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15568243 No.15568243 [Reply] [Original]

CME Fedwatch:


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>> No.15568254

down 6% today fuck yeah

>> No.15568262

Quantitative easing means buy bitcoin, 20k end of year

>> No.15568270
File: 155 KB, 1062x543, SmartSelect_20190731-132157_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading day isnt even over fren. Ror! Gotta be patient sometimes.

>> No.15568271

Where’s my big green?

>> No.15568277

We do it because it's hard

>> No.15568281

what's your portfolio? SQQQ?

>> No.15568287
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11/1 ATVI calls anyone?

>> No.15568299
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Any spider bros left? KBLB announced finalists for their board of directors in preparation for uplisting and reverse split. Up 15% rn.

>> No.15568346

Not a bad play, but I usually don't buy my options that far out. I'm a gambling man.

>> No.15568351

REEEEEEE, I can’t believe this... I tried doubling my position on GRPN calls to average down cost and after such a quick execution I realized I sold my current options at a 3x loss... I got absolutely STUFFED

>> No.15568361

tlrd scalp sell here

>> No.15568382

(at 5.38)

>> No.15568420

I bought like 50 bucks a couple months ago and put it in my ira, we’ll see how rich it makes me...

>> No.15568421

Just pump my campbells to 50 bruh

>> No.15568425
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I hit 10k!

>> No.15568429
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That dip might have been a golden opportunity to load up, watch this market hit highs by eod.

>> No.15568445

>650 buying power
Definitely take some money off the table, especially when we're flirting with ATHs

>> No.15568489
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>NBRV is finally awake

>> No.15568495

Is using the max rh margin a bd idea? Haha
Dude you should zoom out, we have hit these aths like 3 times in the past year.


>> No.15568500


>> No.15568506

If the ECB stimulates the system won't it come with inflation and lead to the FED raising the rate a few basis points to keep inflation on target?

>> No.15568513

I'm not even recession FUDing. You've done good. Don't let greed get the best of you.

>> No.15568518

Everyone wants inflation to make their debts go away.

>> No.15568520

Was he ever? News to me. He said he’d delay tariffs in good faith to make a deal, is that what they mean? Did he cancel pushing the tariffs? I dont think done ever talked about an interim china deal, deal or no deal

>> No.15568528
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@ROKU is getting fuckin' murdered and I'm sitting here like pic related.

>> No.15568541
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>mfw the FED begins purchasing equities by next year

>> No.15568547

Wasn't that a rumor from some other media?

>> No.15568558

Oh shit was that just a runor? I have likeevery news outlet blowing my phone up saying that.
Goddamn fake news always shitting everything up

>> No.15568563
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Threadly reminder Trump has been hawkish on China since the 80s, and will never bend the knee until the US becomes a manufacturing powerhouse again. So, never. Get comfy and load up dem shorts.

>> No.15568569

Did you see China is allowing foreign investments now? No one even wants to. China is fucking desperate

>> No.15568586

Could be planted by china to save their face. Or to pressure Trump to come back to the table

>> No.15568592


FASTLY chad here btw

>> No.15568601

$2.34 by the end of the week!

>> No.15568644


>> No.15568650

Damn, quite thread. Everyone must have gotten stopped out.

>> No.15568659
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Bought some yesterday, my cost basis is shit

>> No.15568660

I'm just watching my gains with a hawk eye rn fren

>> No.15568676

Putting my loans into a savings account is lame. Should I invest some of them into ETFs? What should I go for?

Can I singlehandedly cause another Great Depression?

>> No.15568696

Hope it’s a longer term hold?

One of the best SAAS there is with a generational CEO

>> No.15568721

You want to keep savings somewhere easily accessible in case shit heads south. That being said, you could probably stake some stablecoins and get higher returns in something like nexo.

>> No.15568731
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The tractor beam is too strong, nothing can stop this market’s ascent

>> No.15568744


>> No.15568756

Current folio comp:

ADVM 9/20 $10 Calls

ACB 10/18 $6 Calls

ZTS 10/18 $130 Calls

TLRD 10/18 $6 Calls

most bought this morning near lows, sold my PLAY calls near todays top, sold my NBRV calls too early, sold my ZS calls earlier today before it dumped more

>> No.15568759
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>> No.15568763

What do you mean hope?
Are you buying it for a quick flip?

