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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15515314 No.15515314 [Reply] [Original]

My ex girlfriend is dating a lawyer that makes $11,000 a month. How can I compete biz?

>> No.15515317

You can't

>> No.15515320

Buy at least 500k DAG and wait 1 year....will be worth more than he can make in a lifetime.

>> No.15515322

by making $12,000 a month

>> No.15515328

Jobs that pay this much?

Truth hurts

I’m pretty sure this is a scam anon.

>> No.15515333

I made quadruple his yearly paycheque on crypto profit last year alongside my day job. I work 30 hours a week.

Unless high salary earners invest sensibly they’ll be working all their lives with the sword of Damocles swinging above them.

>> No.15515352

Why would you need to compete with the bf of your ex?

Money is a meme, dude, just be lean.

>> No.15515363

What does your portfolio look like?

I’m salty and the dude has a six pack.

>> No.15515388

Don’t compete
The lawyer salary just got halvened
Women are a bad investment, especially ex gf

>> No.15515391

>caring about an ex-girlfriend

This bitch should be dead to you. Stop stalking her instagram, fb or w/e shitty network you're stalking.
She's the past and you should look into the future, don't develop a one-itis...you're better than that.

>> No.15515398

Wait until the higher earning Chad moves on from your ex for.so.ethi g else. Rebound sex and then ghost her.

>> No.15515414

why did you guys break up? is that her in the photo? how long has it been since the break up?

>> No.15515417

Thank you biz family. I will do my best. Kind of starting believe women are a bad investment.

>> No.15515433

About 3 years ago. She moved across the country for law school and the long distance thing didn’t work out. I was too poor to come along. That is not her.

I don’t want to get her back really, just know that I’m doing better than what she ended up with.

>> No.15515448

she was pumped and dumped during her entire stay in "law school".
I would estimate she had around 30 sexual partners during that time

>> No.15515508

I wouldn’t doubt it.

>> No.15515521

at least you got rid of the damaged goods. so good for you.

>> No.15515534

make 12000 a month and give her an STD

>> No.15515561

Just shoot him with a gun, easy. $11,000 a month doesn’t buy immortality.

>> No.15515568

That guy also has/had to pay off six figures worth of debt, works 70 hours a week, and will go bald at 40 due to stress
t. Paralegal

>> No.15515620
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Fuck off glow nigger you go shooting if thats what you all want.

>> No.15515642

So you are ceding the right to force to the government? Only the government can shoot people. Fuck you pussy, shoot the lawyer. It’s what Aaron Burr would have done.

>> No.15515646


>> No.15515653
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Well aaron burr is dead, so he's not so gawd dam smart now is he??

>> No.15515658

Just remember that she blows him every time you open biz

>> No.15515671

What a life. Maybe she’ll leave him.


>> No.15515682

If you want to compete with money as your first asset/skill. You will never hit pussy in the right way.

>> No.15515683
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>she's a lawyer, dating another lawyer

At least you can sleep comfortably at night knowing they're fucking miserable. Seriously, I'm a lawyer, and the lawyers I know that marry other attorneys are fucking sociopaths and they fucking suck. That's an objective truth and cannot be disputed.

>imagine doing mind numbingly petty things all day, pushing your blood pressure through the roof because your clients are throwing hissy fits, and arguing with other human beings over the meaning of the word "the", then going home at night to do it all over again with your loved one

I'd unironically rather put a bullet in my brain than marry another attorney.

>> No.15515707

Do what Barney Stinson did!

>> No.15515758

Happy to hear you hate your lives, Much of the subrogation/subjugation on this planet is through brainwashed cunts like yourselves. Through you cunts we have modern banking, taxes & legalities, aka victimless 'crimes'. Hope it takes a thousand lifetimes on this shithole planet to pay for your part in the scheme.

>> No.15515909

That's a pretty shitty lawyer salary desu

>> No.15515954

Bad emotional and financial investment anon. Modern women are broken.

