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15528880 No.15528880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I Tinder? I downloaded Tinder on my phone last night right before I went to bed, turboswipe method, and woke up to 13 matches. Having a conversation online is much harder than in person. I'm definitely not a good jester so coming up with cringey one liners is just not a skill I have. For example, judging this roastie from her bio, she is just looking for a pump and dump. Do I simply just say hi or let's fuck

>> No.15528893

>”generic stuff”

Jesus fuck

>> No.15528904

>dont give a shit
>going out
>binging Netflix
The absolute state of roasties

>> No.15528912

Yes, they come out of a factory.

>> No.15528958

Have sex

>> No.15528969

You can try making jokes and it might entertain her for a bit. Meanwhile chad immediately starts talking about sex positions and you're at the bottom of the queue. The first method CAN work out sometimes and the second method might not work, but chad doesn't care about the failure rate meanwhile you are pouring all your emotional energy into one girl at a time

>> No.15528995
File: 75 KB, 927x1024, 92d838309ff369d8eb107d85354fe05c24ba5bf4_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I never even held a girls hand. The only sex position I know is laying on my back with my dick in hand.

>> No.15529002

If you have a big dick make sure to mention that

>> No.15529006

It's tiny. like 4.5 inches.

>> No.15529019


>> No.15529027


>> No.15529039
File: 126 KB, 500x281, 3101341_1355441977208.06res_500_281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I have going for me is that I'm 6'3"...The worst part is I'm too tall too be cute, so I can't even go the feminine penis angle.

>> No.15529041

And now the studmaster69s on the board will share with us how different and unique they are, with a plethora of non generic hobbies and stuff they do, unlike those boring mainstream cucks, right?

>> No.15529044

Never directly say let’s fuck. More like want to come to my place and watch finding nemo ;)

>> No.15529047

Your height doesn‘t matter when you have a tiny dick it will look even more comical to the roastie when she sees your tiny kid penis attached to a grown ass man

>> No.15529050
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I don't have a netflix account. I strictly pirate all my animes.

>> No.15529066

6’3 with a 5” dick? Shit genetics anon can’t tell you much else, I’m 6’4 and atleast clear 8.

Best option for you is to bullshit an alpha male ego as long as your testosterone will last and hope you can keep the charade up for atleast 48 hours.

>> No.15529078
File: 25 KB, 474x568, tbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do have shit genetics. Should I go for asian girls then? since white girls will never accept my tiny penis.

>> No.15529093

Don't start with "hi" or "let's fuck", it doesn't work. Try doing that to women in the street and see how far that gets you. "Hi" doesn't give the conversation any direction and women, contrary to popular opinion on biz, are not desperate to suck your dick after seeing 3 pictures of you awkwardly smiling in poor lighting.

My script:
>Think of a half-decent opening line. Be complimentary and funny but avoid cringey one-liners.
Women get a hundred "hi"s a day and you aren't going to get a reply with that.
>Blah blah blah, so are you a student?/How's [whatever you are studying] going?
>oh cool, blah blah blah, what's your dream in life?
>Nice, mine is [standard NPC dream like travelling or some shit] you can tell me all about it over drinks some time.

Whole thing takes 4-5 messages, get her number, arrange a place to grab drinks and take it from there. Always aim to meet up the following day, or as soon as possible if she can't make the next day, in my experience girls get very flaky and the quicker you arrange the date the less opportunity they have to back out of it.
If that first message gets a reply then I get a phone number about 80% of the time.

>> No.15529097
File: 175 KB, 448x1247, 1567872147775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no expert in astrophysics, but I'd like to learn the mass of Uranus and it's interactions with my absolute magnitude.

>5 mins later
Plz respond.

Then make fun of her for going into a normie "faux smart" degree that doesn't pay shit and is all fluff based on Jewish propaganda that the Earth is a sphere.

>> No.15529102

seething netflix binging traveling roastie detected

>> No.15529126

>contrary to popular opinion on biz, are not desperate to suck your dick after seeing 3 pictures of you awkwardly smiling in poor lighting.
I have never in my life seen someone claim this on any forum or irl
In fact, the consensus seems to be that women are overly picky now thanks to online dating giving them unfettered access to chad after chad.