I’m also eying CLOU today, holds a lot of shopify

>> No.15568765

I’m starting to think the chinese run our media. Or the jews just working with them for now. How does every news outlet always push propaganda for other countries? Never thiught id miss american propaganda

>> No.15568779

Media follows the money. The Chinese are rich as fuck. Simple as.

>> No.15568790

How much do you want to keep in liquid savings?

>> No.15568818

is it time to sell?

>> No.15568827

No I meant that it’s one of the best companies in the valley right now

This dip was godly and momo will walk this back up

SaaS midcap is where you should be putting your long term funds

>> No.15568838
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Ror! No. Just people capturing some profits I'm sure. Short interest of float is still at 57%. Down from 82% less than a month ago. We've still a ways to go!

>> No.15568848

The fuck is ROKU doing? I got puts here that need this shit to drop another 20%.

>> No.15568857

okay, I bought late yesterday, but it wasn't too much. I'll hold on your advice.

>> No.15568862

Down 11% on the week isn't a drop enough for you baggie? did you buy out of the money puts?

>> No.15568881
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the last time the media played American propaganda was the entirety of the obama administration where they pretended he was a good leader.
I don't really miss it.

>> No.15568885

They were in the money when I bought them yesterday.

>> No.15568887
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stop stalling Wall street. we can handle an All time high

>> No.15568888

Imagine buying puts when the ECB just have the ultimate bull signal for risk

I genuinely worry about some of you

>> No.15568897
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Ror! I'm hodl too! But my situation may be different from yours since I bought low 6s and high 5s.

>> No.15568918

what did the ECB fuckers just do?

>> No.15568920
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LCI denied of 15

>> No.15568933

Depends. I don't have answer I'm a broke bitch lol. But I think you don't need more than a years worth of expenses if you wanna be super responsible.

>> No.15568936

what does that mean exactly?

>> No.15568937

Anyone know anything about PMCB?


>> No.15568940
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>... for now
Just wait until near close. If you havent noticed the mid day dips by now...

>> No.15568945
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Are you new, fren? Welcome to /smg/! Ror!

>> No.15568953
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>> No.15568957

roku is an annoying and hard short because of the bounces... we havent seen big ones yet like in October last year (+18%)

>> No.15568973

that's why i was anal the past weeks about timing the top

>> No.15568976

Yeah, but what about my holdings? :(

Why does uncle sam never think about me??!?!?!?

>> No.15568985

You just realized?

>> No.15568986

>we have hit these aths like 3 times in the past year.

yeah and look at the cheapies we got erry timeeee shortly after that

>> No.15569002

No it will actually be deflationary for the US as imports get cheaper

>> No.15569010
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Daily dividend bro checking in with 1.4% unpaid gains.

>> No.15569021
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>> No.15569029

just dont get hybris

>> No.15569037

yes, I am new. inform me please.

>> No.15569043

I was thinking more bush era. I didnt really feel like obama propaganda was american propaganda lmao dems love chinese money, that is and hasnt been a secret

>> No.15569047
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>betting against the united states of america

>> No.15569051

Hard not to when you make 5.4% while people here call you foolish to strive for 2.5%/week from a strategy that can't work.

>> No.15569054
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based and divvypilled

>> No.15569059

If lci goes to 60 by jan 20th i dont have to work anymore...
I can spend my life trading

>> No.15569062

to the moon finally
I'm thinking slow climb to $12, how about u? I canceled all my limit sells so I can watch.

>> No.15569068
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>> No.15569070
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oh fuck

>> No.15569077

Honestly if everything i hold besides lci went to 50% right now id be happy as a clam. I love my holdings and would buy more.

>> No.15569088




>> No.15569093

deflation with low/negative rates can combine to be a terrible thing...as there isn't much to create inflation at that point

>> No.15569112
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how am I doing lads

>> No.15569118
File: 127 KB, 550x550, 30Rock_GE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy better stocks
get paid more ;^)

creating inflation is easy... just turn on the printing press and spend the money through the government to buy things in the real economy. print->spend->inflate

>> No.15569121

Company is bankrupt retard

>> No.15569124

Horrible. Strive for perfection anon, you are close.

