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15573864 No.15573864 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw ghosted all of my friends from childhood up to high school
is this normal?

>> No.15573877

same. i think it will make it easier when its time for suicide.

>> No.15573913
File: 40 KB, 500x311, D675B2D9-133C-4ACC-8A10-00F5E268EE4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it is not normal and yes, I have done this as well. I’m at the stage where I’m also ghosting 90% of my family.
Pic related

>> No.15573927

Me too, I'm an out of sight out of mind kinda guy I guess. It's been a 2 way street in most cases though.

>> No.15573946

29 went to 4 weddings this year
only time i saw most people since college. that's 8 years ago lol
don't talk to any of them outside of these forced social interactions. my best friend is the same way with the greater friendgroups
no one cares about the things i like anymore and work normie jobs
you have to live for yourself anon

>> No.15573960

> 90% already ghosted
> When i see 90% of the rest i think i'm about to ghost them
No problem, it's normal.

>> No.15574157
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>tfw ghosted everyone

>> No.15574181

Pretty much yeah, for one reason or another my friendship with every one of them was unsustainable.
People are flawed and I don't understand how anything can last.

>> No.15574189

I did the same and successfully forced myself to make new friends. So it’s fine

>> No.15574203
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>ghosted everyone up to college
>still have a couple of friends that I keep being an asshole to
>somehow they're still here and actively getting in touch with me

>> No.15574208

Never be afraid to throw out the dead weight people in your life. As a rule I only interact with those I consider better than myself. If I kept hanging around the people I did in HS my life would be fucking trash. You can't smoke weed and play Halo 3 forever.

>> No.15574216


You always post the same shit, and also give the same halo 3 example, so i can get from your posts that you have been at least 2 years without advancing at all

>> No.15574222

The only person I somewhat keep in touch with is some roastie who was my oneitis and now she’s a whore who frequents edm festivals and looks like shit from all the Molly she’s eaten

>> No.15574230

I have two friends from high school still and the other 20 I never talk to

>> No.15574244


im 31 and slowly realizing that i have shit communication skills with friends and loved ones.
i literally never reach out and only ever respond to people instead of initiating conversation myself.

i understand that everyone is different and introverts are introverts plus i just love solitude but i genuinely feel like this has prevented a lot of both A)meaningful relationships with more than 3 or 4 people closest to me and B)basic networking and career opportunities.

but it's okay anon. you only have two options: convince yourself (on a subconscious level) that you are okay with being alone and continue the path you are on or; nut up and start making changes little by little until you have 1 or more persons to care about in this world.

adios muchacho

>> No.15574245

People grow up and realize they have nothing in common with childhood friends anymore. Especially if you go away for a while

>> No.15574251

I feel very similar, anon. You gotta play the game for yourself.

>> No.15574299

but I haven't posted this before am I part of a hive mind?

>> No.15574302

>tfw hearing voices for the last year and want nothing more than to feel actually alone again so avoid real people more than ever

>> No.15574370

>live 3 minute walk away from my father
>didn't talk to him for 5+ years, ignored his facebook friend request
>also have grandma and 2 aunts with their families in 1 mile radius, didn't see them for almost 10 years, didn't answer grandma's call with birthday wishes this year, she tried 4 times
is autism an illness?

>> No.15574389

that's not autism, that's you being a schizoid

>> No.15574401

I just keep ghosting everyone. Deleted all social media like 5 years ago. Not sure where I´m going with this

>> No.15574403

same, it sucks, I'm just so ashamed of myself and my life thus far that I don't want anybody to see me or know me

>> No.15574418

is that an insult? never heard it before

>> No.15574439


common ground is just the first step in relationships anon.

people are unique and have individual opinions so there will inevitably be differences, but those are just learning opportunities.

>> No.15574441


No, im helping you

>> No.15574442

It’s a personality type/disorder. We’re fairly highly over-represented here for reasons.

>> No.15574455

>never heard "schizoid" before
kys. also this board is trash.

>> No.15574460


gtfo you nucrypto faggot, you won't ever make it

>> No.15574473

>Implying I care about crypto

>> No.15574499
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Shit. Count me in.
schizoided myself + INTJ
Not bad life tho.

I ghost more than I should. No merit in explaining things or the lack of gain in fruitless interaction.

