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File: 25 KB, 500x500, star-trek-bed-sheets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15525601 No.15525601[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>Take gf out for a date after we both get off from work
>Tell her I'll take her anywhere she wants and she can order the whole menu if she wants
>"Oh, there's an applebee's down the street. Half-priced apps!"
>I made sure she knew she could pick ANYWHERE and that I was picking up the whole tab. Still she insisted on half priced appetizers at applebees
>place is full of loud niggers barely drowned out by the top 40 music blasting. Could barely hear each other talk
>she orders a 3 plates of appetizers, refuses to drink alcohol. I get a Jack and Coke.
>we split the appetizers fairly evenly. I ask if she wants to order an entree
>"we came for the apps"
>pay 55 fucking dollars and leave.
>drive back to my place, go upstairs, fool around on the bed a little. I told her I'd recently shaved my cock and that I hadn't cummed since the last time we fucked, more than a week ago.
>she pulls my cock out, teases me and goes home
>Jacked off and blew my biggest ever load while thinking about what a fucking cunt this woman is.
>pic related is my star trek sheets.

>> No.15525607

how fat is your gf

>> No.15525614

Pajeet don’t buy any shit related to this

>> No.15525620

Started getting a little chubby now that she left college, but she's not fat. I put her on an ultimatum to start managing her weight, so she knows it's starting to be a problem.

>> No.15525634
File: 620 KB, 1440x1168, braaap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Be me
>Kissless virginfag
>Average guy, not fat
>Fapped every other day since i can remember
>Download tinder app
>Match some qt3.14
>Start chatting
>Going alright
>Ask to come over and she agrees
>Wait till parents go out
>She comes over
>Awkward at first but soon settle as i put a film on
>Start kissing
>She says its ok she knows im a virginfag and she likes it
>Starts rubbing my leg
>Sits on top of me still making out
>Unbuttons my shirt
>Kisses my chest
>Boner through the roof
>Take off her top
>Big whopping tatas loving it
>Pulls down my trouser and starts BJ
>Trying not to come
>Pull her head away
>Give it 2 mins
>She is moaning so loud
>No longer thinking about climaxing
>Going as hard as i can white knight
>She is wailing in pleasure
>She is a whale
>Blubber everywhere
>Tells me to stick finger in blowhole
>I do it, so moist
>Harpoon so hard roodypoo cant fine me
>Hear front door open
>Voice outside "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!"
>Mom opens door
>Gets on the floor
>Walk the dinosaur

>> No.15525635

what category of shitposting is this?

help an antiquated boomer out

>> No.15525640

You didn’t fuck your gf and you are somehow bragging about this online?
Either this is a LARP or you are an absolute beta and your gf is cheating on you

>> No.15525653

Yeah, it's real. My life is a fucking joke

>> No.15525755

I'm really trying with this girl. We've been together almost seven years and I can't even get my fucking dick touched. Her fucking friends give me more compliments and try to fuck more than she does, wtf.

>> No.15525834

Try being upfront about it instead of buttering her up with bloody Applebees lolololol

>> No.15525838

You sound extremely punchable and pathetic, no wonder she didnt want to sleep with you.

>> No.15525849


>> No.15525850

I tried getting her to go to a nice restaurant. She's the fat fuck who wanted Applebee's

>> No.15525851

fuck is this real? what are you doing bro?

>> No.15525859

Just fuck her friends you goddamn beta

>> No.15525862

I'm trying really fucking hard to be a good boyfriend, but I'm getting JUSTed

>> No.15525871

fucking kill yourself you beta. nice sheets though

>> No.15525877

i feel sorry for you, its her fault man. if I did the same thing for my gf she would have been so happy

>> No.15525881

>nice sheets though
Thanks, it's about all I've got going for me, I guess

>> No.15525889

maybe your dick was too stinky, how old is she? women get hornier the older they get, my first girlfriends were the same

>> No.15525892

to put this in perspective, even i would have at least sucked your dick for a 50 dollar applebee date

>> No.15525894

She was happy, she just had every excuse as to why she couldn't fuck, let alone stay the night

>> No.15525907

She's 22. I've been with her since she was a virgin in high school.
Thanks, famalam.

>> No.15525916

if she loves you then you can leverage your way into having sex: just tell her that it simply isnt enough like this and you need more of it to be happy

>> No.15525920

>pic related is my star trek sheets
At least we know why you didn't get laid

>> No.15525952

She knows I'm not happy and that I need it a lot more than once a week. I feel pretty wanting to leave her over this.
If I can't get laid on my my Star trek bed, next to my pair of Star trek posters, next to my Star trek rug, while Star trek plays in the background then I don't wanna get laid at all

>> No.15525956


Could you imagine getting you dick pulled out by a girl and still getting nothing?

