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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 305 KB, 380x400, ez lyf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1552312 No.1552312 [Reply] [Original]

very cheap way to live if you jews are looking to minimize living expenses. 203 dollars a day depending on how many sandwiches u eat

PEANUTBUTTER: $0.456 (1 sandwich)
WHITE BREAD: $0.0617 (1 sandwich)
WATER: $0 a day

provides all macros you need (carbs/protein/fat).
occasionally buy nonbranded breakfast juice to get vitamins and minerals.
if you get bored of taste then just buy bananas which cost around $0.29 for one serving and cut it up on the sandwich.
this is by far the cheapest way to live.

>> No.1552315

2-3* not 203

>> No.1552319


>> No.1552322

Also porridge.

A bowl of porridge is one of the cheapest meals possible and filling and nutritious as hell.

Trouble is it tastes pretty bland so you get bored of it fast.

>> No.1552325

>water $0/day
I want to know where you live that utilities cost nothing

>> No.1552328

with his mom

>> No.1552330

i don't get people who try to save on food

good diet consisting of foods high in nutritional value will make you feel and think better, plus they're tasty

instead so many fucks eat plain rice, or mcdonalds, or those retarded chicken+broccoli meal preps.

>> No.1552335

He fell for the no carb meme

Get beans, and rice and learn how to cook the fuck out of them and make them delicious. Peanut butter is nasty after 1 sandwich.

>> No.1552345
File: 78 KB, 500x484, the moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


while i'm at it, here's some other things you shouldn't be trying to skimp out on

clothing: with £1000 you can get yourself a nice new wardrobe (over the course of the year to cover all seasons). don't buy outfits from the fucking supermarket, that stuff is ill fitting and nobody will take you seriously... it doesn't cost much to buy a few good shirts, shoes (brogues, boots), suits (one black, one charcoal/blue) and a jacket.

gym: when you look at yourself in the mirror you should know that a gym membership costs nothing compared to who you could be if you bothered going.

Trying to save money? here's what you CAN save on

car: nobody gives a fuck about your status symbol. as long as it's reliable and gets you from A to B, that's all that matters.

accessories: watch, phone, mp3 player... pointless crap. only morons will notice your latest iphone.

video games: the library has free books and once you learn how to read it's a much more fulfilling hobby.

>> No.1552384

I'm pretty sure you can't live on peanut butter and carbohydrates.

>> No.1552387

what about the increase in medical bills, health insurance, shaving years off your life?

too many negatives in this plan.

>> No.1552395

>occasionally buy nonbranded breakfast juice to get vitamins and minerals.
Oh yes OP please tell me about all the minerals in fruit juice.

>> No.1552441

For $21 a week, I'd rather buy some fresh veggies. I go fishing every weekend and get enough fish to last me a month. Always giving it away. I spend about $50 a week in groceries total including hygiene products and others stuff

>> No.1552454

Rice is the most useless food, it's low in minerals and vitamins (especially in zinc) and conists almost entirely of carbs. With glycemic index of rice being over 70, enjoy your diabetes, acne and other shit.

>> No.1552457

mcdonalds gives free water
also just find a tap somewhere.

this thread is also homeless guide 101 because paying rent is expensive as hell

>> No.1552463

you can live forever on just bread but u will probably get sick after a couple month because of lack in vitamins. u will also get skinny because no fat or protein. peanut butter and breakfast juice and bread is literally everything ur body needs and u can live forever on it being healthy

>> No.1552464

vegetables is too low calories.
it is very high quality nutritional value but so low calories you will feel very hungry if u limit urself to just vegetables and fish.

>> No.1552465

>He doesn't eat wild and brown rice which have a lower glycemic index and more minderals
>He thinks rice white or brown causes diabetes
>He thinks carbs cause acne
>He thinks the only place you get vitamins is rice and doesn't eat vegetables chopped into his rice and beans and eat fruit too which are the best source of vitamins except for the b vitamins.

Oh boy

>> No.1552470

brown rice is a big meme.
rice in general is just a meme.
seriously though, you can be at optimal health just eating peanut butter sandwich with the occasional banana and breakfast juice. 1litre of breakfast juice a week and 1 banana every 3rd day is all the micronutrients you need to stay healthy and not put urself at risk of sickness or disease. the peanut butter sandwich gives you all macros you need aswell.

>> No.1552475

Brown rice has nutrients in it.

>you can live forever on just bread
No, you can't.

>u will probably get sick
That's understating it.

>After about six weeks on a bread-only diet the level of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, in your body will drop to zero. The early signs of scurvy are fatigue, loss of appetite (you're going to have to force those six loaves down) and aching bones and joints. Then your gums will begin to bleed and your teeth start to wiggle. Without ascorbic acid, a protein called collagen that holds the body together will stop doing its job. Look for hemorrhaging under the skin, with anemia resulting. Your hair will begin to split and coil and bury itself in its follicles. The nice thing about scurvy is that vitamin C can reverse it at any point, but we're not going to allow any backsliding here. The preterminal signs are vomiting and swooning blood pressure. You will be weak by now, collapsing on so many fronts and so open to infection that it might be hard to pinpoint the exact cause of death.
>Breads in general also won't give you enough of vitamins A and D and some of the B vitamins. This deprivation will contribute to your general deterioration, but not as swiftly or as critically as the lack of vitamin C. Doing without vitamin A, for example, will eventually cause you to go blind, and your corneas will fall out, but you have a two-year supply of vitamin A stored up in your liver, and before it's gone you'll probably already have croaked of other causes

>peanut butter and breakfast juice and bread is literally everything ur body needs and u can live forever on it being healthy
[citation needed]

Buy a sack of fucking rice.

>> No.1552476

Brown rice contains manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, vitamin B3, among other nutrients. 1 cup contains 21% of daily value in magnesium, which helps prevent diabetes. Also, brown rice has a low glycemic load, and is only ~230 calories per cup.

>> No.1552481

Wrong. It means I can eat more and always feel full. I have some deep fried catfish, green beans, and baked potato almost every day. And eat as many carrots as I want all day. Have eggs and oat meal for breakfast, and chicken/steak fajitas as well.

But enjoy your peanut butter sandwiches.

>> No.1552482

>He thinks carbs cause acne
"A high-glycemic-index/-load diet was positively associated with acne vulgaris."
Too lazy to prove everything else to you

>> No.1552486

>CTRL+F lentils
>Find nothing

You done fucked up

>> No.1552489

>CTRL+F faggot
>1 match

>> No.1552490


>> No.1552492

In the context of this thread it is not. Op asked for cheap inexpensive food. Rice is just that, and no its not going to cause you diabetes like you somehow think it will.

First of all >associated with
does not mean proven

Secondly the sample size is riduculously small

Thirdly, the conclusion itself says needs more research

> Further research on adiponectin levels in patients with acne in terms of development of insulin resistance might be important in this possible relationship.

Fourthly, carbs does not = high glycemic index. You automatically assume carbs = high glycemic it does not. Carbs is a dumb word and encompasses everything from beans to donuts. There are plenty of carbs that have low indexes.

Fifthly other things like not showering and having clean sheets are the main sources of acne far more than diet.

>> No.1552496

dumbass. did u even read the full OP post.
it clearly states to drink breakfest juice. you just wrote a whole meaningless paragraph because i skipped the OP post

>> No.1552498


>> No.1552507

u dumbass i AM op. my id changed because i live in dynamic IP changes every 30 mins so i can dodge bans.
anyway. since i am op ur post is just irrelevant

>> No.1552509

Nigga that's a quote

White bread has zero nutritional value. You can't live on it. You said you could live on it, so I proved you wrong.
Peanut butter has very little vitamin C, by the way. A banana has much more, but not even a quarter of the daily recommended value.
You're gonna die of scurvy and you'll deserve it, you illiterate retard.

