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File: 189 KB, 485x365, fresn_only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15553737 No.15553737 [Reply] [Original]

I... I... I felt for the girlfriend meme.

Meet a girl on Tinder.
We started dating.
1 month in and we decided to start a relationship.
> her: anon, I don't like planning.
> also her: if we move together we get separate beds.
> her: I'm a independent woman, I don't care if you make 10x more than me, I will have my own job.
> me: Got any kinks? Also, you should invest all your saving in chainlink.
> her: I will go with the flow, let's have sex.

[Sexy time]
> her: choke me Fagit Jr.!!!
> also her: I WANT YOU TO LAST 4 HOURS NEXT TIME, Fagit Jr. !
She was submissive nympho. SHE WAS A SUBMISSIVE NYMPHO.
> her: I love you!
> me: I love you too!

[3 days ago]
We had a fight becouse she doesn't like to plan things and she stopped texting me.

[2 days ago]
She had 50 missed calls and still doesn't text back.

[1 day ago]
WTF?! 50 Calls?!! Pshyo! You're not what I'm looking for, we should break-up, but, we can stay friends.

Why do I fall in love at the lowest sign of affection, anon? She was retarded and nothing more than a slut. Yet, I still feel bad about it. You guys are my only frens. what do now?

>> No.15553744

fuck bitches get money

>> No.15553749

You just need to call her again anon, tell her you love her and want to marry her. Don’t forget kids

>> No.15553750

>anon, I don't like planning.

That's HUGE red flag.

>> No.15553753

she wasnt worth it mate, dont give up hope

>> No.15553772
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But, I'mm lonely anon.

I tried and she's not answering.

I knooowww... that's how the fight started.

I see you have experience, anon. So, how do you make this feeling go away? Should I get drunk with the boys?

>> No.15553780
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Happy day faggit , remember when the crazy girlfriend distrubs and turns your day into darkness you you always have your frens here.

>> No.15553797
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, h-h-hay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah! Alway rember happy day! Thanks fren.

>> No.15553821

Listen Fagit Jr.
>Pulls his sittin' log closer to the campfire, and adjusts the ember in his pipe.

This part of drug use is called "withdrawal." It's important to remember that the magic you felt was the chemistry in your head, not actual magic from the drug itself. You can only get that high again if you endure the withdrawal until it's gone. Otherwise you'll just be puttin' your pepe in strange to maintain your baseline and that's no good for anyone.

>> No.15553833

Why do we have so many half/full LARP? Is this really how crypto ends? Not with a bang but with incel neets trying to entertain each others by making up stories?

>> No.15553864
File: 52 KB, 276x285, i'm_sorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the most beautiful and helpful thing anyone ever told me. Thank you so much frend, this helps to ease the pain.

This story is 100% true. God be my withnesss! If I'm lying chainlink will drop 40% in the next hour.

>> No.15553876

> her: choke me Fagit Jr.!!!
lmao - plenty more skanks in the sea anon
altho, fishing in Skank Ocean, that's all you ever going to catch

>> No.15553929

shut the fuck up newfaggit

>> No.15554021
File: 75 KB, 696x770, 2570986c9ec6b0d6ed1f62d034a5a30b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but, it hurts.

>> No.15554036

going for a drink with your boys sounds like a good idea. Think of it this way: it wouldnt have worked either way in the long run if she is like that, so its better that you are single again so you are free to find the right one.

>> No.15554056

>Meet a girl on Tinder
Stopped reading there.

>> No.15554066

next one will be better and come faster, they generally do

>> No.15554137

Girls on tinder are shit
She probably never stopped using it while seeing you

>> No.15554178

She really does sound crazy. Cut her out of your life, move, and change your name. Maybe also consider plastic surgery to radically alter your facial checksum. Trust me, you really don't want this tsundere to appear and cause trouble when you are about to get wed with a new girl... Better take measures now. And don't stick your dick in crazy again the next time.

>> No.15554221

I did the too many calls thing once but it was more like 20. Is it an autism thing?

>> No.15554260
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You guys are right, she was crazy. I should've figured that out when she asked me to deepthroat her with my fingers while choking her. But, anon... I was high the entire summer. I can barely remember her face or anything, but, if I close my eyes, I can see a vivid picture of her ass. It weird me out. I never told her about my 2.4$mil in crypto, guess, that's a good thing. Stupid slut, I tried to help her making it. "Independent woman" my ass... all she was doing was share memes and suck dick.

Probably, I usually do this with people I don't like. There's literally an app for this.

>> No.15554332
File: 12 KB, 500x457, bay_bay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, thank for everything frens. It helps, I'm going for a cold one with the boyz. You will see me more often, as usual, with the happy thread to make u happy!