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File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1350, 1525828568930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15551543 No.15551543 [Reply] [Original]

is anyone else just really excited to get some good pussy

>> No.15551650

I’m 34 and have never had it.

>> No.15551656

well, Id say its about time then. assuming your not gay or something. have sex

>> No.15551664

im black and it is impossible to get laid

>> No.15551666

Nope. Not perfect enough yet. I need more body fat off my lower two abs and some other body enhancements.

>> No.15551669

All women are whores

>> No.15551691

fat people have sex too retard.
>not perfect enough yet
christ dude, its not an appointment with god or something, it's just sex.

>> No.15551734

It’s a big deal to me, probably not what I have built up in my mind, but so what? I’d rather live in delusion and be alone if it’s just some sweaty, smelly, animalistic act.

Fat people shouldn't be allowed to fuck, either.

>> No.15551737

last year i had casual sex with 4 girls over 5 days. all hot. this week i did 3 girls. it’s a good ego boost but doesn’t last for too long. it’s pretty fun though. i’m just an experienced player. no larp. AMA

>> No.15551744

Perfectly built for gang bang by a pack of n I g g e r s

>> No.15551773


>> No.15551775

nigger? nigger.

>> No.15551790

How did you meet them?

>> No.15552003

Craig’s list casual encounters, prolly.

>> No.15552016

No one uses this shit anymore boomer

>> No.15552031

Dude, nuh uh.

>> No.15552049

Do you have any of her from the back? Pls OP so I can fap?

>> No.15552052

This girl is pregnant now :’(

>> No.15552058


>> No.15552060

Just google Christine chandler from Rucversville, VA.

>> No.15552096

shit i gave up on ever seeing that again

>> No.15552100


>> No.15552110
File: 11 KB, 212x238, 26AF6386-25FE-43E2-BE58-0DBA6DD10F5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you must be a scrawny faggot because I’m black and am tired of meaningless hookups. I’m more than a BBC dammit

>> No.15552126

my id is even grey wtf

>> No.15552129

Not to go full robot, but what do you do if you have it hammered into your head that you’re not deserving of sex or relationships and decide to give up, pushing away all women that try to make their interest known from then on?

>TLDR I hate myself too much to hit on women.

>> No.15552141

>I’m more than a BBC dammit
no you aren't. whip it out.

>> No.15552142

how does a black guy like me get a girl like this?

>> No.15552160

height/weight? I've been called shredded/ripped, I'm 5'9", 155 lbs. I'm considerably well endowed (not 8+ x 6+ inches by any means, but somewhat lower), though it doesn't matter much since no girl has seen it.

>> No.15552169
File: 78 KB, 412x351, pepe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have gf
>very kind to me and we get along well
>only fucked 1 other girl ever and it was just a single time
>getting older wondering if I will regret not banging more chicks

I always thought that I would fuck more chicks after I get my life together. I am slowly getting my life together the past few years but ended up dating current gf along the way.

What do?

>> No.15552183

Poor guy. It must hurt to want to fuck all the whores when you have a supportive partner.

>> No.15552189

tell your gf how you feel.. suggest going to a swinger club.. get married... there you go..

my ex gf and i used to go to swinger clubs.. i didn't marry her though.. she got tired of waiting and left me.

>> No.15552203

Son, let me tell you about the summer I brought your mom to a sex club to get pounded by men she didn’t care about. We’re woke so that stuff is okay to talk about now.

>> No.15552216

>tell your gf how you feel

I don't want to break her heart.

>> No.15552221

You'll likely regret it. People always want they can't have but the grass isn't always greener.

>> No.15552224

>5'9", 155 lbs
Lol you're scrawny as fuckk
Hit the gym and go out more. Then you might finally get your dick wet.

>> No.15552235

Lol this. I’m 6’2 195. Hit the gym anon and you’ll pull some bitches

>> No.15552241

tell her how you feel and tell her you love her deeply but you can't help to wonder what it's like.. you only live once anon.. you also can't suggest an open relationship or she'll be getting banged left and right while you just sit at home.. you guys gotta go experience together.. maybe ask if she would be interested in another girl joining.. or something... spice it up.. trust me.. most females want their male counter part to spice it up..

