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File: 63 KB, 279x808, 1567912135045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15523237 No.15523237 [Reply] [Original]

Is betting on Elizabeth Warren to win the democratic primary free money at this point?

What about the presidency?

>> No.15523250

>only person on this list who I recognise is Yang
Who are these other literal whos

>> No.15523259

Nevermind, I'm blind and didnt see bernie

>> No.15523262

biden has sex with 9yo girls and eats them afterwards
and sanders is the millionaire commie

>> No.15523268

Where is john mcafee, I'm voting for him.

>> No.15523284

>Booty gig
>is gay
:clown: :world:

>> No.15523285

Your vice president all through elementary school. Fucking zoomers.

>> No.15523297
File: 203 KB, 512x512, 47LvX67_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw voting for Trump if Yang doesn't win the nomination

>> No.15523301
File: 10 KB, 293x326, Brainlet911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sanders is the only one against the banks who hasn't taken their donations. Warren is awesome but the fact that she takes bank money scares me.
Banks are more socialist than Sanders is but no one has ever explained fractional reserve and investment banking to you in the right light.

>> No.15523303

time to short biden

>> No.15523307

bernie will bring yang in to his campaign but he can't seem to radical with everyone calling him a commie
Who the fuck could support Trump and Yang?
Those are the two polar opposites. Yang is the only one more liberal than sanders except that psychic bitch
You vote based on memes, admit it dumbfuck

>> No.15523318
File: 34 KB, 184x184, 1567744520440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it.

>> No.15523325

>Warren is awesome but the fact that she takes bank money scares me.
That's why she will win. She's a centrist pretending to be far-left to trick Bernie voters. She used to be a Republican for fuck's sakes.

>> No.15523332

Isn't Warren the one who pretended to be indian to get into college? Not sure if based or not

>> No.15523359

American voters are the least informed and the most vocal complainers.

I hear loud fat old dudes call bernie a commie all the time. They don't know shit about the national debt, inflation, monetary policy. They don't understand how bankruptcies, fractional reserve banking, 0% interest rates, tax cuts for the rich, etc all inflate the money supply and how that robs us and encourages us to be risky with money. Saving is for stupid people in this fiat system. It's actually nuts but we're raised in it and don't have it explained correctly to us. The effects go into all walks of life. Democrats, especially before Obama, are good around a budget and republicans have historically wrecked them and taken us off the gold standard, etc but have a good fiscal rep.

I love in a world where every one takes crazy pills and yells about shit that doesn't matter. Bernie is the first politician to focus on the money in over 50 years. Banks hate him and that's what I love about him

>> No.15523370

I'm voting for Trump even though I hate his guts, because it's never been more important to stack the SCOTUS with as many pro-2A justices as possible or we WILL lose our right to have guns.

>> No.15523376

Good luck winning back the rust belt on a campaign to end all fossil fuels...

If Warren gets the nomination then Trump wins in a landslide

>> No.15523380

All you are doing is larping as a pundit. No one cares about your brainlet opinions

>> No.15523384

>Bernie is the first politician to focus on the money in over 50 years

Have you looked in to Ron Paul?

>> No.15523402


>> No.15523413

She will probably move to the centre if she wins the primary, but you're right that it's pretty hard to walk back some of the environmentalist shit she said. Especially without alienating progressives.

>> No.15523453

>white people don't know what it's like to be poor
Fuck Bernie and fuck you

>> No.15523455

she's saying what is necessary to win. she'll do the same in the general. dems don't give a shit. they just want to beat trump.

>> No.15523467

Seriously. We need to keep political illiterates like these from voting.