>> No.1552525

Give the kid a break. His Grammar shows he isn't from a Western English speaking country. If he is, then he truly is a retard, but be nice.

>> No.1552530


>> No.1552535

i was born in a island then i move to australia 2 week ago.

>> No.1552536

>video games
this right here tbqh familia.

Video games are incredibly unfufilling and a massive timesink.

>> No.1552539

[citation needed]

>> No.1552548

nutritional info of the juice
RDI of vitamin C

>tl;dr the juice per 100ml is 80mg. RDI is 200mg. so you need literally 250ml or a cup of this breakfast juice for ur RDI of vitamin c.

>> No.1552585
File: 2 KB, 887x82, d38f39d1ad[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you are so fucking illiterate.
It's 40mg per 100mL or 80 mg per serving (200 mL). You would have to drink 500 mL to get 200mg of vitamin C.
Nowhere in that linked article does it say the RDI is 200mg. The RDI is 45mg according to that article, and Google says it's between 65 and 90. You'll need at least 150mL per day, which is close enough to 1L.
However, 250mL per day, the amount you said, is much more than 1L per week. It's almost 2L per week.

Considering you can't spell, can't read, can't do math, can only barely construct a sentence, and claim to have been "born in a island," I'm forced to conclude that you are mentally retarded, perhaps due to a diet deficient in some essential vitamin or mineral. We've established it isn't C, but your diet has very little in the way of other nutrients. A lack of vitamin B12 in the womb is known to cause severe mental retardation, as you have aptly displayed, so I have to ask: did you learn this diet from your mother?

>> No.1552617

my bad. i was looking at a bunch of sources and the one i linked wasnt the one i was supposed to link

>> No.1552619

btw i dont eat that diet, i just created it for the jews to eat so hopefully they die because i hate jews. and i was born in new zealand which is probably a better country than u live in

>> No.1552627
File: 91 KB, 625x470, 2cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was wrong on purpose
>I was only trolling
And you think it was the "island" part of that sentence that was a problem.
It's kind of cute how retarded you are. You're like a puppy or a baby chimp.

>> No.1552631

shut up kid im trying to kill the jews
i swere i am not retard.
god dammit i knew i should have posted this thread on fit where people wouldnt harass me

>> No.1552633
File: 90 KB, 442x481, 1352269473048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a puppy that just got caught stealing food off the table.

>> No.1552639

as long as its peanut butter sandwich with brekfest juice and banana then im all good.
i was happy puppy.
u am dumb nig nog

>> No.1552689

you can also put lard on the bread and onions and a little paprika. fucking delicious.

>> No.1552708
File: 477 KB, 1427x815, poorfag-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah forgot the salt
so here is how it goes: get fresh bread, smear lard on it, throw some salt and paprika on top and some cut onions

>> No.1552711

lard is about $1-2 a pound, much cheaper than peanut butter. and it has lot's of calories vitamins and nutrients (as they are stored in fat)

>> No.1552724

I'm not here to argue but after thirdly you drop the -ly. It's just fourth, fifth, sixth.

>> No.1552733

I think the lack of B12 just increases the odds of Open Neural Tube which leads to miscarriage not retardation.

>> No.1552771

Obviously not a nutritionist.

>> No.1552778

lol I literally have lived on bread and peanut butter for an entire year.

I added in a couple other things though:

>bulk dried lentils
>bulk rice
>bulk oatmeal

The cost is like PB it's so cheap I don't even bother factoring it in because unless you go to the food bank or dumpster dive or have a job with free good you can't eat any cheaper.

I picked lots of apples and rasberries in the summer, recommend this if you can. Fresh, free fruit is great for health and to make eating the same thing everyday bearable, even enjoyable

>> No.1552781


holy shit, fucking ketofags are retarded

kys - oh wait u already are with your diet

>> No.1552821
File: 58 KB, 367x266, burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>donate six shirts to goodwill
>get receipt
>list eight shirts itemized

pure profit

>> No.1552835

Jesus christ
>/biz/ - Business & Finance

Oh what's a hot topic today?

>what's better? Bread and peanut butter or bread and lard?

>actually discussing diet plans that third world refugees would reject
>there are Vietnamese fisherman who would pity you on this diet

Is this the 19th century?

You could dumpster dive more than that.
I used to find about a months worth of food on a good weekend.

Buy spices and herbs for $5 at value store.
You only buy those once or twice a year.
HUGE return on investment.

Go for vegetables at a veg market 30 mins before closing, bring $5 and you'll walk away with a big bag of stuff, or stick around and there will be dropped fruit and veg on the floor, for extra Jew points.

Go for green veggies you can eat raw first, since save on utilities, and more nutrients, but try to get a 'rainbow a day' if you can (all colours of rainbow in fruit or veg)

Don't buy week to week if you're really gonna Jew it out, hit a ethnic store, go wherever abos shop or whatever you have in your town. I live in London, White British, but I love spicy food, and when I was poorfag, I dumpster dived and 'shopped like an Indian'
Poorfag is easy in India - most are vegetarian, or meat is used more for flavour - use everything from a chicken, use leftovers for soup.
They buy a shit-ton of spices and herbs in bulk, sacks of potatoes and rice and lentils and beans and onions, and a big tub of tasty ghee or butter.
Also lots of cruciferous veg - Broccoli or cauliflower, cabbage, is very dense, crunchy, chewy, nutritious, and filling.
This stuff keeps for ages.
And paneer is tasty as fuck, you can make it at home.
Leftover veg or meat?
Into the mystery soup/stew pot it goes.
You won't starve, your tastebuds won't get bored, whereas the above bread combos will make you want to kill yourself within 48 hours.

>> No.1552845

>dumpster dive
okay... i would rather eat lard for the rest of my life but good for you.

if you want to mix it up, you can eat peanut butter one day, lard an other day, you can buy a can of sardines for $1 and you can break it up with margarine a little salt and some seasonings and spread it (extremely delicious). eat veggies with them if you can, altho the peanut mutter is probably more of a fruit combo thing.

an other thing i like is a can of spam costs about $2 you can break it up with a fork put a little seasoning in it maybe an egg and make grilled sandwich about 5-6 large slices can be covered, throw some cheese on it the entire party costs about 4$ and it's eating like a king for 2 persons or for you alone on two occasions.

sandwiches are great, but nothing of comparable calorie value will be as cheap as lard and bread. eat it every second day if you are afraid you get bored of it and mix it up the rest.
i also like ready meals cost $1.5 on average all you need is water and a stove. awesome variety you don't need to know how to cook don't have to get creative they last forever so you can shop in bulk and save a lot of time.

>> No.1552848

Since we're being cheap, how do I find the cheapest place to live like an apartment or something?

>> No.1552849

Dumpster diving is actually a lot of fun.

I fished a good 20 lbs. of salmon filets out of a dumpster once--it was perfectly fine.

The only problem with dding food is you need to know when to stop. It's not uncommon to come across huge portions of frozen meat but you just can't take it all simply because you don't have enough freezer space.

>> No.1552850

cheapest is shared rent obviously.
if you rent with 4-5 dudes then your share is greatly reduced.
here college kids do this all the time. of course nobody likes to rent for them because the home is greatly amortized so they rent second hand.

>> No.1552855

>It's not uncommon to come across huge portions of frozen meat but you just can't take it all simply because you don't have enough freezer space.
insane where do you live? here people only throw out food that is so bad not even the dog or the pigs will eat it.
the food they throw out is so bad that hobos go for the pet food cans and clean them out instead.

>> No.1552873

live on the city street. its free!