>> No.15569132

in theory yes, but in practice your lenders are going to be pissed and probably force you to default, then you'll never get borrowers and then you'll just turn deflation into hyper inflation

>> No.15569141

so they can use that $4b/yr to pay down debts so they have a chance to survive

>> No.15569142

GE cut their dividend to try and turn around their business. this is why I sold immediately upon hearing that. same for KHC

>> No.15569172

Focus on a real dividend today like BKCC (2.5%), then take the money and run

>> No.15569183

Not sure. I think it'll settle no higher than 5 until contempo

>> No.15569189

>hold stock until 0
>MUH dividends

Boomer retard logic

>> No.15569206

How's everybody doin' what's everybody eating? I'm getting cucked by these ROKU puts, but when this shit hits $120 I'll be fucking stoked.

>> No.15569212
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>dividend earners are gonna flash crash to 0 more so than other stocks

>> No.15569230

End the Yen End the Yen
USD/Jap to one hundred and ten

>> No.15569257

so the question becomes sell around 4 or 5 and use profits on less risky ventures or wait for contempo and possibly sell at 10 or 12?

>> No.15569262
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>> No.15569271


>> No.15569275

Im eating Macdonalds double cheeseburger

>> No.15569286
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Alright, let's go. 100 shares of TLRD. 200 more if it dips below $5.

>> No.15569304

>Invest $100
>3 years later it's worth $75
I can't wait for all the snowflakes to kill themselves next recession.

>> No.15569305

Anyone ever look into ECL? They have the best pest program in the world and the customer's that they have are some of the biggest businesses in their respective fields such as MCD, HLT, RVI, WMT. As a former employee of their pest division, I can safely say that each of the companies listed above need what Ecolab provides in the way of pest protocols and elimination.

>> No.15569309

Honestly if you're in under 3, I'd just keep holding unless you think you can make a sure fire bet. I think this is gonna crank up over the next year. I'd at least hold until next earnings. Once I find a good exit point for my options, I'm just gonna buy a few hundred and sit on it myself.

>> No.15569316

>thinking about buying some more FANG today.

No not facebook etc, but Diamand back energy, they're a domestic (US) oil company. Ticker: FANG

Anyone else for domestic oil? I think OPEC will be cutting production soon, making it lucrative to start pumping here again.

>> No.15569318

>tfw you don't know whether lunchbro will ever come back

McDouble costs $1.94. Sub $2 lunch is hard to beat. that plus some vitamins and water and i'm good to go til dinner

>> No.15569335
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I've had the same dream two nights in a row. very clear, very present.
In both cases I've bought something at the grocery store, maybe some quarts of milk. And when I bring them home they're all 1/2 full or 1/3 full. So I've bought multiple units of each item to try and get a normal amount, because they're all significantly low.

The meaning is obvious.

also, separate from that:
I can't tell if this is a bearish or bullish indicator:

>> No.15569336
File: 1.12 MB, 498x278, tenor(7).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LCI will rise!!!!!!!! Ror!
Having a Jym protein shake! Today was shoulders and triceps day!

>> No.15569343

daily reminder to listen to boomer advice on investing before you waste your entire life trying and become a boomer yourself

>> No.15569365

Obviously you were dreaming about sex.

>> No.15569367

lol anal

>> No.15569368

I'm about to buy the fuck out of some puts

>> No.15569375
File: 334 KB, 1080x1567, Screenshot_2019-09-12-13-01-56-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I have been so stupid... WalletInvestor says that TLRD is going to $0 in a year's time.

>> No.15569387

The entire ponzi scheme fiat based economy is crashing down. The levels of debt are simply unserviceable and a massive reset is just around the corner the only way to counteract this is to buy physical gold and ammunition

>> No.15569390
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Should I just call it quits on stocks and AFK on index funds?

>> No.15569393

you a bottom m8?

>> No.15569394

Your dream means that if you buy DF brand milk, you're only getting 1/2 or 1/3 the milk that the same price would buy you of the store brand milk.

>> No.15569412

Based Golden Bulls

>> No.15569416
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I drink my Dairy Pure(™) straight from the tapp

>> No.15569419

Friendly reminder that bioshit doesn't have a bottom, all my gains for today just got demolished by bioshit gambling

>> No.15569422

Makes you feel like playing some Stronghold...

>> No.15569427
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$2+ price difference between high and low. What is this called?