How beta do you have to be?

>> No.15525961

It's a pretty fucking big dick, too

>> No.15525976

>after we both get off from work
>she works too
There’s one of your problems

>> No.15525981

If she didn't work, you'd be telling me she was cheating while I was at work.

>> No.15525997

>after we both get off from work
>she works too
There’s one of your problems
>I’ll take her anywhere she wants
>not where you want or at least where she would want
>not knowing what she would enjoy after 7 years of being with her
There’s another
I haven’t even been in a relationship close to as long as that and it’s pretty obvious what’s going on
The job thing is tough though but you can make up by getting to know her better

>> No.15526001

Lmao I don’t know why that sent before I typed it out my bad

>> No.15526038

She's been fucking distant since she got out of college. She always acts like she's got so much shit to do, her family and friends take up almost all of her time. I see her once a week if I'm lucky now, and we literally work next door to each other. She mostly refuses to make time for me, so this was really my effort to reach out to her.

>> No.15526047

When she was in college, I drove an hour and a half every week to take her on a date and we fucked every time, sometimes twice. Now she's getting to be a pudgy fuck with no time for me.

>> No.15526079

cant imagine dating a women without fucking

>> No.15526098

I have not seen anyone use the dinosaur meme in fucking years. This is pretty much the only board I'm on these days so I don't know if any of the other 4chan fags are still using it

>> No.15526117

Is sex really so much of a hassle for women that they can be "too tired"? All she fucking does is lay there and yell til she cums anyway

>> No.15526143

She's over dude. You were supposed to marry her and knock her up, she has already expired without giving you any kids. Find a new one.

>> No.15526155

Bro, you're pathetic. Can't believe you didn't fuck her. I bet she left you to hang out with her friend Jamal.

>> No.15526156

>find a new one
That's fucking hard after 7 years in a relationship

>> No.15526164


>> No.15526184

It's going to be a LOT harder after 11 years. Find a new one, she is over. She will only gain more weight. Also work on yourself since you sound like you have boomer anger issues.

>> No.15526196

how is this real
take steroids

>> No.15526240

Nothing dries a pussy more than a beta attitude. You should treat your women well but not too well so they don't become arrogant and get out of control.

>> No.15526270

Hahahahahahahaha beta cuck

>> No.15526297

She's gotten lazy and apathetic, you are wasting your time

If she isn't wanting to fuck you now, is she going to in 5 years or ten years time?

>> No.15526327

Based sheets

She is cheating on you

>> No.15526338


Move on dude. Your relationship is dead.

>> No.15526365

Drop her. Life is too short.

>> No.15526367

Jesus the advice here sucks. Let me help you, op. Break the fuck up with your stupid cunt of a gf. She's becoming a fat freeloader who offers nothing in return.

>> No.15526374

Why, are there less women now?

>> No.15526402

Because it's harder to jump into the dating scene when you've been out of it for so long. She's my only serious GF. I'd have to learn to find someone from scratch, though at this point I'm willing.

>> No.15526472

You sound like a bitter incel trying his hardest to be angry with his girlfriend for nothing. Men would kill to have a woman who gets excited over the thought of half-priced apps at some shit restaurant, because those same men deal with an expensive and miserable cunt who drains their wallet under a social contract.

Maybe your girlfriend doesn’t care to make you cum because she doesn’t respect you, especially if you’re bitching about her wanting food after telling her to pick where she wants to eat. Next time choose a place yourself instead of being a beta-male equivalent and you shouldn’t have any complaints. Unless of course you’re going to cry about how she’s dressed, which in that case might as well just control every aspect of her life while she’s with you - which to me sounds like you’re more deserving of a high class escort who will absolutely never have feelings for you or something.

Seriously faggots like you don’t deserve to be rich though lol

>> No.15526497

Sorry to hear man. There is a bright side to this all. You are a man. You have a lot of time still. Break free of this woman. She’s hurting you more than you realize. You probably have some sort of self-defeating personality issue.

>> No.15526519

Your fault for not timing your dates with her period.

Either that, or she's trying to ease you out the door.

>> No.15526554
File: 100 KB, 1001x1024, F21BFC38-D789-4DFC-8117-7521D31560B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen retard, part of being a man is living your life in the direction you please. You need to understand that everything in your life happens the way it does based off of your actions and failure to act. Yeah yeah, luck and random chance plays a part, but believing that won’t get you happy.