>> No.1552876

calm down fatty, maybe go eat some empty carbs to cool off

>> No.1552883

>tfw 22 and eat out everyday

Cooking is for fags

>> No.1552888


All of that sounds more disgusting and expensive than what I suggested.
You're averaging about $2-4 a day, my plan is about $1-2 a day.
Beans and rice is the bare minimum best value, nutritional and cost wise.
Half the world or more runs on this fuel.

Next time at supermarket, just walk around the block and peep in the bins. Just out of curiosity. I couldn’t believe the stuff some throw away. Look for upscale middle-class areas.
I used to find booze in there too, lol, if a can or bottle of a four pack or six-pack gets damaged, they would just toss it.
It's mostly wrapped stuff, nasty stuff gets wrapped in separate bags. Go day before trash day. One dumpster was full of pastries in boxes. One was full of wrapped bread. All still fresh. Another was meat. Another was frozen goods.

Also, they will always have a 'fire sale' about an hour before closing, day before trash day. They have to cut their losses, so perishable goods marked down will be marked down again. Crqzy bargains then, I would eat for a week for about $5 on a good day, even if the dumpster were empty.

I ate better dumpster diving than when I was spending $50 a week on food.

>> No.1552895

>You're averaging about $2-4 a day, my plan is about $1-2 a day.
no way you get the same calories out from veggies and the occasional trash meat for the same price dude. just no way. lard is they cheapest most calorie dense thing you can find period. it's pure fat which has about 4100 kcals for a pound. carrots have like 200? i think about that for a pound.

>> No.1552898


Save up for a 20% down payment on a duplex. Live in one half and rent out the other half at a price which completely covers the monthly mortgage, insurance, property taxes, and a little extra to go into a checking account used only for repairs, rental income tax, etc. You'll essentially have a place to live in for free, with the added benefit of real estate equity. Later on, you can rent out both sides and have a steady stream of income.

I only recommend this if you're young with no kids, have a stable career, and don't mind spending a few hours a month playing landlord.

I've been doing this for a year, and its one of the best decisions I've ever made.

>> No.1552907


Nah. I don't want to be poor AND fat.

>> No.1552908

How much protein will I get per day?

I need approximately 160grams of protein a day.

>> No.1552909

whey protein (made of milk in india) bought in bulk is the cheapest source of protein.

unless you eat roadkill or fish out met from the trash of course... which i really don't think anyone should. you have no idea how the meat is contaminated so they threw it out.

>> No.1552910

Are you retarded?

Carbohydrates are a necessary macronutrient... they don't make you fat.

The brain functions off glycogen stores, what do you think creates those

>> No.1552911

>most useless

Stop eating McDonald's fatass

>> No.1552914

And why exactly would I eat such a shitty, unenjoyable diet exactly?

I thought this was a business board, where people make money?

Why would you live like a homeless person

>> No.1552920

nah, i'm just telling you what i found when i was lifting weights. i tried to find the cheapest source for extra protein and well protein shakes was it.

>> No.1552937

>no way you get the same calories out from veggies and the occasional trash
here is the math i just found it

>> No.1552939

and btw 200 kcals from lard is about $0.026

>> No.1552950

this is poor man homeless guide.
if u want to keep ur gains then gtfo this thread

>> No.1552957

Ate this for a month when I was dead broke. I regret nothing but I've only had a couple pb&j's since then. Kind of ruined them for me. Also this will make you fat.

>> No.1552958

you can synthesize protein just fine. even if you eat only fats and carbs.

the truth is everything is carbs. amino acids are just carbs. and fat chains are just long carbs. you call some carbs not carbs what's the point of that? carbo-hydrogens all our macros.

>> No.1552967

I thought this was a business board

>> No.1552970

frugality is a part of it. it's one of the underlying philosophy to get rich if you weren't born to be one.

>> No.1552975

>Living like a pennypinching homeless person to save like $300/month at most

I don't think this will make you rich

And besides, what good is being rich when you have a shitty quality of life?

Okay lets say you live like this, neglect your health, etc and save up $100,000. What will you spend it on while you're pretty much depriving yourself of essential nutrition and enjoyment of life?

>> No.1552977

OP: Ma can I go do the thing?
Ma: No you can't go do the thing.
OP: why?
Ma: because I said so
Ma: what are you gonna eat?

Hence this thread.

>> No.1552979

>What will you spend it on
More money, dumbass.

>> No.1552980

What good is money if you don't make use of it

>> No.1552981

You save it up until you can retire or start your own business.

>> No.1552983

>And besides, what good is being rich when you have a shitty quality of life?
i guess it's all about getting as much savings as soon as possible so that nice compound interest train can start moving forward.

and the best solution for early retirement equation is to decrease your living costs.

sure nobody wants to live like a homeless that is why i recommend foods i actually enjoy eating have great shelf life for the ingredients and are very cheap especially if you buy bulk.

you think these foods are unhealthy in some magical way? why? there is nothing unhealthy about them.

>> No.1552986

>Starving and depriving yourself of the basics of life to eventually 'retire' and do nothing

This sounds fucking retarded

>> No.1552987

i think this thread is about explicitly not starving.

>> No.1552991

You are not getting the correct amount of macronutirents nor micronutrients to sustain leanbodymass with this """"""diet"""""".

If you want to have fucked up hormones and severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies then go ahead and follow this brilliant plan to save $200/month instead of simply working a little bit more.

>and the best solution for early retirement equation is to decrease your living costs.

No, that's fucking idiotic.

The "best solution" is increasing your income. Decreasing your living costs reaches a hard cap and marginal returns very quickly.

Even min-maxing every little bullshit like stealing toilet paper from the mall washrooms and eat rocks and grass you're saving AT MOST Like $300-500/month.

Which is negligible. You could simply get a promotion at your McJob, pick up a few more hours of get a side hustle instead of fucking yourself like this

>you think these foods are unhealthy in some magical way? why? there is nothing unhealthy about them.

There's no such thing at "healthy" or "unhealthy" food. What matters is the context of your diet, and you are certainly not going to have a healthy diet living like this

>> No.1552993

I never said you should follow OP's advice. I have already made it clear that I think OP has the mental capacity of a chimpanzee.

You're asking why you should save up money in the first place. The answer is so that you won't be poor.

>> No.1552996

>You are not getting the correct amount of macronutirents nor micronutrients
sure you are macro composition balance is meaningless bullshit, you remain lean if you take the correct amount of calories and work out.
>If you want to have fucked up hormones and severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies
well i don't have deficiencies funny huh? and yeah saves about $200 a month which increases my savings by 50%. and decreases my living costs by 15%.
>The "best solution" is increasing your income.
that's good too, but if you increase your income it's still way more effective if you also decrease your living costs. both usually have practical limits and the optimum is minimum cost maximum income.

>> No.1552998

>You're asking why you should save up money in the first place. The answer is so that you won't be poor.

There's a difference between saving money and severely impacting your quality of life to save a negligible amount of money.


>> No.1553002

>sure you are macro composition balance is meaningless bullshit, you remain lean if you take the correct amount of calories and work out

Are you fucking retarded? How is it "meaningless bullshit"?

>Work out


>and yeah saves about $200 a month which increases my savings by 50%. and decreases my living costs by 15%.

You save under $500/month? Are you working as senior frycook of your town's finest burger establishment by any chance?

>> No.1553003

>How is it "meaningless bullshit"?
it has been proven that macros are interchangeable. you can't just eat one macro and be fine tho you need two and one of them is fats. you can technically with great care or supplements live only on carbs or protein i guess. but natural sustainable diets usually consist of 2 macros at least. you don't need all 3.

>> No.1553004

>Are you working as senior frycook of your town's finest burger establishment by any chance?
i'm a software engineer lol.