>> No.15569439
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"price movement"

>> No.15569442

i did that 10 years ago, it was the right choice

>> No.15569448
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I am poor, and dumb, but hey, it's something

>> No.15569449

GORO is down slightly today. Literally a no brainier guys

>> No.15569463
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>unironically hitting ATHs

>> No.15569466

Mhmm. Keep at it fren! But at those levels you're better off working and just depositing money now and again for trades rather than trying to make it from a couple hundred.

>> No.15569473

That's disgusting.

My comment about pricing only applies to milk by the way. Other DF products like ice cream or fake milks (e.g. Good Karma) seem to all be competitively priced. It's just the milk that is so expensive relative to store brands. Just recently I stopped at a grocery store, thinking I might get a couple gallons of milk while I was there, but even the store brand was about the same price as DF, 75% more than what I knew it went for at the places I usually shop. I decided to hold off on milk until the next time I was at the store.

>> No.15569474

Is it too late to buy into SPY?

>> No.15569479

You're starting to FOMO, anon. Step away from the brokerage account.

>> No.15569481
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Ror! LCI WANTS UP!!! Dont fight it just let it happen!

>> No.15569482

It does seem like it. On the other hand I really like the idea of dividends and the data seems to suggest that going stocks is more volatile but always more profitable in the long run (24 at the moment so I have time to ride a few recessions and crashes) but index funds seems like the way to go unless you're actually very interested in stocks and like to track companies, the market etc. I'm not really one of those guys, I just want to invest my money and make even more instead of having it sit in the bank and rot away to inflation.

>> No.15569489

Galt yes!

>> No.15569491
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>> No.15569499


>> No.15569507

What the fuck?

I got stopped out of my TQQQ because of the stupid dip this morning, massively cut short my profits.

This market... is kind of sucks

>> No.15569511

Having a bad day on the stock market, maybe this means I will have a good day otherwise.

>> No.15569521

that's the goal, I wageslave 40 and then put a bit in there every now and then

>> No.15569522

This evening is my deadlift day. Can't wait.

>> No.15569532

a 24 year old should not be focusing on dividend stocks, it's not tax efficient. set it and forget it for a large portion of your money, the rest you can tinker if you want to.

>> No.15569534
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>> No.15569538
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Ror! Heres the update from the ol' memefolio! Ah memories.

>> No.15569542
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>> No.15569550


>> No.15569551

What do you hold?

>> No.15569556

It's not tax-efficient to hold dividend-paying stocks in a tax-advantaged account like an IRA? Even in a taxable account, my long-term capital gains tax rate is 0%.

>> No.15569565

That sounds like something similar to what my brother told me. He's the one that got me into investing and I told him I'm basically just really attracted to the idea of passive income, dividends etc and it's a more fun way to invest because you have a constant stream of new revenue to invest/spend instead of having to sell off stocks and funds, but he more or less just said "if they're not beating the index then they're probably not worth it and if you want to live off dividends then buy dividend stocks when you're older" which sound reasonable.

>> No.15569571

Justed the fuck out by my gold stocks. Peter Schiff is the reason for my suicide

>> No.15569581
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I'm having a really terrible market month. Can someone give an example of their winning portfolio?

>> No.15569582
File: 92 KB, 793x793, benjamin-graham-dividends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You DESERVE dividends and if, companies are not paying out the majority of their earnings to shareholders, they'd better have a GOOD explanation.

>> No.15569585

better in a IRA if you're young. but tihnk about those companies that return most of their earnings back to shareholders -- they do so because they're mostly done growing, as they're not reinvesting in themselves. when you're young, you should focus on growth companies that have the potential to grow exponentially over time.

>> No.15569589

Anyone else have any thoughts on domestic oil? Or investing in crude as a commodity? Good idea? Stupid?

>> No.15569593

What about a 28 year old?

>> No.15569601

august was all losses for me

>> No.15569605

Reinvesting earnings to further growth, resulting in larger dividends down the road and a much higher selling price if I want to cash out?

>> No.15569607
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>> No.15569614

Sold 3 of 28.2 shares of MRK.
Dems Debate has a chance to fuck with healthcare. May sell JNJ too and try to get back in around 136, already sold out of UNH a while ago.

Just some updates for the prudent investor.

Always have some of those dank dividend stocks that will never die. Some KO, PEP, MCD, DIS, etc.
Especially in your Roth IRA

>> No.15569615

yeah sounds reasonable, and i do understand the attractiveness of watching your monthly passive income grow, imagining that if you're able to buy N more of X, then you'll have Y coming in every month. i'm not anti-divs, i hold some, just wouldn't focus on it.

