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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15509551 No.15509551 [Reply] [Original]

Link team has been doing pocs with banks for over three years
Link team has recently released a bunch of research that was time/resource intensive but does not directly result in network usage as of yet
Swift will be publicly discussing the results of their dlt pocs at sibos 19

1. Chainlink has been wildly successful behind closed doors and completed all of their side long ago for initial implementation of the "smart oracle"


2. This shit is still really far off and 2020 is going to hurt

Sibos 19 makes or breaks us for the next year at least. Say a prayer lads.

>> No.15510075

Amen motherfuckers, I feel just like we are back to the 4k sats range when buying LINK at 5000sats seemed expensive
Even if this goes on for another year, it's fine anons. Nothing in life is granted and we all signed up for an awesome rollercoaster ride with it's highs and lows.

DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF POSITIVE TOUGHT ESPECIALL...toilet fud, 2 man team, shadow fork, adelyn fud, same speech with same slides, litteral whoes, paul walker died and eric holder lied etc. etc.

Smart contracts will definitely be adopted and big "money belly" mac man is determined to make chainlink their Oracles.

What will happen next? see you all after Sibos

>> No.15510218

Tranny shoo. Link will have an amazing month and nothing to do with sibos.

>> No.15510286


>> No.15510296

Priced in

>> No.15510331

>Priced in
>I don’t know what it means so I’m just going to type it randomly

>> No.15510334

This isnt fud or shill
This is do or die
If they say at sibos that gpi link is corda with link for data then we go to the moon

High stakes gambling here

>> No.15510347

If you have actual information to back this up.im all ears

>> No.15510465
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The problem is there is still no one using Chainlink at a large volume. It's some literal who crypto projects. It's going to be a waiting game until we get derivatives, bonds, inurance, shipping etc smart contracts. I don't know what they are waiting for. Maybe it's the privacy part which they seemed to solve with Mixicles and deco. Sergey said shipping and derivatives EOY so yea he doesn't say shit lightly so I'm guessing we will see something EOY.

>> No.15510489

You'll see muh texticles eoy, fag !

>> No.15510508
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I really need a drunk anon thread right about now

>> No.15510510

Ranjesh wrong thread. If you do this mistake again I'll start hiring Rakesh instead of you, you fucking street shitter.

>> No.15510511
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>> No.15510529
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My concern is that the followig will happen:
>PSD2,Sibos, and GPI Link are nothingburgers
> October: Sergey says don’t worry derivatives are coming
And then in November or December we find out that the “derivatives” are just crypto derivatives for degenerate crypto options/futures gamblers.

>> No.15510551

Gpi link = link

>> No.15510576

This is the crypto blackpill that everyone is afraid to take, but they know they have to.

>> No.15510601

Everyone is afraid to admit that all blockchain allows you to do is trade things that don't exist. You can try to tie things with value to these things that don't exist, but systems already exist for doing that, and this is why no real companies are using any of this.

More Literal Whos will keep "using" chainlink, but BTC is over 70% dominance and growing for a reason. Chainlink was the final pump because they've convinced everyone that oracles are the only reason that no one is using any of this nonsense.

Once people realize that the truth is that just no one wants to use this shit, BTC goes to 100% dominance, then from there, probably dumps to hell.

>> No.15510672

swift came out with an article stating it was very successful. the shadow fork is real, swift has created this first, and yes its private, the public chainlink network will be harder to implement because it needs decentralization thats why its coming out slowly. swift will never announce they are using chainlink, sorry guys,its priced in. looks at their fucking website it clearly says "we are helping swift work on their own smart oracle"...its like are you guys fucking blind or something?

>> No.15510686

just like drunkanon said "fireworks in august and september"...hows that going? give info or FUCK OFF

>> No.15510701

Private, in house DECENTRALIZED oracle

>> No.15510703

We're now officially below $1.70. August and September so far definitely have been AMAZING! Great FIREWORKS!

Did he mean that things would amazingly go up in flames?

>> No.15510704

I thought that was manvinder

>> No.15510710
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We still got rsr

>> No.15510734

I don't think that would happen unless all the industry adoption we've seen disappears into smoke and Sergey is desperate to recoup some profit.

My main concern is that Chainlink works exactly like we all said it would, but industry decides that they just don't want or need retail investor tokens, and thus the price stays the same forever.

>> No.15510762

What industry adoption are you referring to...

>> No.15510776
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I just dumped under 1.70. Fuck it. 1 billion dollars eoy. We're still early adopters.