You need to take responsibility for your life, your needs, and how people treat you. ESPECIALLY WOMEN. She doesn’t want to fuck? Your fault, not hers. YOU arent attractive enough (to her). YOU are acting like a supplicating pussy and dry her up faster than the Sahara desert. YOU failed to make a move other than validating yourself by saying “muh shaved wang needs some attention...pls?”. That’s how it comes across to her. Regardless of how you said it.

She is fat now? Jesus, good luck in 10 years when babies come out and metabolism slows down. God help you then. Hope you’ve got a 8 inch dick to push past her pussy fat.

If you’re not happy, you’re the one at fault. Stop being a soiboi and break up with her. Plenty of women out there and there is no rush. 20 year old girls love guys in their 30s.

Godspeed and please ETH moon god damnit

>> No.15526598

I guess I'm breaking up with her. Already told her that I don't want to do anything with her when she gets out of work today

>> No.15526639

screenshot reaction

>> No.15526652

if it's worth screenshotting, I will.

>> No.15526751

why is she working on a sunday

>> No.15526779


"too tired" means she isnt attracted to you at that time/ever. Girls are never too tired for chad

>> No.15526780

She's working in retail while looking for a job in her field (fresh out of college)

>> No.15526817

>if its worth
You made an entire fucking thread for this bullshit, faggot. You better post a screenshot at least you larping cunt.

>> No.15526828

Fine, I'll screenshot. I'm waiting for her to reply on her lunch break or whatever.

>> No.15526853

this thread is so cringe I think it’s bait. You never let a woman pick the place. They hate picking places everyone knows this. If you guys are not fucking then she is fucking someone else. Women always have at least one sex partner. You’re pretty fucked I suggest starting over

>> No.15526874

Here's the reason I don't pick anymore. I will pick the upscale sushi place 9 times out of 10. She'll bitch and moan about not liking sushi and not liking to have to "get dressed up" (wear something nicer than jeans or sweatpants) and we'll end up bitter by the end of the fucking night.

>> No.15526892

you have to control her attitude and the vibe of the date as a man. Sucks but it is the truth. I think your relationships has degraded beyond repair desu. I can give you more feedback if it would be helpful

>> No.15526899

This happened to me once in Korea, brought a girl to my hotel room and had about 10 minutes of foreplay, both completely naked, plenty of genital touching, and right as I go to penetrate she literally covered her vag with her hands and said no. Since I'm not a rapist I didn't get laid that night

>> No.15526924

Yeah, let's keep the thread going. I feel like complaining to strangers on the internet.
All I really want is to have a fucking drink with her, but she gives the same bullshit "If I have even one sip of alcohol I feel too vulnerable and have panic attacks" excuse that makes no sense. She's honestly gone from being my best friend to being the least fun person I know. One year on New Years we went shot-for-shot over a bottle of whiskey and another bottle of tequila. Now her idea of fun is going to flea markets and obsession over crochet and knitting.

>> No.15526952

alcohol is for degenerates so she lucked out then

>> No.15526962


>> No.15526963

You're a cuck. Also, she's had at least 3 dicks inside her since you shaved your cock.
Have you even fucked her yet?

>> No.15526974

>Have you even fucked her yet?
You mean in general? I took her virginity when she was a junior in high school

>> No.15526992

If a hot guy comes in her store and flirts with her she's going to fuck his chadbrains out.

>> No.15527004

Fuck her friends

>>tel her to

>> No.15527038

I feel like they probably won't be into me after I break up with her and they get all bitchy over it

>> No.15527098

There's plenty of decent advice in this thread. If OP doesn't figure it out it's his own fault. Also you're a faggot OP.

>> No.15527101


I'm fairly certain you could have if you weren't also beta.

>> No.15527105

I'm gonna break up with her. That said, I am afraid of not having a partner for the first time in a long time. Who do you faggots confide in when you have real problems?

>> No.15527115

Okay in my honest opinion she is trying to get you guys to break up. I’ve seen this before. She has not become a Puritan overnight she is just not being fun with you

>> No.15527124

You can try to be romantic and bang her or something but I highly suggest monkey branching and finding a new gig before you leave her bc your loneliness after seven years together will be crushing

>> No.15527127

how the fuck was the bill $55 if the apps were half price

>> No.15527131


>> No.15527137

their most expensive app is $11, something is not adding up here you fucking liar

>> No.15527141

>finding a new gig before you leave her
I'm gonna sound retarded, but I haven't done this since freshman year of college.
How do I meet people

