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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15550132 No.15550132 [Reply] [Original]

Observe the following, try to keep up:

- Chainlink's original POCs were in automated variable rate bond payments using swift's backbone
- Swift has been fairly clear about two points re: GPI link:
The backbone data layer is corda
Additional functionality will be successively rolled out to the platform
- Chainlink has been allowing partners including legit partners and total scams to announce their utilization of the network to provide trused data streams to their projects, however...
- Certain b team high profile projects that lack real legitimacy like tron and eos have hinted at or published releases saying they are using chainlink and then retracted or refused to further comment on them
- The first legitimate customer facing data(chainlink)+execution layer products will be launching throughout Q4 2019 with cloud players competing for the service contracts to these projects

How does all this connect? I can see only one way

>> No.15550196

Scammy pump projects are holding back an obvious scammy pump move ("integrating" with chainlink)
The key use cases for GPI link require business logic absed payments, not simple payments and everyone knows it
Swift is chainlink's daddy and chainlink doesn't do anything big without Swift signing off

There will be some form of a collaborative announcement of key central players in the chainlink ecosystem
This announcement will provide the answer to who will provide the key data streams needed for GPI links high value implementations and the cloud platforms supporting these data based oracles
Semi scams have been holding this in as long as they can in order to be placed on the same graphic as the legit players in the chainlink ecosystem, allowing them to further survive devoid of real value
This announcement must come before the beginning of the first true customer facing applications, which means it probably must come before sibos

In about two weeks we'll know if im right or wrong
When I'm right all of you shitheads need to sing hes a jolly good fellow to me while gargling my motherfucking balls

>> No.15550201

Please op continue this is your glorious thread

>> No.15550214

Thanks dad

>> No.15550215

Linkers are the cringiest race on earth

Did you seriously not sell at 4?

>> No.15550273

Thats it- with all the information available i dont see it meshing together any other way given the quality of people and thought processes in place thus far
Im holding myself accountable. Ive already screencapped this shit and when im right im going to come back and gloat like an egomaniac
If i happen to be wrong ill post the cap, sayh where i think i fucked up and suffer the endless ridicule of the worthless human scum of /biz/
rent. free.

>> No.15550332
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If link fails biz is legitimately stupid and glyptos fail to get to the next stage of adoption.
Imagine really thinking these literal scams can create anything that isn't copypaste? Chinese people are incapable of creative thought. Fucking Tron? What a shitshow.
Godspeed to all of us.

>> No.15550335

ma'am this is a wendy's drivethrough

>> No.15550354
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>> No.15550447

Ironically the predictable craven nature of those projects is, to me, the most compelling piece of evidence for the above
I dont get the reference?
We've all seen the graphic, the question is one of timing and optics

>> No.15550604

No doubt. Although their vetting does need work with the moab tweet, it's good to see them putting scams in their place.

>> No.15550619


>> No.15550635

chinese are goood at reverse engineering that it

>> No.15550651

Memes aside, hearing adelyn talk and seeing her work has been anything but impressive
The literal weak link
Isn't intellecteu a confirmed link partner?
shit thanks anon

>> No.15550668

Yes keep digging

>> No.15550687

Which means they will always be behind the more creative leaders in any field.
You need a token female on staff regardless. Now they need a token black as well and maybe some blonde pr girls.

>> No.15550748

It basically looks like intellecteu is shilling all of the services we think of as the chainlink network eg financial messaging bridged to blockchain
Lots of smoke but i can't find any fire
Did any anons try to contact them and dig?
Give me something to go on here
Or they could hire only on human quality
An idea meritocracy if you will...

>> No.15550756

It's worth noting that the example given in that graphic is specifically for a crypto price data feed, ie "How much XRP does Company A need to be paid so that it amounts to x USD"
That's the specific current use of Chainlink and I think falls short from strong confirmation that Chainlink will be the default network underlying gpi LINK.
I honestly just think it's too soon. My money is on no mention of Chainlink at SIBOS this year, but them having a significant presence and presentation there in a year or two.