>> No.15552250

Sundeep, cows ain’t shit

>> No.15552258

Fuck you faggots I'm 140 and ripped to fuck.

>> No.15552272
File: 1.12 MB, 4032x3024, 1520731458532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im fucking this girl on the regular,

how mad are you incels?

>> No.15552273

one’s my regular, met through friend. two at my previous jobs. another on a dating app (cmb). all nice, cute asian chicks (i’m asian too)

>> No.15552278
File: 140 KB, 1024x762, 5CE6CB0C-A57F-476F-92BD-B0151C236827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weighs 140

Simmer down manlet before I put you over my shoulder and give you a spankie

>> No.15552281

Scrawny af. I'm 5'9 and before I started lifting I was 135. At my max I was 195 after a super bulk, then I cut down to 175 and was shredded

>> No.15552287

this. even though i’ve fucked a ton of cutie chicks i do kinda regret breaking up with a great gf years ago. the grass is not always greener

>> No.15552292

You little

>> No.15552302

not craigslist, sorry. btw, having sex with two different girls on the same day (separately, without either knowing each other) is one of life’s great pleasures. it’s a rush and ultra relaxing to have days like that. it’s happened 3 times in my life.

>> No.15552303

I've tapped bigger faggots than you
>5"9 and shredded at 175.

>> No.15552309

Pretty sure this bitch only cares about two things. Money and Instagram.

>> No.15552312

Why? That's not even that big, I was about 12% body fat at 175. By /fit/ standards ok I wasn't 'shredded', I wasn't Zyzz tier nor some crazy 8% body fat. But by normie standards I looked really good

>> No.15552317

Summer is over, fren. Kindly leave.

>> No.15552320
File: 26 KB, 330x319, 1567589903682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was already time to rope out when you turned 20 and were still a virgin

>> No.15552324

Respectable if you did it without drugs. Guys in juice with a shit diet and limited training knowledge look worse abs you’d never know they were taking shit.

>> No.15552326

i know what you mean.. ive done that plenty of times.. think i've even done 3 girls in one day a couple times.. i remember the first time i fucked a different girl every day of the week.. thought i was a stud.. now i'm 28 and just don't give a shit.. just fuck the same 8-10 chicks over and over now... fuck!!

>> No.15552335

Naw, I like to suffer. Feeling sorry for myself, making my life excellent with the exception of that one area, is my fetish. I like being sad and lonely and not learning how boring/mediocre women can be.

>> No.15552344

He went to 195.. either he was juicing or fat

>> No.15552359

Ya i was fat. It was an 18 month long dirty bulk from 135 to 195, i was probably 20% bf if I had to guess

>> No.15552360

based and copepilled

>> No.15552373

yea if you find girls who are dtf and no drama, keep them around is my motto.

>> No.15552374 [DELETED] 
File: 1.41 MB, 2576x1932, B9C32A1F-DA1D-4E39-BB58-0BE08B5289D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I call them double headers. I had a few during the legendary Craigslist personals days. So many milfs cheating on their husbands. Fuck Kamala Harris

>> No.15552378

Got fat, I’m sure, but so what? It’s fun being stronger and lifting heavier than you could while maintaining abs.

>t. Former heavyweight powerlifter that cut from 274 to 181lbs and currently looking like a Greek god.

>> No.15552386


>> No.15552395

my ex gf broke up with me like the same fucking time craigslist went down

they're cool with me fucking other girls.. some of them know about each other.. but they don't really care.. most of them just want to go out on dates here and there and be hugged and cared for.. a lot of lonely girls out there that just want some love and attention.. can't say i'm much different.. have one coming over tonight.. she wants to fuck but i really just wanna cuddle take some xannax and pass out so i can wake up and trade on point tomorrow

>> No.15552396

You do what you have to do to manage. What other option do I have? Go out and try? My adhd is so severe, I can’t even have a conversation without cutting someone off mid-sentence and derive little to no enjoyment from socializing for the sake of it. Hiding inside to keep from getting hurt/embarrassed again and make everyone around you uncomfortable is viable.

