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15582911 No.15582911 [Reply] [Original]

why is everyone so sure of "Recession in 2020"

tbf it's mostly on other boards like /pol/ but is there any rationale behind this?

>> No.15583567

jews will crash the economy to get a Democrat in office but there are competing jews that will prop up the market for zionDon so the outlook is unclear

>> No.15583590

Inverted yeald curve, everytime it appears a recession follow between 6-18 months.
One appeared earlier this year.

>> No.15583612

big if true

>> No.15583628
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World Economy so far

>> No.15583648

Its just Libertarian faggots that hate themselves and only use 2008/2000 as a reference for what recessions are typically like. Economy is strong for america

>> No.15583659

>implying trump isnt the kike's wet dream
you have to go back to the_donald, retarded boomer

>> No.15583668

You’re dumb as fuck faggot

>> No.15583669

All buisness in America need that Corporate tax cut to sustain, electoral college/Jews will NOT vote in a democrat under any circumstance

>> No.15583675


Flattening means recession, inversion means hyperinflation.

>> No.15583690

Stay mad with your SP500 puts

>> No.15583709

Yield curve, PMI, housing and auto loan defaults, record consumer corporate and government debt the list goes on an on but maga faggots believe the delusional lies of the president because they’re too cowardly to accept their precious country isn’t as great as it once was.

>> No.15583724

2020 is the year. it is the start of a new chinese zodiac cycle. it only happens once in history. if you dont already know, elites of this world are extremely superstitious. the only power higher than them are powers no one understands. we all have to answer to superiority, and even the rothschilds have to play their role.
dont tell me you dont at least "feel" something is going to happen in "2020". everyone feels it, we just down know what it is

>> No.15583727
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Keep voting for big government republicans bootlicker. You’re a coward pussy and this is a fact.

>> No.15583751

>for zionDon
>Dumb niggers dont even read with the slightest sight of Don.
Neck yourself you are useless to everyone

>> No.15583781

I dont feel anything other than your mother rubbing my stiffy

>> No.15583785

t. sub 60 IQ Qanon believer

>> No.15583829


>muh zion don

Let me guess. Iq below 130? Big yikes
Wish trump was my president desu. What he has done in global politics is, quite frankly, unprecedented.

>> No.15583874

>muh yield curve
children, we live in times of negative interest rates and QE is coming out of everyone's ears by now.
look at japan to see what we are in for worst case.
unless deutsche or this old bank in italy or someone explodes and the dow corrects by half. but basel III did an okay job of preventing that from happening. orange man is winning the trade war and china is building its airplane carriers and new silk road. so happy days. you're all crapping your pants because old paradigms you are clinging on to. money is abundant and will be pumped into the system till kingdom come

>> No.15583896
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banks are getting into big trouble since their source of incoming, interest, is gone.
either they manage to become more efficient (AI, less employees, etc) or they increase their income with higher fees.
in both cases there is less money available for consuming

>> No.15583992
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there are too many factors to asses.
1) many stocks are "cheap" because bond yields are historically very low so if one keeps the upside the same, stocks would need to yield you less than they would with higher yields to "beat" bonds by the same amount. this could easily lead to another few years of a bull market
2) the passive investing bubble. there are a few decent boomer videos on it explaining how its going to pan out. (https://youtu.be/9h_ryl9B6y8)) A TLDR would be that there are trillions of dollars put in equity and bond ETFs, jacking the prices way high and if that starts to correct (it 100% will correct), there will be massive liquidity problems since you know, there arent enough buyers for trillions of ETFs at once.
3) of course yield curve, who knows how its going to play out this time
4) corporate debt, once interest rates increase, defaults will start to happen on fucking massive amounts of debt, that would be big bear market desu

so basically, nobody fucking knows, 2020 i will say is likely but i would not be surprised if a large crash of ~50% happened after 2020

>> No.15584134

>let's just pay attention to one indicator that has been heavily affected by the Fed constantly loading its balance sheet for the last decade

>> No.15584583

>liquidity problems
>once interest rates increase
you got the memo? powell and lagarde would like a word

>> No.15584935
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, A1A8D583-8DE0-468F-B47A-30A433CB3EBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re wrong but not in an obnoxious way. Read about net interest margin and maturity transformation

>> No.15585007
File: 1015 KB, 1220x1280, A1FBF315-9203-4A92-947B-4009E4B3044B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as competeting jews. Jews that appear to be in opposition to other Jews is just a charade to dupe goyim into thinking we live in a democracy with plenty of discourse whereas the reality is we live in a Jewish aristocracy.

ZionDon and the so called lefty Jews are all buddy, buddy behind the scenes, both work togeather towards the mutual goal of Jewish supremacy

>> No.15585568