>> No.15569624
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haha STONKS!

>> No.15569627

But but but he is right because he said on his podcast on <insert date> to buy and you only had to then sell and hold when it was $x,xxx price on <insert date>. PEOPLE JUST DON’T GET IT, WHEN THEY DO GOLD WILL BE THE ONLY REAL MONEY
**repeats loudly for 10 years**

>> No.15569631

adjust allocation by 2.71%

>> No.15569636

That’s a GOOD reason. Plenty of companies “reinvest” and give bloated paychecks to management

>> No.15569641

There is utility value in having cash flow without selling the underlying asset. I use my dividends to cover expenses on my rental properties.

>> No.15569644

reminder that as interest rates lower dividends will outperform growth

>> No.15569649
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>tfw its push day
No worries my grip is iron fren!

>> No.15569651
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Mhmm. Dont forget writing options too!

>> No.15569653


>> No.15569655
File: 27 KB, 506x218, Screen Shot 2019-09-12 at 10.33.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Instantly questioning that decision, but I've got enough exposure to based Merck.

>> No.15569660

This is some absolutely brainlet tier advise.

>> No.15569695

Imagine thinking a 24yo has enough investments that he’ll be meaningfully taxed. “Oh wow i got $2.00 in divvies!”
>taxed $0.01

>> No.15569697

why aren't my call on activision going through it just says pending.

>> No.15569710

Dang it, UNH is hitting EXdivvy tomorrow too... I want it.

Damn Warren...

>> No.15569713

Public companies only exist to make me money. Like Graham said, if a company can demonstrate that re-investing earnings really is producing sufficient growth to justify not distributing earnings to shareholders, that's fine, but that's often not the case.

>> No.15569743
File: 16 KB, 1080x173, Screenshot_2019-09-12-13-29-43-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% ODP should yield at least a 25% annual return.

>> No.15569830


>> No.15569849

not if warren or sanders in, those $2 of dividends will be taxed for $1.85 to go pay for the illegals abortions and college tuition

>> No.15569855
File: 118 KB, 900x874, Too+hasty+by+far_c02969_7290106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15569877

Any one else holding on to GME?

>> No.15569894

The VIX is about to do a thing

>> No.15569926
File: 64 KB, 2538x871, portfolio_div.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of my portfolio? The point is to generate monthly cash-flow that my business could deploy for our functions or to reinvest. The monthly payments enable us to have more freedom to decide where to put our capital.

>> No.15569945

t. plebs

come back to the adults table when you have big boy portfolios

>> No.15569962

KYS already

>> No.15569983


>> No.15569992
File: 127 KB, 608x359, miningdividends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much would be a big boi portfolio desu?

>> No.15569997

I got dicked on an earnings put, I ain't touching them again

>> No.15570009

$1m, but $100k and $500k are also important milestones

>> No.15570016
File: 168 KB, 427x250, brainpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help a brainlet out.

I was intrested in looking at stocks and stuff so I went to trading 212 cuz they give you fake money to dick around with, and whenever I paid for a stock the price I could sell it at was instantly less.

Why is the market vaule less then the actual stock price? Is it someone trying to make money on transactions or is it because of transaction fees or what.

>> No.15570029

Dont forget $10k. Every new digit is important milestone! Big boy is $500k. Its enough that you can reasonably live off dividends and other yield.

>> No.15570030

Probably trading fees

>> No.15570046

Why has acb not moved this afternoon? I bought some 10/18 $6 calls and am hoping for the best.

>> No.15570052
File: 68 KB, 480x702, a1871c4855cf376d723f10d95dabca3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ror! Considering buying in desu. Looks cheap! BUT... Is Burry right on this one? The tutes are sure holding fast...

>> No.15570053
File: 1.10 MB, 1191x1587, 1561281569455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$500k. Its enough that you can reasonably live off dividends and other yield.

need 5 million for starters
I live cheap too

>> No.15570061

some jerk is throttling it. almost 21mil shares have sold since this morning

>> No.15570065

Post yours then

>> No.15570070
File: 293 KB, 820x991, 128-1281930_9105314-neet-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be around ~17500, above poverty line

>> No.15570073

You need like 50k a month to live cheap?

