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File: 363 KB, 828x1638, F32AD9B6-79A2-4F7B-B133-EE8C454EC5C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15541799 No.15541799 [Reply] [Original]

Remember a few weeks ago when people were shilling this shit on here super hard? How did that work out for you guys? I remember Roy Blackstone shilling this shit and mft

>> No.15541818

Wow. Checked and rekt

>> No.15541825

they exit scammed lol

>> No.15541838
File: 45 KB, 1230x550, 22222222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also pic related chad chainlink volume, That shit is not fake

>Guys chainlink is scam buy devery I made an image with a big boobed girl now give me money!

>> No.15541839

fucking topkek

>> No.15541908

>Bots wash trading
>anon doesn't see that Link is still a scam and a SWIFT associate said they see no use in using a cryptocurrency to do international bank transfers.

>> No.15541925

>what is DLT

>> No.15541953
File: 172 KB, 600x600, verified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see... Their website shows the Forbes logo, then when you click on it, it only takes you to the front page. Click on Nasdaq and it only talks about a "Chinese E-Commerce Giant" called JD which was a scam and shut down by the Chinese. Then you click on BitCoin Magazine and see it's the same article that was on Nasdaq, which means it's a copy pasted press kit and not actually covered by Nasdaq or Forbes on their own volition. This is done to give you the first impression big financial giants are talking about Devery and are on their radar.

No photos of the team members on the website nor a physical location of their office. Do they even have an office? Let me hand over my money and stock up on EVE so I can get exit scammed. Hard.

Only 2000 followers on Twitter, half of them are crypto moonboys, the other half are bots.

Now watch pajeets respond to this saying the website and social media doesn't matter... When you shit in the streets and beg random women for pics of bobs and vagene, it's no wonder. Now to anyone living in a first world country and who isn't autistic... image matters, as is social proof. And Devery doesn't have it, as much as it tries (and fails). And let's not forget: The CEO is a pajeet. Any more questions?

The only time you can make these retarded comparisions and arguments is if you have real-world adoption and interest or significant partners. Where are they? Nowhere. No one cares about Devery. Fucking shills. Get rekt and left with heavy bags.

That was a copypasta. See pic related. You have been warned. How could I be right about so many of these shitcoins? Hope none of you still hold VIDT.

>> No.15541955

Devery had no chance against industry goliaths like BlockArray and ShipChain.

>> No.15542006

>Hope none of you still hold VIDT.
Lol this made me lol.
How do they not see it?
There's a sucker born every minute.
Problem is they run home and say "crypto is a scam!"
This shit is bad for all of us.
We should continue to warn the newcomers and out the scammers, it's all we can do to instill some legitimacy to this thing.

>> No.15542014

Buy BTC. Nothing else matters.

>> No.15542313

>How do they not see it? There's a sucker born every minute.
It's difficult to resist shills. Even I have second thoughts sometimes when I read posts after posts of "missing out" and "it's about to take off like a rocket" but then my logic kicks in and realize what they're doing and who is making those posts. Usually why there are so many half naked photos on here: Remove all reasoning and force you to make decisions emotionally. "Maybe I can get a chick like that if I make it, and this coin might be the road to riches! Barely anyone knows about this coin, I'm getting in on the ground floor for pennies!"

>> No.15542353


Some neet from here dropped 15 on it kek