>> No.15552401

Strong critical reading skills, dipshit.

>> No.15552412 [DELETED] 

So you just totally changed subject mid-sentence lol? There was no implied link between being fat and being stronger/heavier while maintaining abs? Ok m8 I think it's obvious who the dipshit here is.

>> No.15552418

I’ll fuck you up, pal. Don’t test me, my dad got diagnosed with aggressive cancer earlier today and I’m about to end myself.

>> No.15552422

I'm sorry about your dad anon.

>> No.15552441

No, no you’re not...

>> No.15552456

Nigger shut the fuck up nobody asked you shit. This whole thread needs to be deleted I’m sick of this loser /r9k/ handholdless shit from you mentally ill poorfags.

Get off my entire site you absolute genetic rejects.

>> No.15552464

You're very mentally ill. You know that right?

>> No.15552474

> My adhd is so severe

aand hes an attention seeking eternal victim. Stop making everything about your self. Making your Dad's death into your own problem is so pathetic. I'm celibate as well but I don't whine about it.

>> No.15552488

You’re right.

>> No.15552504

I’ll shut up and leave. You’re right about me. Shit or get off the pot, that type of thing. Just wanted to commiserate a bit after being fresh off a 9 day ban for threatening to kill some anon trying to trade CP for btc.

>> No.15552511

>my site
Why do redditors think this?

>> No.15552514
File: 1.22 MB, 1366x768, attraction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I garuntee a girl like OP is going to be a bad fuck. Yes she is 'hot' but girls like that rarely are into it, or have any skills and will 99% of the time 'dead fish' you. You need cute/average girls that want to impress.

Also...for all the neets/anons, it honestly isnt that great at all. Whacking off feels better and if there is no emotional connection (love) dont bother.

>> No.15552530

Meh, jacking it is overrated too. Some quiet frustration/agitation is nice to have in your arsenal. Getting more done at work and lifting with more intensity is kind of fun.

>> No.15552544

unironically go to bars and drink. alcohol loosens people up big time. when I was in norway a couple years ago, I was hanging out with these two norweigan girls almost the whole time I was there. I asked them why people drink so much there. Because I was really surprised at how much the men drink, they're all like full blown alcoholics. She said it's so they have courage to approach women and she was completely serious. Also, I think most men can vouch for alcohol's ability to act as social lubricant.

>> No.15552556

Nope, lips glued to a bottle from 13-26. Never again. Bars suck.

>> No.15552560

>just fuck the same 8-10 chicks over and over now
yeah, uh huh. i'm sure you do.

>> No.15552562

You guys offer shit advice and always lie about which crypto to buy. Fuck this board and fuck you.

>> No.15552576

So you went to bars and drank and never got laid? Not even by the ugly drunk chick? wtf dude. How can your libido be that low at 18-22 years old?

>> No.15552602

Still hated myself too much to try. My mind is mush from taking Dexedrine since the age of 10. Can’t get out of my head long enough to approach and other guys are better than me so I didn’t bother to try and compete. Probably should have treated the depression long ago before getting perma fried, but I’m too much of a bitch to ask for what i want. People are scary.

>> No.15552633

i do.. they fuck other guys aswell.. friends with benefits in your late 20s is real as fuck.. they all want a partner but we know it's not with each other... i don't cock block them and they don't cock block me..

>> No.15552653

> Satan is this retarded, cucked, and lacking in confidence
Have sex satan

>> No.15552665


>> No.15552673

Look at all the sad pathetic fat sacks of shit that have had kids and realize they've had lots of sex.

>> No.15552681

> Every black guy thinks they have a .BBC
This is literally peak delusion

>> No.15552684

you're full of shit, dude. Only the chaddest of chads has a rotation of 10 bitches. your posts scream beta boi

>> No.15552726


Absolutely degenerate. Imagine risking a good loving relationship for a short dopamine spike. Dumbass.