>> No.1553006

>it has been proven that macros are interchangeable.

are you mentally retarded

Where has this been proven you absolute idiot

>but natural sustainable diets usually consist of 2 macros at least. you don't need all 3.

are you mentally retarded

how do you save so little

This board is a joke

>> No.1553012

>are you mentally retarded
have you ever heard of eskimos? they pretty much only ate meat and fat and some seaweed for micros. they had no access to carbs pretty much and were fine. indians on the other hand barely eat meat many of them are vegans their diet consist largely of carbs and fats. it works out really your body can synthetise everything it needs.
>how do you save so little
it's all relative to where you live. here 90% don't have any savings whatsoever i'm in the top 2% income wise in my country have savings and investments. but food is a serious item in my budget. services and rent are cheap but food is not.

>> No.1553013

>have you ever heard of eskimos?

What did their bodies look like?

I don't recall any eskimo bodybuilders

>> No.1553018

they were apparently quiet healthy. less heart disease and shit. many bodybuilders do keto like diets especially leangains fags.

problem with excessive proteins especially a lot of whey is it can fuck up your kidneys. you don't need to actually eat proteins they are just a form of energy you can consume less readily available than sugars.

it is at a certain exercise intensity that protein as a fuel comes into play. but for most workouts needed to sustain a healthy life you don't need to supplement protein at all.

>> No.1553023

>problem with excessive proteins especially a lot of whey is it can fuck up your kidneys

[citation needed]

>you don't need to actually eat proteins they are just a form of energy you can consume less readily available than sugars

How am i suppose to facilitate the growth of muscle tissue from lifting heavy shit?

>> No.1553031

Add an egg or at least roast some grasshoppers or something, because Kwashiorkor sucks and the protein in peanuts isn't going to compensate.
And for fuck sakes make the bread brown or at least enriched.

>you can live for a couple of months on just bread

>> No.1553032

>How am i suppose to facilitate the growth of muscle tissue from lifting heavy shit?
lifting and then resting is hat facilitates the growth of muscle. lifting damages and inflames your muscles and it grows back stronger when you rest. your body can produce the proteins to build your muscles.

it is when you work out very hard your body runs low on sugars and it can't burn fat at a rate to sustain blood sugar levels it will break down muscle tissue to get proteins to burn. pre-workout protein shakes are supposed to help with avoiding this muscle breakdown. and post workout shakes supposed to help with providing proteins in easily accessible form for your body.

there is only one problem with it, your body does not really get protein from what you eat. it is broken down to amino acids and then reassembled. there is no way for whole proteins to get into your bloodstream normally but complex amino acids may cross into the blood stream. it's not really proven it's a theory but manufacturers are already on it like crazy.

>> No.1553035

i actually ate peanut butter for a year in 8th grade i can confirm this

>> No.1553038

hahah dude id love to shake ur hand

>> No.1553039

Jesus fuck.
Just so you know, you are talking to a nutritional advisor for over 10 years.

This isn't a battle of 'how many calories' - you can't fool your stomach.
When it is 80% empty it knows it, that's why it growls and rumbles.
There's gonna be excess acid that needs food to break down, and your intestines and stomach are like muscles, that need a regular workout - breaking down fibre, protein, fat, carbs.
Lard or PB and bread do not have sufficient amounts of those macros, never mind micros.
You can't bulk buy PB, lard, or bread by weight.
You can eat enough calories, but if you only eat, say, 300g of food, you can't fool your stomach on volume, it knows it's not 500g, so you add voluminous foods, like veg. 100g of lard is small, 100g of cabbage is a lot of cabbage in volume.

You start with beans, rice, and veg. You add whatever fat for flavour and fat. That's the foundation that will keep you alive and functioning on a tight budget. Anything else is a bonus.

Veggies are simply the cheapest bulk ingredient to add VOLUME and nutrients. A potato, half an onion, a handful of cauliflower/broccoli/cabbage, to a soup, stew, curry, etc doubles the volume of the meal for only pennies - you add beans, peas or lentils to the mix and rice to serve with it and you have complete proteins, which those bread diets don't have.

If you eat lard + bread, or PB + bread, you will have leaky gut syndrome and stomach cramps and have oily grease leaking out your ass.

If you are really worried about vitamin/mineral deficiencies, go to a dollar store and buy the cheapest multivitamin and mutlimineral pills there. There's not a huge difference in the expensive brands. You can get a months worth for a dollar. No, they are not perfect, and all pills have some drawbacks, but on a budget, I actually prioritize those to cover my bases. With a bigger budget, I just choose more diverse foods and better quality, not quantity.

>> No.1553043

>problem with excessive proteins especially a lot of whey is it can fuck up your kidneys
that's a myth
bodybuilders eat hundreds of grams of protein

you need fat AND protein to gain muscles, retard
that's why bodybuilders eat a lot of both

>> No.1553044

>your body can produce the proteins to build your muscles

you are so dumb im just not going to respond any more

>> No.1553047

>nutrional advisor
what a fuckign fail meme career
and donkey such as myself can learn about nutrition. its probably the most useless profession just because of how easy it is to learn. go back to school and do something better with ur life

>> No.1553048

tfw u get 10x the amount of friends if u can cook

>> No.1553051

>Lard or PB and bread do not have sufficient amounts of those macros
that's some prime grade bullshit right there
>never mind micros.
fat is
>you can't fool your stomach on volume
>Veggies are simply the cheapest bulk ingredient to add VOLUME
they are not cheap tho the most expensive food items for their nutritional value and consist 90% of water.
fats and protein are more filling that is why i like eggs and cheese. much more lasting satisfaction then fucking vegs.
>If you eat lard + bread, or PB + bread, you will have leaky gut syndrome and stomach cramps and have oily grease leaking out your ass.
uhm... no you only have that with synthetic fats you can't digest like they fry some chips in and stuff. usually "low fat" foods cause this specifically.

anon you clearly don't know shit about nutrition.

>If you are really worried about vitamin/mineral deficiencies, go to a dollar store and buy the cheapest multivitamin and mutlimineral pills there.
that is actually a workable advice it is remains to be seen if sufficient compared to a more balanced diet tho. opinions are split on this.

>> No.1553052

it goes to ur kids college education

>> No.1553058

>you need fat AND protein to gain muscles, retard
>that's why bodybuilders eat a lot of both
no and no
bodybuilders are usually not the sharpest tool in the box for one and they eat a lot of them because they are energy dense and that is ultimately what matters. if you want to increase mass you need calories period.
the human digestive system is limited in capacity and throughput. which means for a big dude eating energy dense foods is a must if he wants to grow. the exact composition is not important. altho at a certain professional level it might be but for you and the 99.99% of the population it isn't.

>> No.1553066
File: 69 KB, 360x267, 1341463182804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every bodybuilder in history is retarded and therefore has no idea how to build muscle
>listen to me, an anonymous shitposter, instead

>> No.1553077

>that's a myth
it's not a very pronounced threat, it could make things worse tho.
>Those who rely on this diet for an extended period are at a higher risk of developing kidney problems, kidney stones and in severe cases, kidney failure. However, there isn't conclusive research that links excessive, long-term whey protein consumption with deteriorating kidney function. Regardless, many experts caution that there is a risk and encourage individuals to consume whey protein in moderation.

specifically whey is a fast absorbing protein and paired with intense workouts that might result in muscle breakdown it could in theory fuck up your kidneys. protein is not bad it's just kinda expensive. if you eat a 100g of it daily you are fine really anything over it is probably a waste of money unless you eat it for the enjoyment value i mean i fucking love steak but it would be impossible to eat enough steak for 200g lean protein intake. it's fucking overkill is what it is. especially when noobies and dyel faggots do it.

