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15515585 No.15515585 [Reply] [Original]

I got a 2.8 GPA in my undergrad because I was severely depressed and didn't want to finish college. I managed to get my B.A and now I want to apply for med school...

if i get very high mcat scores and do well on my pre-req classes. Do I have a shot?

I got my B.A in philosophy from UCLA

>> No.15515605

You’re not going to be able to handle the workload and it’s not worth investing the time, money, and effort to end up failing and having 500k debt and no classes that transfer to a nursing program

>> No.15515609

>studying for two decades so you can clean shit from under sick people

>> No.15515613

become a surfer dude it pays more

>> No.15515624

You can go to OB school

>> No.15515632

My bad I am a retard, I meant DO school. Apply to Western.

>> No.15515779


What makes you think med school is going to be any different? Why did you study philosophy if you want to study medicine?

>> No.15515800

Learn welding faggot.

>> No.15515807
File: 547 KB, 255x128, Pan szczęka się uśmiecha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm ending med university next year and i'm from EU and don't have problems like this not to mention any debt

>> No.15515819

Give me back my tax money eastern parasite !

>> No.15515838

i have enough abduls and black swedes paying 3x more than what my 6 years costs to pay for me
i'm baffled that they come here, 80% of them fail anatomy at 1st year and it's still ok for them moneywise

>> No.15515845


>> No.15515865

You're me, except I chose Sociology and have no intention of ever going to med school. Hang in there OP

>> No.15515908

You can retake a class and the new grade you get should replace the old grade. You might be able to retake some classes to raise your gpa.

>> No.15515918

I fucking hope not

>> No.15515943

If you really wanted to get into Med school your best bet would be to do one of those pre Med post bacc programs and absolutely work your ass off to get straight A’s. Then of course you will need to ace the MCAT.

My advice: run away from medicine and never look back. It fucking sucks

t. doctorfag

>> No.15516131

Doctors are some ass busting, always in debt people. But even the most incompetent ones can get a job somewhere and make more then most workers.

>> No.15516638

If you went to school for philosophy you're not apt to get a competitive MCAT.
>but muh self study
No, biology and chemistry are both hands on subjects, and you're going to be required to have a background in both, and compete against individuals with 3.5+ GPAs in STEM subjects just to be reviewed. Many of these individuals have resumes significantly more impressive, more relevant, or more interesting than your typical college graduate (I know a few people with military experience, were from immigrant families that were dirt poor, or come from a family of doctors) that still have trouble gaining acceptance.
Not to mention, medical school is a 60+ hour per week job in its own right IF you're a slacker. Trying to gain top marks to get a good residency will see you falling well above that statistic.
>t. I went to school initially for premed then decided to go for chemistry since I did a little more research. Probably the best decision I made when I realized that I was well behind the curve graduating with a 2.6 GPA.

>> No.15516643

>People who have never worked in trades shilling the meme

>> No.15516676
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pretty much this
fuck this mentally retarded debt-based keynesian economy and its mentally retarded concepts of what makes people qualified to engage in voluntary transactions between read, knowledgable adults


>> No.15517740

nice pasta

>> No.15517750

man, sergey's weight is really getting out of control

>> No.15517755

pretty fucked desu, wish me luck, doing premed

>> No.15517776
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How did you get into UCLA?
Dont be a doctor jewboy. You should open a fast casual chinese restaurant

>> No.15517843

It’s totally doable but I would think twice if I were you I’m a medical student in my fourth year going into Derm which is considered the most difficult and covered specialty to go into in the US I graduated college with a 3.2 GPA and I had to do a one year post baccalaureate program in which I got straight A’s in order to bring my cumulative GPA up to 3.4 got a 34 on the old MCAT and had a really strong personal statement/extracurriculars and I got into more programs that I knew what to do with now that I’m nearing the end I kind of doubt if it was worth it I had half a mind to go into pharmacy school one of those three year programs where I could’ve been making six figures Only three years out of college which I could’ve then invested heavily in bitcoin and other high-risk high reward assets I’m not saying it can’t be an amazing extremely fulfilling careerBut think long and hard because large parts of the road to getting there are extremely soul crushing medical school literally gave me clinical depression and panic disorder.