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15524522 No.15524522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how often do you eat it?

>> No.15524532

I used to order Dominos twice a week. I haven't touched it in six months tho, now that I'm saving 30% of my income.

>> No.15524533

since i am not a robot i do not eat it with systematic intervals, thus, any response i have would be incorrect, except a very vague "sometimes"

>> No.15524535

>thinks dominos is actual pizza
kys faggot

>> No.15524539

avg 2x per week i eat pizza, I like the napolitan style though

>> No.15524541

I live in NJ. I know real pizza. Dominos is fucking fine.

>> No.15524548

Tfw ate a whole medium 5 topping pizza last night :/

>> No.15524572

hahahahaha fucking americuck, come to italy i will make you a better pizza then you ever ate in your fucking life

>> No.15524576
File: 2.23 MB, 4032x3024, 7932DEC1-B3FC-4182-9A18-9CFBC53A6604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I am ha

>> No.15524577

>thinks eurotrash is actual pizza
Italians are the niggers of europe

>> No.15524605

Um, seeing as they invented it and have had it as part of their culture much longer I would say yes. All the Americans try and do is badly imitate they're European descendents with their actual fine cuisine, not the chemical filled fake garbage with cheese in a can.

Cope harder you fucking mutt.

>> No.15524609

>seething eurotrash

>> No.15524611

seriously kill yourself if you think your pizza is better than here in italy

>> No.15524615
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>NA education

>> No.15524617

it is.

>> No.15524623
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you are not worth it, eat your dominos chemopizza then i dont give a fuck

>> No.15524631

This is NJ, where there's a pizzeria on every street corner and half of the people are growing their own tomatoes in their back yard.
Trust me when I say our pizza's better.

>> No.15524644

fuck, how stupid are you? what do you think italy looks like? WHERE DO YOU SERIOUSLY BELIEVE YOUR CULTURE COMES FROM?

>> No.15524647

im seething am I? no wait im not because unlike you, you pond scum, I realise real cuisine came from europe and still europe is where you find the best food in the world.

Its kind of adorable that your such a brainlet that you think 'real pizza' is deep pan and starbucks is good coffee and your 'hot dogs' have a scratch on actual frankfurters or slavic snausage.

>> No.15524650

Once every 2 months or so.

>> No.15524651

My family killed yours in WW2. Invaded Sicily and took your fucking scalps. seethe more, euronig.

>> No.15524657

Italian pizza is really trash desu, had to eat at domino's.

>> No.15524659

Every week but I make my own. Bought different cookware to make it the best possible. I'm finally nailing almost a perfect crust.

>> No.15524664

please never visit again, you are not worth our good pizza. All your chemofood destroyed your mind and taste

>> No.15524671

How about you leave your shithole and try a real pizza?

>> No.15524673
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lol this, who brought pizza to america? was it hurrr durrrr, muricans yas? hurr durr, was it our european ancestors, I think ima choose it was us that brought american pizza to murica.

>he doesnt know that his country is only 200 years old and was stolen by the europeans.

Also this is a european food thread now, muricans go and circle jerk yourselves

>> No.15524684

>european food thread
what, like falafel and kabob?

>> No.15524688

Yeah, never again. The only thing italians know about pizza is that ananas bad.

>> No.15524689

usually I can eat twice a day. I used to eat more often but it's getting too expensive. mostly rice with veggies.

>> No.15524693

Dominos Pizza is so bad i wouldn't even feed a stray dog with that shit. Go to Napoli to l'antica pizzeria da michele to eat some good pizza.

>> No.15524714
File: 242 KB, 401x247, las.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

history according to muricans, by the way timmy russia, was in berlin an entire MONTH before you guys got there. You only got involved in the war because of pearl harbour, y'know, that incident where america got caught with its trousers round its ankles and a bunch of you mutts were killed en masse. you retaliated with the lowest of blows, the ultimut throwing of toys out the pram, the atomic bomb.

Also, just so y'know, contrary to all your movies, you didnt win the vietnam war lulz, a bunch of skinny gooks in the jungle outmanouvered all your flashy tech, entire platoons were wiped out without a single incident with the enemy.

Your ignorant cope is hilarious, your fundamental grasp of the course of events is making me laugh on the outside, and pity you on the inside.

fuckit I dont care, your society is being hijacked by tyrone, y'know, your ex slaves. you are so cucked even your porn has a genre of 'blacked' and you assimilate these monkies fashion and music.

