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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15562956 No.15562956 [Reply] [Original]

>made a lot of money in 2017 crypto bubble and cashed out
>started a counter service restaurant
>modern pos system still asks customers for tips
>idiots get guilt tripped and click the button and give away money for no reason.
>only problem is I have to pay it to my workers
>their checks come out to like 17-18 an hour
>wtf they don't deserve that much.
>I have to pay more taxes because of their tips adding to their gross wages.
>Why should I get punished having to pay more into social security and other FICA shit for idiots giving them free money?

Should I fire them all and start over and pay less than minimum wage or steal their tips or get rid tipping entirely or what do?

>> No.15562982

Imagine asking for the business advice of a bunch of 17 year olds

>> No.15563008

nice larp nigger

>> No.15563032

this happened to me when i put self checkouts in my grocery store. the pajeet-tier self checkout system asks how much the customer would like to tip. so my cashiers are ridiculously overpaid, like $30/hour.

>> No.15563070

Im sure your allowed to 'tax' their tips to the value you have to pay in tax

>> No.15563085

why would your cashiers get tips from a self service? I thought these things meant you could eliminate employees anyway?

>> No.15563090

Tipping burger here.
Why the fuck would you tip a cashier??

>> No.15563119

i'm a socialist and i agree that SS is bullshit. It's basically just another tool the boomers invented to steal from the young. Just another example of socialism for the rich and crapitalism for everyone else.

>> No.15563134

>he started a restaurant
why would you do that?

>> No.15563158

Because its the current trendy meme business, it goes like this.

Make a vegan Menu, lease a shop, spend a fortune exposing brickwork and buying furniture made out of metal pipes and wood, put LED Edison bulbs every where, fall for every single meme and lease stupid equipment you dont even need. Fail.

>> No.15563160

yeah yeah I knew there would be the "larp" calls. I'm one of the few who actually made it. We do exist. I don't post much on here any more I'm busy.

There's still a cashier punching in the order, they just flip it around and the screen has buttons with a predetermined amount of tips and they don't have the balls to look the cashier in the eye and click no tip.

>> No.15563175

I found a profitable niche.

>> No.15563190

doesn't sound like it, anon
it sounds like you have a fucking headache

>> No.15563201

baked vegan broccoli?

>> No.15563218

tbf its not much of a headache, more an annoyance, but he should know he can take the tax off their tips so he doesnt have to pay it himself.

>> No.15563259

you can make good money from restaurants
but the problem is establishing your network
hipsters like new shit, but dump it quickly--always bad to go for niche. just set up in a medium sized town and serve good food.

>> No.15563285

Speak for yourself, faggot. See you at the end of your ban.

>> No.15563309

I have a restaurant, the hours are horrible, you struggle to trust staff to run it properly in your absence and running costs are insane.

>> No.15563578
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>tipping at self-checkout

>> No.15563605

thanks.. should have known that.

don't regret anything. I already have investors trying to get in and partner with me because they see it doing well but turned them all down because I want to own it 100%.

>the hours are horrible
I don't even think in terms of hours. I just live in the restaurant and it's my life.

>> No.15563658

I do the same but its only because its literally the only thing that stops me from literally having nothing at all to do.

Also if you have investors wanting in etc have you thought of franchising? Its the way most large chains are ran because who ever runs the location actually has capital invested in it so they cant be a lazy ass wage cuck. You still have control over menus, branding etc and get a cut of their takings.

>> No.15563829

When I was living the neet life not knowing what to do with myself after having all that money I felt like I was rotting and atrophying in every aspect. Now at least I have a mission and the confidence that comes along with that. I don't even feel like doing anything else most of the time.

>Also if you have investors wanting in etc have you thought of franchising? Its the way most large chains are ran because who ever runs the location actually has capital invested in it so they cant be a lazy ass wage cuck. You still have control over menus, branding etc and get a cut of their takings.

Yes but it's still in the early stages and there's many things I have to get in order first.

>> No.15563861

good for you for getting in that position, im in the opposite place, struggling to build up business enough to make it worth it.

Inb4 shit food
We get good reviews consistently both in person and online, just cant seem to get it to that next level, shit is tough.

>> No.15563881

>I don't even think in terms of hours. I just live in the restaurant and it's my life.

Nice. People like you make restaurants possible. I could never do something like that. Or rather I could, I just have zero desire to.

>> No.15563894

Set amount aside for taxes

>> No.15563945

Unironically try to get on the food channel somehow. Get some guy to eat your food and post on youtube about it.

>> No.15563972

How's the location? Is it some dead shopping center?

>> No.15564101

I didn't think I could do it either but I just did it anyway... once you make the plunge you just become forced by the situation to become the person who can deal shit.

>> No.15564273

>so my cashiers are ridiculously overpaid, like $30/hour.
WTF where is this, how did this happen, and how do I sign up?

>> No.15564282

I worked in a kitchen and have mused the idea of running my own restaurant. How did you create the menu? What motivated you to do it in the first place? What can cause a restaurant to fail?

>> No.15564347

>starts a restaurant
>without knowing that restaurants live or die by cheap labour
Well we all learn

>> No.15564377

The lasting restaurants find their niche. Everything else just chases fashion, and has a shelf life of 5 years.

>> No.15564386

Pro chef here. 2 biggest factors to a restuarant not folding is 1 cheap labour and 2. Deep pockets.

>> No.15564537

I had to pay 11-13 in order to get even half way decent humans to work.