>> No.15515960

One of the reasons why I don't want to date anyone from work, not that I have a choice anyway.
But I see it with friends/colleagues, INEVITABLY, you start talking about work related stuff and it's really annoying. I can't imagine with a life partner.

>> No.15515978




>> No.15516132

>122,000 /year
You cant compete. Then again, neither can he. He'll probably always be at work and pissed off/stressed when hes not. She already hates him and is not sexually satisfied by him.

>> No.15516240

>he sincerely believes she didnt fuck chads in college
t. guy who fucked multiple erasmus girls who had boyfriends

>> No.15516250

If you have to compete you've already lost.

>> No.15516270

Why compete with your ex?
Forget her, move on : she's your ex!!

>> No.15516298

Hating lawyers is like hating cops & judges : those who do only realize that their existence is a good thing when they are in trouble themselves & need their help.
Ever imagined a world where you could be accused of anything and there's nobody to confirm that you're not guilty?

>> No.15516346

Get her to cheat on the lawyer with you while he works 18-hour days

>> No.15516355

by making more than that and not having to be a wagecuck on top of it like he is. obviously im talking about being a crypto risk manager

>> No.15516390

have a better face

>> No.15516453

this is the stupidest pajeet tier advice on the board today.

>> No.15516456

Be fucking happy, pretend and show it to the world.
Bitches hate it when their ex is actually happy single or with a new girl.

>> No.15516470

Why are you stuck thinking about the past? Look forward.

>> No.15516479

It is a scam

>> No.15516497

>Jobs that pay this much?
I see a little over 16k/month

T. Admin. at a major NYC hospital system

>> No.15517170

By investing your money instead of just wasting on stupid shit like he might

>> No.15517512

>Ever imagined a world where you could be accused of anything and there's nobody to confirm that you're not guilty?
>not guilty
They got ya, Why can't you plead innocent? See these words have meaning. Guilty is about payment in the legal structure, By saying not guilty all your are saying is you won't pay.
I'm fine with cops & judges enforcing the law! We all should be.
>arguing with other human beings over the meaning of the word "the"
Its when the law system is using words to tort people over victimless crimes aka legalities, thats where the issue I have. The Banking & Tax system along with it. I have no issue with the law. So no, its not like hating judges and cops...its simply hating the people that enable the loss of freedom through words, via deceptive word use.

>> No.15517524


>> No.15517582

Chasing an ex gf will make things go ogre

>> No.15517593


>> No.15517646
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get a younger, hotter, sluttier, girlfriend and bring her where your ex just so happens to be on a date with the lawyer

>> No.15517655

Checked and based sword of Damocles poster

>> No.15517663
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Just open up a Minecraft server

>> No.15517664


>> No.15517669

Are you really outgoing and muscular? Does the lawyer have a BBC?

>> No.15517682

whatever you're doing I can probably help you make it better (I had experience with selling virtual goods on selly/shoppy)

>> No.15517700

Take a seat. Right over there

>> No.15517732

Why would you want to compete for someone you broke up with? Maybe the guy makes 11k a month and is a premature ejaculator.
Focus on yourself and think about your future, she's in the past, and therefore, dead to you.

t. The guy who took 7 years to get over his first girlfriend.

>> No.15517771
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Whatever you think you can do I can do better and I don't associate with Israelis

>> No.15517779


>> No.15517816

She's your ex for a reason. If you got back together, the same problems that were there before will return.

>> No.15517842

Tough call OP but with a good plastic surgeon you could steal him.

>> No.15517847

My current fiance is a lawyer that makes 10k a month.. How can I compete?

>> No.15517853

That lawyer is poor af especially with all the education he has to pay for. Even 10k USD a week isn’t high rolling these days.

>> No.15517915

Who gives a damn. Ex' are ex's. There's enough people out there smarter and easier to get along with than ex's.

>> No.15518086 [DELETED] 

How do you know he is an Israeli

>> No.15518123

> spend 8 years in school to get some /biz/tards sloppy seconds

>> No.15518152

I'm a sr software engineer. I make about that much.

