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15546391 No.15546391 [Reply] [Original]

>LINK needs to do a x3 to hit ATH
>all the coinbase, oracle etc. gains are already gone
>dropped 5 ranks in cmcap
>hasn't found a bottom
>desperate attempts to shill the coin by making shitty blogposts like their monkey friends req
>I didn't sell when it pumped just like I didn't with req

yikeeesss. I am a fucking retard and so are you

>> No.15546398

Just sell then and shut the fuck up. I'll die before I sell

>> No.15546413

my stack is too big to sell frendo.

I'm just living the same nightmare that I lived with req and it hurts

>> No.15546427

I wish I had sold at $5. I did sell in time to stop the dump for you guys though.

>> No.15546451
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In the same boat OP.

Held REQ from $1.20 down to 3 fucking cents, and now I'm holding STINK all the way down to 60 cents.

>> No.15546482
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why do we do this to ourselves?

hodl is mental illness

>> No.15546485

>implying REQ was ever a legit project

>> No.15546494
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>> No.15546501

>muh stack too big to sell
meanwhile sergey just dumped 10x 700k stacks while you were typing that low iq post

>> No.15546532

Don't give me that kind of hopium. 60 cents would be amazing.

>> No.15546535

he started dumping at 3.52, I wish I started with him

>> No.15546544

Apple announcement coming up. Insider here.

>> No.15546565

well said op
the only ppl still holding are literal retards

>> No.15546575
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I wish I was a brave swing-linkie, could've double my stack.

>> No.15546583

is sergey holding a skateboard?

>> No.15546595

Why is LINK worth anything when there aren't any businesses using it?
Sure they have cool "partnerships" which enable future adoption, but nobody has actually adopted it yet right? What makes you think anyone is ever going to?

>> No.15546634

I mean it's a cool concept but really there's no use for companies to adapt it. yeah my oracles are centralized but they are from trusted parties so what? how much does it really matter?

crypto as a whole is at least a decade away from full adaptation, until then it's just a pyramid scheme.

>> No.15547192

HOLO is my personal LINK, the final solution to the Oracle problem.
$10 for one piece of Hologas.
Expensive but worth the effort.
Deconcentrate the interwebz with Holofuels tomorrow will be the slogan.

>> No.15547307


He inhales deeply then takes out a Cuban cigar. Lighting first a $100 bill then using it light the cigar. You can smell the ashy scent lingering in the room as the smoke drifts up.

"Th-they said... $32 million dollars isn't worth my Oracle solution."

Ecstasy over-flowing your body, you prepare yourself for the joy.

"Just imagine all the data being sanitized by reputation, like Uber. No sybil attacks, all ERC20 based."

He lets out another fart and grunts again.

"Another 700k!"

You shout ecstatically, "build that oracle solution, buy that towncrier! hire more devs!"

"I've give you something to cry about" He replies. Once more he grunts again and shits a violent flow of diarrhea, this time getting on your chin and lip.

"Who needs toliets?" He questions a shadowy figure in the corner.

"One of my Pajeet devs" He says smiling.

"I'll shill for you Master!" As you cry out, the sloppy heap of shit covering your body as it slides down.

"1k EOY is FUD!"

"No... I will give you the fud." He grunts again and proceeds to let out a gassy fart.

"Another 700k!" He cries out as he lets his sweet, hairy cheeks flap as another shit dumps out.

>> No.15547412

when movie

>> No.15547422

Six years

>> No.15547850

Just wait for staking anon

>> No.15548476

Might take 12 months at best

>> No.15549058

But he didn't dump 7M while he typed that you lying, exaggerating, hyperbolic piece of shit.

>> No.15549528
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How is staking going to work when there's no money being earned by Oracles as a service?

You need actual revenues to pay NEET nodes..

You do understand the concept of money, and where it comes from, right?

>> No.15549594
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When is sergers flapping his gums in Singapore?
Didn't he backpack through Singapore with ico money? Now he's doing it again with mainnet money.

>> No.15550923

Held down in price for various reasons, timing for that is coming to an end, it's about to get real Rebecca.

>> No.15551027

>he actually thinks Chainlink is a real system

You still think this is a real thing don’t you? You can’t just accept the fact that anything which isn’t PoW is a scam, can you? We don’t buy centralized printed billion supply ERC shitcoins here, that’s rebbit’s pastime. Return from whence you came.

>> No.15551062

3x 1.81 is close to $6 anon, the top was $4.5 unless you were on a pajeet exchange with no volume