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File: 32 KB, 345x390, 1560912519070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15529431 No.15529431 [Reply] [Original]

just took 14g of shrooms bout to ask these entities what the total marketcap of crypto will be in 2 years

i'll report my findings here

>> No.15529453

Not going to hold my breath amd this post will be archived. How about you do it first THEN post your findings faggot.

>> No.15529549


>> No.15529563

shrooms turn you gay

>> No.15529580
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>i'll report my findings here
Looking forward to it!

>> No.15529596

Make sure to close your eyes and cancel out all noise.

>> No.15529600

Anon, is Kek visible from your current location? I repeat: do you have eyes on Kek?

>> No.15529644
File: 87 KB, 212x225, 1564492501583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what will be the total marketcap of crypto in 2 years?

>hahahaha he thinks currency is real lmao anyway hey this is what the law of generationality tastes like bro

>> No.15529655

Ask about Pluto Saturn conjuctio and why Chainlink is related to it. Thanks.


>> No.15529700

>bout to ask these entities what the total marketcap of crypto will be in 2 years
you just ask yourself (the subconscious mind) the question and you answer it yourself (what you want to hear) while seeing some random shit
deluded druggies

>> No.15529960

Exactly, I went through a dirty druggie phase during my adolescence, and met many who are still on the "path to enlightenment".
You're playing yourself if you take your "visions" as prophecies.
Be it psylocybin, DMT, DXM, ketamine, DPH, LSD, NBOMES, or mescaline I've taken it all and the only thing I've gained is a criminal record.

>> No.15529975

no fucking way dmt entities are our subconcious, the only way in which this is true is that there is only you

>> No.15529978

I've done most of them and received no criminal record or prophetic visions that I took seriously. But I had (mostly) a good time, and became more humble from it.

>> No.15529983

That better be wet weight otherwise GG anon

>> No.15529999

Last time I took 3.5g I started having a bad trip and was debating if I should call an ambulance for myself. Eventually I laid down and managed to ride it out but not without about an hour of pacing around my apartment trying to "get it under control"

I suppose the good thing about a dose that high is there would be no fighting it, you're going whether you like it or not. Good luck OP

>> No.15530001


>> No.15530005


>> No.15530006

The only real benefit is that you really realize what living through "subjective experience" means.

>> No.15530017
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>> No.15530030
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kek, have fun bro

>> No.15530033

The entity's have spoken through OP

>> No.15530038

Why ask such trivial questions when you can ponder Chainlink, the ultimate connection for all things blockchain?

>> No.15530053

based anon is connected to the other dimension right now
I did a few handfuls of wet mushrooms early this year

>> No.15530088
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>> No.15530090
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these "entities" are just demons in disguise anyway. Not to be trusted.

>> No.15530094

Based, first time I ever tripped on a psychedelic, I took 7g in the dark expecting something similar to DXM and boy was I pleasantly surprised. This was almost 10 years ago lol. At one point I was convinced I broke my brain and was wondering how my parents would find me mentally retarded all of a sudden but I was completely cool with it because it was so amazing. At one point I also had what I can only describe as "full body orgasms" where I'd get this jolt of energy and writhe on my bed in exctasy. Mind you it wasn't sexual but it felt that fucking great. Good luck dude

>> No.15530099

what do the gods say anon

>> No.15530107

Oh actually the bodygasms felt like I was being skullfucked by ancient gods

>> No.15530109

report back anon

ask about link if you can. a few DMT anons reported the top of the first link bullrun would be $379.

>> No.15530113

>”full body orgasms” where I’d get this this jolt of energy and writhe on my bed in ecstasy
Anon, you were having a seizure and you almost died.

>> No.15530117


>> No.15530132
File: 24 KB, 474x459, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's nice to take a warm shower and deep breaths
then after wrap up in a robe and drink juice

>> No.15530141

ask about HOLO!