>> No.15523492

Biden is gonna win. Warren can talk the talk, but DNC will tell her to munch carpet

>> No.15523537
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>they think there sjw candidates will win
The big dump will be perfect

>> No.15523542

americans will never lose our guns. We are the ,ost relaxed gun laws in the world and more guns per capita than any other country too.
Fuck these idiots who have been screaming for years that they'll take our guns. The gun companies make too much money on americas relaxed gun laws flowing guns into mexico and latin america
no one gives a fuck about any of our opinions and I'm not larping I'm informed, you just disagree with my positions. dumbfuck

>> No.15523551
File: 35 KB, 1024x576, 07a7457070b2d2ac616586ec1e375b3843f9f389_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually care about politics. I just want NEETbux

>> No.15523574

Nice bait

>> No.15523590

Don't worry, I'm not even american

>> No.15523591
File: 43 KB, 680x510, biden eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden's eyeball literally exploded on stage the other night. I don't even think the guy will be in the race by super Tuesday, he will bow out for health reasons.

>> No.15523617

>I love in a world where every one takes crazy pills and yells about shit that doesn't matter. Bernie is the first politician to focus on the money in over 50 years

Trump as well. Seems like every other democrat just goes on about immigration. Like no one's even trying to beat his economy and is just hoping that it craps the bed for them.

Bernie's position on student loans could actually be pretty good for me. Not gonna lie.

>> No.15523633

>Bernie's position on student loans
Yeah, let's take more from the poor and less educated who actually need it and give to ones who already made it with college degrees. That's the fucking ticket

>> No.15523646
File: 321 KB, 558x744, chinkcry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he literally cried on stage like a fucking faggot

>> No.15523649

such power, such emotion. will win the general population over.

>> No.15523661

First off.
Totally agree with the bank stuff and debt.
but the truth is the Democrats are a shit level party that puts giving more rights towards fags,low iq nigger migrant wage slaves, degenerates and let's crime run rampent. Actual banking and economics that involve capitalism will be put all the way to the back of the line. And just cause Bernie or yang will get in won't mean jack shit. There will still be more sellout senator's who still hold office and completely ignore the facts that actually matter.

>> No.15523670

Is the right light that housing and equities boom while your currency consistently loses value?

>> No.15523749
File: 61 KB, 844x489, polls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be the nominee, yes. I think they'll keep Trump for two terms because he's been so good for Israel.

Copying my old post from >>>/r9k/54274491

Here is a chart I found on Wikipedia of Democratic polling. Notice how in the rigged polls Warren is the only one consistently trending upwards?

And remember when Trump tweeted several times about Warren being "Pocahontas"? He's already making her into a rival BEFORE she even announced her candidacy!

According to Wikipedia she was "formerly a law school professor specializing in bankruptcy law" and everyone knows Trump has had several bankruptcies. She's also a "Republican turned Democrat" while Trump is the opposite. She's the perfect candidate for the next rigged presidential election.

Trump and Hillary friendly with each other before their campaigns. Bush and John Kerry both members of Skull and Bones. You think that's all a coincidence?

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are about as popular as they can get right now. Like they're not going to suddenly gain new support. Warren has default support for being a girl and will gain more if Kamala Harris drops out.


Also predictive programming on The Simpson's for a Trump presidency, more debt, and a female president (Lisa Simpson) right after Trump.

>> No.15523769

This is the most brainlet post I've seen in days.

>> No.15523777

holy shit you're stupid. The smartest countries pay for their citizens to go to college. You want an educated populace unless you give all the dumbfucks UBI but even then you want people having knowledge and skills. It's not even expensive compared to everything else we spend massive amounts of fiat on.
that's a small piece of the puzzle. Economics is complicated and made more complicated on purpose but I'm starting to see many areas set up to funnel money from the have-nots to the land and share holders.
This whole argument that we need to have only an inflationary currency vs a deflationary one is starting to look foolish to me. Maybe the best system uses both. Everything is set up for banks to take wealth and the older the econ book I read the crazier they would find our modern rates and lending

>> No.15523781

What kind of retard actually wants Biden in office? Fuck, americans are stupid.

>> No.15523783
File: 1.17 MB, 927x6648, banks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Democrats, especially before Obama, are good around a budget and republicans have historically wrecked them and taken us off the gold standard, etc but have a good fiscal rep.


