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15559366 No.15559366 [Reply] [Original]

capitalism is a ponzi scheme

>> No.15559384

no only our implementation of it

>> No.15559430

Actually life itself is a ponzi

>> No.15559432

chainlink is a ponzi scheme

>> No.15559498

>real capitalism has never been tried

>> No.15559505

Your mom is a ponzi scheme

>> No.15559511


but seriously how big of an ask is it not to have a parasitic banking cartel causing asset inflation, out of control borrowing at every level of society, and exacerbating business cycles?

>> No.15559513
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>> No.15559520

No, it's a big game of monopoly. Now the finance sector is a ponzi scheme.

>> No.15559538
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Once the minos vote in socialism it will be the final nail in the coffin for this country

>> No.15559557

Not a ponzi scheme, but it is antithetical to freedom.

When a small number of people own the resources everyone else needs to survive, then everyone is just a slave to those few people.

That was true in literal slavery, it was true in feudalism, and it remains true in capitalism.

Left libertarianism is the ultimate red pill.

>> No.15559561

>but seriously how big of an ask is it not to have humans take advantage of each other ever

pretty fuckin big bro, what the fuck else do you want fucking teleportation and x ray vision too

>> No.15559563
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well, yea.

what you need to be asking yourself is after a rapid expansion of new adopters (new people getting suckered into the ponzi), what normally happens when the next layer of suckers cant sustain the ones above

>> No.15559580
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>antithetical to freedom
>blocks your path

>> No.15559598

your a du mb nigger piece of shit.

>> No.15559636

This shit broke exponential in the 80s or 90s and just started going vertical. Now our parents didn't really have many kids so we have to support our parents and kids at the same time living with record low wages to housing prices because of (((debt))). Doesn't matter though, we still gotta work on making it

>> No.15559670
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true capitalism cannot exist alongside government, because thanks to lobbying and corrupt regulations and loopholes, it always morphs into corporatism

>> No.15559717

"Protection agencies" will become the state. Therefore, true capitalism is impossible.

>> No.15559733
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if there is no government and no anti-competitive laws then what stops corporations forming monopoly cartels and destroy all competition?

>> No.15559741

>Jewish Central Banks
>Fractional banking
>Federal Reserve


>> No.15559743

Mommy taught you those words? Naughty girl. Gotta teach her a lesson.

>> No.15559745

not a ponzi but a zero sum game

>> No.15559772

That capitalism is not zero sum is literally one of the first lessons in Econ 101

>> No.15559784

>thats what they taught me in school
>it must be right
>hurr durr i am very smart

>> No.15559796


>> No.15559801

it will always be difficult to maintain a level playing field, but at least in ancapistan (((they))) will have a much harder time rigging it for themselves

it will be impossible to "destroy all competition" in a true free market because they won't have the government to stamp down on upstart competitors

>> No.15559817


Not exactly. The pie has to keep growing infinitely for it not to be. This is mostly thanks to science and technological advancement, but the usual cop out is "well they got funding from capital so it's really capitalism". They know it's a cop out to make that claim, yet they always make it.

>> No.15559831

No it doesn't. Comparative advantage.

>> No.15559978


You mean the same lessons that shill 401k?

>> No.15559988


>> No.15559999


>okay boys so this is how interests works, money gets compounded in time! you now know how economy works, remember putting some of your money in 401k and everything will be fine, btw capitalism is not a zero sum game

>> No.15560039

Ok? And it's not.

>> No.15560052


you are too stupid to see the truth between lines, btw i bet you don't understand the difference between our current centralized fiat non-backed capitalism and the real capitalism

>> No.15560067

not an argument

>> No.15560156

you dont need a government to create a monopoly. big corporations will naturally cooperate, they can price fix and outcut all competitors, they will control almost 100% of the market and never allow any new company to enter the market. ancapistan stops none of that, in fact it encourages it, free market cannot exist without a government

>> No.15560254

>never allow any new company to enter the market

this is literally impossible in a free market, you're talking about exercising force to prevent market activity, which is what happens in modern corporatist environments thanks to lobbied government interference. if you mean to say that these "monopolies" (again, impossible in ancapistan) are the ones exercising force, then that would be a violation of the NAP