>> No.15510793


>> No.15511099

If you can get bank api access via chainlink this is true
If thats the case well hear at sibos
If thats the case well hear sergey going to sibos in the next couple of weeks

>> No.15511154

if anyone was seriously hopeful for bank adoption you should seek psychiatric help immediately

holy fuck at the delusion on this board, discords are cancer

>> No.15511170

we will of course do our best to ensure that our expansion plans are accomplished responsibly, carefully managing the company's resources, capital and LINK

>> No.15511211

Nah, it was Mandeep. Easy mistake to make.

>> No.15511223

I've actually talked and traded msg with a quite a few corp guys that are into the blockchain/smart contracts tech
this is the overall sentiment, most of them don't care about details, and oracles are details now, most of them don't even know what an oracle is, we are still in the how implementing this will give my company an edge phase

>> No.15511642

im starting to think its the latter
think about where we are. The network is only really doing price feeds and there still less then (100?) nodes.

Big boys dont really take a leap like this when a startup is so new.
Sorry boys wish I could give some hopium but instead i'll give some reality

>> No.15511719

We basically took over Web3 and had a three day conference built entirely around Chainlink. I know "fireworks" for you would be Sergey and Sunny Lu announcing a BMW partnership and releasing a bunch of roadmaps, but maybe you should zoom out.

>> No.15511737

Again, im not saying high volume high value contracts

>> No.15511812

I agree everything looks positive right now
The fact that there was a separate meeting at web3 designed around a single project is bullish
But dont think that if sibos comes and goes with lots of talk about r3 and no mention of oracles
Its not gonna really hurt

>> No.15511827

>for the next year

I actually agree. I bought in feb '18 assuming it was a 10 year commitment

>> No.15511838

Has been pushed back 18months

>> No.15511846

Not completely. The plan is to give 18 more months for those that can’t meet the deadline without getting penalized.

>> No.15511850

>the problem with this new internet thing is that systems are already in place to communicate and transfer information. Big entities aren't signing on because this is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. The fortune 500s have sunk millions into optimizing their traditional comms networks that work just fine, why would they switch to "e" mail? Stay poor, plebs

>> No.15511897

Yeah, smaller fintech companies are ready to roll on this and have been simply because its eaiser for their infastructure due to size constraints- the push back was defenitly for bigger banks that are no where near close to ready for this launch. Still sucks all the same.

>> No.15511920

The delay was expected. But this will definitely help start rolling out some action for Link. Yes, it would have been better if most institutions were ready, but we can’t have everything.

>> No.15512167

did you not see the shit horrible quality they gave to Jonny LP, and node operator talk. you cannot rely on adelyn or rory to pull off a CL event. maybe they're amazing at what they do, but when it comes to putting on an event- it is entirely fucking embarassing

>> No.15512188

this, unfortunately.
everyone is banking on the idea that CL has all these secret partnerships, where in reality if you were present at the CL AMA, rory hinted that the Google partnership was only "months"

Don't you thnk that if an actual finance partnership was already made Adelyn would have already announced it with the same enthusiasm as Google?
>muh confidential agreements.

>> No.15512234

Hurt who? The amount that has been achieved this year already is insane. Threshold signatures and mixicles alone are massive developments. There is literally zero doubt that Chainlink will be massive, the only remaining question is if it happens in 1 year or 5.
Do you know how many investors would KILL to have this much of a sure thing, where the only remaining question around the possibility of huge gains is one of timescale, and even that timescale is, like, 5 years maximum?
That is an absolute golden goose, but all the ADHD retards who rejoice at every green candle and wail and gnash their teeth at every red candle seem too fixated on the daily price to understand that. Maybe you should start focussing on other things that interest you, set an alert on your folio app for $20/LINK and just forget it exists until then.

>> No.15512279

Jesus, everyone's so fucking obsessed with partnerships, but they literally don't apply to LINK. They don't have partners, they have users.

The internet doesn't "partner" with anyone

>> No.15512364

This sounds like a desperate self pep talk
If link gets zero love at sibos even in passing were going back to a historic support level like .8 or .6
That will hurt no matter how smart/hard working the team is

>> No.15512377

are you claiming that Google is using chainstink, and as a result hold large amounts of link on reserve?
therefore PARTERS. users/partners just a fucking different label you commie

>> No.15512427

So you're saying that LINK only crossed a dollar in May because SIBOS was a few months away?
I honestly have zero expectations of SIBOS, I think Chainlink could be powering gpi Link and could still not even be explicitly mentioned in the PoC. But who gives a fuck? I've been holding since September 2017 and honestly things have gone better than I could ever have imagined. We've already made it. I have literally zero doubt that Chainlink is going to be huge, so it's just a matter of time.