>> No.15523787

He’s unironically too good a human being to be in politics. You can tell he genuinely just wants murica to be better than it is right now. He’s not manipulative or reptilian enough for their world

>> No.15523827

Because your loud and obnoxious without knowing much about what you're talking about. I was talking about people like you of course you hate it.
I don't buy into the conspiracy shit but you make some good points. Best one is the israel trump bond. Israel is the dons best weapon. They 100% back him and they 100% hate Bernie. Bernie hasn't taken netanyahu's money. They have most of the control over foreign political spam here but no one mentions them. I won't say too much about them online out of fear but go down the epstein rabbit hole if you haven't or revisit it if it's been a while. Go down a lot of rabbit holes with israel, not the evil jew shit but mossad, the UN, palestine, the way they buy politicians who give money to israel. Too much interesting underhanded shit to even type.

>> No.15523828

>holy shit you're stupid. The smartest countries pay for their citizens to go to college. You want an educated populace unless you give all the dumbfucks UBI but even then you want people having knowledge and skills. It's not even expensive compared to everything else we spend massive amounts of fiat on.
You fucking moron, xollege is free in the US. It's called fucking FAFSA you ignorant prick. What fuckstains like you want is to have your 150k fucking underwater lesbian basketweaving meme degree paid for on the backs of the working poor so you can sip your fucking Starbucks latte in between shifts without having to worry about paying back the money you goddamn borrowed and was loaned to you in good faith. Pay it back you worthless leech and stop being a piece of shit wanting the poor to pay it for you. I swear the only thing the commies did right was string up pseudo's like you.

>> No.15523864

this is nuts. He gets some things right but first thing is both dems and reps are owned by banks you dumbfucks and always have been. Bernie is the only one running they aren't paying. Literally.
Second he blames dems for blanket things and even obama for bushes bailout. You have to look into the numbers deeper and understand the fed was buying toxic MBS or bailingout the autos this year. You get it?
Stop playing red and blue because they both fuck you.

Here's proof. Donald gets elected mostly because republicans promise but never do anything about immigrants because their friends hire those immigrants. Donald hires more immigrants than 99% as housekeepers, golf course landscapers, plumbers, waiters, casino workers, fashion models, etc but he convinces the idiots in this country he'll build a wall and that will fix it. Then he continues to hire immigrants, gets caught, and says we should let them work in some industries.

He played all of those idiots because the real way to stop immigration is fine the companies hiring them and enforce those laws. They're deadly afraid that people realize how to stop illegal immigration. You can't punish people with nothing to lose with much effect. The ones who own companies have the ability to pay fat fines.

>> No.15523870

FDR was the first president to take the USA off the gold standard, for your information. This is fact.

>> No.15523874

fuck you I paid for all my classes with my own money. Never took a student loan and didn't finish school either.
Dumbfucks like you don't understand fiat currency and act like paper dollars are worth something in the future.
Paying for our citizens to go to school is a smart investment, we should make computer science trade schools free too. AC/heating trade school, trucking trade, plumbing elec, health techs, all those trades that need american workers

>> No.15523889

Only one who seems decently intelligent is yang in there debates is yang.

Bernie is an old dried up cum rag. Complained to raise minimum wage and he can't even afford to pay his staff overtime. What a clown

>> No.15523901

he loosened the standard because of the great depression and gold hoarding after Wilson crashed the economy by letting bankers write the laws and create a fed. I think that FDR removing the laws behind the gold standard was probably a mistake too.

>> No.15523916


Based. Not to mention that anyone not voting for Bernie is basically bending over for their future healthcare-expense bankruptcy. I cannot imagine anything more cucked than voting for an insurance company shill. (Every candidate besides Bernie and MAYBE Yang.)

>> No.15523923


she wont win the primaries lmao, she pissed everybody off with that native american shit and one thing dems dont like is when you annoy their precious minorities. even if she does win the nomination trump will steamroll, their only chance was biden or bernie or tulsi which i think would have been a cool outsider. I think we are looking at 8 years of trump though

>> No.15523939

srsly? bernie capitulated to clinton mafia and you think anyone would ever give him money or support again? he's controlled opposition, grow the fuck up.

