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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15530012 No.15530012 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get stupid people to give me money for free?

>> No.15530040

I’ll tell you one really lucrative way if you send me .7 eth

>> No.15530126

Oh hey, I remember this from /o/. Some 18 year old bought this Sentra Nismo at 20% APR and said the piece if shit would appreciate in value as it was "rare".
Noticed I said "was", the fool evidently wrecked it a week later.

>> No.15530149

>5 year finance
>End up tripling the actual cost of the vehicle
Are people this stupid?

>> No.15530220

If you need a vehicle right now to survive for your job or family, then you need a vehicle and you are going to get one. Remember that part of the function of captialism is that poverty charges interest.

>> No.15530254

So where does financing a brand new vehicle come into that?

>> No.15530264

>You have no vehicle
>Need vehicle
>Not enough money to buy vehicle
>Finance vehicle

>> No.15530272
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Yeah he really needed that $22.9k brand new jap shitbox RIGHT NOW, didn't he?

>> No.15530302

>the only way to finance a vehicle is at a dealership for a new car with 16.99 percent interest
Are you a boomer or just retarded?

>> No.15530305

>has down payment of $2250
>doesn't check cl to lowball desperate niggers

>> No.15530308

Be a girl

>> No.15530323

17% apr lmao

>> No.15530349
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Honda gave me 2.9% APR financing. Whoever the fuck agreed to 16.99% got annually raped.

>> No.15530376

Why the fuck are you people financing vehicles? Buy outright for fucks sake. Financing depreciating assets is a sure sign that you will NEVER make it.

>> No.15530424

>buying a new car

>> No.15530512

>You have no vehicle
>Need vehicle
>Not enough money to buy vehicle
>somehow find over 2 grand for down payment instead of buying a shitbox on craigslist for half the money
>somehow find another 500 per month to finance a piece of shit FOR SIX YEARS
mouthbreathing retard

>> No.15530530


Fuck... my car will only be worth $10,000 by the time I've paid it off. I need to sell this thing ASAP. My shit box car only cost me $4000 in repairs over 5 years. If I keep my new car I will end up paying 12k in depreciation plus $5000+ in repairs. My new car will end up costing me 11k more than my shit box car over the same time period.

Thanks anon... I've seen the light.

>> No.15530541
File: 86 KB, 890x434, 1567574415102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're poor you should be taking advantage of retards by buying their depreciated autobags 3-5 years later in the used market. I see decent vehicles that will last you 5+ years until catastrophic failure all the time for less than 6 grand. If you look harder and pick the right model you can get 10+ years out of econo shitboxes that already have 50-60k miles on them.

>> No.15530591


Meanwhile that 11k could go towards buying rental property.

>> No.15530663

or a single btc which can buy you a property

>> No.15530689

7 years later, I still have my $700 beater truck I got off craigslist. Learned how to wrench on it too. saved myself so much fucking money, holy shit. Like add that shit up, cars are crazy expensive.

>> No.15530745

Really wish I just had the ability to risk my commute vehicle by experimenting with DIY maintenance like that. I have a degree in engineering and its not mechanical nor do I have any mechanic experience, so working on a car is a completely different beast for me and Ive worked on gearboxes and guns.

>> No.15530776

my truck was my "learning" vehicle. i bought it and kept my current car while i went full retard trying to fix stuff. $1000 for a shitbox and some harbor freight tools is like, one repair, if you go to a mechanic.

just do it dude, were in the golden age of automotive DIY because there are old cars that are dead simple still available and the internet has made sure to document virtually every procedure possible. get a civic or geo metro.

>> No.15530813

I may keep my Impreza then to tinker on as I planned on driving it into its grave anyways. You're right that if you have multiple vehicles its easier to invest into.

>> No.15530914

mate just how often do you think a car is normally supposed to need repairs, jesus

routine maintenance yes but if parts are falling off all the time you should maybe try to buy better vehicles

>> No.15530937

yeah, get something else.

>> No.15530983

I've had it for 80k miles and I've been good to it. Its not like its some beat to shit ricer car.

>> No.15530995

you done your own work on it yet?

>> No.15530997

you suck at math. the price didn't even double.

>> No.15531234
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Fucking this.

This mentality is why most people are poor

>> No.15531251

Real talk, just get a fucking used shitter car. obviously cars are useful, buying a new car is one of the dumbest financial decisions you can make. should only be done if you have money to spare.

>> No.15531272

Anon realized his mistake and took the best option. Total that shit on purpose for insurance and get a used Camry.

>> No.15532015

become a loan shark

>> No.15532247

literally buy a used car and stop being retarded you fucks need to off yourself or move to canada

>> No.15532263

Why if you can use the cash on hand to invest in something that returns more than the interest rate.

>> No.15532323

I said depreciating asset.

>> No.15532649
File: 889 KB, 1162x938, 1544210050906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/o/tist here, I have you all beat in the transportation retardation conflagration. I have a financed car, a financed truck, and four shit boxes that would be cheap to fix but I don't have time to work on them. I blow about $1200/month on payments, insurance, fuel and consumables.

>> No.15532676

Leasing is the cheapest way to be a baller and eat your cake too