>> No.15512446

There’s just a lot of talk with fintech without any actual players coming out of the woodwork. I mean they just changed their approach by going in with mixicles instead, without any fucking public use case.

>> No.15512447

Are you a partner of the internet? That's what chainlink is, it's a communication protocol between blockchains and the real world.

And i have no idea if google holds chainlink. Ultimately it doesn't matter if they do or don't, the oracle layer is being decentralized as we speak, and once it is smart contracts can actually do things worth talking about

>> No.15512459

You know the exact events responsible for recent price action
The most impressive partner like has is swift
Monopoly access to banking apis for smart contracts is the most ikportant high value part of the project

Spare me your knee jerk fanboyism

>> No.15512518

Once staking, aggregation is up and running then we have something to talk about- otherwise it’s a fucking circle jerk.

>> No.15512527

so you will never have anything to talk about

>> No.15512646

Basic aggregation is currently possible
Staking/slashing for nonresponse only is a logical first step and doesnt appear too hard to implement
Given that they did all that work on mixicles it might be all waiting to be shown at sibos

Or the team is very smart and very hardworking but not well directed
Which is more common than you think
Sibos will tell

>> No.15512680

This is interesting isnt it.
If staking abs penalties are so important why is half the team working on a whitepaper for something no one even knew was required

they are smart and harder working

>> No.15512761

You sound like you might know something
Do you?

>> No.15512816

> We
Not your personal investment army

>> No.15512835

Kek. Eoy Anon . End of fucking year

>> No.15512899

You're over reliant on SIBOS this year. Look at how rudimentary the mixicles paper was and ask yourself if the team would be releasing a hypothetical framework for regulation compliant complex smart contracts, just a month before they demonstrate derivatives reconciliation or anything else.
But my point is that fixating on SIBOS this year is ignoring the fact that Chainlink WILL present at SIBOS some time within the next five years, and fixating on short term price action in relation to that is the purview of swing traders and desperate poorfags, and has no bearing on the prospects of the Chainlink project in general.

>> No.15512912

>very hardworking and not well directed
Ding ding dingz

I think this explains the Google random (((announcement))), so fucking early to let the cat out the bag, priced out from competitive accumulation and cater to plebbit. Smells like an adelyne mistake

Not to mention the shit show of web3. Jonny didn’t even have his own talk. The lack of coherent progressions are signs is disorganization- hence the reason why they need a right hand man for sergey

>> No.15512925

Interesting. No one has brought up the fact that mixicles is being theorized one month prior to sibos.
They (we) fell behind the 8ball

>> No.15513291

Axoni, Symbiont, DAML,ISDA, Komgo

>> No.15513468

Wait, are you implying the link team wrote the google article?

>> No.15513549

when is sibos exactly

>> No.15513567
File: 452 KB, 2560x1392, Screen Shot 2019-09-07 at 12.22.23 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo check this out

>> No.15513578

thanks google

>> No.15513679

Adekyn has deep connections with the media that’s why they got her. It’s been explored here

>> No.15513813

> Chainlink node on
> ***Chainlink node now on***
> Chainlink node please query the word "Sibos"
> *** Would you like that query fundamentally and decentrally? ***
> Yes, Fundamentally and decentrally.
> *** Accessing Big Query data base.... .... ... ... ***
> *** Error request not complete Chainlink node is not authorized to access this data fundamentally and decentrally ***
For you

>> No.15513845

brainlets doesnt know chainlink was already working when they did a proof of concept with swift.They only recoded it to go changed some things and served it and waiting for psd2 regulations to kick in.Thats why they have time for mixicles and for privacy you dont wanna show the google 's own banking accounts on blockchain to everyone.We are simply waiting for swift to do its preparations to change its system for the new eu regulations.

>> No.15513873

> *** Accessing Big Query data base.... .... ... ... ***
Topkek. Don't worry one day you will be smart enough to understand what Big Query is/does.

>> No.15513976

It’s been 2 years officially and 5 plus since nxt.

>> No.15513988

It's always been about Sibos

>> No.15513998

People forget the ruby version

>> No.15514008
File: 176 KB, 800x1281, Sergey Nazarov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're proud to be working with SWIFT on their own SWIFT Smart Oracle. Allowing smart contracts on various networks to make payments, send governance instructions, and release collateral with over 11,000 banks.

