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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 95 KB, 500x392, 50s-couple-money-spend-rich-man-woman-cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1558142 No.1558142 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/, what is the most fair split of household and family operating costs in relation to husband and wives income?

Assume both want to have their own personal side savings for their respective dreams/hobbies etc. income difference may be around 10-20%

Would you choose equal contribution where both contribute the same amount and the better earning spouse keeps more money or percentual contribution where they both put down let's say 80% of earnings and keep 20?

What items would you consider explicitly personal?

>> No.1558146

Women working? No thanks

>> No.1558150

50/50 ofc

>> No.1558151

If she isn't making money she is spending money.

>> No.1558154

So? Not man enough to provide for a family? Bitches working is in anything else than nursing, elementary education and secretary work fucks up everything

>> No.1558172

(Ignore taxes)
>A makes 80k/yr
>B makes 100k/yr
>difference of 20k
>A&B each put 60k towards cost of living and long term savings
>A has 10k/yr discretionary, 10k for debts and investments
>B has 20k/yr discretionary, 20k for debts and investments

>> No.1558174

Bring home the bacon and you don't have to worry about this type of thing.

>> No.1558179
File: 40 KB, 699x637, bizwdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not man enough to provide for a family?
>Not man enough

Cuck 101

>> No.1558180

What's the matter, are you scared of competent girls? Did she steal your jerb? Or maybe she's your boss :^)

Go back to /r9k/, bitter macho macho men.

>> No.1558182

I agree. Women can work, but they don't have to unless they want to.

>> No.1558211

Neither? Simply haven't met a single woman qualified to do any complicated job and I've met a lot of high flying career women working for p&g nestle ubs Philip Morris jti etc