'murica is great hurr durrr'.

fucking worst living conditions, heighest incarceration rate, no statutory holiday pay (fucking wuuu, you so cucked you dont even get holidays you literal slaves!!) barely any food chemicals banned on your regulatory list , i.e. worst food standards on the planet.

All your attempts at high culture is just a poor imitation of european master race, like when you see a kid draw a picture and one hand has 10 figures.


>> No.15524716

tell me 1 typical american meal

not even hamburger is from your 3rd world

>> No.15524729
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based and redpilled

>> No.15524735

didn't read. My family merked yours and you're a crybaby europuss.

>> No.15524736
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why yes you uneducated cunt, greeks and turks enjoy both, israeli's too (you should know this one being a jew country) many countries on the med enjoy falafel, hummus and kebabs.

but nice try champ...

>> No.15524743

Remember to wipe with your left hand.

>> No.15524749

I prepare it myself
you can even prepare the dough, let it rise, lie it down on a metal pizza plate with the same/compatible diameter of your oven, freeze it.
When you'd like a pizza, it will come off flatten on the bottom, put sauce on it, bake it.
==> pizza ready in 10 minutes since you desired it.

>> No.15524756
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your family is getting raped every day by niggers and south americans

>> No.15524763
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mmmh paella

>> No.15524766

Go to little Caesars. It probably tastes better and is only like 5 bucks for a whole pizza. Italian pizza is shit.

>> No.15524769

This tbqh familia

>> No.15524774
File: 758 KB, 588x489, nom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this some christian cope ? err no the bones were put there to test our faith! our FAITH TO LAWDY JESUSS!!!!

face it, what did america ever contribute to the world, greatest minds were and still are europeans, best inventions came from europeans, best food, art and culture.

Just burying your head in the sand because unsurprisingly the american mutt cant admit when they wrong.

Holy shit so you mean to tell me more muricans were killed by FRIENDLY FIRE in the persian gulf than but actual sand niggers.

hilarity my friend, this is straightu sunday morning gold.

p.s. im MOCKING you you low IQ piece of shit.

>> No.15524775

fuck i am cringing so fucking hard, i have to leave this thread bye guys, I hate the americucks on this board even more now

>> No.15524783

die mad about it.
Come back when Italy is a superpower

>> No.15524793

Italy is the perfect place,
apart from the people and the economy.
It's like a large SF, but with zero jobs.
> t. Italian

>> No.15524803

Mad af insecure little spaghetti nigger
Lil C's pretzel crust pizza > Italian "pizza"

>> No.15524804

>It's like a large SF
Ah yes, the only place with more shit on the streets than India.
Are you really comparing yourself to America's homeless capital and claiming it's a good thing?

>> No.15524810

read the second half of my sentence
it's SF for the mentality, the self rightness, the collective hipstery, the weather, etc
it's the worst of both worlds

>> No.15524812

No its not fucking fine
>t. Jew Yorker

>> No.15524818
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mmmmmmhh cheeseeeeee, damn I do love the french for they cheese, this cheese pictured is from the souther french area/ alps and is of the rarest variety kinda like having to sacrifice a fucking unicorn to get ahold of, super expensive but my oh my is it worth it.

I was in Lyon last summer and had my bare fill, what a place might I add, beautiful women, beautiful city, beautiful food. but watch out, if your a poor amerimutt a main is looking to cost you €50 at most places, without starter and desert, but boy oh boy do they have the BEST damned food there, even lunch is a fantastic experience with a decanted half bottle of red in a crystal bottle.

>> No.15524822

* self righteousness

>> No.15524829

Don't get me started on the thin crust cardboard bullshit you NY niggers call pizza. At least it's better than anything in europe.

>> No.15524831

Is this a copypasta? It's written in the same cadence as that pungent egg fart one

>> No.15524840

>thinks Italian pizza is not real pizza
What a fucking imbecile, get clamped, circumcised, shot, jewed you dumb amerimutt

>> No.15524846

Why is it that italians can't handle being told the truth about your sub-par pizza? I'm not the only one in this thread who's said so. It's not good enough.

>> No.15524863
File: 546 KB, 498x504, czech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont indulge these fucking idiots trying to compare an ENTIRE COUNTRY to , wait,, what ? fucking san fran, what the fuck am I even reading, the only thing these dumb fucks can compare to is a single city.

you guys, you guys know europe isnt a country, its a continent right, made up of countries. Also, whilst we on the subject for you sara pailin fuckers, america is also a continent.

