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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15565450 No.15565450 [Reply] [Original]

My 70 yo boomer dad just dropped 75 thousand dollars on a new sports car.

Last year he refused to give me a loan to start a business. (I have college degrees and business experience. I am his only son, and my sister is a drug addicted fuckup.

Instead of helping his only child that could possibly be successful to make it, he was saving for another car.

>> No.15565466

t.entitled fuckwit

>> No.15565486

i bet all my linkies he is so utterly embarrassed of his spoiled privileged son

>> No.15565493
File: 171 KB, 247x332, Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 1.10.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rarities eh?

>> No.15565496

These last few decades are the only time in human history where parents have not been expected to do what they can to ensure their children's success and security. It was in their own interests to do so since their children will then be able to care for them in turn in their twilight years.

>> No.15565520
File: 361 KB, 2304x1494, 6BD4541E-9567-4095-9047-A5A6DA2AE1B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good you deserve NOTHING!
He’s actually trying to instil a work ethic in your incel bitch ass so you feel some accomplishment and feel a real man
But your a punk ass bitch
You probably already sucked a cock
Your poor farther

>> No.15565528
File: 78 KB, 960x795, 1568249308636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yepp *siip*, welcome to the real world kid. When I was your age, I had to bust my hump for X dollars an hour (inflation/col adjusted 3x+)!

Mine actively fuded anything I tried to do. Went out of his way at least 4 times I can remember to completely fuck my life up. Ruined a business, made me quit poker (6 figs at 20), burned the only time he ever helped me get a job in glorious fashion, made me legit homeless for 2 technically 5+ years.

Good times, fuck boomer(genx)niggers. One day, I'll finally get to dance on his grave and get my revenge.

>> No.15565539

Just here to say FUCK BOOMERS

>> No.15565544


these past few decades are the only time in human history where kids whine and complain when things arent just handed to them.

>> No.15565553

Thread is full of boomer apologists who do not know what a loan is.

>> No.15565554
File: 81 KB, 264x191, iGDSFGmages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irl business boomer here. you have 10 seconds to tell me what country you from and what business you wanna open. i will judge you. i suspect your boomer did the right thing

>> No.15565571


He never actually wanted children or a family line. He just did it out of social expectation and solipsism. Such is life as a boomer. Will you have children and repeat his mistakes?

>> No.15565574

United States
Installing prefabricated shelters structures and venues. (The business I worked in for 3 years)

>> No.15565590

yeaah sure kid, your business idea is so great and your record so good why don't you get a business loan at a bank? oh right, because you have no track of achieving anything and are a loser with retarded idea.

They hand out 75k loans like candy nowadays, all you have to do is not be a fuck up.

So no, it wouldn't be a loan, you'd fail miserably like the piece of whining shit that you are and your father would never see those money again.

>> No.15565602

>itt boomers who are brainwashed by the kike "kick your kids out at 18" propaganda
Your father is most likely a normie or your business proposal was too shit. I'm assuming your father doesn't have some investment fund ready to pass off to you once he dies? If so, then 70k on a sports car is really retarded. Why have kids if you can't help them escape wagecucking? I swear nowadays only jews have good family principles.

>> No.15565611

I already have two children. I started their college funds when they were born. I want a clan I can be proud of, and I dont understand why my father doesn't want to see his son to go as far as possible while he is alive.

I love the man but I was shocked when he would not give me a loan. I paid for my own college and never asked anything from him, despite knowing how well off he was. I though after years of being a responsible adult and having a good relationship, he would at least consider it.

>> No.15565619

im from the real estate world in eu. i suspect you'd start making a living within 2 years BUT only if you dont need to pre-purchase structures.

>> No.15565622

>just go to kike ursurors for your loan anon!

You're sad.

>> No.15565640

The fact that you have used that as an argument and whine on a 4chan is sad.

You are a failure and you are not man enough to admit that. Man the fuck up pussy.

>> No.15565948

>It was in their own interests to do so since their children will then be able to care for them in turn in their twilight years.
This is exactly the problem, they don't need that. State funded pensions have completely fucked up society. Besides being good to your children so they have the means and desire to look after you when you're old, the major problem is pensions removed the incentive to have children at all. Birthrates in the west are well below replacement rate. We're going extinct because of welfare states.

>> No.15565969

Dan Lok over here handing out the angery truth

>> No.15565988


>> No.15566077

This is bullshit, my mom is from an Irish Catholic family and back in her time parents expected you to get married and get the fuck out right after college

>> No.15566100

He shouldve invested that 75 grand on BPRO tokens man, within a couple months he can get a lambo with that money

>> No.15566114

high time preference society

>> No.15566148

>made you quit poker
>you had a mill
uhhh? are you retarded?
just cash out move out idiot.

>> No.15566179

Uhm anon, a mill is 7 figures.

>> No.15567444 [DELETED] 
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