>> No.1553079

>>every bodybuilder in history is retarded and therefore has no idea how to build muscle
that's not what i said anon, what i said is you shouldn't listen too much about the stuff they make up to explain their dietary habits as it is mostly pseudoscience and holistic bullshit like this anon spouts: >>1553039

>> No.1553096

>if you eat a 100g of it daily you are fine really anything over it is probably a waste of money

Evidence shows about 0.8-1 gram per lb of leanbodymass is what a natural bodybuilder can use. but that doesn't mean a higher amount isn't better

>> No.1553097

okay let me put this shit into perspective:
eating lean meat with veggies is the most expensive sustainable diet on can normally have eating lard/fats with simple carbs like flour/grains or potatoes is the cheapest sustainable diet you can have.

and that's all there is to it. my diet don't normally contains vegetables of any kind i have lived like this for decades now. i do eat vegetables and i did try the lean meat and veggie diet and everything but i decided i can't afford it.

since it's easier to overshoot your calorie goals with the fat and grains diet you have to be more thoughtful about your portions. i'm eating very cheap currently and losing weight and don't actually go hungry (i can't even if i wanted).

there was no perceptible benefit to the "healthy diet" i did for 2 years before. as far as i'm concerned it's all bullshit. healthy foods are mostly marketing ploys. healthy lifestyle and healthy calorie intake is where it's at.

>> No.1553098

yeah well bodybuilders like i said they have their own little world. i did at a time ate a shittons of proteins other times almost none made no difference.

>> No.1553099

>yeah well bodybuilders like i said they have their own little world

yeah the world of nutritional science and evidence-based research

>> No.1553100

>healthy foods are mostly marketing ploys.

More like because it's a buzzword and doesnt' exist you fucking moron

Healthy can only be used in the context of an entire diet.

like wtf is "healthy food"? So what i can eat a bunch of shit and be fat and then eat 2 avocados a day and because they're "healthy" now i become healthy?

>> No.1553102

>i do eat vegetables

>> No.1553105

Sardines, cunts. Fucking sardines. Got me through some poorfag times. Pretty much the only meat you can buy and store for a long time in large amounts which is also cheap. Around £0.40 a tin for store brand.

Sardines are brilliant.

>> No.1553109

>yeah the world of nutritional science and evidence-based research
no bodybuilder i have seen in the gym did any research anon... they have these little half truths and misunderstandings and myths.

the truth is it's very hard to actually fuck up your nutrition if you work out like crazy. it's very easy to fuck up your joints tho that's an other thing.

>like wtf is "healthy food"? So what i can eat a bunch of shit and be fat and then eat 2 avocados a day and because they're "healthy" now i become healthy?
i was putting them in "" marks man you know what they mean? it's somewhat of a mystery to me too what they mean by healthy foods because it's total bollocks but the diet part is very suspicious to me too i think it's all bollocks.
so far there was not a single mainstream nutritional wisdom that did not turn out to be utter bullshit in a few decades. some turned out to be outright lies and a result of corruption.

>> No.1553111

i know: >>1552845
love them little fuckers skin and bones and all.

>> No.1553114

>shitposting on /biz/
>do something better with your life
Oh, the irony.
It was a career for me, but a sideline to my personal trainer career. I have been out of the industry for a few years, but still do it as a sideline.
I have more lucrative business now.

I don't see what's 'fail' about charging $100+ an hour, which is my minimum.
Is there any subject not 'easy to learn' if enough focus is given? Also, you do not have any grading or qualifications, nobody will listen to your opinion. It's worthless.

I honestly don’t even know where to start with 80% of the opinions here. Iinot even trying to be quite dick, I guess I'm just realizing there's truth in the old 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing' - the opinions here have clearly not been STUDIED over time, it seems most here have skimmed a lot of info but not really understood or connected the right dots, but then you haven't studied from an actual curriculum under tutors and have prescribed and analyzed diets in a structured way.

There's no foundation here, no fundamental basis, it's like some autistic kid spent a night on bodybuilding.com and skimmed 100+ articles, and is half-remembering bits and pieces. There's a difference between reading stuff and reading comprehension and retention.

... 80% of the stuff posted so far, would get laughed off BB.com forums, and that's often a pretty mid-tier community at best. Shit, /fit/ would have a field day with this. I'm considering referring this thread so they can have a laugh.

The misinformation here is the reason doctors refer fat cunts to me, who have more money than me, so I can re-educate their fat, unhealthy asses. Because they have diabetes, or 'Syndrome X'

>> No.1553117

>the truth is it's very hard to actually fuck up your nutrition if you work out like crazy

No, no it isn't

Nutrition is the most important thing, you can't out exercise a bad diet

>no bodybuilder i have seen in the gym did any research anon...



Check this guy out. Watch his videos, stop being dumb

He's a bodybuilder and he has a PhD in Nutritional Science.

>> No.1553135

>Nutrition is the most important thing, you can't out exercise a bad diet
no anon rest is the most important thing when it comes to lifting. and calories. if you don't eat enough you won't grow you only get lean if you eat too much you get fat. what you eat and when you eat it and in how many meals a day is not even secondary it's almost irrelevant.

>He's a bodybuilder and he has a PhD in Nutritional Science.
that's interesting indeed. never heard of him before and his shitty site requires registration to full read articles. the fuck?
you also have to take into account that he SELLS protein supplements and if i gather right works for a firm that makes or researches them?

>> No.1553136

>that's interesting indeed. never heard of him before and his shitty site requires registration to full read articles. the fuck?
>you also have to take into account that he SELLS protein supplements and if i gather right works for a firm that makes or researches them?

just watch his videos on youtube


this one is relevant

>> No.1553139

>buying peanut butter and bread
>not buying lard in bulk
Wasteing your money m8

>> No.1553142


He literally mentions the kidney shit you said.

Go to 3:30

>> No.1553144

>nobody cares about your status symbol
>you should buy fancy clothes tho

>> No.1553154

>massive timesink
Thats the point of most hobbies? Are you retarded? Whos rushing through their leisure activities?

>> No.1553172

Nope. That is below third world protein averages.
Serious deficiency.
Pulses and beans with rice have better protein values than those, and incomplete protein profiles, insufficient amino acids. Also fibre almost non-existent.
>fat is
What? A micronutrient? LOL no. It's a macro.
What don't you understand? Your stomach sends your brain a 'full' signal about 20 mins after you begin a meal. You will eat two sandwiches in 5 minutes and be hungry an hour or two later when you receive no 'full' signal, so don't feel full. Volume foods stretch your stomach a little, your stomach expands, it doesn't stay the same size.

I can get a 5lb. Bag of onions for less than a dollar. A 5lb bag of potatoes for a dollar. A whole cauliflower and a cabbage for a dollar. 5 cans of beans for a dollar. A 2lb bag of rice for a dollar.

That's around 15lbs of food for $5.
Lard and bread doesn’t have the same volume.
That is filling, that's what I mean by volume - space - mass. It is literally filling. It fills you up.
I don't know how else to explain it. It literally takes up more room.
If you step on a loaf of bread, it squishes down to 50% it's volume, because it is flour with water, and AIR - literally fresh air, making it look bigger.
>eggs and cheese
Sure, you can buy extra shit once you have the basics there, and you see offers on reduced stuff, or DD food. I'm saying start with veg and you won't go wrong.
>uhmm no
Yes, and that is the least of your problems. White bread is worse than pasta, almost worse than sugar. Processed wheat and the mass-produced bread is total shit. It's so bad it's considered an anti-nutrient by most serious modern nutritionists. You guys talk about marketing? Modern bread is so far removed from the bread of biblical times its tragic. And it was fucking peasant food then. Poorfag just had some grains they could scoop off the floor and some water and maybe a little lard leftover from a dead animal they ate a month ago.