>> No.15527185

we got you senpai-

>> No.15527195

Break up with her immediately

>> No.15527198

his gf is a fat cow

>> No.15527217
File: 185 KB, 468x431, IMG_1786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. You've made the right decision. Personally I've decided to push women away until I'm making over $130k annually. When the economy crashes I'm going to clean house on destitute zoomer thots until my sex drive wanes. I've had some decent opportunities but right now the dating market is absolute shit and even attractive women aren't worth your time (unless you're 11/10 chad). When I need someone to confide in I call my grandma (used to be my mom but she passed in 2017). It keeps me grounded, and I don't have to impress my grandma. Sometimes you just need someone to tell your problems to. Even after I start dating again, I will continue to confide in my grandma and will never tell "women" my real problems. This is a mistake many men make. I'm slowly training myself to hold everything in and journal it at the end of every day and/or sublimate the stress through exercise and creative pursuits. Just washing the car every other weekend is enough to put my head back on straight. In 10 years when my grandma dies I will be able to confide in my journal alone, with no external support regarding my problems.

I don't like tattoos but if I ever got one it would be in reverse on my chest so when I look in the mirror after a shower it would read "DON'T BE A LIL' BITCH."

>> No.15527218

check out /r9k/ they will help you

>> No.15527223

admittedly, I tipped 20% thinking that $55 would be a bargain for dinner AND sex

>> No.15527230

Anon if you dont want to break up with her fuck with her head. Make her seek your attention and fuck her brains out. You have to assert yourself as alpha. If she doesn’t respond to this then that means she’s talking to other men.

>> No.15527243

my grandma is so senile that she thousand yard stares at the tv all day and talks to ghosts.
And my parents are such boomers that they can't understand what it's like to have a problem when i go to them for help/advice.

>> No.15527248

Also OP you need to sexually excite her. If you start kissing her you rub her tits, pinch her nipples playfully, kiss her ears make out with her ear, tease her vagina, LICK IT. Once a woman is sexually excited she cannot say no to sex. All you have to do is sexually excite her.

>> No.15527266


>Now her idea of fun is going to flea markets and obsession over crochet and knitting.

She doesn't see you as a man worth fucking.

Move along.

>> No.15527272

The most bizarre thing about this whole thread, from the point of view of a Brit, is that restaurants actually exist in america where you can eat nothing but appetizers. And, they call them...
God Bless America.

>> No.15527274

Depending on your insurance a therapist will suffice if you just need to vent. Or a taken girl at work depending on your situation. What about aunts/uncles etc? Someone older than you. Anyone that is willing to listen to you rant for 10-15 minutes straight at least once a month will do.

>> No.15527276

Grab her by the Pussy isn’t a meme it’s reality. Literally trump is giving advice to incels. If you find yourself in a sexual situation that you are unsure of that will lead to sex, GRAB IT. Spank her ass. Women are stupid sexual beings and cannot resist a sexual stud

>> No.15527291

Also as I said, writing it all down in a journal is the ideal situation. It works well for me. Quit being a faggot.

>> No.15527297

I literally did all of these and the second she showed a sign of being turned on (kissing/biting her earlobes gets her good) she pushed me the fuck away, hard and repeatedly. I'm not gonna force myself on her after that shit.
It's like tapas, but for poor people.
Like I said, tried it, got pushed away more than once, not gonna literally rape her.

>> No.15527319


jesus fucking christ hold up lads- we got a real life Casanova up ITT!
>A Lothario
>A ladies man
>A gourmet of the gash

Pray tell us more, oh high priest of the carnal arts!

> All you have to do is sexually excite her.

>> No.15527333

To be fair, he's right about one thing.
> All you have to do is sexually excite her.

>> No.15527337

>Anyone that is willing to listen to you rant for 10-15 minutes straight at least once a month will do.
Hookers do the trick for me. Idk if they're less expensive that therapists but in the midfucking talk I open up. Works fine for me.

>> No.15527340

i can't imagine anything as soul crushing as being sexually rejected by someone you've spent the most part of a decade with, you are doing the right thing walking away

>> No.15527354

have you tried speaking to her about why she is off the D?

>> No.15527360

Anon I’m sorry but a girlfriend is supposed to want to have sex with their boyfriend, even if she’s not in the mood. They are supposed to have the attitude of “pleasing their man makes them feel good”.. she doesn’t sound like she has that. Drop her and don’t look back. Relationships are hard I recently broke up with my ex of 3 years. I didn’t want her to go but we had a toxic relationship of always fighting and drama. Our sex was amazing though we even continued to fuck after we broke up for a couple of months. I’m still not over her but I don’t want to have flip kids so I won’t ever go back to her. It’s tough being single and not having someone to text/ call.. literally /pol/ has helped me not be so lonely. 4chan is a blessing aside from the constant shilling and black pills

>> No.15527387

Either way can be helpful. Journaling and therapy is best IMO. The best part about having a good, emphasis on good, therapist is that as they're detached from being a family or a friend, are more likely to give you objective advice.