>> No.15550827

Every company says that. They hire based on particular bias because no one wants to work with people who are too good and point out mistakes. Even chainlink would fall into that trap of having a stable company culture where bring social is more important than work

>> No.15550854


>> No.15551002

At the end of the latest slide decks have been hiring slides with idea meritoceacy as the selling point

>> No.15551005

>make another thread about chainstink having a connection to a banking system for some reason that you can’t even understand
>someone calls you a cringelord
>you respond with ‘rent free’
>in the thread about chainstink that you made

Linkies can’t meme. Do you even know what ‘rent free’ means? Just kill yourself and go back to rebbit, you’re not ready to deal here yet. Fucking linkies are the newfag cancer that is eating away at this wholesome board. You don’t get to say ‘rent free’ after YOU bring up a topic you dumb fucking cunt. How much booze did your mom drink while she was making you?

>> No.15551016


>> No.15551021

I know but it seems like just another wagie trap. Don't get me wrong I would love to help link out but I don't think my skills are related to any of the positions.

>> No.15551037

Rent. Free.

>> No.15551042

Fuck off new faggot bitch
Rent free
Go back to plebbit

>> No.15551049

It's free real estate

>> No.15551092


>> No.15551502

Kudos anon. This feels like the old link threads, before all the faggots showed up

>> No.15551610

>I know but it seems like just another wagie trap.

Sergey is directly parroting Ray Dalio's practices. Go read his book Principles.

>> No.15551717

GPI Link literally parses JSON into swift messaging formats and back for settlement on corda, that is, it's a fucking oracle, secure oracles are decentralized by definition, if GPI Link isn't chainlink then it was heavily inspired by it

>> No.15551815
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Look at this absolutely seething newfag lmao

>> No.15551828

I will check it out thanks.

>> No.15552371
File: 579 KB, 1125x965, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free you lil bitch

>> No.15552379

nade is an inbred pajeet

Boasting in epin thread

>> No.15552691

Why wouldn't Swift just say they're using Chainlink?

>> No.15552714

put me in the screenshot

>> No.15552741

Will this get us to $30 dollars by December 2019?

>> No.15553510

they will at sibos

>> No.15553593


>> No.15553607

all-in, but doubt it, prepare for 2 years of bleeding anus stay frosty MARINES

>> No.15553610

linkies are still in the same deluded circlejerk as 2017.

Still the same lines, still the same spam. How in the fucking world can you be so fucking dumb? Just shut the fuck up already

>> No.15553800


>> No.15553824

>LINK subhumans spam their shit day in day out, then rush to call 'rent free' anything that opposes their NPC firmware.
What did the subhuman NPC's mean by this?

>> No.15553831

marketing team work their asses off to pump the price so sergen can dump another 700k

>> No.15553842
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re-read you sentence, grab a shotgun, make sure it is loaded put it in your mouth and pull the trigger

>> No.15553916
File: 225 KB, 819x764, 1567458216876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about but it sounds good so I bought more

>> No.15553943

>Still the same lines, still the same spam.
Yeah but there is a huge amount of activity from other groups. Picking it up, saying they will use it, etc. It is different and at the same time all we are doing is waiting for breadcrumbs to finally click. Nothing has really changed in that regard. It is a waiting game now. Beyond announcements we have wallet movements which are not bad.

>> No.15554094

Based, and why do you think Sergey literally said he lived in Belgium in his Couchsurfing profile?

Swift is headquartered in Belgium. Link has been in the making for a very long time. Guys who said we werent supposed to know were partly right.

We make it.

>> No.15554946
File: 11 KB, 225x225, laff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> link isn't rent free
> he's either such a retard or a newfag that he doesn't know how to use filters
> he actually posts in link threads crying about link
Kek lmaoaoaoaing at the absolute state of you

>> No.15556117
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Rent Free

>> No.15556150
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Guys I've been out of the loop this past month practically living in a casino, can anybody fill me in on what link related events I can look forward to this September, is anything hype coming up

>> No.15556160


>> No.15556192

bought link at 30 cent
forgot about it and came back to it at 3 dorrars
forgot about it again and came back to it at half the price
stopped caring about it since my volume isn't enough to actually make any changes worth anything

>> No.15556464

anon, I...

>> No.15556545
File: 45 KB, 544x496, 932CDB51-4FF7-4147-AAE4-FF3E02CF6523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don’t get to say ‘rent free’ after YOU bring up a topic you dumb fucking cunt.