>> No.1553176

>just watch his videos on youtube
i have watched a few he is slightly better than the usual bro-science dudes but not convinced me of anything. he is not stupid that much is evident.

he said a lot of stuff that was actual good info as far as i can tell but clearly dodging the real issues with protein breakdown and kidneys. well if you want to sell these powders i guess you have to. you know i'm not above drinking whey i just find the dupble-triple scoop fags retarded and somewhat irresponsible.

there is no way you can eat so much meat to fuck up your kidneys that's true but you sure as hell can drink way too much whey. combined with an intense workout and dehydration it can just fuck your kidneys. i'm not saying it would but people died from workouts of renal failure induced by high blood protein. ignoring this is stupid.

but like is said your body does not actually absorb whole proteins and dietary amino acids might just decrease the muscle breakdown rate so this is more complex than hurr proteins are bad. protein digestion without a dubt removes water from the body tho into the digestive system. so hydrate a fuckton and get enough ca mg k and i to be sure if you do a high protein diet.

>> No.1553181

>well if you want to sell these powders i guess you have to. you know i'm not above drinking whey i just find the dupble-triple scoop fags retarded and somewhat irresponsible.


Whey protein is just a food item. That's all it is.

It's a byproduct of milk, it's the same as cheese, butter, icecream, yogourt, etc. That's all it is.

It's not special in any way other than simply being much more cost-efficient (compare 50grams of protein from whey per day compared to a ribeye steak) and consisting of like 90% protein (depending on isolate vs concentrate).

>but you sure as hell can drink way too much whey. combined with an intense workout and dehydration it can just fuck your kidneys

whey is just a fucking food product you retard. That's it, that's all it is.

Answer me this. Can you eat too much Greek Yogourt and fuck your kidneys? - Why not? Greek Yogourt has about the same amount of protein as whey

>> No.1553187

From fit.

Way to many carbs. Not nearly enough protein.
>Your macros are dog shit

Honestly, just bulk eggs.

I bought 15 DOZEN for $15 the other day.

If you're cool eating the same thing it's no big deal. Add some ramen for variety if you're a lazy and have no self control.

Also, you know what's cheap as fuck?

>Homemade sushi
Rolling papers, rice, rice vinegar, brown sugar, meat, your choice of filler veggies

A single cucumber would last you days.

I live in a city where you can get free drinking water.

>> No.1553189

>What? A micronutrient? LOL no. It's a macro.
full of micros and vitamins you nutcase
>Volume foods stretch your stomach a little, your stomach expands, it doesn't stay the same size.
bread expands pretty well it's quiet filling especially whole grains.
>That's around 15lbs of food for $5.
that's about 14.5lb of water for $5
>I'm saying start with veg and you won't go wrong.
and i'm saying eat some veggies but your main dish shouldn't be the most expensive food you can get right after prime meats.

leaky guts was the issue not bread. and calling bread an anti-nutrient is exactly the holistic bullshit i was talking about. it's a good source of quick energy calories proteins too btw.

it's hard to tell if whole grain bread is really better than white flour bread. recent studies found fibers are not exactly as good to your intestines as people made it out to be for decades.

>> No.1553190

Is right.

Bread is as bad as cake.

You want the majority of your carbs from veggies.

>> No.1553193

>Whey protein is just a food item. That's all it is.
>It's a byproduct of milk, it's the same as cheese, butter, icecream, yogourt, etc. That's all it is.
it is the fastest absorbing protein by far removed from the usual context of fat in milk... uhm no it's not like meat or eggs or whole milk at all. it's a tiny bit more dangerous potentially.

cost efficient? sure. i have no issues with the pre and post workout shakes. so long you don't go lol5scoops

>> No.1553194

>You want the majority of your carbs from veggies.
i sure as hell don't. let the goats eat them.

>> No.1553196

Not the guy you're talking to, but you can get a better energy boost from a banana or coffee with the added benefit of micros.

That's like saying candy is good for the energy boost.

Bread isn't filling because it digests quickly.

Do you lift at all?

>> No.1553197

It doesn't matter you dinklecuck

You could take 8 scoops if you wanted. It's literally just a food product

>> No.1553198

>Why not? Greek Yogourt has about the same amount of protein as whey
it's also full of fat you really don't get it do you? fat slows digestion and absorption down.

>> No.1553200

>That's like saying candy is good for the energy boost.
it is when i go biking in the mountains i do partake

>Bread isn't filling because it digests quickly.
not if you smear lard on it try it anon it's good.

>> No.1553204

also if i eat veggies (because it sometimes happen) i get pretty fucking hungry fast. so my personal experience is the exact opposite of what you fags describe. veggies are like drinking water you get fill but it goes away fast.

>> No.1553207

Fat-free greek yogourt you retarded fuck

>> No.1553209

>You could take 8 scoops if you wanted. It's literally just a food product
this is exactly the kind off thing i would not try and also utterly pointless if you watched the dudes vids you would know why. taking more than 1 scoop is just taking unnecessary altho arguably normally slight risk with little to no benefits.

distribute that shit through the day at least. you can digest it and you can get energy out of it nothing else.

>> No.1553211

Where do you plan to get your carbs from?
Buttered toast is my favorite reward food. I have to limit myself though.

>> No.1553212

that's not greek yoghurt that's an abonimation.

>Strained yogurt, Greek yogurt,[2] yogurt cheese, or labneh (Arabic: لبنة labnah, pronounced LEB-neigh), is yogurt that has been strained to remove its whey, resulting in a thicker consistency than unstrained yogurt, while preserving yogurt's distinctive, sour taste. Like many types of yogurt, strained yogurt is often made from milk that has been enriched by boiling off some of its water content, or by adding extra butterfat and powdered milk.

>> No.1553214


you could eat steak for every meal to get your protein or whey, it's the same shit fuck you idiot

He doesn't say that in any fucking video

>> No.1553219

>Where do you plan to get your carbs from?
i eat alot of bread almost every day i eat a meal of bread with some type of spread or with cheese or salami.
that's a fucktons of carbs. i also eat pasta and potatoes. really i only eat starch and fat for 98% of my calorie intake.

currently not lifting tho, but when i did i ate more meat and did whey protein before and after workout.

i tried a lot off things never went full keto but tried almost all diets from budget to paleo. eating once a day or 5 times a day. it makes no difference your overall calorie intake and activity levels make a difference.

not a professional bodybuilder tho i did strength training and tried to lean down. gaining muscle mass is very hard for humans. more muscle you have the harder your body tries to break it down and more myostatin it produces.

>> No.1553221

>you could eat steak for every meal to get your protein or whey, it's the same shit fuck you idiot
it's not actually the same you nigger i mean sure it will end up the same but not in the same amount of time. you will digest the steak for a few hours that's for sure especially if you eat a lot of it. he explicitly says so in one of the vids.

problem is the body can't really slow down the digestion of whey that much especially if you drink it on an empty stomach. it will flow through pretty fast.

>> No.1553222

Lol how much did you squat and deadlift

>> No.1553224

i squatted 260, my dl was shit (it's a flexibility issue i have couldn't do it with good enough form so i didn't pushed to max), but rack pulled 300 quiet a few times.

>> No.1553228
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>300lb rackpull
>260 squat

Oh man

>> No.1553237

yeah it didn't really work out for me i did lot's of research and was pretty into it at first then i couldn't keep my plan for work and other reasons weeks after weeks have been fucked up by skipped trainings and low energy trainings at the end of day after early cns adaptation i just stopped progressing. it was great in a way it helped me shittons got into shape nicely and fixed my bad knee. but i realized it was not for me especially going to the gym was not for me. one day i will have a rack at home and casually get into lifting again.

i think the limiting factor with my rack pull was my grip. it was certainly not my legs and back. the squats were what i could do as a series of 5.