Anyways OP, your gf (or now ex?) could be gone through depression, boredom, etc. The driving far away and banging like crazy from a distance to transitioning to bring close all the time and seeing each other and not banging is something I've seen over and over.

You two need to keep the relationships fresh, do new things together. That's one of the best things you can do for anything. The whole "I am going to take this girl out for food and drinks, then she'll give me sex" isn't the best approach, especially if that's your main goal within a 7 year relationship. Gotta be able to enjoy each other's company and build up that sexual tension.

Also, is she on any meds and/or are you? How are y'all's diets and exercise? Are you both meeting the demands of each other?

If she was a heavy drinker for a while, that actually can cause anxiety over a long time (sounds counter-intuitive I know). Does she take any other drugs with different effects?

Anxiety can also just increase as it does over time. I know some girls who do the flea market/Goodwill type shopping and crochet thing who bang their BFs. The common thread is mutually supporting each other and changing things up a bit here and there.

OP, I really am sorry for the situation you are in and I wish it on nobody. If you two go your separate ways, I hope that the both of you come out as better people and end up happier.

>> No.15527398

Lol dude, if your girlfriend is ok with applebees, she is trash tier.

>> No.15527416

Comfy looking bed op
Would be a shame if someone were to brap all over it

>> No.15527417

I forgot to add nice ass sheets! Love me some Star Trek. Hoping the new Picard show is good.

>> No.15527424

>be me
>dont need or want gf

>> No.15527434

Have sex, incel.

>> No.15527445
File: 291 KB, 355x473, 69704001_10217991092002221_8356438222506557440_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tried for about a whole year now. She "just isn't feeling it".
As for meds, she went on the pill like 3 years ago and stopped as soon as we realize that it fucked her hormones into being never-horny. She's currently on some bullshit for the psoriasis on her legs. She was never a heavy drinker. She never drank without being with me before until she did a semester in London, got too fucked up alone in a bar and freaked out because she was a dumb kid who didn't know what she was doing from the get go.
She begged for Applebee's. meanwhile this is the tourist part of NJ and there's actually good, upscale restaurants everywhere.
it's just covered in my masturbatory cumstains now.
>pic related

>> No.15527502
File: 47 KB, 720x809, 1565302684216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incel implies someone desires sexual interaction but can't get it
i simply don't care, i have female friends that i hang out with

>> No.15527529

Don’t break up with her until you can cheat on her. Make sure you can get laid before ending it

>> No.15527553

I don't want to actively hurt her. I don't see the point in being vindictive. I just want to end a bad situation.

>> No.15527568

Bro. If you’ve talked to her about what you want out of the relationship and she isn’t complying then you have every right to cheat on her. She will understand it’s her fault if she catches you

>> No.15527579

>i have female friends that i hang out with
And a part of you wants to have sex with them even if you're gay or neutered. There are little mechanisms that compel you run by machine elves whispering to you "have sex with them".

>> No.15527598

OP, what was the last thing you did to work on yourself?

You have a college degree? Is it a STEM degree?

You planning your graduate degree?

Career? How much do you make?

You hitting the gym 4-5 times a week? How much do you bench?

You good with finances? How much in the bank/investments?

If you’re desirable, your bitch will want the vitamin D on the daily. If she still doesn’t, well that’s fine, you’re desirable and could pick up another one in a week.

See what I’m saying OP?

>> No.15527655

I run 5k-10k 7 days a week. At any given time I'm working on reading 4 book, finishing between 4-6 per month. Haven't made it to the gym to lift in a long time maybe 8 months but I'm 6'6" and relatively muscular/wide framed by default.
College dropout because I couldn't afford it anymore. Still coping with student loans.
Planning on going Apprentice Machinist til I have enough money to finish engineering degree. Currently making 22k as a manager.
Good with finances, save 30% of my meager income, sadly it's not enough to invest, even though I'm good at predicting market trends.
I get that I'm a poorfag.

>> No.15527697

>sadly it's not enough to invest
Every dollar counts when investing, it takes longer but it's still worth doing.

