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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15513970 No.15513970 [Reply] [Original]

So... where are you guys going next?

>> No.15514138

Back to /an/

>> No.15514149

Back to /mlp/

>> No.15514154


pol is right

wherever niggers and shitskins go, the place turns into shit

>> No.15514195
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I don't know. /Pol's/ shills and jannies are sjw tyrants,/B/ is total ass,/R9k/ l isnt as fun as it use too and /int/ is literally the same thing but with more spics. /Biz/ was the best shitpost area out of the other boards and actually took a joke thread or 2.

>> No.15514199

This board may actually go back to talking about business and finance and not fuckjng crypto all day

>> No.15514440

get punched

>> No.15514445


>> No.15514452

Get the fuck out and go back to r*ddit.

>> No.15514461

I love all the videos of antifa getting beaten

>> No.15514474

Lol nu/pol/ has been fucking shitnsince 2016/17/18. I hate that fuckhole place and that is why im on /biz/

>> No.15514479

It's always been about crypro you dumb nigger

>> No.15514738

Forsen offline chat

>> No.15514952


2009 /b/
2010 /g/
<gap missing>
2016 /pol/
2017 /biz/
2019 /g/

I'm one of those who actually made it too. Board is great though, less the pajeets. I been gravitating towards /g/ more or less holding bitcoin and programming.

>> No.15514966

get punched bigots

>> No.15514978

I just started browsing /biz/ seriously since I'm a Zoomer and only started a philosophical interest this year and have just started being intrigued in economics. Did I miss good /biz/? What is /g/ like nowadays or did I miss good /g/ also?

>> No.15515005


>> No.15515025


2016 biz was more or less some crypto threads, drop shipping general, and ad marketing for the most part.

2017 biz was like the best fucking bar/party you could go to. Starting in April 2017 when ripple and eth started going parabolic it was a madhouse here. The memes, the marines, pink wojak, JUST, nujack, etc all were /biz/ staples. Everyone was shilling everything here from Kids Coin to Milo Coin to POSW and other pump n dump coins. After the first dump on June/July 2017 things started to change..there definitely were a lot more paid shills here much like how /pol/ is these days. A lot more scams came into play like 3dmoon and all that nonsense.

/g/ never really changed since 2010 when i was active there. You'll always find an AMD vs INTEL thread, a Linux vs Microsoft and Apple thread. I think the IQ of that board is the highest in all of 4chan. In general it's probably the least pozzed board of them all at this point.

>> No.15515044
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It was also pretty fun around 9-10 months ago, a lot of LINK crumbs were being dropped, a few larps came out of the wood work. Glow niggetry was rampant, and is still active in this board. Interesting things happen still, but its slow as fuck, and eas to miss if you're not glued to this board.

>> No.15515057
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>> No.15515061

feel free to go back stormfag. was here before you kind turned up, will be here long after you're gone

>> No.15515070
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Annnnnnnnnnd stay out!!!!!!!

>> No.15515085

Just flickered through /g/, looked at a few threads, and it seems very boring. Now maybe that's just because I don't really care that much about technology in the way of laptops or phones or coding. /biz/ sounded pretty good back then as well, though it seems pretty good currently as well. Do you guys ever have core Fascist v Austrian school arguments?

Well I'll keep an eye out from now on.

>> No.15515086


>> No.15515089

I know you mean well, but why “fag”?

>> No.15515090

>newfag shitskins coping

>> No.15515094
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standard operating procedure

project somewhere else

>> No.15515149

Based af

>> No.15515156

>project somewhere else
>he says to the the 6 ft 3 phenotypically Aryan ubermensch

>> No.15515165
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Probably back to /tv/ where I will shitpost things that make jannies and the redditfags butthurt

>> No.15515174

Alienating folks just because doing so is the dominant culture—that’s exactly what we shouldn’t do.

Honestly, stop

>> No.15515234
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When I stop posting here I'm done with Internet communities. Stopped posting on boards like Gamefaqs ages ago because they're slow and have been trying to quit 4chan for years; /biz/ is the last board I now post on after gradually dropping /a/, /v/, and /co/. I no longer have anything in common with 4chan's current userbase of normalfag zoomers so I'm leaving for the real world after this. Hopefully with bags of cash from the next bullrun.

>> No.15515346

Yeah if you're not big into computers and stuff it's hard.

Remember that bitcoin was shilled on /g/ first. I still remember it in 2010. Didnt have windows so I didn't mine it. FML

Biz is too dumb for austrian vs facist arguments. /pol/ would be better for that now.

>> No.15515395

>Biz is too dumb for austrian vs facist arguments. /pol/ would be better for that now.
Dang, but there are so many imbeciles/possibly shills on /pol/ these days it's so difficult to have a good argument. Besides they would all just say "le Fascism is best" not that I disagree but they wouldn't argue economics. They just screech basic talking points and call me a jew.

I would wager /biz/ /his/ and /lit/ are the most intelligent boards from my experience, though I admit I haven't been on /his/ too much. Aren't there still some boomers here that would debate libtertarianism or something like that? I did get some good economic reading for the origins of libertarianism.

>> No.15515447

I posted that. Not joking.

>> No.15515666

Are you joking?

>> No.15515686

I’m never leaving and you won’t meme me into it

>> No.15515729

yeah those threads pop from time to time, stick around