>> No.15552730

>thinks they have a BBC

Lmao fucking COPE you salty babydick manlet. I literally have hundreds of subscribers on Fetlife for that reason alone but k

>> No.15552752

You might be retarded if you actually believe your fetish website has any bearing on this at all.

>> No.15552765



>> No.15552804
File: 178 KB, 1499x350, AD8E7B20-D7C5-4A84-898D-790E57757DE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s only an example. I know from personal experience from fucking bitches and them begging me to fuck them again with my “BBC”. Either way I’m not going to argue with Virgin faggot incels about the size of my dick. Imagine being so worried about the size of another man’s dick kek fucking cope incel

>> No.15552854

Post dick with time stamp. I've had a shit load of girls tell me they've hooked up with black guys hoping for bbc only to get average or smaller dick. Not to mention prove this new bullshit claim of having 'hundreds' of followers on fetlife. Post a dick pic with a time stamp, or shut the fuck up. Once you I'll put you to shame with my 8in thick af bwc, a much rarer and desired dick because it comes with good credit.

>> No.15552867

And to be clear, responses to this will include
> Haha you just wanna see my dick faggot!
> I can't show my fet life profile! It's too private!!
> Silence
> A clearly photoshopped time stamp

>> No.15552882

You can fuck another fat person.
Fat girls have low self esteem and they'll value any attention you give them.

>> No.15552890
File: 23 KB, 500x322, C69123CA-A6D2-47A2-9F20-4E2B22EAF4BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine asking another dude to send you a dick picture for validation

You cuck BBC loving white dudes are something different man

>> No.15552903

4channel has google image search larper. What do you think that triangle next to your post number is?

>> No.15552907

> Hahaha you just wanna see my dick faggot!
Thank you for proving my point, I'm already more accurate than askura or whatever the BTC prophecy is.
> BTC prophecy
> As accurate as BBC prophecy for thots
Meaning fed by fucking delusion and media attention.

>> No.15552927

Fights over which manlet is bigger jajaja

>> No.15552933
File: 29 KB, 700x700, 6BEBD19D-E334-4946-A939-E25ACA612002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol proving your point of what? I know what I’m packing. I’m not about to send a picture of my dick to a random dude on a Japanese Dragonfly forum. Holy fuck imagine being so insecure you end up begging another dude for a dick pic. Your insecurity screams that you have a baby dick. Don’t hate the player hate the game faggot.

>> No.15552942

What if you don’t want to plow a fat chick or a good looking one?

>> No.15552965

That I literally said that your response would boil down to
> Haha you just wanna see my dick faggot.
I know your low iq(if you were even black and not just a larper white boi, a real nigger woule whip his dick out in an instant regardless of how average it is) but seriously try to keep up. BBC is a myth. That's my ultimate point. I'm a boomer with a BWC who's been smashing college thots who have consistently told me I fulfilled what they were looking for in apes and then some. Like I said I'll gladly prove this once you prove both your absolute bullshit claims.

>> No.15552977

>good pussy
no such thing

>> No.15552983

this thread now becoming gay

>> No.15552987

That chick looks like my ex. If I had that, does that mean I made it? Even if I own less than one BTC?

>> No.15552992

Lol exactly this faggot >>15552965 is so fixated on my dick holy shit. Bro who hurt you? Here is a link to my Fetlife profile if you want to fap to my dick pics that bad https://fetlife.com/users/4970891 holy shit just leave me alone you dick obsessed faggot

>> No.15552993

have sex

>> No.15553015

>ewww bro I'm not gonna show you my dick you creepy dawg
>oh well here's "my" profile if you wanna wank to it

U gay nigga

>> No.15553020

> Posts random fetlife profile with dick pic
> Lolol I won't post a dick pic with a time stamp you're such a cuck!
Do you even realize how white you come off, let alone how clearly cucked? Have you never hung out with biggers? They aren't shy of showing literally anyone their dicks let alone strangers online.
> White cuck who lurks fetlife for BBC confirmed

>> No.15553025

Fat chicks are entitled as well.