>> No.15570081

mine isn't important, calling out retards is what matters. your post (>>15569695) makes a better argument for growth stocks than it does for div stocks

>> No.15570083

there are trading fees, bid-ask spread, market makers fucking you up.

>> No.15570086
File: 110 KB, 736x1029, 8c50310e78bc1a1e28f8d4cd71fa4d13--anime-maid-maids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live cheap
>$50k per year isnt cheap

>> No.15570089

Someone give me advice.

>> No.15570102
File: 16 KB, 390x529, testing2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Website and everyone else says it has zero trading fees, I don't get why the two dispayed numbers are different.

>> No.15570117

I hate these deep dip days on the dude weed. I knew it was coming and hedged accordingly but it's never a comfy feel. Bought more Cresco at open today and bought again when it shed 5% for no reason. Sell walks all over the place on the whole sector. Shorts getting uppity.

>> No.15570127
File: 90 KB, 1072x804, 64DF690C-74FA-443C-8418-353B04CF4A2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither is relevant because its peanuts.
Literally a waste of time to think and talk about. I lost the tax a 24yo would pay in my time value explaing this to you. It’s irrelevant. Pondering over teeny amounts is unpreductive. Building portfolios is what matters.
My account is 10k and postested earlier in the thread about hitting 10k, started with 6800 3 months ago

>> No.15570139

I live on less than than 50k a year now
but a 10% yield (post-tax) isn't "safe" at all
5 million, 2% yield post-tax gets me 100k, which is over twice as much as I need to live while my worth and yields continue to grow.

>> No.15570145

Ok so this is what happened I think
>you placed a market order, so it was purchased at the best possible price
>it is probably creating it's own fake infrastructure, so the best price available was higher than what the market price was (look up how market price is determined, basically in between the average bid and ask price)
Can be avoided by placing limit orders but they don't always execute. I have this happen on coinmetro due to low volume.

>> No.15570146

Are you market selling? If so, your sell gies through at the highest current bid. The last traded price doesn't matter. To avoid disadvantageous sell or buy, use limit orders.

>> No.15570179
File: 369 KB, 2351x3411, 3d81ce6b66adf102a89b807effd87baf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10% annual yield + growth isnt safe
Ror ok

>> No.15570185

You're gonna make it.

>> No.15570190

Ah thanks man.

>> No.15570206

285$ 10/11 SPY put, its literally free money

>> No.15570220

Np. But you should also get some skin in the game too. Just practice making a few trades that seem good a month with maybe a few hundred or so. I use a mix of Robinhood and Webull, I think both are good when starting out.

>> No.15570230

S-so when would I not want to use a limit order if it costs me more monE?

>> No.15570234
File: 24 KB, 640x485, 8RpqwzO_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with this LCI crab? It wants up! Stop bogging it bogs!

>> No.15570245

people are busy throttling ACB

>> No.15570250

I'm fully new so im just doing research before anything, asking dumb questions on 4chan then gonna go study up and ask a friend whos into trading.

>> No.15570262
File: 53 KB, 515x487, 1543805866133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Mooning bois.

>> No.15570272
File: 311 KB, 1000x1000, 1554783624751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked everywhere for research
>only found dated videos or pajeet ones
>most banks probably won't let me use them to buy anything
>mfw still on the journey to get in

>> No.15570278

Oh my god just go to all time highs already so I can say my funny poem

>> No.15570284
File: 30 KB, 353x499, 41w7dIIVpEL._SX351_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, someone has to want to sell at your price or better. At market price, it doesn't make as large of a difference, but if the stock is super volatile, then it may not execute. I notice this isn't USUALLY a problem in most stonks, but I make a lot of market orders on crypto if I don't wanna deal with it.

So basically, you make a market order if a stock is highly volatile and you don't give a fuck what you get it as so long as you get it. I recommend in your stage, almost always aim for limit orders.

No shame in that friend. But I recommend picking up this book if you're ridiculously new. It's short, easy to understand, and applicable. You don't necessarily have to follow it's advice (for me I trade for fun and being a degenerate gambler) but it's a good way to understand personal risk. Better than a lot of boomer books.

>> No.15570306

What did you mean by this

>> No.15570310
File: 206 KB, 1024x768, WkI7Eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LCI power hour incoming

>> No.15570368

what the fuck! How?