>> No.15574501


yeah that's because you are stupid and a faggot as a fact, kys

>> No.15574502

yeah i've done this forever too, never really felt bad about it either. curious to hear more.

>> No.15574562

schizoid is the apathy disorder. we don't form emotional connections to people, so likely unless they initiate you have no one in your life, or just a few close friends.
read the wiki it's interesting. also a little depressing because it usually doesn't end well for us

>> No.15574572
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>ghosted a friend because I was an asshole
>he ended up becoming a tranny

>> No.15574577
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>> No.15574588
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>implying it ends well for anybody

>> No.15574591

Solitude isn't that bad anyway, you get used to it.

>> No.15574604
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>> No.15574605

It's either schizoid personality disorder or avoidant personality disorder. Probably some legit aspie regulars here too. Intj/p neet hikkis all end up here.

>> No.15574633

I do the same, 50% because I'm autistic and 50% because I'm ashamed of being a lazy loser when most of them are very successful.

>> No.15574677

>searching on DuckDuckGo in the event Big Data hasn't figured yet that I am unfit for life in society
Guess I'll order some Buproprion on an indian online pharmacy.

>> No.15575475

Very like-minded souls itt. Incredibly easy to take this route in a modern society

>> No.15575531
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Why is this type so popular on 4channel? I did the same, I don’t speak to anyone now. Partly because of shame at feeling like a loser, part of it was just generally hating being around other people.

>> No.15575538

anybody who doesn't even bother to give you a phone call with well wishes during any holiday is not a friend.

>> No.15575568

It's fucking mind blowing seeing girls who were half decent looking in high school hit the wall at 22 - 24. Their life is fucking over already

>> No.15575596

This is me. Been playing Vidya for the past year with very little human contact. I have trouble speaking with ppl IRL now. I sound like I'm stuttering

>> No.15575618

I live alone, work alone, spend about 99% of my time alone. I go for long walks at night. Fitness and exercise is the only thing that keeps the suicidal thoughts away. I used to walk about 20km per night just thinking about ways to kill myself but every so often some distant friend or reason to keep going comes into my life and I talk myself out of it. This has been my life for about 7 years since I started focussing on my school work and career, socializing was good but people are fickle and fake. 99% of the "friends" you make at bars or events are not real friends. Even most gfs have not been "real" friends as the minute a better option comes along or difficulty arises they're gone. Still. I see some men's lives at 30 and I'm so glad I'm not them. Divorced dudes paying alimony, kids broken up, debt, toxic sexless marriages ... Being alone can be hard but coming here and knowing someone will read this and I will read their post gives me the slightest connection to the ever weakening fabric of society. Indeed 4channel is one of the last hallways of truth and dialogue in an ever more toxic sludgepool of a society in the west.

>> No.15575664

>Still. I see some men's lives at 30 and I'm so glad I'm not them.

Redpilled, we're not visible to society, but at least we aren't cucked slaves

>> No.15575670

>tfw reconnected with my middle/high school friends through classic WoW

feels good man

>> No.15575703

anybody who thinks that is a normie faggot who i dont want to be friends with
"happy" late patriot day though

>> No.15576003


>> No.15576127

Yeah, I did that too. College friends too. I never felt real connection with them and I could never have interesting conversations with them. The only people I've had meaningful discussion with are 4channels. I can't imagine talking about economics, politics, philosophy in depth in real life.

>> No.15576128


>> No.15576138
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Keep it up fren, you're not alone in spirit.

>> No.15576210
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>night walks
you have to go back

>> No.15576214


>> No.15576237

>I used to walk about 20km per night just thinking about ways to kill myself but every so often some distant friend or reason to keep going comes into my life and I talk myself out of it.
Sounds familiar. For me it's my parents. I could never hurt them like that. Once they die tho, I'm out.

>> No.15576274

>haha I'm like like totally cool with being alone all the time. I hate people. so schizo!
>but I spend 24 hours a day posting on 4chins to emulate social interaction

>> No.15576343

Even tho 4chan can be toxic sometimes I like talking to anon and have mostly fond memories of my 10 years here.