>> No.15529129

I think you should neck yourself.

>> No.15529135

Same, but if my autistic, ugly, tiny dick, manlet dad can get vagina so can I, r-right?

>> No.15529151

I don't think you understood his post. It's typically the wannabe-chads who post a bunch of nonsense about self improvement that assumes anyone who doesn't get women is an unwashed slob who collects anime figures.(They typically post this because they're in denial of the fact that at 5'6" with poor facial structure that all of their lifting and tryhard hobbies were for naught when it comes to females)

>> No.15529162

based turboswiper

>> No.15529163

Be handsome
Have your life together
Be a prompt texter
These will score you Endless pussy but keep in mind 99.9999% of Tinder thots are insane and awful at sex.

>> No.15529168

Nope your dad is probably a boomer you don't have that privilege.

>> No.15529186

literally every single one of your direct male ancestors dating back to the evolution of meiosis has managed to convince at least one member of the opposite sex to have sex with them. Are you really going to be the one to ruin a 1.2 billion year winning streak?

>> No.15529187

Do this OP

>> No.15529190

expecting women to have actual interests is a lost cause senpaitachi

>> No.15529205

Online dating has ruined the expectations of women. It's not anon's fault.

>> No.15529229 [DELETED] 

I get to turboswipe again in 10 minutes.

I like to think I have my life together. (No roommates, don't live with parents, I have a cool career). I don't have any way to know if I'm handsome or not, I think I'm ugly because no girl has ever expressed feelings for me.

Thanks, finna turboswipe again in a few minutes.

>> No.15529239

I like to think I have my life together. (No roommates, don't live with parents, I have a cool career). I don't have any way to know if I'm handsome or not, I think I'm ugly because no girl has ever expressed feelings for me.

Finna turboswipe again in a few minutes.

Yes, probably. It's not looking good for me.

>> No.15529252

OP easy shit. Hold a conv just to show her you're not autistic and then simply say "How about you tell me all about it in person, this friday evening?"

>> No.15529264

I just send every girl a dick pic.

>> No.15529266

I have some important shit going on Saturday morning so this whole week I'm busy preparing for it. ;c

>> No.15529280

Fine then just keep matching and strike a conversation later in the week to meet up for saturday evening. Key is not to overtext and be like a fucking court jester

>> No.15529296

Also only meet up in the evening for some drinks. No lunch and definitely not dinner, makes things awkward

>> No.15529394

Nahh, don't message them at all until you have the time to meet up at short notice. If you schedule a date for a week away she's guaranteed to flake.
Some girls want you to keep messaging them until the date, some think that's overly clingy and will be put off. There's no way of knowing what type of girl she is and if she does want you to message her you don't know how frequently would be considered off-putting. I've lost so many roasties to this

Best bet is to arrange the date for as soon as possible (either the same night or the following night) and avoid that dilemma completely.

>> No.15529401

I-I don't even know anywhere in this god forsaken city that I just moved to. A-Also, I don't drink alcohol unless it's free and I'm certainly not going to gamble/invest money on roasties.

>> No.15529403
File: 323 KB, 1080x1596, Screenshot_20190908_225427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give it a go. Wish me luck.

>> No.15529408

You need to put your height in the bio.

>> No.15529418

>Avatar or signature use.

>> No.15529430

I-is there any hope for a 34 year old on tinder?

>> No.15529438

Look on trip advisor for a bar or cafe within walking distance from you. Buy a coffee or a milkshake or something. You don't need a flawless working knowledge of the social scene of your city to meet women on tinder ffs

>> No.15529445

As long as you avoid hubris and set your age range appropriately. The only 18-25 year olds you'll find are those looking for sugar daddies.

>> No.15529471

>I'm no expert in astrophysics, but I'd like to learn the mass of Uranus and it's interactions with my absolute magnitude.
ur fuckin good m8

>> No.15529507

No one is swiping right for that pink manlet, beard or not

>> No.15529701

I don't know why you all are shitting on that profile. She has some intelligence if she is able to actually get good grades in astrophysics and her generic interests mean she will be easy to please. Basically a perfect wife.