.
I'm no social butterfly or anything. I'm a strong silent type, stoic, sometimes brooding and don't know it. It made me seem unapproachable and cause some people to see me as "shy". To counter this I studied acting (and a bit of psychology) and learned about my own body language. How to interact with people (my audience) and play the part to get the job. The improv stuff was to help me deal with when people say unexpected things and it shattered my glass mask. A interviewer would ask me some asinine question or make a remark and I'd go blank or spill my spaghetti. Learning to be quick on the draw verbally helps in those situations and can turn the tables on the interviewer. But the hardest part is having to keep this up everyday with co-workers and whom ever. It gets tiring but it can work. I was taken aback when a superior told me I was "charming". I'd never expected to be called that in my life.
Just give it a shot. Learn how to put on a good front and overcome the fear of being judged or rejected.

>> No.1558458

While this is the most autistic thing I've read today, it's also true. If you cannot be confident, just pretend. The only body language you need to know is open vs. closed arm positions. Crossed arms or hands in lap are seen as uncomfortable and will lose you the job. Open arms, like one arm over the back of your chair makes you look like a badass and will get you the job.

> source, I'm a heavy introvert with a good job.

>> No.1558472

Same here.

What's a good job for an extremely socially anxious and introverted person?

exept programming

>> No.1558487

Don't blame it on your "introvert" label. I'm what people would call an introvert (can only stay engaged in social activities for short periods of time, require a lot of time alone) and yet I haven't failed a single interview. What you might have is some kind of social anxiety, get a therapist or some other professional and get it sorted out.

Other tips:
Acting classes as someone else said
Join and participate in your local toastmaster's club
All kinds of activities where you get out of your social circle and comfort zone.

>> No.1558506


Machine operator in a factory, I've met some seriously dysfunctional people in that position. But it was soul crushingly repetitive at times.

If you want to try to bang your head against the wall until you overcome that anxiety, get into d2d sales. If you hang in there for a couple of months you will come out on the other much less anxious because you've been approaching strangers day in and day out the whole time.

>> No.1558508

I meant to reply to you

>> No.1558510


I passed one at a factory and acted super motivated and extroverted during the interview.

The suckers only started realizing how much of a scam artists i was couple months later when i deliberately sat alone at a table every single break to read my Kindle while the normies sat idle together at a table making occasional small talk.

The boss even confronted me about it at one point and I still kept on doing it. I quit about 3 months later because it was becoming painfully obvious that every single person there despised me and was back talking me non-stop.

>> No.1558578
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>like one arm over the back of your chair makes you look like a badass and will get you the job.
Do you wear sunglasses and tilt them down your nose when answering questions?

>> No.1558599
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We as human beings should be naturally capable of socializing to any extent. There shouldn't even be such a thing as an introverted person.

>> No.1558648

I know how dumb it sounds, but it honestly helps in the hiring process. Also in life in general. It makes you seem comfortable.