Italy has a rich and diverse culture that differs greatly from north to south, from the mountainous areas to the seaside inhabitants.

Just so y'know, amerimutts, even when you visit our continent, we all hold you in the lowest of regards, expect to be served spaghetti and ketchup, expect a second rate treatment, because we all see you for what you are, uncultured, dumb, little jew slaves, when you visit europe we just syphon your money out of you and laugh about it later.

Your like that annoying kid that always hung around you and your friends as kids, none of us liked you and none of us knew why you hung around, but we just indulged you (to an extent) because of a sense of decent humanity that we actually have. Not like you cunts forcing a rape victim to have the child because of 'muh pro life' , cos y'know, who ever thought of how pro it was for the life of the girl having to have and raise the child of their own rapeist.


Czechs have a beautiful thing, picled camambert, the slavs just have pickles down, but if you ever get a chance to visit prague, a beautiful tall glass of pilsner with a plate of pickled camambert will see you just right

>> No.15524871

I'm not Italian but their pizza is regarded as best in the world by the majority of people, except some larping americlappers with their 200 years of ''culture''.
But of course your shitty food microwaved by some min wage nigger or spic in some backwater American ''restaurant'' is the best, lmao.

>> No.15524883

Your pizza is third world pizza. You eat it out of necessity. It's just a cracker with like one piece of cheese on the top. You don't even have cheesey stuffed crust or pretzel crust. Hell I doubt your pizza places even serve buffalo chicken wings. Even Japanese hotdog mayo shrimp pizza is better than that poor excuse of a shit you guys pull out of your tiny easy bake ovens in your 10 square foot apartment. America improved pizza and pizza is known around the world because of influential chefs in NYC, Boston, Chicago, Connecticut, Rhode Island etc etc. The world knows Pizza hut, dominos, and hungry Howie's and can find their way to the nearest location. The world knows the teenaged mutant Ninja turtles having a delicious slice in the sewers under a US city hanging out with shredder. The world doesn't care about Italian pizza.

>> No.15524886

>their pizza is regarded as best in the world by the majority of people
this isn't even factually accurate.Look up any "best pizza in the world" article. The majority are in North America, specifically NJ and NY, with Italy coming in second.

>> No.15524891

>The world doesn't care about Italian pizza.

>> No.15524894

We don't microwave our pizzas unless they're pizza rolls which are delicious and better than pizza in Italy (and also more convenient). That's another American improvement on pizza. We have added portability and fast cooking times while your pizza is still cooked on a fire in a cave because Italians refuse to grow up and join us in the new millennium, and that's why Pizza Hut wasn't created by italians.

>> No.15524901

>inb4 buttmad italians arguing that "muh tradition" makes up for bad pizza

>> No.15524909


>> No.15524910

This. When everyone thinks pizza they don't think of some gay Italian pizza where tiny pieces of mozzarella cheese are all spread about 3 feet from each other. They think of a big beautiful pepperoni new York pizza. Italians are coping. Wops mad

>> No.15524923

>muh pizza hut muh dominos
Lmao, they're known in the whole world to be american larping garbage. Yes, they are known worlwide, for being a fucking joke lmao. Who thinks of fucking Dominos or America when classy restaurants are mentioned ? Nobody, they all think about Europe, you're clearly underaged and never left your shithole country, you've never been to Italy let alone have pizza or any sort of food there. Holy shit this thread is infested by mutts, go salivate over your microwaved cancer rolls you teenager fucks.

>> No.15524930

>Yes, they are known worlwide, for being a fucking joke lmao.
If everyone thinks it's a joke, how are they making money hand over fist in every market?

>> No.15524934

>hurr durr more ingredients thrown at random make pizza better durr
Fucking kek, american fatass mentality everyone. Literally textbook american retardism, you can't make this shit up.

>> No.15524935

and you know why retard? because those "us" pizza are made by italian immigrants, italian style. You can make good pizza anywhere.

>> No.15524937


>> No.15524954

>Muh classy restaurants

It's pizza you fucking fedora fag. You order to your house with a few beers lmao Jesus. Cringe af. You probably eat it with a knife and fork and a bib

>> No.15524964

Lol and yet dominos and pizza hut are found all over the world while Tony's faggy Neopolitan homo garnished pizza is broke

>> No.15524981

yeah because we all know popularity = quality. Plebs always had shit taste

>> No.15524992


>> No.15524996

USA has exported junk food and obesity all over the world with their chemically engineered food, nothing to be proud of.
you're coping hard

>> No.15524997

USA #1, eat shit

>> No.15525014

This is what Amerilards have turned pizza into. Hahahahahahaha, bet you eat lots of pizzas to go with those beers and hamburgers you fat fuck. So you admit that your pizza is just garbage that teenagers order when they have their epic house parties. Seems about right.