>> No.15576352

Damn I'm not sure how I would cope if I went from 7 to 5 over a few years. With no hope of ever getting it back

Imagine your ride being over already at 25

>> No.15576362

I'm a living ghost in a rural area never to be found. Intentionally avoid any familiar human for 11 years now, most of family has died at a rate of 1 every year-- I shouldn't post anymore. Learned to enjoy discomfort.

>> No.15576364

It's better to have no friends than to have trash friends than drag you down and treat you as a tool/resource.

>> No.15576370

friends that*

>> No.15576536

pretty normal imo
old friends better left in the past anon

>> No.15576544

>you have to live for yourself anon
this, everyone is too selfish to even care about you

>> No.15576557

When you turn 25 you maybe have one close friend whom you occasionally workout with or go out with. Other than that it’s a lonesome world unless you have a girlfriend of whom is always a social butterfly slut. So having a girl around makes your life more social

>> No.15576583

this meme is genius

>> No.15576708

Nope doing the same thing

>> No.15576764

>You can't smoke weed and play Halo 3 forever.
Can relate to that. I used to play a lot of it with a group of friends I had in HS. It's probably so common so it's why the other anon thought you were some other guy that said it too.

The joke's on me though, those guys probably are financially, socially and sexually better off than I am today.

>i literally never reach out and only ever respond to people instead of initiating conversation myself.
Holy shit this was me too. I never called my friends, I just waited for them to call me or either I just staid at home doing whatever and just assumed they weren't interested in me. I am amazed I even managed to have some friends for a few years.

>> No.15576773

yeah I actually have been reading through it, because I considered myself avoidant. this fits much better. *can* form good relationships, just have no interest in doing so quite often. Thanks anon.

im a big believer in mindset though. I'm an entj with 97% extraversion. but a "learned" extrovert, didn't start that way, no one has to stay introverted, which i think contributes a lot to the not ending well for most.

>> No.15576791
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Holy fucking shit. Psychiatry is a pseudoscience but with me this one just hit the nail on every little detail.
How do we solve this? No psychiatric meme drugs that make you a zombie please.

>> No.15576797


>> No.15576802
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>tfw ghosted online gaming friends that i never even met in real life.

>> No.15576804

>somehow they're still here and actively getting in touch with me

why do they do this? i never seek anyone out but people keep bothering me
if anyone itt can explain the reason why you would want to do something like watch a movie together please explain, i dont get it

>> No.15576817

Yes, if you're schizophrenic.

>> No.15576822
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>ghosted my entire group of online friends for absolutely no reason even though I liked them more than anyone I had ever met irl

>> No.15576830

Normal people unironically get slightly high from interacting with others especially friends. Healthy brain rewards itself for being social. In people like us this mechanism malfunctions. Neuroscience is not a meme, it explains almost everything. The consciousness itself is still enigma.

>> No.15576832
File: 136 KB, 904x461, 1qz4x8xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

33 here. I literally only see those "friends" at parent's funerals... Last time was my """best friends"""" father. This is all it has come to. (but at least they've all made a family of their own, children, etc...).

>> No.15576836

I have a few friends and I always have. But I very rarely initiate contact, so I have lost a lot of friends because I never make contact first. I´m an introvert, but I like being around people sometimes, but I have no problem being alone also.

>> No.15576837

I'm 30 and at stage right now where I accepted who I am. I'm a introvert, loner-type of guy and will be like that till the day I day.

>> No.15576840

>didn't ghost them because they stopped talking to me anyway once I left

>> No.15576842

I always say I´m gonna change, but I never do. My only hope is that Tezos is gonna make me rich

>> No.15576928

I didn't ask for this, yet i am born incapable of being a normal human bean? damn

>> No.15576962

dude, it is literally mindset, it made the huge difference for me once you become aware of the shit and your place in it. there are some good books on it. you're on /biz/ because you want more for yourself, change your mindset, change your life. don't take the jewMeds™. it's unnecessary for people like us.

>> No.15576970
File: 56 KB, 1347x742, Screenshot_2019-09-13 Schizoid personality disorder - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how many items have you picked up from this table?

>> No.15577052

Be honest. You didn't "ghost" them. Nobody was checking up on you and your lack of social skills created a feedback effect where you increasingly isolated yourself and you didn't realize how truly alone you were until it was too late and you hadn't seen anyone for like 10 months.