>> No.15518193

100000000 IQ play

do it anon they'll never expect this level of 4d chess

>> No.15518312

Found his email in a leaked forum database

>> No.15518371

Buy as much link as you can. Keep doing so.

And be the best man you can be. Go lifting, hiking, outdoor man shit. Being the better person is how you exact revenge. And by that time you won’t give 3 cents for her.

>> No.15518409

you buy LINK to put him out of business lol

>> No.15519020

£215.000 a month here
She can suck my dick.

>> No.15519032

Be the dude she cheats on him with if you have the morality of a dog. Dude will be working too long to keep her satisfied.

>> No.15519127

You have to pay it all back in rent and taxes though.

>> No.15519142

>Being the better person is how you exact revenge. And by that time you won’t give 3 cents for her.

>> No.15519150

Basically this.
Lawyer is the Prince wagecuck.
Doc is the King wagecuck, but he does at least something useful.

>> No.15519169

Have big Dick and fuck her better.

>> No.15519205

This never helped me at all, I'm hung as fuck and can fuck indefinitely without cumming. But I never get laid because I'm an antisocial freak. I'd get into porn if I wasn't a literal nazi who wants to gas the people running the industry.

>> No.15519211

>Hating lawyers is like hating cops & judges
So completely justified, gotcha

>those who do only realize that their existence is a good thing when they are in trouble themselves & need their help
Nothing could possibly come up that I couldn't solve with my gun or my friends and their guns. The only thing keeping us from enacting our justice is the tyrannical legal system of judges and attorneys enforced by midwit police officers.

>Ever imagined a world where you could be accused of anything and there's nobody to confirm that you're not guilty?
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.15519666
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>doing it for a roastie
never going to make it

>> No.15519815

One of a million, anon. Not one in a million.

>> No.15519871

The last type of woman you want to be married to is a lawyer, anon. Long hours, think they know shit. Terrible mothers. It's impossible to be both a good lawyer and parent.

>> No.15519887

>carefully reconnect secretly with exgf via nostalgic mind control
>have affair w/exgf behind lawyer's back
>fuck her raw to impregnate her
>convince her to keep the child
>have lawyer pay for everything and raise the kid as his own without realizing that you turbocucked him into raising your baby
>either completely disconnect from all of them or somehow get lawyer imprisoned for a crime and bone his wife/your exgf while he's locked away then get her to divorce him and play with all the money she gets from the divorce and alimony
This unlocks a pretty sweet achievement, OP; you just have to be a Chad about it.

>> No.15519902

Jew brainwashing has taken deep roots in this one.

>> No.15519909

>how to compete
Make $110,000 per month. thats how.

>> No.15519916

>Ever imagined a world where you could be accused of anything and there's nobody to confirm that you're not guilty?
Or somebody can steal your shit or rape your daughter and you have to either physically handle it yourself, or pay the Son's of Anarchy for some vigilante justice? No thanks.

>> No.15519979

>Nothing could possibly come up that I couldn't solve with my gun or my friends and their guns. The only thing keeping us from enacting our justice is the tyrannical legal system of judges and attorneys enforced by midwit police officers.
Humans have tried that over the centuries, and each time they conclude that it's better to have law and order and rational process. Hang'em quick and Hang'em high tends to lead to a lot of wrongful convictions, which is one of the highest tragedies a state can commit.
Some day you will grow old, anon. Without strong sons to defend your honor, you're fucked in your world. And there won't be any friends. All you will have is family and mutual self interest.

>> No.15520024

Genetics can beat a wallet.

Hope you have them.

>> No.15520422

Kill him

>> No.15520627

Good thing I'm a married homeowner with kids and a good (((accountant))).

>> No.15520711


Student loans are a thing and lawyers have big ones. His 11,000 a month might be a lot less than you think.

>> No.15520732


And kill her

>> No.15520742

im so depressed. money doesn't matter at all to me in a relationship, but it seems that's the only thing women care about. Not that I'm poor or anything, but I have no attachment to money..

>> No.15520793
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I know this is /biz/ but there is way more to life than working 80 hours a week to achieve a high income. Your goal is to achieve a optimal pay/working hours ratio. Either way just fuck some other girls and don't worry about your ex. That's the cure.