>> No.15560280

yeah, it's pretty amazing how dumb communists are

>> No.15560376

Force is not the only way to destroy competition. Economic warfare is just as powerful, price fixing, cartels, insider trading, all these are legal under ancapistan and they will create huge monopolies. No new company will survive against a conglomerate that controls 99% of the market. If you remove the government it will eventually be replaced by a collection of the largest corporations that will unite and create a new government and remove the NAP and there will be none to stop them. Thats how power vacuum works

>> No.15560477

> Economic warfare is just as powerful, price fixing, cartels, insider trading, all these are legal under ancapistan

all these are not legal under ancapistan, they are a violation of the NAP because they constitute a form of aggressive force. also, corporations by definition cannot exist without a government, because a corporation is a private company recognized by law, usually in order to help them lobby

>> No.15560513

>he thinks law is going to matter in ancapistan

>> No.15560547

what? there won't be "laws", at least laws in the form of government legislation, in ancapistan

>> No.15560548


>quoting macro 101 chapter keywords at me

>> No.15560566

You just want others to take care of you, the child you are.

>> No.15560615

yes they are legal. how is price fixing and creating cartels violation of the NAP? aren't consenting corporations allowed to create a cartel? aren't consenting corporations allowed to price fix? its their stuff so they can put whatever price they want right?

without government the free market collapses and you get real corporatism, the largest corporations will band together and create a monopoly too powerful that will eventually become a new government and you are back at square one

>> No.15560673

>how is price fixing and creating cartels violation of the NAP?

aggression under the NAP isn't just physical, forms of coercion and usury like you listed are also considered acts of aggressive force that violate the NAP. research more for yourself if you're interested. you keep using the word "corporation," which I understand is a big leftist boogeyman, but you don't seem to understand that a corporation by definition cannot exist without a government body to decree it as such. again, there are no corporations in ancapistan

>> No.15560704
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it's actually pretty funny not that I'm thinking about it, the "corporation" boogeyman leftists are so afraid of are created by the very big government policies they desperately advocate for

>> No.15560708

rothbard literally says that blackmail and selling your children is fine you faggot

>> No.15560715

capitalism is just private ownership of means of production which is good. all you idiots hate is corporationism

>> No.15560737

plus, whatever is or is not "NAP" doesn't fucking matter
in an ancap society, a private protection agency is only going to intervene if it is profitable to do so
will policing a powerful cartel which probably has its own private protection division? likely not

>> No.15560762

you literally answered none of my arguments. Do you even know what price fixing and cartels are? price fixing is when corporations agree to set the same or similar price to undercut everyone else. How is this coercion? How are consenting corporations agreeing to do business with each other violating the NAP? NAP does nothing to stop monopolies, it encourages monopolies. You dumbases need to read some of the classic capitalist economists like Adam Smith instead of the jewish neo-capitalist feudalists

>> No.15560810
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i don't care what one individual may or may not have said, i wasn't talking about him

i never said that price fixing was a violation of the NAP, that sort of stuff should be sorted by watchdog groups and dealt with by an educated consumer base who choose not to to business with shady companies. a simple example of a non-physical violation of the NAP would be a coffee shop advertising a cup for 5$, and then charging the customer 50$

it seems my ancap sensibilities have gotten the statists riled up

>> No.15560863


>watchdog groups
>with force

That's literally governments regulating shit. I always get a kick out of how Ancaps think that they can invent government to make their "no-governments" ideas work and just eke by with calling it "not government".

>educated consumers can choose not to do business with monopolies and cartels


>> No.15560865

>educated consumer base
>shady companies
you obviously still don't get how price fixing works. how does price fixing make you a "shady company"? if a company sells something cheaper the consumer will buy it, you think the consumer will care if the company is price fixing and wont buy the cheap product in protest? your dumb ideology is literally a fairy tale, thats why it never existed or will ever exist in real life, you guys are just as dumb as commies

>> No.15560914
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settle down friends

>> No.15560927


>post something stupid
>people tell you it's stupid
>hehehehe got you buddy I was merely pretending to be retarded

>> No.15560941
File: 339 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2019-08-28 at 2.27.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consertives EAraye! JUMP IN BOIS!
heads up there no shotgun....

>> No.15560948

so you finally ran out of dumb ancap arguments, always happens when I argue with ancaptards