>> No.1553238

>city with free water
Doesnt exist

>> No.1553244

eggs arent cheap u dumbass. btw this diet is 40% protein 25% carbs and 35% fat. thats what i would call a balanced diet.

>> No.1553247

>Dozen eggs is literally $1.50
>Not cheap

How much cheaper does it need to get? Might as well dumpsterdive to save money at this point

>> No.1553249

oh sorry the rack pull was 410 (190kg) i'm tired i guess...

>> No.1553250
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>>nobody cares about your status symbol
>>you should buy fancy clothes tho
Clothes have a much much higher marginal return per dollar than cars.
The difference of a $15k car vs. $12k car in terms of status will be minimal.

However, if you instead decide to spend $3k on clothing it can make a big difference on how people perceive you. Just don't buy "in your face" clothes with fat brand logos but instead get understated high-quality clothes.

>> No.1553259


I just have to pipe in here and say you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and I feel bad for your body. No one should ever take advice from you.

>> No.1553604

really? maybe show a single thing that's not true with source.

>> No.1553611

how the hell do you get free water? do you drink and bathe from your neighbors sprinkler system?

>> No.1553636

okay i can see one thing that might be misunderstood. you need to eat essential amino acids or the proteins containing them but you don't need to eat protein specifically (like in meat and eggs and cheese or whey powder) because pretty much everything has proteins in it. bread has protein in it the onions have protein in it peanut butter has proteins in it (not to mention sardines or spam) and you only need a few gramms of essential amino acids daily. vegans found that nuts generally speaking are a great source of protein. so you don't need to eat animal protein at all, but it's the best. you really don't need to supplement it tho. people got pretty strong and muscular in the past without whey powder. it might give you faster results. that's all.
and eating only lard as a source of fat shouldn't be much of a problem if not for the fact that you consume too much omega-6 and too little omega-3. but if you mix it up a little and eat one or two meals a week bread and lard you won't get malnourished or develop deficiencies or anything. it's pure calories to burn and survive.

yeah you need to eat other stuff too like potatoes and rice and eggs. but don't be afraid to eat one meal a day consisting of "empty calories" whatever the fuck that means. it won't be a problem. and i do eat multivitamins with the evening meal which consists of like 30 vitamins and trace elements which might actually help sustaining my one sided diet and often enough is eat food in the canteen which has some variety to it altho it's mainly pasta with some meat or cheese but you can't deny it's not exactly just carbs and fats it has all kinds of stuff in it like food usually does.

the one thing i don't have in any significant quantity in my regular diet is vegetables. and soy. if something has soy in it i won't eat it. also eating whole bread whit grains is way way better micro wise then white bread not that i don1t eat white regularly also. i like both.

>> No.1553643

Just cum in it

>> No.1553676

Bruh peanut butter and bread does not have adequate micros, or an adequate amino acid composition.

>> No.1553705

if you want to have complete amino acids just drink milk. even cow milk is basically perfect for us. whey isolates are not bad but i like to drink my protein shakes with milk also. throw in a couple of multis and you will be fine for a long time. occasionally eat real food i guess there is no single meal cheap diet that provides everything you need all vitamins and whatnot

the occasional lentils oats and fruits will keep you going.

>> No.1553740

Yeah but you'd literally be fucked without the supplement. Milk would probably help though.

Semi-tempted to try this for a week or two though.

>> No.1553758

>Yeah but you'd literally be fucked without the supplement.
it's possible i have no idea how effective they are, taking it just in case.

my meal was just now some dehydrated bag pasta cost me about $1.20 and a scoop of chocolate flavored whey isolate $0.50 with 3dl milk $0.30.

it doesn't have everything you need but it has a lots of things for $2. multi costs about $0.50 a day. some bread with lard for evening an other $1 maybe.

under $5 every day is my goal. but sometimes i do like to eat some meat too, so on some days go under some days go above.

>> No.1553779

You must be some serious shitposter faggot OP

>> No.1553795

on a serious note anyone tried soylent?
it's under $2 per day supposedly have everything you need.

>> No.1553825

lol you can as it turns out get full nutrition value medical supplements for about $1 a day or under. actually cheaper than soylent (especially if you can get a script). now how they taste is anyone's guess.

>> No.1553965

Hot springs.

You go to the downtown fountains and fill up as much as you like.

>> No.1553966

When you're buying other foods to mix with it and eggs are yourost expensive product, yeah. It's cheap.

I'm buying chickens soon anyway.

12 chickens each laying an egg a day with only the cost of food (which they eat veggie scraps) is very cheap.

>> No.1553975

Good points I think.

>> No.1554020

>the library
the fuck am i reading? just download the books for free anon like everyone else.

>> No.1554030

i don't think i spent £1000 on clothing in my entire life

the gym is a problem for me, 1) there is no oxygen in the only nearby gym it's totally mechanized cardio bunny shit and they have air conditioning which means windows are closed which means no oxygen because ac won't make any oxygen. about 50 people go at it in an airspace like crazy oxygen runs low in 2 hours. then everyone is just trying to catch air and fainting. 2) also people getting in my way curling in the only squat rack and doing weird training things with balls on the benches. looking weird at me when i put the plates on for warmup... fuck the gym i don't really have time for the showering dressing bullshit either and in the dress rooms there is even less oxygen than up at the machines and weights. i had enough of that shit place in a few months for life.

problem is there are only worse places around. and time is really expensive to me.

video games are better training for your brain in strategic and abstract thinking than any book. increases iq too. it's quiet good it's like gym for your brain.

>> No.1554046

Home gym can be cheap, even if all of your equipment is new.

It's way worth it.

>> No.1554058

yup i just need the space i will definitely get a rack a bar and a bench and a couple of weights.
i would fucking love to lift at home. i think in two years you can even break even on membership.

>> No.1554304
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bon appetit gentleman!
cost me two dollars to get two huge meals out of it, a pound of bread and half a pound of lard.

>> No.1554309
File: 394 KB, 600x800, 1475769025611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white bread and lard with chopped onions
>"huge meal"

>> No.1554315

nothing white about this bread are you blind?
this is whole grains bread with added seeds.

this is the second batch i already ate 3.

>> No.1554317

with the cup of milk it provides about 1500kcals.

>> No.1554326

Are you guys stupid?

1Kg rice 0.89€
1Kg red lentils 3€
800g buckwheat 1.5€
1Kg Frozen veggies 1.75€
1L milk 0.89€
1 egg 0.2€
1kg potatoes 0.4€
1kg oats 0.75€
1kg banane 1.5€
1kg meat at -50% due to last day they can sell it 2-3,5€

That shit is cheap an better then everything else.
Put it all in a rice cooker and you are done.

/fit/izen here, just imagine how cheap it is for a person that does not have to eat double the amount due to training.
Stop eating shit and inform yourself.

Eat, so you can live and do shit
and not live so you can eat.

>> No.1554343

>1Kg rice 0.89€
1300 kcals
>1L milk 0.89€
500 kcals
>1kg lard 0.89€ (if you buy bulk)
9000 kcals

they don't even compare anon
is my whole point if you want to extreme frugal mode you want a lot of lard. flour and rice and oats are fine but kind of a luxury items if you want to put in calories.

>> No.1554349

lol im 165, 6'1, vegan, natty and have a 960 total

ill leave you to guess if i'm fat

>> No.1554356

do you really think calories are the only thing that matters

>> No.1554360

no we have been over this a few times, but if you want to survive from minimal amount of money calories per bucks matter a lot.

people flipping shit about veggies and stuff just don't understand how fucking expensive that crap to live on. also you have to know how to cook. i can cook basic stuff but i try to avoid putting time in it. if i can't make it in 5 minutes i don't make it.

this is why i like sandwiches and dehydrated and canned food. it's faster than standing in line in mcdonalds.

