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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15578315 No.15578315 [Reply] [Original]

keep selling to me : )

>> No.15578336

how fucking retarded are you OP?

>> No.15578350


>> No.15578367

Ho lee fuk

>> No.15578391

don't worry, he is just mad that my post made his fud useless

>> No.15578396

Only person selling to you is Sergey himself (and he created his bags out of thin air). He still has 600mil+ to sell you.

>> No.15578405

no, you're just retarded and trying to link everything to your shitcoin that nobody cares about besides you incel discord trannies.

>> No.15578409

shut the fuck up you micro dicked chink

>> No.15578414

Go outside.

>> No.15578416


>> No.15578422

prove that you are buying or be outsed as a faggot pajeet shiller

>> No.15578426

Have sex

>> No.15578458

imagine being so delusional that you keep spamming your shit for 2 years and is still almost at the same price

>muh there is written smart contracts
>muh it must be chainlink
>muh finally 100$

fucking retarded pieces of shit

btw. linklaters exists since 1838

>muh oracle

>> No.15578465

vaporrrrware maidsafe tier

>> No.15578478

Go outside.

>> No.15578558
File: 168 KB, 890x782, DRNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15578573

fuck off racist Im chinese and Im still holding