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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15540647 No.15540647 [Reply] [Original]

Just find out my sisters stole $3k+ from my mother and stole $7k from me by getting a credit increase behind my back on the Pet Insurance card I got to help them with their pet bills.

Any other anons been in similar family financial betrayals?

>> No.15540704
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When I was sick with pancreatitis, my wife thought I was going to die so she shifted the title of our house from joint to her name only, but kept the mortgage joint. She is a realtor and has work acquaintances who are attorneys to help her do the paperwork. Did it behind by back when I was in the hospital without my knowledge...she says it was done but I 'refuse to remember it'.
Turns out she was having an affair and planned it all along...a year after my illness (i survived) she asked for a divorce...somewhat surprising but really not. We agreed to sell the house and we did, for over 80k more than we paid for it 15 years earlier. Only since it was in her name, she got the profit, she got the check, she got the money and I got nothing...my attorney couldn't do anything about it either, and neither could either of my two brothers (who are attorneys). I was 100% broke after the divorce. At least I got the dog.

>> No.15540725

>Close the card, pay it off if you have to.
>Spend the rest of your life getting them to pay you back plus interest.
>Never give them a cent again. If they ask why just remind them of this then drop the subject.

>> No.15540736

lol, so beta

>> No.15540748
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Sounds like she upgraded from a beta faggot.

You sound like a good candidate for a Gook goblin waifu.

>> No.15540761

she upgraded to a black guy so she's the fucking loser here bucko

>> No.15540765

You should murder her

>> No.15540830

women are fucking scum, literally every piece of evidence points to it. Never, ever trust a woman with more than a dollar for a soda. Fucking cum dumpsters would sell their own child out to prostitution for a paycheck.