>> No.15553062
File: 45 KB, 500x347, 8D559A80-BA19-47EB-B3D2-1828DF9FAD5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being stupid enough to post a dick pic on /biz to get banned for a month

What is this amateur hour? Keep deflecting and making made up scenarios faggot. I literally just changed the location on my profile to not dox myself. You’re just mad because you’re wrong you boomer faggot. Now sit there and COPE

>> No.15553077

based and delphipilled

>> No.15553114

Damn. I did 3 different girls 3 days in a row once, but never 2 in 1 day

>> No.15553128

Ever reject a blonde, curly haired cross fitter chick with a curvaceous body when she suggested you go on a date? Huh? Yeah, didn’t think so.

>> No.15553140

> Implies there aren't all sorts of nudes posted on /biz
> All of these excuses to not post with a timestamp
> Implies jannies give a shit on /biz
Top fucking kek keep posting you're only getting funnier
> I-i changed the location on my fetlife cuck obsession profile s-so there!

>> No.15553142

Actually just ignored her, pretending not to hear and walked off. She wouldn’t make small talk or act friendly after that, but I probably avoided a disease and proud not to be NPC #!23 to mush her muffin. If she had the sack to ask me out, she was likely a whore and promiscuous.

>> No.15553156

im still mad cause i cant even pretend im fucking that

>> No.15553158

Poor guy. Do vaginas stink IRL?

>> No.15553196


In the age of Tinder and fat acceptance, no, fat girls do not have low self-esteem. Relative to a hot chick, sure -- but still at "I'MMA KWEEN" levels.

>> No.15553197

this is the main reason I started to hate most men. They are annoying with this
>muh Girls
>muh dick
>muh fucc

I used to think like that, but now I can't relate anymore.
Btw I hate women aswell.

>> No.15553217

It’s understandable, especially buying into archetypes that don’t add up in the real world. I hate you too.

>> No.15553220

If you found a girl that's waifu material don't let it go

>> No.15553230

Yeah unless she’s taken a shower recently it tends to smell like something died down there

>> No.15553237
File: 42 KB, 817x613, 1564811569023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If she had the sack to ask me out, she was likely a whore and promiscuous.

>> No.15553251

I don't mean to sound rude, but you do realize that you become less and less fuckable as you age, right? Girls care far less about looks than men do. They don't want/ need you to look "perfect". I don't lift, my face is 5-7/10 and 8+/10 girls still find me attractive. I have no problems getting laid as a slightly above average looking guy. Girls unironically care more about personality, confidence, career, humor etc. than they care about whether you're a 5/10 or 7/10. Especially women who are 25+ yo.

>> No.15553255
File: 1.68 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190910-215629_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt redditors bragging about their degeneracy
get a good gf anons, you'll want to fuck other girls but control yourself and control your woman, individualism is a bluepill, build a family and buils your society faggots, you enable white women to be degenerates then get mad when they cheat on you with tyrone or have a 50+ count

>> No.15553257

but muh dick, muh dick, muh dick, muh dick, but whah but muh dick.

>> No.15553268

Because girls over 25 are seeking out a moron to marry. If possible a moron with money.

>> No.15553278

Did I miss something?

>> No.15553304

It’s being satisfied with myself and to my own standards, not theirs. I’m too far gone and noticeably on the spectrum to get by on personality and wouldn’t want to involve myself with someone that wants to spend time with me as I am now as she’d have to be equally or more fucked up than me.

Seriously though, what’s the best way to kill my self?

>> No.15553357

>falling for the delphi meme

>> No.15553371


>> No.15553396

Thanks fren. I have until the end of the

>> No.15553443
File: 56 KB, 365x365, 1555599821866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based african american individual

>> No.15553471

Dont be a retard

>> No.15553511

Pro-tip: Everybody has some major issues, gender makes no difference.

Please don't kill yourself.

>> No.15553530


yep, you got the old cheese plate variety all right

>> No.15553603

Stick to your girl you degenerate

>> No.15553691

>individualism is a bluepill
collectivist cuck