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15513090 No.15513090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Millenial men cry about student loan debt, working dead end jobs, and being slaves to jewish CEOs
>Erik the Red claimed Greenland at age 25
>His father exiled from Iceland for manslaughter, and him for murder for those that destroyed his property
>Mfw onions boys this day and age are too scared to ask their jewish boss for a 3% raise, while they make 5x their salary
>Vikings raped and pillaged, lived to conquer and explore
>No time to listen to Coldplay with their jewish marked up apple airpods in a cubicle doing work for mr. shekle
>Spend $80,000 to get a liberal arts degree and earn $20 an hour
>Compound interest puts them in debt for decades with their wagie salaries

Is this generation the saddest cunts of men that ever existed, biz? Somehow theyve been trapped into the system to milk them out of every financial freedom and herd them like cattle until the ripe age of 75 until they are ready for death.

>Mfw vikings lived a life of freedom and died young in glory

>> No.15513116

He looks remarkably like Donald the Orange

>> No.15513126

$20 a hour?

What's a good liberal arts college?

>> No.15513136
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>being this delusional
You can't just "grab life by the balls" with brute force, retard.

>> No.15513139

Reed College

>> No.15513144

There are still PLENTY guys like that, who do whatever the fuck they want, but guess what, they get shackled up and forced to spend 30 years in prison

>> No.15513145

What kind of retard goes to (((college))) in the current year? I would rather make minimum wage for the rest of my life than be a debt slave.

>> No.15513160

Difference being in job options. Without a bachelors, you'll probably be doing a job that makes you dead inside (what I'm doing). With one, I can become a teacher and get 4 months off vacation per year. Also, not as embarassing as say a security guard job.

>> No.15513164
File: 139 KB, 768x803, Storming_of_the_Teocalli_by_Cortez_and_His_Troops1-56a58aca5f9b58b7d0dd4d77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disempowered women
>No Jews
>Willingness to kill pagans
>>Smash their idols
>>Cut down their groves
Why was the ancient world so based?

>> No.15513172

Holy shit. Well done OP. Nice mix of history and /biz/

Prime of our generation being cucked >>15513136
Back in the day, men HAD to “grab life by the balls” that’s how we managed to physically be here.

>> No.15513176

men became soft, that's why women are whores now

>> No.15513182

You know-> but it makes me wonder if they ancient civilization like the Aztecs (your pic related) had a similar based system. No room for pussies.

>> No.15513197

So you literally grabbed life by the balls? Dumbass.
It's not like you can just walk up to an employer, kick his ass, and get a raise that way, retard.

What op described was literal brute force. PHYSICAL force. That's not how you can get your way in life anymore, brainlet.

>> No.15513220

Are you fucking slow ?

OP literally says
>Mfw onions boys this day and age are too scared to ask their jewish boss for a 3% raise, while they make 5x their salary

Go back to plebbit

>> No.15513234
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He was describing vikings to millenials you illiterate mother fucker. I am saying that is a shit comparison as the way they get ahead in life is not the same way we can, mother fucking retard.

Secondly, even asking fot a raise is retarded. Most people can't get more pay unless they job hop and so that's what they do, idiot. Absolute mother fucking idiot.

I actually had to spell this out for you LMAOOOO! Pathetic dumbass.

>> No.15513290

>is a shit comparison as the way they get ahead in life is not the same way we can,

You get ahead in life with DOMINANCE, something which you’re lacking.

>His father exiled from Iceland for manslaughter, and him for murder for those that destroyed his property

You don’t let others take what’s rightfully yours. What’s more valuable than property. Fucking time, you dimwit.

>Most people can't get more pay unless they job hop and so that's what they do

How deluded are you ? It’s called negotiating your fucking salary. How old are you, 16 ?

>> No.15513338

That same man today uses meth and ends up in prison.

Also conquering greenland? Who cares there's nothing there but ice and bad weather.

>> No.15513504

>You get ahead in life with DOMINANCE, something which you’re lacking.

No, retard. You get ahead with luck, retard. That's why most people fail.

>You don’t let others take what’s rightfully yours. What’s more valuable than property. Fucking time, you dimwit

I don't even know what real life example you're trying to refer to. Taking some random home and saying it's yours then fighting to the death with cops? You're a fucking idiot. Braindead motherfucker.

>How deluded are you ? It’s called negotiating your fucking salary. How old are you, 16 ?
you sound naive, kid. Look at the stats, child. Most people get more pay by job hoping. Literal retard.

>> No.15513509

Man, I am completely bodying you. You must be embarassed Lol.

>> No.15513533
File: 50 KB, 500x350, 1485229437485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were afraid to lose their power and slaves to the pope. You are absolutely fucking retarded to think the medieval Spaniards were any less cucked sheeple than people today

>> No.15513593
File: 7 KB, 300x180, 881FDE6A-655F-42C8-A376-267F69DD9E21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop scratching for peanuts and clean your room

>> No.15513899
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>shitposting because they have no counter-argument to my btfo

>> No.15513920

Most of the males born today would have died in adolescence in Viking culture. Murdered by more powerful males or disease.

>> No.15513925

>Millenial men cry about student loan debt
OP is 16 yr old incel closet faggot who lives in parents basement and jacks off to anime

>> No.15513934
