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File: 13 KB, 637x337, kalake9202kd (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15524933 No.15524933 [Reply] [Original]

The Next Generation PC Game distribution platform powered by Blockchain, Ultra will be a game changer and is one project to look i am heavily in. They also recently partnered with Xangle . With transparancy I bought a nice bag. What you guys thinking

>> No.15524953

I just did some research and this is a scam.
>Buy Bitcoin and Ethereum only

>> No.15524963

UOS will go crazy. STRONK TEAM

>> No.15524976
File: 26 KB, 591x422, kalake9202kd (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra has real used cases. Beta is coming in Oct

>> No.15524990

Video games are fucking toxic sœyboys jacking off to micropayments and merchandise. I really hope Blockchain changes it. I played some of those Blockchain games and they suck.

>> No.15525001

>anon says scam without providing any arguments to why it would be a scam.

If you actually read up on it you wouldn't be on this board but on Bitfinex stacking UOS.

>> No.15525008
File: 43 KB, 800x444, Kalijeadlkje (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem Fren, you should talk in their telegram they very transaprant about everything

>> No.15525020
File: 23 KB, 400x400, kasfjkdasfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjin 60 mil marketcap
chiliz 35 mil marketcap
ultra 2 million we only needa few x and we still undervalued

>> No.15525210

UOS is a gem, that's clear

>> No.15525216

strong, very strong Xangle partnership.
Deserves 8 eth investment

>> No.15525403

wow ,,, they have partner with xangle ,,, ? this is very bullish ,,, thank you dear

>> No.15525411

ultra team is very trensperent like sentinel team ,,, very bullish signal

>> No.15525418

hehe ,,, pepe frog with ultra logo on it ,,, another bullish meme signal ,,, praise kek (:.

>> No.15525461

I smell sarcasm here and intentionally posting with same ID. Biz is smarter and sees right through your attempt to pajeet fud. So betafaggish

>> No.15525480

damn these pajeets always being paid to fud legit projects ,,, thank you dear

>> No.15525488

lol you have too much time on your hands boy, go pick some cotton.

>> No.15525494

i'm not a nigger slave ,,, thank you dear

>> No.15525513

You can just tell a coin is a fucking shitcoin when the shills post years old unfunny memes with their logo on it lmao.

>> No.15525528

Do you honestly actually literally believe anyone believes you are legitimate posters and not Telegram Pajeets who have been linked to this thread?

>> No.15525595

Ranjeets also buying Ultra . That’s a good sign. They also want to live a rich life. Ranjeets make the games and ultra platform will sell them . It’s better then what steam pays. Win Win . Bought extra now. 100000 pajeets buying 1 usd always good

>> No.15525605

So many missed the pump for Ultra , so salty. It’s ok you can still do good as it will go x5 easy. Wait for Blockchan Seoul event .

>> No.15525625
File: 23 KB, 500x500, Kalijeadlkje (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That pump of 30% just starting
same feeling for Dag got 150% in 1 month. Ultra doing the same . Accumulated a nice bag

>> No.15525641

I bought for high roi, if enjin can get 63 million mcap then this can easy 20 million mcap that is X 10

>> No.15525660


>> No.15525691

Looks like Dutch to me. I've long since suspected its actually Dutch cunts shilling these fucking pajeet projects.

>> No.15525827
File: 223 KB, 1714x909, ULTRA TOKEN SIR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with Argentes is that his mom continued drinking vodka while she was pregnant so his brain developed wrong and now he can't think so good.

Now he spends his days trying to convince 4chan NEETs to buy magic tokens that will grant them overnight riches, but somehow even manages to fail at that because he's just too fucking stupid.

>> No.15525875
File: 53 KB, 717x642, 1565970308425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argentes, bro, why did you delete your Telegram account bro? C'mon bro.

>> No.15525971
File: 201 KB, 387x517, 1565256150393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argentes my #1 shill bro, could you tell us about the sound foundamentals that Ultra has?

>> No.15526136
File: 175 KB, 1134x619, Ultra Combo Breaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a draw for Pajeets and the Chinese. The same way Brave browser will give you mere pennies. Except the ads here for products inside the ULTRA ecosystem, so you will get even less money. Probably a penny an hour, if that. Ultra only takes a small % from sales.

Even if you would be able to resell games, ultra could only give you a % of the already small % they got from the initial sale. Then simply removethe title from your account. This would amount to $1 per $50 game at best. Mere pennies for indie games or anything under $20. Steam gives you roughly $2-$4 per $50 game on release in the form of Steam cards.

Innovative and rewarding open community, lel. It's a complicated way of saying a message board. Steam has a community hub with screenshot/videos and a forum for every title.

99% of the games would not be able to do this. The game specifically has to be built for this streaming technology. No other dev does this than Origin, at the moment. And they only do it because their games are huge.

Requires money and they will never beat Tencent/Epic in this regard because Epic already had Fortnite, so more devs were interested in getting on their platform.

Meaningless buzzword.

UOS is a security token and fails the Howey Test. Won't be available in North America.
Consumers don't care about blockchain.
Dead on arrival.

>pepe frog with ultra logo on it ,,, another bullish meme signal