The only stock I've ever made money on has been Nvidia

>> No.15570383

>He didn't buy REFR


>> No.15570388

All time high for me lads.

>> No.15570403

I'm extremely high as well
cheers ;^)

>> No.15570409

We overbought, take profits.

Screenshot this, God of Nothing.

>> No.15570434

Overbought what?

>> No.15570462


>> No.15570494

How so?

>> No.15570505

memestocks run on memes

>> No.15570571

VRUS is getting crushed ; oh, alas for my poor little 1k TD ameritrade OTC account
and as far as I know, the OTC poster hasn't been seen around these parts in over a month. he was grumpy at times, but he was an interesting and good friend to /smg/
what to do, what to do

>> No.15570661

Anyone else balls deep in AVGO?

>> No.15570707

Holding on to my puts boyo, this puffin needs some good news...

>> No.15570750

We're going to rally for the next 9 months I'm selling at that time though and will hodl fiat waiting for a market crash then buy bitcoin before the feds start QE again.

>> No.15570770

>tomorrow is Friday the 13th
hol up buying more puts

>> No.15570826
File: 412 KB, 882x1471, SmartSelect_20190912-151009_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that. All these companies have excessive short interest. Lots of familiar names. Times are changing bros. Are... are we the boomers now?

>> No.15570839

Should I be automatically investing my dividends in my dividend stocks? (Also, I'm offered the chance to automatically reinvest when my income amount gets to x amount. If I say yes, does that mean the amount will be spread between my stocks?)

>> No.15570844
File: 71 KB, 750x686, 1530643761959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to pick up TRNX shares sometime before the November 5th record date, at which point every share recieves a dividend of 5 shares of the new spinoff, initially valued at $1 each.

Maybe not today though. Price just jumped ~30% this week.

>> No.15570856
File: 745 KB, 1125x1279, AA2454EA-E163-4164-9A12-ED729F37B70F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m eyeing some SH.

That’d be nice, but I think we’ll get a dem dip tomorrow.

And this oscillator Cramer trades off of is pretty good sometimes, if I had more money I’d consider paying for it, maybe even before a Bloomberg terminal.

>> No.15570862

Trnx is the biggest fucking scam shit. They are notorious, the fact they are still around at all is astounding
You will lose money on this guaranteed

>> No.15570884

Keep the faith anon

>> No.15570888

No it denied 14.7, like I said it would in the last thread (or two threads ago or whatever). The resistance zone was 14.5-14.7.

>> No.15570891

Actually... maybe UVXY?

>> No.15570896

funko looks like it might be aiming to short squeeze. Theres no shortage of retard onions fags that will buy those products.

>> No.15570901


>> No.15570908
File: 58 KB, 600x581, Minami.Kotori.600.1868911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resistance zone

>> No.15570926

Today's a good day. Not as good as yesterday but likely better than tomorrow.

>> No.15570927

>Funko up after Gamestop reports 21% rise in collectible sales
Oh fuck

>> No.15570933

To buy MSFT I mean, of course!

>> No.15570984

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.15570993

I personally expect 17

>> No.15571016

It looks like we missed the boat a bit, however if there's enough shorting interest though meme stocks can do anything especially a low cap one like this. This might be the start of an insane rally.

>> No.15571147
File: 29 KB, 530x298, smgafterhours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm down .39%, rough day for weedies with ACB dragging everyone else down. Particularly harsh dump into close. No matter, my covvied callies are safe, I'm feelin good, we're gonna be at ATHs I can feel it. I just wish BWL/A would go back to buy zone ;_;

>> No.15571155

Interesting close

>> No.15571189

9/16 strangle 301p and 304c, shit better not crab tomorrow. Otherwise up on the day.

>> No.15571194
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>> No.15571201
File: 106 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190912-130604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have a lot of money in but still up ~29%. Bought a $136 DIS call yesterday and sold right at the peak today

>> No.15571230

Down .63%... LCI TO $15 TOMORROW!

>> No.15571245

That nosedive close though.

>> No.15571260

Natural Gas calls for the next week or 2 lads

>> No.15571366
File: 118 KB, 1782x635, 1552702694692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this moving avg look like it has potato?

>> No.15571467

I bought 100 $158 IWM calls for 10c each. I really hope they're ITM tomorrow.

>> No.15571591

So RH is threatening to take away my day traders protecion. If I wait until tomorrow does it reset?

