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File: 44 KB, 202x193, tfw someone pays to eat your cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15512263 No.15512263 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>broke highschooler
>get a text from Anon asking if i have any acid
>no idea why hes texting me, we dont ever talk
>sees this as an opportunity
>tell him i have plenty, double dipped, $15 a tab
>he wants two, tells me when and where to meet
>time to make some acid
>cut out two small squares of cardstock
>wrap them in tinfoil
>friend tells me he will know hes getting plain paper
>gotta add some taste somehow
>think about how i dont give a single shit about my customer satisfaction
>get a pic of his mom from fb and beat my meat to it, takes awhile cause shes a solid 3/10
>blow my load directly onto both tabs, they are drenched
>go to make transaction
>tells him to be careful taking both cause these are pretty strong
>says one is for his dad
>use every ounce of self control i have not to burst into laughter
>"yall will be tripping balls"
>drive away $30 richer
Whats the most you guys ever sold your cum for?

>> No.15512280

I remember I sold a girl a swisher with a little weed stuffed into either end and told her it was a blunt

>> No.15512365

When I was 14 I sold people regular spices like dragon and oregano for
Weed and they smoked that shit >5 years later

Some people asked for drugs and we made our own, it was all kind of medicines crunched together (it had a pill for menopause in it as well lmao) and then added some furnish cleaner for the smell. We sad it was some kind of new shit and even made up a name for it. The next day he asked us again what kind of shit it was because it gave him the biggest headache ever lol it was like 30 euros I really was a poor bastard back then

>> No.15512429

Can definitely get more then $30 for my cum if I wanted to though

>> No.15512672
File: 127 KB, 600x600, 1548993462082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a friend of mine sold an allergy pill as ecstasy to some dumb chick we knew, she texted later saying it didn't work. he said you have to crush it up and snort it, she said she did. kek

>> No.15512710

I used to trade garbage yugioh cards to the other neighborhood kids for GBA games that had a high trade in value at (((gamestop))) for new games. Pokemon games were always the best to trade for, I would trade like 30-40 absolute shit yugioh cards for their used pokemon games worth about $18 each at the time.

Should have kept them they're worth a shitload of money now