Also, almost every discussion about lawyers has the same unified answer: Lawyers are fucking miserable. Why anyone would choose that career is beyond me.

>11k income
Is that gross? What state? Might not be as great as it sounds

>> No.15520961

tbqh. I have doctor acquaintances, but I started working 4 years before any of them, which was enough time to save and capitalize on crypto. Even if you pretended they made full wages at their residencies now they will never catch up with what I've made in crypto. Feels good to poast on 4chan

>> No.15520970
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>> No.15521709

Death is the solution to all problems. No man, no problem.

>> No.15521835

Just be better at sex / have a bigger dick and you will have something he can never get

>> No.15521969

Pro tip anon

Girls care about status and wealth signaling not actually how much money is in the bank.

A lawyer on 11k a month with a flash financed car, massive debt and spends instead of investing will be more attractive to a women than a low-status job like a trade on 20k a month who invest all his money and is much richer.

>> No.15522265

look i didnt even read what u wrote or even know what this thread is about i just want u guys to know all my bitches hitting me up and im making 100k+ every month consisntently from trading LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO OH WHEN IM FADED I JUST WANT TO PUT MTY HANDS ON YOU

>> No.15522275

Beat the shit out of him. Women don’t date losers.

>> No.15522361

>oh noes, a hole likes his wallet more than mine :((((

>> No.15522397

>A lawyer on 11k a month with a flash financed car, massive debt and spends instead of investing will be more attractive to a women than a low-status job like a trade on 20k a month who invest all his money and is much richer.

The guy making 20K a month working a low-status trade job doesn't get any women because he is an underwater welder and he will die from a delta P accident before she gets to go on a second date with him.

>> No.15522416

Easy anon, cuck him

>> No.15522477

by making her cum and her leg shiver silly.

>> No.15522505 [DELETED] 

Make 40k/month trading

>> No.15522520

And fuck up a kid's psyche in the process, bravo anon.

>> No.15522535

Have sex incel

>> No.15522676

What if you just told him you were always there first and he has to live with the fact you came on it first?

>> No.15522952

She getting fucked hard right now anon. She feelin that 11k per pump. “Ooooohh a lawyer, no way my ex ‘anon’ could compete. This 11k dick is going to make my filthy womb swell with lawyer-sama’s babies! aaahhn~.”

Sorry anon. But it’s true.

>> No.15523003

>Happy to hear you hate your lives, Much of the subrogation/subjugation on this planet is through brainwashed cunts like yourselves. Through you cunts we have modern banking, taxes & legalities, aka victimless 'crimes'. Hope it takes a thousand lifetimes on this shithole planet to pay for your part in the scheme.

i am in agreement with this anon, just watch this video and see who really wins out at the end of the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKVU7yXv75g

also most lawyers are of the tribe so that makes it worse ofcourse

>> No.15523028

suck his dick to assert your dominance

>> No.15523046

Imagine believing that

>> No.15523513

Kick his ass

>> No.15523558

online business

>> No.15524304

Honestly, financially, you might not be able to. But finances don't get girls wet. It gives them security but she isn't going to look at his house and get soaking pants.

The only way you can compete is through /fit/ness. Imagine this: she comes to collect something from your beat up apartment and you're standing there fully ripped in your boxers. This image is in her head when her new skinnyfat lawyer boyfriend is railing her with his small penis.

Goodluck, /fraud/ if you must but this is the only way. Protip: if you get to this stage you probably won't care about her anymore anyway.

>> No.15524333

All women are whores.

>> No.15524382


>> No.15524686


>> No.15524713

good advice on /biz/? no man you're doing it wrong. we try to give the worst possible advice here. /biz/ is to trick noobs into losing tens of thousands of dollars, not give advice.

>> No.15524819

You fucked her first, that's how. Move on.

>> No.15525256

>But finances don't get girls wet. It gives them security but she isn't going to look at his house and get soaking pants.

t. Isn't rich