>> No.15523956

he couldn't even win the majority vote agianst hillary and even dems hated hillary. Trump needs to increase support in the middle and northern parts of the country that are not gaining in jobs. Growth is mostly on the coasts for jobs and industries. Those people are getting hit hard and they supported him a lot last election. Bernie is supporting strikes and worker causes around the country and gaining support with these working class older voters. He already has the youth vote if he wins the nomination.

>> No.15523974

We'll see, I guess. I doubt they would ever let him talk about banks and israel the way he does if he was controlled. Him and warren were the only ones, I remember, mentioning Epstein against Trump. Bernie has a huge number of small donors and he's built an impressive email list the last 4 years. The email list they write about so much in blogs speaks to the movement he's built and it's size

>> No.15523982

>but there is hope..

>> No.15524177

Supreme court justices are the only reason to vote for Trump at this point. If Trump can get another 4 years we can replace RBG and overturn affirmative action.

>> No.15524185

He's also a combat veteran.
Gay, nigger-hating, combat vet, millenial should really have him in the forefront. Don't know why his numbers have been shit

>> No.15524197

Yang xDXD get dag 1000 dollars end of month xDXD Le big Macs xD xD MIGA lol xDD Yang gang ftw tu ruruuuu

>> No.15524696

yeah and their money was stolen by dnc and clinton. what did bern do? he bent the fucking knee like the little bitch he is. hes meant to be a conduit for dispossessed proles but not a solution.

>> No.15524706

oh no.. trump is going to be reelected if warren runs. fuck god damnit that means the trade war continues, that means stocks and economy plummet.

welp, better buy gold lol

>> No.15524724

you lost boomer?

>> No.15524921

were you born yesterday? this has been a long time coming...like since 1913.

>> No.15525201

>my jew candidate is against banks despite being a multimillionaire
imagine being a nazbol

>> No.15525213


>> No.15525238

This list is proof that (((they))) want trump in for a second term...They can pull a seemingly great candidate out of their ass if they need to cough cough Obama.
Political parties are BS, You're picking between coke (red) & Pepsi (blue), same thing slightly different flavour

>> No.15525294

>Live in NH
>Don't like any of these candidates outside of Tulsi

I have no idea what to do.

>> No.15525299

I understand all those things. Because of that, I made it out with cryptocurrency. Bernie is a communist.

>> No.15525331

Write in tulsi? Tulsi was the only chance outside of bernie that the dems had to beat trump. But they don't want to beat trump so much that they would elect an anti-war candidate or an anti-bank candidate. War and money are ultimately more important to the democrats than anything else, and so Trump is basically guaranteed at this point.

>> No.15525353

he would have 0 shot at changing the party if he left it. he has always stated that is his goal. I see similarities between him and trump/the GOP in that respect besides the fact trump turned out to be full of shit

>> No.15525358

Oh yeah, all in to win

>> No.15525366

Voting in the primary here isn't something you do on principle when you know it's a lost cause. If she was remotely competitive I would vote for her. If I wanted to acted in a principled manner I'd just vote in the republican to ensure lewandowski doesn't get the GOP senate slot.

My job is to access the competitive candidates and pick the least worst one.

>> No.15525388

Biden will drop out soon due to health issues. His condition is deteriorating and if he doesn't drop out by himself, he'll be humiliated at the polls. Incidently, Biden supporters' #2 is the other ancient white man, Bernie Sanders. Nobody gives a fuck about Warren aside from liberal bourgeoisie college kids and soccer moms. The actual left is all in on Sanders and he is clearly the only candidate that represents working class interests and appeals to rust belt swing voters. You know, that place where Hillary lost the election. Sabotaging Sanders was the DNC choosing suicide over disappointing their donors.

As for Yang: I think its unlikely he gets a major position in a Sanders' cabinet, and even moreso if Warren wins. On the other side, he won't be content with a minor position like under Obama. So he'll run for Congress if the opportunity presents itself, maybe even do something in NYC.

>> No.15525398

>the democrats
You mean boomers.

