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1550308 No.1550308 [Reply] [Original]

how do i stocks?

>> No.1550634


>> No.1551576

Droogle it

>> No.1551598

youtube it

>> No.1551624

I'm betting all my savings on COSI

>> No.1551626

gmmie all ur monie dumbass and you get 10% of the profits

>> No.1551646


thats not fair

>> No.1551655

talk to a financial advisor

>> No.1551659

>go e*trade
>go go stocks
>go go go buy
So simple

>> No.1551663
File: 19 KB, 1271x75, rip_elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short TSLA it's goin' down! i'm already up 25% but it's not too late. it's just beginning!

>> No.1551830

ignore meme advice

put money into your 401k if your company has a good matching plan

put money into real estate, ETFs, and mutual funds

buying and selling individual stocks is a meme

>> No.1553277

bump for more advices

>> No.1553314

First, have a lot of money.
Then your inevitable losses won't hurt so bad.

>> No.1553318

Be 18
Open a Vanguard account
Shovel all your spare money (>10%) into a target date fund for the year closest to the year you want to retire
Check on it when you're ready to retire

Now get the fuck out of here so this board can keep discussing business.

>> No.1553321
File: 45 KB, 709x765, Rare+pepe+comp_419215_5582801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lookup symbol, 10 years downtrend

>> No.1553352

>lookup ticker
>find you can't short it
>laugh and move on

>> No.1553403

Cosi is being taken off of the market on monday.

>> No.1553408

Nice try

>> No.1553431

I have 20k in COSI
Fyck me
I'm cashing out first think Monday morning

>> No.1553729

>not quest trade master race

>> No.1553875

Best way to learn stocks is to lose money.

>> No.1554077


so there's a questrade master race? didn't know I was a part of something xD

>> No.1554085

put it in UVXY

>> No.1554091
File: 1.38 MB, 237x238, 7cefdfa5jw1f09knrwgnag206l06me81.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remortgaged the house to buy COSI lads
How fucked am I?

>> No.1554093
File: 26 KB, 500x326, smrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get used to being called Mr Richiemcrich

>> No.1554095

Bing it.

>> No.1554100

Welcome to the club.
Monday CISI is going through the moon.
Stay poor, poorfags

>> No.1554964

you start by sending me the money then i buy for you


>> No.1554975

You know it.
I dumped all my cash into CASI.
To the moon!

>> No.1554990

This, really want to emphasize this. The best way to learn is by doing and by losing some money you will see the error in your ways. That or give up and call it gambling, which it isn't.