>> No.15527718

I've been thinking about throwing it into a Fidelity mutual fund, just so it's less of a gamble with what is literally my life savings

>> No.15527755
File: 17 KB, 284x311, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a screencap. Don't really know what to say

>> No.15527772
File: 30 KB, 583x526, 1564720173216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 14 young man
>cousin's cottage at sipoo
>cousins 14 and 16, both grills, both very friendly and beautiful
>spend a day talking about nice things, picking mushrooms etc
>give a good impression of youself (probably?)
>in the evening, sauna
>being naked is natural, mixed sauna
>penis already turns in to light standby mode from the thought of being naked with cousins (not erection but noticeably bigger)
>take a proper sauna, go drink naked and back to sauna
>exchange suggestive looks and smiles with cousins but nobody's saying anything yet
>my and my cousin's parents have had enough of the heat and they go get some wine and light the barbecue
>me and my two astounding cousins are naked side by side
>at this point hardening control failed and my shween started to imply that my cousins were 5/5
>I was embarrased and tried to hide it
>cousins giggled a little but said that it doesn't matter, they start to introduce their own anatomical peculiarities
>"do you want to touch my boobs"
>susanna seal of approval and move hand towards boobs
>"but can I touch your penis?"
>fsst tough situation, don't know what to answer
>suddenly your dad appears in sauna
>it's an emergency, cousin girls, get the fuck out of here
>cousins exit and father shits semi consistent tarts on the heater
>bends you to lie on your stomach
>"I'll shit on your back now, son"
>okay, dad
>shit ejaculates on your back
>dad rubs it against your back and asks "you like son, you like?"
>honestly, not very much, no
>"me neither, I thought you'd like it"
>never talk about shit-episode with father again

>> No.15527784

Tell her you got ligma. Trust me on this.

>> No.15527792

honestly expected this one to end with the aristocrats punchline

>> No.15527834
File: 15 KB, 530x404, hellothere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op this is by far the most cringiest stupidiest shit ive ever read on chan, on web, in life, proly in entire universe and history

are you fuckin nigger?


>> No.15527836

Sounds like someone you should dump. She is most likely fucking chad on the side.

>> No.15527847


>> No.15527852

dubs decides my reply at this point. fuck it.

>> No.15527853

Holy shit dude? You run , make 22k, and you’re tall?

Jesus I don’t know why you’re not swimming in pussy dude.

Seriously though here’s a tip. Disregard bitches until you’re making a respectable income. You’re 6’6” that’s even more reason why you need to lift.

Work on yourself dude, where I’m from you’d be looked at as a loser. Sorry if that hurts I’m just giving you the truth.

>> No.15527873

any tricks to finding time for the gym in an inconsistent schedule? I can run because I do it at fucking 4 or 5 am

>> No.15527895

Luls I dated a girl exactly like this.
> She was 20 and never been on a date before
> Super cute, weird, weird fucking family
> Socially awkward as fuck which was honestly only even more adorable
> Cried over fucking everything
> Like remember that gay ass movie Pompeii? She bawled her eyes out in theatre
> Finally take her virginity after like 3 months
> Everything seems fine
> One day watching a movie she was on top of me in a chair and checks her phone and I saw a text that raised suspicions in the back of my head
> Don't say a word
> She comes over 2 days later, fuck, she goes to bathroom, grab her phone
> Literally first text I open from a # not in contacts at top of her messages is a dick pic
> Her entire inbox was just dick pics, didn't find 1 pic from her to any of these guys though
> Quickly reading through she's 100% a wanna be kik slut
> She comes back in I go back to dick pic I first opened
> Throw phone on mattress positioned in front of her
> Grab your shit, call your mom and tell her to come pick you up, don't contact me again
> Cries tries to explain
> Get. The. Fuck. Out. Now.
> Refuses
> Pick her up, carry outside, place down, slam and lock door
> Grab all her shit fill plastic bag
> open door she's still standing there crying
> Only opened enough to drop bag and relock door
She tried so hard to contact me again but her not driving made it impossible for her to just pop by. Her last message was this super ling confession about her parents never letting her have any friends so she was always desperate for people to even talk to yada yada ignore.
> Ff 5 years later this cunt adds me on snap
> Add her back
> Send 1 message
Lolol so you graduated from kik slut to snap hoe
> Delete her as friend after I see she read it

>> No.15527900

This is why I alwlays hate reading greentexts. They get me every fucking time

>> No.15527908

Ask her why she doesnt want to fuck with you anymore.

>> No.15527909

I take 90 minutes for lunch and work out then. I go to a nearby gym but they’re building one on my work campus now. I used to go first thing in the morning.

Anyway, it’s about prioritization. You’ll find time for whatever is important to you.

You need to prioritize yourself over everyone else, BUT ESPECIALLY OVER WOMEN.