>> No.15525016

Imagine beeing this much of a fart-sniffer

>> No.15525022
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When it comes to food you're a laughing stock everywhere in the world, deal with it.

>> No.15525026

See you on the moon.
Oh, wait.

>> No.15525067

For me it's pepperoni bagel bites

>> No.15525068
File: 134 KB, 449x459, amerimutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT mutts having such a poor fucking taste that they genuinely believe American "pizza" is better than Italian pizza.

For god sake look at your pizza. It's fat, it's sloppy, just like you mutts. Italian pizza is elegant, thin, the tomato sauce is so good that a simple pizza like the Margherita is already so good. I cringe everytime a person puts some BBQ sauce or ketchup on a pizza.
>inb4 hurr durr I've been to Rome and tried the pizza there it was shit
go to a non touristic place you dumb retarded mutts

>> No.15525072

>American "pizza" is better than Italian pizza.
It is.
Come to NJ for a slice, you prick.

>> No.15525075

Who hurt you? You ever wonder why you're an incel and it's because of stuff like this. Kick back and open a budweiser. Pick up a papa John's

>> No.15525079

Your family are overweight impoverished slaves for Israel and you fags are letting Mexicans and niggers rape and kill your women. You have nothing to be proud of loser.

>> No.15525081

really cool thread I made wtf

>> No.15525090


suck my dick

>> No.15525094

Proud of all the people my family's killed across Italy, Tunisia, Germany, East Asia/Pacific, Nicaragua, and the Middle East, ngl

>> No.15525106

Based. All of the real Italians live in USA. All the ones that stayed are just butthurt that Americans invented bagel bites, pizza rolls, stuffed crust, pepperoni pizza, deep dish pizza, pizza hot pockets, chicken bacon ranch pizza, barbecue pizza, pizza hut, frozen pizza. They literally can't compete. They're stuck in the dark ages

>> No.15525120

My grandfather and his six brothers invaded Sicily (they spoke the language, being immigrants, and were prioritized for the invasion) and killed a lot of euroniggers. The family pretty much renounced our italian heritage after the war because of what fucking retards they all are.
My other grandfather sent letters home from Africa about literally stacking bodies so deep that roads were impassible.

>> No.15525121
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>come to a shitty place with niggers, trannies, feminists, spics, so you can try "real" pizza which is basically pizza bread
Yeah sure

>open a Budweiser
can't tell if bait or retarded

>proud to be fighting for Israel
Just keep accepting more Somalis kek. You don't want to be labeled as a racist now do you

>> No.15525127

make your own dough, get some mozarella cheese, a nice tomato sauce and the rest is whatever you have available which goes well.

A little bit of olive oil in the dough. Roll the dough thinly. And sprinkle some oregano herb on the pizza itself.
All of this will cost you a fraction and you have enough ingredients to make 2-3 pizzas.

>> No.15525142

Nice. Serve with an ice cold Coors or bud light and call it a night

>> No.15525179

Lmao @ this seething pastanigger

>> No.15525183

The one bit of credit I'll give europeans is that the did beer right, but only the Irish, Germans, and Icelanders

>> No.15525192

This is the most American post I have ever read and I love it.

>> No.15525312

Nearly everyday, still lean as fuck. Trick is to have homemade pizza with no bullshit. Not takeaway crap.

>> No.15525328

>Irish, Germans, and Icelanders

you've clearly never had a pint of stella before. peroni's good too.

>> No.15525375

>Lol, he doesn't know about Belgium or Czech beer.


>> No.15525401

Its shit, you dirty wop

>> No.15525404

I'm American and I have to say this is based and redpilled

>> No.15525432

Oh my god literally so mad hahahaha imagine sitting down and writing this out while touting that you aren’t seething before making such a blatant seethepost.

>> No.15525434

loli haet pizza

>> No.15525443

You sure do speak like a robot though

>> No.15525456

I'm from NY and dominoes is definitely shit tier pizza. Why you would choose franchise shit when you have a pizzeria around the corner always boggles my mind

>> No.15525464

Ahh I just replied to your earlier post, but I now see you're just retarded, sorry about that.