>> No.15530156

my last Acid trip i saw a humaniod bull over our campfire. it was symbolic of the great bull run of 2017. recently tripped again and saw the same bull man once more, the great bull run of 2020 is coming hodl

>> No.15530191

I always buy a bunch of berries if I'm doing shrooms at home. Doing psychedelics at home alone is always super fucking deep, sometimes if i break thru on LSD I almost forgot I took something. But if I ski or dance on acid, I never get as balls deep probably because there's a lot to distract my mind

>> No.15530240
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yeah berries are good, the sugar from fruit is awesome it feels like low level electricity starts pulsing through my body
yeah hiking/mountain biking easy trails is nice on the come up I live half a mile from a big county park/trail system
last time I took 7g I had to lay on my couch at the peak and close my eyes I hope OP is having a good time

>> No.15530243
File: 243 KB, 560x586, 1565585203192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows

>> No.15530267

You just sound like a retard honestly. I'll always sit on a sheet of acid, I just like it. Most of the time I use it as a party drug

>> No.15530274


>> No.15530284


He took 14 grams it will make no fucking difference.

>> No.15530287


>overdosing on psilocybin

I'd like to see you try.

>> No.15530318

strange. blink. gun.pound.send. dead. cup. fear.

>> No.15530325

get off the computer bro

>> No.15530353

Strange. Blink. Gun. Pound. Send. Dead. Cup. Fear
Chain. Link. One. Thou. Sand. End. Of. Year


>> No.15530357

Shrooms I don't like getting too physical on it unless I throw in a little bit of mdma in there like at a festival, it's a bit too 'dreamy' feeling for me otherwise. Mescaline or LSD on their own are better for being out and about, and they have less mindfuck ime. 14g is a FUCKTON if he took dried. Probably closer to a short Ayahuasca trip at that point

>> No.15530366

can confirm its impossible
t.ate several pounds of wet shrooms before

>> No.15530372
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>> No.15530395

this is his recovery phrase i just stole all his bitcoin lol

>> No.15530397



>> No.15530488
File: 60 KB, 750x921, the_intellectual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drugs made me bad guise
Irresponsible faggot detected.

>> No.15530540

Based psychonaut poster

>> No.15530542


>> No.15530547

No way 14
That’s a death sentence

>> No.15530665

Far from it but it'll definitely put him in his place

>> No.15530675 [DELETED] 

Nice try, FBI. I will not commit sudoku.

>> No.15530701

I don't regret shit, you mouth-breathing dweeb. Nor do I blame drugs for a now sealed conviction.
Your picture aptly describes my attitude towards psychadelics; the people who use them only once or twice blow the significance of the experience way out of proportion. Case in point: OP of this thread.

>> No.15530735
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>> No.15530739

Lmao OP actually did it. I once frantically scrawled pages and pages of words like this shit.

>> No.15530844

>strange. blink. gun.pound.send. dead. cup. fear.

>range: link un ousend ead u ear

> range: link one thousand end of year

>> No.15531113

I'm with you anon. On a micro, but connected to the web. Fly high, traveler.

>> No.15531392


>> No.15531440


>> No.15531454


>> No.15531500

By jove it's retard morse code!

>> No.15531698

Is the pudding market going to moon? Anyone have charts to support this?

>> No.15531721

why has no one called out this faggot larp yet. nobody eats 1/2 oz of shrooms. that's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.15532258

calling larp

>> No.15532779


>> No.15532792

This. No way he even cares about some biz thread while tripping as hard as he should be.

>> No.15532820

Enjoy getting heart damage kek

>> No.15532822

This anon saw the fucken Minotaur

>> No.15532826
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LARP faggot nigger >>15532258

>> No.15532829

OP got arrested kek

>> No.15533099

asking about money seems ridiculous in a trip
not that money isn't important sober, but the mindset you're in isn't money conscious
unless you're at the level of understanding as a developer, tripping about consensus based blockchains seems irritating

go watch graham betsinger interviews and see how successful people achieve their goals

>> No.15533128

do you speak from personal experience anon?

>> No.15533337


>> No.15533434
File: 222 KB, 1024x768, IMG-20190906-WA0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he died?

>> No.15533466

probably went for taco bell after he came down.
OP needs DMT to really talk to the alien conductors of this machine

>> No.15533473

>not saving the picture from 2 years in the future that was posted here

>> No.15533498

Bravo anon, bravo

>> No.15533530

should have just stopped posting after this. it was believable here but the subsequent posts read like a role play

>> No.15533975

I've done 7g and even though i was spiralling into complete schizophrenia i could get caught into thought loops and write incoherent nonsense.

>> No.15534022
File: 369 KB, 663x1105, 1565383889538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur literally god and lonely for the rest of eternity, u got a problem with that, faggot?