>> No.15527915

On a scale 0 to 100 how cucked would you describe yourself having a shrieking girl*friend* harpye annoying the fuck out of yourself day by day sucking all your life spirit out of you?

>> No.15527942

Christ. You dumping her was the right thing to do but you seem like an awful person pal

>> No.15527943

>I've been with her since she was a virgin in high school

what in the fuck

GET AWAY from that shit anon, it will only end in misery and suffering and maybe even a bullet entering your brain

Don't be afraid to shut this shit down

>> No.15527946
File: 694 KB, 1688x1125, Chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek well played

>> No.15527955

Kys loser

>> No.15527962

Lol? I was and am a fantastic boyfriend which is why I've been with the same girl for years. I never gave her 1 reason to stray or talk to other dudes behind my back. Sorry you're a cuck who tolerates disloyalty from hoes, but some of us still have testicular fortitude.

>> No.15527964

>an hero over a woman
Even I'm not that fucking dumb

>> No.15527966

I´ve never understood why everytime these guys find their gf is a whore/has been cheating on them, they dont hatefuck her one last time. Maybe even cumming on her face and degrading her (this works even better if you booth had vanilla sex) and while shes there in bed lying with a face full of cum, you tell her to get the fuck out and never call you again. I´ve only had one gf and we broke up for other reasons but if I found she was cheating on me I would do as above. Maybe even secretly record her with a hidden cam.

>> No.15527979

You´re fucking dumb enough to get yourself into this shit situation with that cuck attitude.

>> No.15528008

That's fair enough

>> No.15528010

Well she definitely wasn't fucking with anyone else, just text shit, but still 100% cheating in my book. It's probably because cheating roasties generate nothing but revulsion and it's not even worth it. The best way to hurt anyone is to make it clear they matter so little to you that they can't effect your mentality at all, this is why if a girl sends you a wall of text the most sure fired way to piss them the fuck off is to respond with
> K

>> No.15528026

I'll tell you why. I learned this one the hard way from experience, and it makes sense when you take a moment to think about it (rather than think with your penis).

I hatefucked my ex one last time during our breakup when I knew she had been out whoring around. I got Chlamydia, because she had fucked some random niggers (she had just turned 21 and was hooking up at bars). Fortunately Chlamydia is curable with antibiotics, but pissing was a nightmare for 4 days. Unfortunately the Chlamydia triggered an autoimmune disease buried in my genetics that wreaked havoc on my lower back and leg, basically giving me severe arthritis. I could barely walk for 6 moths at a time when I lost my car. I walked 1.5 miles to work every day in excruciating pain during the winter months (rain and snow). My leg still acts up every winter to this day. Every year I am reminded of my mistake. Do what this guy >>15527966 did and don't look back.

>> No.15528058
File: 1.81 MB, 352x240, 884735EB0E1B449191D48846B2CC899D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek based ancient dino meme

>> No.15528069

and then get arrested for raping her? the reward is not worth the risk in this situation

>> No.15528105

Don't reply.

>> No.15528121


His ex gf was like that knight on the rim.

>> No.15528128

Yes, but it would hurt her more to realize you never cared (or at least pretend to so she actually believes it). The only thing more aggressive and violent than a verbal of physical beating is indifference.
Jesus christ. Well stds are a separate issue. That´s why I stopped fucking normal chicks and only fuck once or twice a month with a hooker. They are usually cleaner, they actually fucking shave for once, and if they get some bug the rumor spreads quickly and they loose clients.

>> No.15528149

It might be different in amerimuttica but at least in my country we don´t have laws that strict so that any bimbo can make false rape allegations. Also you can protect yourself by recording, and if they question you why you recorded her without her consent, claim you got robbed some months ago and installed cameras.

>> No.15528170

is that billy fence?

>> No.15528174

Dude your girlfriend sucks, find an asian girl

>> No.15528194


>> No.15528200

Nothing beats ghosting a gf of 4 years you want nothing to do with. Drives them nuts

>Date girl for 4 years
>Has anxiety
>Anxiety gets worse
>She starts treating me like shit
>She picks another fight
>Start packing my shit in front of her
>"W..where did those boxes come from?"
>Had planned this for weeks in secret
>Drive away that evening as she cries
>Hear she took one week off work to cry
>She still texts me desperate for info/connection
>"K" everytime

>> No.15528204

Possibly I guess, but ultimately I'm just not that childish, stopping spending resources on her(money, time, thought etc) is the goal, her losing me was enough of a loss for her to continuously try to contact me for years afterward, so that was victory enough for me.