>> No.15525405


>> No.15525421

Yang is going to clown on all these fools. The gulf in quality and intelligence between him and the others is astrononical

>> No.15525428

The united states isn't going to elect a Chinaman in the middle of an era where anti-Chinese sentiment is at an all time high

>> No.15525618

wow early for you to be up isnt it? I guess its true what they say about restlessness and old age

>> No.15525626

Denying what I said is just naive. I don't support the line of thinking, but I can recognize truths.

>> No.15525729

every single day, somewhere around 5000-6000 baby boomers die, and around 14,000 zoomers hit voting age. every day. trump has been in office for almost a thousand days alone.

>> No.15525775

i will only vote for niggers, do we have any republican niggers?

>> No.15525792

multimillionaire is nothing now a days. I hope I don't end up just multi millionaire at his age. This jew is also the only non muslim politician that stand up to israel.
you don't know shit about communism or socialism or what system you live in. I bet you think america is capitalistic.
>only candidate that represents working class interests and appeals to rust belt swing voters. You know, that place where Hillary lost the election.
This is crucial in my mind.
it's nowhere near all time or recent high. 50 years ago we wouldn't do business with the commies

>> No.15525818

Bernie literally took a lake house as payment/blackmail to look the other way as his staffer was anheroed for uncovering corruption ROBBING bernie of the dnc nomination. Fuck off, Bernie is a capitalist

>> No.15525824

The problem is that college is overpriced. Taking out a 10k loan should pay for a whole year of school or more. Everyone is focusing on debt forgiveness and free college. The real answer that keeps sallie Mae in business and allows young people to be solvent is fixing the cost of education.

>> No.15525831

whoa when did that happen? Trump will fucking eat her alive if she wins the primary.

>> No.15525842

No de Blasio is going to win the nomination, CNN is subtly destroying Biden and the rest of the clown show by pulling shit like the town hall the other night. Bill D is Clinton’s Chosen one, and she controls the party. Cap this

>> No.15525848

>smartest countries
Yes let’s personify countries

>> No.15525854

Why is the gay guy called butt-guy

>> No.15525856

De Blasio is the only candidate who can beat trump

>> No.15525860


Haha jk you're cool man...you ok?

>> No.15525927

>the most relaxed gun laws in the world
In some ways yes, but make no mistake: the gun laws are creeping in from the bottom up.
For instance, America has MUCH stricter gun laws than even Euro countries when it comes to things like SBRs, automatics, etc.

>> No.15525941

not finishing college was the best thing I ever did. lead me to retirement after less than 5 years of working. College is a great investment for some but I'm glad I took my path. I also learned a lot from some of those classes not that you guys would ever care about that. it's all about a degree and then you fucks can't pass an interview or the industry doesn't pay entry level shit. My industry turned me into a real estate investor without a degree. so as far as i'm concerned fuck college but i think it's smart for countries to pay for their citizens schooling, no matter what.
are you on crack? are you deblasio? who is deblasio?
i'm not talking about their personalities i'm talking about policy. Smart policy encourages educating your populace because they get better jobs and pay more in taxes, take less in services, commit less crimes, etc

>> No.15525959

>The smartest countries pay for their citizens to go to college.
They also pick who goes. Most Euro nations, if I understand, sort students at 12-13 for either college or trades. We do it too, but anybody can still take a shot. So the state does pay, but they don't let just anybody go.

>> No.15525960

>Euro countries
go try and find a guns in the ones that aren't shit tier slavs.
America is over flowing with guns and some states don't give a shit what or how you sell a firearm. gun laws that are strict are never enforced unless you're popped for something unrelated. act like someone will ever take america's guns. You need to be reminded of the NRA and the profits gun companies make and how it's never talked about. profits from death but gun companies can use those profits to lobby politicians. America will never be gun free unless the rednecks shoot each other

>> No.15525994

Hard to take you seriously, anon if you don't recognize a former Vice President.

>> No.15526007

Yeah, she blatantly committed tuition fraud.

>> No.15526037

you don't get it. The amount of college educated people needed in this country exceeds the amount of people who want to go. It goes beyond that with solar and infrastructure like electric, plumbing, and highway systems need trades workers. Those schools should be subsidized too. Those euro countries are all poor except the top 5. The top 5 don't even compare to us. We should be encouraging the bad students to go to school too. They sometimes start the best companies.