>> No.1554367


I'm not going to argue on that basis.
You have to FUNCTION as a human being goddamnit! Living off of lard an bread kills you.

>> No.1554372

>Living off of lard an bread kills you.
yet i'm still alive somehow even tho i eat a lot of it. i also eat a lot of canned sardines with bread and a lot off pasta. and it just works out. i haven't been sick in 3 years.

>> No.1554374

this might break the camwhoring rule but.. pics of torso? somehow I just struggle to believe that you eat like that and don't look like shit.

>> No.1554379

you can also eat eggs and drink milk if you are worried about completeness of food. but it should me on the side and not a vehicle for calories.
i mean you can eat 10 eggs a day from $1 and you probably gonna stay alive doing so. eggs are very good. but that meal would not provide you with a lot of calories not even half of what you need.

if you worried about micros and vitamins $1 a daily dose of medical nutrients will cover your needs. they are usually drinks in bottles but you can buy powder too.

>> No.1554381

skinnyfat/fat with no muscles I assume.

> a lot of canned sardines
this changes a lot.

>> No.1554394

i'm under 20% bodyfat is my guess i started from higher legacy from last christmas and m mothers cooking. i lost 9% of my bodyweight in the last 2 months ever since i started to count the shekels and calories. currently 242lbs 6'3". want to go down to 220lbs that's my ideal weight.

>> No.1554400

>under 20% bf

>> No.1554401
File: 40 KB, 572x858, something-like-this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit more fat lot less hair kek
i have a heavy build lots of lean mass. i'm not in shape currently not gonna deny that the last 2 years were hell at work. slowly getting back my form tho.

>> No.1554427
File: 153 KB, 1064x560, well-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't usually do this but honestly curious what the fitfag says about the bodyfat percent.

>> No.1554451

I'm no fitfag but I'd estimate 20-30%

>> No.1554465
File: 650 KB, 900x1215, body-fat-percentage-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, 30 is actually obese.

>> No.1554475

What's your waist circumference at belly button and neck circumference at narrowest point?

>> No.1554483

100 and 48 measured roughly with the cord of headset ;)

>> No.1554485

tfw 20% and cant get lower because body refuses to stop plateauing against being fat or fit

>> No.1554497

Welp estimator reckons 18, but you look fatter than the 20% guy in that pic.

>> No.1554501

i'm more robustly built than most. when you have great lean mass you can "get away" with more fat especially if it's pretty much all on the belly and lower back. you can't see on the pic but i also have pretty big legs not well defined but it's mostly muscle. that is why i say i probably have under 20%. also that pic looks more fat than what is see in the mirror cameras do add a few pounds.

>> No.1554502
File: 824 KB, 735x736, 1475809093784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a the new iPhone and I look like shite, no one cares if you look like a poor fag, nothing worse than a poor fag trying his hardest to look good in Wal-Mart clothes.

>> No.1554507

>10kg of assorted foods
>put it all in a rice cooker

Nigga wat

>> No.1554510

>with bananas, and meat.

>> No.1554518


that's just an example how much certain food costs.

You only need a small part of it.
Calculate it and you can see, that you live off of 2€ per day and still have no malnoutrion like the "lard and bread" retard.

>> No.1554529

Nigga seriously, look into food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances you may be affected by.

>inb4 holistic bullshit

The vast majority of allergies are undiagnosed.
You may not have a strong reaction, it may not affect you much, but if you want abs/muscle, at this point, small variables matter.

A certain food may affect your digestion enough to make a difference.

No matter what I did, I was always 15%+
Fuck that BF photo, no two sixpacks look the same. I have a short torso and long legs,
So just an extra inch on my waist means no abs.

I cut out wheat, switched to rice and beans as main carbs. Big difference. Down to less than 15% in a month. I tried a little wheat again, and felt like I had been punched in the gut.

With clients, the most successful eliminations were, in order -


You can take a lab test, or do an elimination diet for 2-3 weeks then reintroduce it to test your reaction.

>> No.1554534

>Calculate it and you can see, that you live off of 2€ per day
that math didn't work out for me in all seriousness. unless you want me to eat a bag of rice with the veggies erry day i won't get the 2500 kcals. who the fuck can even eat a dry kg of rice a day? that's 3kg rice cooked i think. that's a shittons of food and not much of nutrients.

>> No.1554538

Also Peanut Butter, has a very good fat ratio, it is higher in Monounsaturated fat than Polyunsaturated fat. Some research has shown that Polyunsaturated fat lowers Testosterone in men while Monounsaturated Fat raises it.

>> No.1554543

>A certain food may affect your digestion enough to make a difference.
that's not just it, your gut bacteria/fungi composition can cause food allergies or indigestion even if you would be fine with a certain food item. funny shit before i started on the probiotics i couldn't eat any nuts i would next day get huge fucking pimples and oily skin.
tried some nutella not so long ago and it did nothing, so i showed down a half pound bag of peanuts. nothing after a few days still nothing. wow this shit is weird... for decades i was convinced i better not eat nuts. and whenever i tried it ended badly. turns out i can eat nuts alright.

>> No.1554544

you can't live your whole life in ketosis, but it's good if you want to lose weight fast. You just want to keep your carbs lower and have complex carbs, either way whatever works for you is what matters.

>> No.1554556

Lol, I know, I was just fucking wit ya Nigga.
Yes, I was making a similar point earlier, that buying a lot of varied stuff in one go does work out cheaper in the long run, and keeps things interesting.

I think OP is confusing survival with nutrition.

James Altucher (Hedge Fund guy) claims that he once ate nothing but ramen noodles for a whole year. A woman saw him buying a box of them and said 'you know, that's literally the worst thing you could eat' and he replied 'really? Worse than say, housebricks?' which kinda put things into perspective for me.

I mean, you'll live if you eat grass, the human body does adapt to a degree, there are stories of people eating potato chips and stuff for years, but just because they're not fat, or diseased, that doesn't mean they are not affected by their diet.

They may be lethargic, or mentally fuzzy, flaky, forgetful, irritable, whatever, and just think that's their personailty, or have bad skin, insomnia, body odour, etc and think it's because of X or Y, but it could be borderline malnutrition.

>> No.1554575

it's still overplayed
this "no empty calories" "healthy (fats/meat/veggies...)" "sugar free" "lean/low fat" "eat variety" "raw foods" "organic" "natural" "alkaline" and a lot's of completely irrelevant points people make when they give advice about nutrition.

none of them means anything actually scientifically proven positive for you. you can eat the same concoction every day and still be fine if it has everything you need.

altho there is a slight problem with putting everything together in a meal. some minerals and vitamins block the absorption of others or deplete others. you can't just fucking pour them in together and let your body sort it out sadly. well we will see in a decade if some fools really go all soylent how they turn out.

i may have trolled the lard and bread too hard, but my point is you can eat whatever crap as your main calorie vehicle and be fine.

your body takes care of a lot of shit. adapts to just about any diet. i too know a guy that only eats chips, bananas and coke. he buy one thing one week and eats it all week long. then he might buy a little bit different next week. like instead of cheese flavored chips he will get ham flavored. instead of this chocolate he gets an other. it really defies everything dietitians spout about how to eat if you don't want to get sick. he is also definitely not fat. i don't think i ever saw him eat warm food.

watching him for a few years i an definitely tell you that it's all bollocks. pretty much everything people rant about regarding food is bullshit.

>> No.1554740


Yes, you get it. I only go for the whole sardines, not those fillet things, there's a lot of nutrition in the whole thing. A lot of calcium in those bones too.

>> No.1554749

>A lot of calcium in those bones too.
and eggshells