>> No.15528216

Kek based fellow K texter

>> No.15528218

Holy shit. Whyd you date a girl that fucks bar niggers while in a relationship?

>> No.15528225

Applebee’s fucking sucks. The food is mediocre and every one I’ve ever been to is trashy as fuck.

>> No.15528237

You have my upmost respect. Made a crazy roastie cry.
Yeah, I guess she did suffer enough. Anyways, were there any redflags that you think you missed while dating her? Or was the whole situation out of the blue?

>> No.15528242

Needed this kek today thanks mate

>> No.15528254

You asked her what she wanted bro. You should have told her in advance you were going to take her to a candlelight dinner, and then you were going to make love to her under the moonlight and let her sit on those thoughts all day.

How do you not know about romance? It doesn't stop just because you're already dating her.

>> No.15528256

Agreed. Like I said it was jam packed with loud niggers and the food was meh. It was really clean though, which I guess is good.

>> No.15528257

>not liking fat girls

Lmfao gay cunt

>> No.15528282

I learned a valuable lesson: always listen to your gut and don't tolerate ANYTHING.

I ignored red flags and believed she would grow to see the merits of marriage/kids with time (this is what made her snap eventually)

Focus on bettering yourself, build your worth, and don't tolerate shit. One night stands under fake names unless she's a pure wifu material

>> No.15528298

Bar nigger was after relationship was over. I was advising against a "one last hatefuck" because it is risky since you don't know what she's been up to post-breakup.

>> No.15528302

Anon just made me realize I've wasted my life away on this place for far too long

>> No.15528308

Oh totally out of the blue. This girl worked 2 jobs and went to school full time. Her parents had her on lockdown, like she turned 21 while things were still seemingly great, and her curfew was still 10pm. I guess the biggest red flag was probably how perfect everything seemingly was, never had a single argument etc.

>> No.15528337

Ok man you are in some shit. But here is the thing, being together 7 years probably changes your relationship alot and you should probably be able to talk to her about why she's not keen to hangout with you/slurp the noodle anymore.

Everything is hard work, from maintaining your body to your relationship, if you're thinking "it should just be easier than this" then think about how few good things actually come easily...
And if she's not worth the repairing of the relationship dump her harder than a cow on laxatives, take some time for yourself and fuck some random ladies, feels good to know what else swims around in the pond

>> No.15528339

I read your stuff OP, my advice: rape her or dump her.

>> No.15528345

Then get the fuck out of here. I enjoyed and still enjoy the years I spend here

>> No.15528377

idiot, she picked a cheap place because she doesn't want to fuck you.

Cheap place = no pressure
Expensive = better put out bitch

>> No.15528429

real shit?

>> No.15528546

I know that anon's feel. Some of us just aren't that interested. I never got laid and when news broke out in the kitchen I worked at, all the waitresses were racing to hook me up with someone they knew. It's was hilarious yet unsettling that they cared about me getting laid more than I did. I even had a coworker drag me to the local whorehouse, I just wanted to see what was in there so I didn't do anything other than get a drink in there.

>> No.15528559

My gf would never pick casual dining if I offered to take her out. I'm almost more proud of that than that she'd never turn me on and leave me hanging.
What do you see in this woman? Sounds miserable.

>> No.15528563

>Good with finances, save 30% of my meager income, sadly it's not enough to invest, even though I'm good at predicting market trends.

Bro, if you could buy into the bitcoin at $5 a piece, would you do it? If yes, you have enough money to invest.

>> No.15528579

Your gf doesn't owe you shit. If you want sex from her, marry her. If you don't want to be married to her, dump her. It's as simple as that. Stop being beta.

>> No.15528584

Why is it that making non biz posts becomes okay when somebody asks how to profit off their shitty lives afterwards?
Where are this subreddits janis?

>> No.15528594

My #1 rule is that I don't gamble with more than I'm willing to lose. If I lose that money I have $0 savings left. Its not much, but I'd rather have 5k than nothing

>> No.15528690

What I'm saying is that you can still invest with $30. Heck, Coinbase gives you $30 worth of crypto for reading a few lectures. I got some college kid to invest in Chainlink that way without spending a dime.

But your #1 is a general rule in investing.

>> No.15528692

This is probably the dumbest and most autistic seething sexist incel thread I've seen outside of /fit/ in a long time

She doesn't want to have sex because you failed to get her sexually excited. But honestly OP that could be for a variety of reasons some of which may be out of control. Maybe you should ask her about it instead of sucking off >>15527853

>> No.15528693

Applebee’s is fucking repulsive sub-human tier. Clearly your girlfriend is sub-85 IQ. You should NEVER have let things get this far