>> No.15525471

Eat a dick you piece of shit, one of y'all called it out, and now you don't like it when you get justed. Just face it, literally every country on the planet can't stand you, you produce nothing of value, there hasn't been a single American invention or person who bettered the world.

The audacity I find on this board when dumb fucking cunts comment on cuisine or culture like they are the most remotest of authorities on the subject. Your culture is borrowed from Europeans, except the execution is pitiful and egocentric. You think having obesity-tier portions is how you get an edge on your food...litteral wha...?

Your just a bunch of illegal immigrants that wiped out a (mostly) peaceful culture who were considerably more advanced than you criminal intent thieves, rapists and murders.

The world can't stand you and the sooner your infantile country folds the better for the rest of us.

>> No.15525473

You choose it BECAUSE it's not top tier
Italians ARE the niggers of Europe, you wop

>> No.15525481

carb pies are for sad fat faggots to drown their sorrows. If you're gonna eat shitty, at least go for god-tier tiramisu or something.

>> No.15525498
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>> No.15525503

>Your just a bunch of illegal immigrants that wiped out a (mostly) peaceful culture who were considerably more advanced than you criminal intent thieves, rapists and murders.
Retard, where do you think those illegal immigrants came from?

>> No.15525510

Italians aren't white.

>> No.15525522

p sure dominos anywhere is shit
cheap, but shit

>> No.15525538

You eat it because it's not the best though, that's what makes it fine. I'm not claiming that dominoes is legitimately good or haute cuisine

>> No.15525545

I buy pizza maybe once every 3 months for my workers if we had a rough week. It's overpriced and unhealthy so I don't care for it personally.

>> No.15525555

I'll never understand junk food elitism. Same with beer elitists, thinking they're fighting about sophisticated spirits, thinking they're so superior for shitting on normie beers while their brand of beer is still beer, it's piss. Pizza's fucking high calorie, low nutritional value, fast food. Who gives a shit its not gourmet food. Only a white trash Americans would brag about having superior taste in literal shit.

>> No.15525563

This is top quality bait

>> No.15525565

>Proves why NY does not want to be infected by Jersey
So you eat dominoes because you're poor, got it.
Whatever Italians are, they make the best fucking pizza while you're eating low-class cardboard shit.

>> No.15525566

American pizza is junk food, a real Italian pizza is not.

>> No.15525579

Maybe once a month. Love Pizzeria Regina.

>> No.15525586

Most people--Americans and foreigners alike--agree that American pizza is far superior.

American pizza goes far beyond shit ass Dominos.

>> No.15525608

this guy gets it

>> No.15525617

Australia was populated mostly by criminals of the crown&east India trading company.

Doesn't make all brits criminals, it means that the persecuted (like the feckin Jews) were pushed out.

>Calls me dumb
>Can't do simple math

Now that's murican'

>> No.15525622

>American makes post about invading Sicily
>European "retaliates" by bringing up Berlin
Well, at least English isn't your first language.

>> No.15525683

Holy shit, that doesn't change the fact that your ancestors are still those illegal immigrants you have been talking shit about. Retard, go think.
And don't you me with your low IQ posts anymore.

>> No.15525700

I prefer a different kind of pizza. Some of you know the type.

>> No.15525712

That's a cheesy joke

>> No.15525725

>he thinks in NJ there is good pizza
you should come to italy some time
or just enjoy your cake or what you call pizza,americuck

>> No.15525732

No, please explain what that means

>> No.15525740

more angry wops

>> No.15525748

i don't eat peasant food

>> No.15526129

that's a nice pie

>> No.15526137

saturday is pizza night in my house we either get dominos or pizza hut

then I redeem the free pizza (every 5-6 orders) when I can for lunch

>> No.15526187

>Business and Finance

>> No.15526207

pizza as we know it today wasnt invented in italy. it was invented in america

>> No.15526229

Yeah, but those faggots put raw tomato and basil on pita bread, so they'll claim to have invented the fucking wheel

>> No.15526273

I make my own Italian style pizza. I make the dough like twice a month and i make 6-8 pizzas from it.

>> No.15526352

epic simply epic

>> No.15526368

Well I’m going out for pizza at my local Italian joint tonight thanks to this thread.

Mince, green peppers, chili and onion master rave reporting in.

>> No.15526389

Do you keep that on a freezer or a fridge. Also, how much dough do you make

>> No.15526411

Salami and banana peppers is the best topping combo