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15545066 No.15545066 [Reply] [Original]

What did the mad lad Shadders mean by this?

>its one of the most ambitious consensus changes that's been done in the history of crypto
>we're making more consensus changes in this particular upgrade than has ever been done before

>>protocol is set in stone


>> No.15545104
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>> No.15545120

lol What the fuck does "set in stone" even mean?

>> No.15545141

>Massive changes in protocol
>set in stone
Lol they can't even get the story straight. And this is just a few days after the interview where it slipped out of him that Craig is not Satoshi and that he refused evidence

>> No.15545196

Ira Kleiman is gonna make shadders his bitch!

>> No.15545211

>interviewing con artist
>ask craig how this helps accomplish his vision
i cant wait until the real satoshi (nick szabo) signs the genisis block. it will be glorious

>> No.15545229

Before he can larp as Satoshi he would at a minimum have to study Craig's paper on why Bitcoin is turing complete

>> No.15545285

why would nick szabo have to study a confirmed by court compulsive liars paper? nick created bitgold a year before bitcoin, has the same writting style as satoshi, and has the same initials. you believe a patent addict actually released bitcoin under the MIT license only to go back and make a patent 10 years later so he could steal the original name is actually satoshi?

>> No.15545297

this was meant for

>> No.15545299

Ok, you actually are stupid. Good luck and have a nice life

>> No.15545317

craig is absolutely not satoshi

>> No.15545412


>> No.15545417

What interview did shadders have where he said craig isn't Satoshi?

>> No.15545424

craig wright:
>wanted in australia
>committed perjury in US court
>falsified documents not once but twice to make him look like he's actually satoshi
>when asked for a list of wallets he own's he presented one that the actual owner signed with "craig is a fake"
>cant sign genesis block or any wallets he's provided the court
>completely different writting styles
>cant provide proof of bitcoin.org domain purchase prior to 2011 (years after satoshi went inactive and gave control of the site to the top users in the group)
>has never displayed ANY ability to program or write code, just theorys and papers

only a complete moron would believe wright is satoshi

>> No.15545472

Shadders = 33 in Pythagorean numerology

This Coingeek conf in Seoul will be pretty epic though. And after that it's just 4 months until the Genesis protocol.

>The second and more significant upgrade is proposed for Feb 4th, 2020 and is planned to include a set of protocol restoration changes that represent an almost complete return to the original protocol and as such we have decided to give it the code name “Genesis”. The proposed date is 11 years, 1 month and 1 day after the original Genesis block and this upgrade represents the return to Genesis and the restoration of the Satoshi Vision that is the project’s namesake and primary purpose.

>The Genesis upgrade will also address scaling. We believe that by late in 2019 the Bitcoin SV node software will have implemented all of the safety mechanisms required to allow us to eliminate the block size cap altogether and let miners manage it without intervention from developers. So long as those changes are completed we intend to bring the planned date for allowing unlimited block size forward by almost a year and lift the cap completely in the Genesis upgrade.

Also Craig is looking extra STIFF in this.

>> No.15545523

>What interview did shadders have where he said craig isn't Satoshi?
At 14:00 in this interview. I can't believe it is still up, but I have ripped it in case they delete it and re-upload a scrubbed version


>> No.15545550

He looks like he stinks

>> No.15545580

you don't understand english properly pajeet
go read what a persona is

>> No.15545633

Learn about context you fool. He says "it is unfair to creg and it is unfair to Satoshi". I have no idea how any of this is unfair to creg, but it is clear that he see them as different PERSONS. God you bsv shills are dense

>> No.15545648

go listen again and take the wax out of your ears

>> No.15545650
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>> No.15545683

Do you deny he said the following?
"it is unfair to creg and it is unfair to Satoshi"

>> No.15545734

So many SEETHING corecucks kek

>> No.15545793

Calvin does not want consensus between nodes
he wants the consensus to be whatever the fuck he wants

>> No.15545804

it isn't turing complete
you can seethe and bark at the moon all you want, it won't make it turing complete

>> No.15545821
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most people are mocking you
nobody is seething here but you bsvishnus

>> No.15546135


Are you mentally deficient or something? Or just hoping that people don't actually watch the video for themselves?

He basically spends half the interview praising Craig as Satoshi, what you say is just a straight up inversion of reality.

>> No.15546148
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Craig is confirmed by
the court that he created Bitcoin. Fact.

>> No.15546151


>> No.15546164

It's pretty much just 1 guy called Greg Maxwell talking to himself on 20 different IPs in his job to destroy BSV.

>> No.15546475
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>mfw BSVtards think Judge Reinhart is part of the pedo cabal and an accomplice of Epstein but they will still accept his ruling as established fact

>> No.15546540
File: 159 KB, 858x785, duh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wright and kleiman entered into a 50/50 partnership to develop bitcoin IP
does this say wright created it? kleiman also created it? no you retard it claims he was part of the development on it, like saying google created the internet because they developed tools for it.

maybe you shouldnt skip the second page of that document:


>> No.15546618

The confusion around here is unbelievable. BSV is the most undervalued asset on the planet right now. The classic /biz/ way, not seeing the gold in front of you and throwing it back in the river because you are thinking it's a stone. Stay poor faggots.

>> No.15546934

lmao at the mental gymnastics. Craig created Bitcoin with the help of Dave Kleiman and others, deal with reality.

Craig Wright is confirmed Satoshi, only drooling retards or paid shills like you claim otherwise.

>> No.15547323

>Craig is confirmed by the court
>posts a document that states they dont confirm it and that he was involved in development
>accuses others of mental gymnastics
so if craig wright was dead and dave kleiman was alive would you be claiming dave kleiman invented bitcoin because the court says he helped develop it with wright and owes him half of what they mined?

im not doubting that craig got involved with it at an early stage, but he has to date supplied NO cryptographic evidence that he is satoshi, including access to satoshi's btc. the dudes a fraud

>> No.15547546

To be fair this doesn't say he created Bitcoin although it is obvious for anyone with a brain that he did.

>> No.15547689
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when something is said to be "set in stone" it means it shouldn't be changed.

>to be very difficult or impossible to change:
>"The schedule isn’t set in stone, but we’d like to stick to it pretty closely."

>> No.15547805

that guy gives me a feeling of someone destroyed by drug abuse.

>> No.15547903

almost 0 again lmfao
also you might wanna look up the meaning of cope on the dictionary, I know you wanna be part of 4chan and participate on the buzzword spewing, but let's keep it logical to en extent lol

>> No.15547914

>translation: please buy my bags guys