All of this comes back to fucking fiat $ you idiots hold so dear. The FED will drop a trillion if they need to save the banking system with rates at 0% but you guys act like paying for your neighborhood to improve isn't worth it. Less student debt, less health debt will stimulate the economy and prevent bankruptcies

>> No.15526041

>Democrats, especially before Obama, are good around a budget and republicans have historically wrecked them and taken us off the gold standard, etc but have a good fiscal rep.
Pure grade economic illiteracy with a heave scoop of historic revisionism.
Nixon had to come in and fix the mess the fucktard LBJ left in his wake. The economy performs well under Democrats, because they typically take office after the Republican fixed everything and the effects are starting to reveal. Likewise, it's typically shitty under a Republican, becuase he has to come in and fix all the fuckups left by his illiterate predecessor who got elected by preying on how stupid half the population is.

>> No.15526049

>s betting on Elizabeth Warren to win the democratic primary free money at this point?
>What about the presidency?
you fucking morons. i told you to bet on warren last month ago but you questioned me.. how dare you.. my iq is 160+.. now look.. she is clear favorite...stay poor

>> No.15526050

This has been the attack line against her since she was running for Senate.

Pro-tip: didn't work then.

>> No.15526068

>americans will never lose our guns.
Even if they outlaw guns, how the fuck is that going to be enforced? There are over 400 million guns in teh U.S. spread across hundreds of millions of Acres and 300 million people.
Say 40% of guns are willingly turned in to the authorities. That still leaves 280 million guns. And we only know where the legal ones are with law abiding licensed owners. We have no idea where all the guns illegally owned are located.

>> No.15526185

Nobody mentioned costs, you fucking idiot (your words, jackass). I simply pointed out our system allows anybody to go, and the one you seek to emulate disallows that, and according to you, to YOU, that's exactly what we need. Governments may limit admission due to money in those other nations, but that doesn't make me a "fucking idiot" that's "worried about fiat" just for pointing that out - they're going to do that, and pretending they won't limit budgets while calling yourself informed is a joke. You're the fucking idiot, spouting of pseudo intellectual trash from the 90s.

>> No.15526199

Worked directly under Yang for 2 years, he is an absolute scumbag and he’s weird and creepy as fuck. Literally left the job because of him and him alone.

>> No.15526213

Yeah, I live in a country with great universal education and government expenditure per student is less than 10k USD per year. American colleges are crazy expensive. Imo American politicians should at the very least make a law putting an upper limit on how much a university is allowed to charge.

>> No.15526217
File: 7 KB, 291x100, infernal banks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toast for president!

>> No.15526221

Sorry, I reread >>15526185

That's bit much...my bad dude. I have a shitty life, I'm sorry

>> No.15526239

nice larp faggot

>> No.15526445

please vote democrat so the dollar plummets and by bags ascend

>> No.15526485

If Bernie doesn't plan on stopping the tidal wave of humans surging over the border then he's part of the problem. All of his other positions are just policy wonkery compared to the mass immigration crisis.

>> No.15526505
File: 274 KB, 677x995, goyimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>against the banks

>> No.15526704
File: 3.77 MB, 480x270, 1567667344423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is such a weak candidate but it blows my mind that Elizabeth Fucking Warren the fake Indian is the best they could come up with. LMFAO'ing at this clown world. She's even more cringe than Jeb!.

>> No.15526729

>go try and find a guns in the ones that aren't shit tier slavs.
I live in western Europe, and I own several guns I could never own in the US because of the SBR bullshit alone

>> No.15526807

>Also predictive programming on The Simpson's for a Trump presidency, more debt, and a female president (Lisa Simpson) right after Trump.
Forgot about that. How can we Amerifats bet on this election? It will be Warren.

>> No.15526929
File: 30 KB, 480x360, elizardbeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird how it do that sometimes

>> No.15526977

Lol link of this? I havent been keeping up with anything these demofags say/do

>> No.15527067

Not a larp but ok.