>> No.15571611


>> No.15571631
File: 53 KB, 1917x671, PCYG-Earnings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking told you and now you have the evidence that you asked for Mr. Anon

>> No.15571691
File: 57 KB, 460x708, 1-160629133545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like that.

>> No.15571707

Oof, took a nap after receieving a blowjob and woke up to my first red day in weeks, down 9% on close, ACB donked me hard along with the random bio I picked out of no where

>> No.15571730
File: 168 KB, 768x1024, lusciousnet_sometimes_theyre_happy__1933626926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>napping when the markets are open
>having sexu blowjobs when you need focus on markets
Those are the best naps tho

>> No.15571746

Down 0.39 as well.

>> No.15571764

I couldnt help myself, took my girl to the movies yesterday so I was out late and then woke up earlier from market anticipation so the BJ just topped it all off and put me in the dirt

>> No.15571816

fucking ROKU better go back to $140 like those guys on stocktwits keep saying.

>> No.15571820
File: 441 KB, 700x1000, k__by_kthelimit-d8n6enl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I understand.

>> No.15571823

Down 0.43%, not a terrible day. 0.42% of that comes from AVGO tanking after hours. Win some you lose some. Only bought 2 shares and didn't fuck with options so just a matter of time waiting for recovery. Hopefully next quarter they crush it.

>> No.15571947

What's your avg? How does this type of company hold up in a recession?

>> No.15572028

We watching the debates tonight?
Did you all forget?

>> No.15572036

Been waiting to take a position also and in bynd. Wanna watch those soiboys cry when their over valued pos crashes and burns.

>> No.15572039
File: 148 KB, 923x800, 1566581802941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are US bonds dumping?

Shouldn't they be mooning because of Euro QE?

>> No.15572049

We're a globalized economy, and no because we're a globalized economy.

>> No.15572089

But Euro QE and negative rates should only make US bonds more attractive. Euro recession should make US bonds more attractive. What gives?

>> No.15572106

After factoring dividends and call premiums, I recently calculated a break-even price of $1.62 on my core position. I started buying when it was still well over $2. I made some additional purchases since then, but it's probably about the same.

>> No.15572116

Can't answer your question about recessions. I'm not worried. ODP has been around for decades.

>> No.15572141


>> No.15572229
File: 87 KB, 1080x1343, Screenshot_2019-09-12-17-58-03-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to long boats yet?

>> No.15572308
File: 8 KB, 235x214, 4L_JHi3tRb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Trump pumping, futures blasting off

>> No.15572309
File: 54 KB, 627x724, 1550990298102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GBX up like 30% from where I bought it the other day
>I only bought a single share experimentally

Well, a win's a win.

>> No.15572321

if you expect sunny D to be dependable in any way that's on you

buy a long boat and go for viking raids with your bros

>> No.15572326

Well another day, another day of Green. Another day of buying more sweet AMRN before the upswing. 800 shares it is now. Just 200 more till I bag 1000. Gonna wait a bit though for a nasty dip, then oh my watch as the Profit just pours in.

Will it be 100 per share and net me a cool 100,000.00 or will it be a slightly less 50,000.00? But really at this amount why should I give a fuck, it ain't like I gotta give away a single penny of my Profit to anyone.

No nasty Credit card bill lurking anywhere, hell I'll be able to keep it all and just let 1% interest do a fine job of bulking it up over a span of 10 -15 years. I'll add to it of course, a bit of extra green each month so the end result will be a very nice sum.

But don't you fret none at all, I'm still buying T-Babies when this market just shits. It's a mater of timing and the amount of Green I put in. If I hit the top of AMRN's payday I plan to put in a cool 15k. Which if my math is right would give me 468 shares on top of what I got now.

At 100,0000, 15K is a drop in the bucket. Still plenty left over for me to stick in the bank in case the world just goes to hell.

>> No.15572335
File: 83 KB, 1080x1411, Screenshot_2019-09-12-18-07-27-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people in this thread that still don't own any Bad Daddy's Liquors / Flanigans Enterprises, Inc.

>> No.15572416

>go for viking raids with your bros

I don't have friends anymore.

>> No.15572499
File: 105 KB, 1024x915, 00 zxzx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come sail with me brother

new thread:


>> No.15573005

Why is AMRN gonna rise?