>> No.15577062

It's pretty much the same as any other disability except it's in your brain so other people don't take it seriously.

>> No.15577073
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>hidden grandiosity

>> No.15577082

Reading about erotomania was seriously embarrassing. Even tho I know about it now I still catch myself thinking that one chick is totally into me sometimes. Makes me cringe at myself

>> No.15577106

How do you not ghost someone wtf? I feel like I can't just call up someone I haven't talked to in 6 months and just chat.

>> No.15577117

same, fren

>> No.15577132

I always feel like I'm intruding. Like surely this person has better things to do than talking to me.

>> No.15577134
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my only friends are steam friends.

>> No.15577159
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>Graduated highschool 11 years ago
>Realized that no one actually gave a shit about me and we just talked because it was convenient for them
>Even the guy I considered my best friend didn't seem very glad when I would show up and acted like I was a bother

I thought I had friends but I guess I never had any at all. Now it's been way too long to ever make real friends or even fake friends again because I've spent the last decade in relative isolation and adults have no interest in making new friends.

>> No.15577196

old work colleague sends me a friend request on kikebook. i ignore it.
another work colleague calls me, three times, see it ringing, never pick up. never call back.
and there's no reason whatsoever for me to dislike these people.

>> No.15577214

I unironically thought this too, but ghosting your family is way more difficult, and heartbreaking, and your suicide would impact them way more, which is something that I could never do.

>> No.15577218

I did this in highschool.

>group of friends was toxic to eachother
>best friend cucked me with a girl he knew I liked
>was tired of being friendzoned for 2 years
>said fuck it and removed everyone from facebook
>stopped replying to best friends texts
>it was summer and they all graduated
>I didnt give a shit about school so I was pretty much held back from graduating
>dropped out so I wasnt a 20 year old highschooler
>take welding and get good
>lose my drive to do it for inexplicable reason
>became a janitor working with middle aged burnouts
>left that after a year and a half
>work at goodwill with tweakers and more burnouts for a year and a half
>quit and work for home depot.

I haven't had a friend in 8 years. I've been getting better at socializing now that I work with more normies at Home depot, but i still struggle with talking to girls. They talk about a "snap" or something a lot and I have no fucking idea what that even means.

>> No.15577276

Why is defining yourself as an introvert is seen as a better type than defining yourself as an extrovert?
Whenever the topic comes up about what type of person he is. Most of the time people say they're introverted, and they say it as if it's a rare type to be.

>> No.15577317

pretty specific anon, something you wanna share?

>> No.15577374

welcome to they have the internet on computers & most of those friends are wankeres

>> No.15577415
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>"like i sometimes feel like having a night home instead of going out partying with chad, im like soooo introverted right?!"
why are normies like this

>> No.15577487
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I've done this as well and I imagine i'll do it to my college friends soon
I graduated but am working in my town while they're all still in school and I feel like we have less and less in common

>> No.15577545

Not that many desu. Maybe 20% at max

>> No.15577549

Tfw no friends

>> No.15577655

I lived like that for a while. Found that long runs and meditation are helpful as well. Godspeed anon.

>> No.15577745

Yeah, I ghost everyone eventually.

>> No.15578157

In this clown world being a schizoid neet is actually the best option. God blew you freen

>> No.15578253

I checked 90% of those kek

>> No.15578449


Part autism, and for some, part because some people here see the modern world for what it is, aka trash, so become more isolated/black pilled out of disgust, which is not a healthy response either.

>> No.15578494


Uh oh

>> No.15578625

I seem to cluster more schizotypal than schizoid, but it’s a subtle distinction at best.

>> No.15578701

>tfw ignored tge few pms l got on faceberg for years before I removed faceberg completely
>didn't answer knocks on my door in my dorm throughout high school
>don't answer texts from work collegues
>only exchange greetings and some work related details when running into collegues before I hurry to return to work alone
>usually ghosting anons on chans after two or three replies because my mind goes blank in conversation
>still feel lonely
Is this mental illness?

>> No.15578775

I know that feel

>> No.15578866

Same here. Even if they call me, I feel like l am bothering them. They aren't even bothering me, I can't explain why l do this.

>> No.15578951

Why would a girl who's a social butterfly want to date someone who has zero friends?