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15523941 No.15523941 [Reply] [Original]

I’m becoming disillusioned guys. When did Bitcoin embrace the store of value meme? What happened to digital cash and banking the unbanked? What happened to decentralization?

>> No.15523961

The problem is , is that bitcoin is so denominated in dollars. It will only work on the premise of a dollar collapse and subsequent anchoring of bitcoin to tangible assets such as organized political militias , fertile land and slaves...eh hem.... employees

>> No.15524610

That's Digibyte you're referring to. Get in now while you can.

>> No.15524616

BTC is not Bitcoin. BSV is Bitcoin and still hold those values you're talking about

>> No.15524633

Fuck off.

>> No.15524643


Those libertarian pipe-dreams you bought into are akin to the dreams in the early nineties that the internet was going to democratize authoritarian countries. Bitcoin and its public ledger will only further technological control over the populace, once fully developed and harnessed to the state. You can't have a one-world government without a one-world currency, after all.

Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are these: "Uncle Ted was right again."

>> No.15524658

must have been a real struggle to form a somewhat coherent english sentence

>> No.15524669
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>> No.15524675

Anon don’t even try with these asshats. They will find out once it’s too late to grab BSV cheap. Just let them FUD and accumulate.

>> No.15524707

*destroys libertarian pipe dreams*

>> No.15524708

Pure cringe

>> No.15524738

KYS shill

>> No.15524779
File: 236 KB, 1200x971, DZBz-6ZU8AESgxg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely true and shill triggering

>> No.15525610

My theory is that Jews artificially inflated the price of Bitcoin so that the populace would never actually make use if it

>> No.15525624

The internet has opened the way for freer speech than ever before in history, tho.

>> No.15525654

store of value is the more valuable use. but it's really somewhat of a false dichotomy. it wouldn't have any store of value properties unless it had money like properties such as transactability. really the criticisms about it not being good cash are due to its slow speed to develop any kind of scaling beyond current transaction volumes. This SHOULD be treated secondarily to the things underpinning it as a store of value i.e. its security and uninterrupted operation. bitcoin has the most value as a store of value because it was unique at the time of its invention as an easily verifiable, easily auditable, transactable, scarce unit. This literally did not exist in any period of recorded history before 1/3/2019. The reason it still has the most value and fits into the #1 spot in the natural power distribution seen in crypto project market caps is due to its store of value properties, i.e. longest operating history, largest network effect, and most importantly highest actual cost to attack.

>> No.15525674

>Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are these: "Uncle Ted was right again."
lol, you probably found and read his manifesto on the internet.

>> No.15525679

BTC appears.
How do we make money out of this?
Yeah, let's manipulate it.
Who was the guy who got bil loan from british bank to crash the market?

>> No.15525701
File: 102 KB, 814x578, mister-gotcha-4-9faefa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's just another medium. You had free speech before. Your thoughts are much easier to shape now, though.


I can tell you've never read it, or you would've never posted that comment.

>> No.15525833

>When did Bitcoin embrace the store of value meme
who the FUCK cares dumbass. Bitcoin is digital gold. deal with it. this is NOT NEWS. grow the fuck up and use another coin. there are lots of them. digital cash will exist and it does not matter which crypto you will spend. most will die, many will continue to survive and thrive and some of those many will work just swell as digital cash.
>massive faggot (you)