>We work with Banking Technology Leaders like SWIFT, helping connect banks to smart contracts with Enterprise Grade Oracles.

Both statements, paired with the explicit use of the SWIFT logo, outright describe an active relationship between LINK and SWIFT. If it was only the POC back in 2017 (which both statements link to) with no relationship since then, those statements would be false. They would have to read "We are proud to HAVE WORKED with SWIFT..." and "We WORKED with Banking Technology Leaders like SWIFT..."

SWIFT treat the use of their name and logo seriously:
>In particular, SWIFT does not authorise any use of its trademarks that might induce SWIFT customers to erroneously believe that:
>such third party is part of the SWIFT group or constitutes a SWIFT representative office,
>there is a partnership, joint venture or any other commercial connection between such third party and SWIFT,
>the third-party products and services are developed or supplied by SWIFT, under its control, or jointly with that third party,
>the third party was authorised, by licence or otherwise, to use the SWIFT trademarks,
>SWIFT is responsible for the quality of the third-party products and services.
>SWIFT is responsible for the quality of the third-party products and services.

>SWIFT reserves the right to take all necessary action against any use of its trademarks that does not comply with the present guidelines.

So either they have an active, ongoing working relationship with SWIFT or they are lying and are infringing SWIFT's trademarks yet have gotten away with it somehow.

>> No.15514020

Link crosses da dollar cause some faggot used bots to pump the price

>> No.15514046

god damn sergey has a tight lip

>> No.15514102

It is too early for SWIFT to say anything at Sibos, staking is still likely a ways off too.
>still all in

>> No.15514105

We know they are working with SWIFT but that doesn't mean their product is ready for SIBOS this year.

>> No.15514374
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I wish I was as smart as you anon with your vacant expression

>> No.15514414

The problem is there is still no one using Chainlink at a large volume
>large volume
You're trying to say that noone is using the Chainlink network to request jobs apart from Chainlink themselves.

>> No.15514519

This is my anti fetish

>> No.15514535


>> No.15514574

This Anon ducks

>> No.15514590

yea mixicles really were great fireworks.

>> No.15514611
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>toilet fud, 2 man team
Sometimes I wonder how many people in the world, or even just on 4chan as a whole, as a percentage, would be able to even remotely explain without context what these words particular words mean.

>> No.15514619


What about PS2 2D

>> No.15514819


The “like” is the critical pivot point. “We work with swift” is VERY different than “we work with companies like swift.” The latter— in a grammatical sense— is positively stating that they work with companies that are like or have included swift. If their work with swift were done and concluded in the past, the statement would technically be accurate, if misleading. They might not work with swift actively anymore, but they could still say they work with companies like swift.

>> No.15515615

You trannys are getting desperate

>> No.15515619

PS2D means very little for link in the short term, but quite a lot for the long term

>> No.15515628

Chainlink isn’t even at version 1.0 yet, large scale usage will come with staking and reputation

>> No.15515643

No. The way that's worded they're literally saying that they've worked with swift.
>We're working with several companies, like Swift.
>We're working with swift, as well as other similar defi companies

Desperate, no?

>> No.15515644

I suppose adelyn thinks all western "white devils" look alike. Sergey is an old school anarchist. To him all suits are about the same. After the sibos toilet flushing conference any person who approaches the team is someone from a company "like swift". Hope that clarifies things.

>> No.15515809
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50,000 at most. Less than 100k Chainlink wallets, and many of them new/don’t know old Chainlink memes. We’re a special tribe.

>> No.15516043

>Everyone is afraid to admit that all blockchain allows you to do is trade things that don't exist. You can try to tie things with value to these things that don't exist, but systems already exist for doing that, and this is why no real companies are using any of this.
This is a bad take for a lot of reasons. The problem is crypto is 99% bullshit and it's rife with manipulation and scams and bullshitters poisoning the well so mainstream adoption takes longer and longer. There are companies trying to provide legit use cases for blockchain tech but it takes time for companies to accomplish shit, it's like how e-commerce took a long time to take off even though internet was in peoples homes since the 90s.

>> No.15516118


it looked liked a school science fair, which is about all you can expect from a slit eye wop and a cuck P.E. teacher.

>> No.15516126

> Sibos 19 makes or breaks* us
No...it doesn't, anyone who is expecting a single bit of news relevant to link from sibos is legitimately retarded.

>> No.15516152

it’s almost like it’s needed for something ISDA something

>> No.15516210
File: 88 KB, 1156x390, Screenshot 2019-09-07 at 12.02.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So either they have an active, ongoing working relationship with SWIFT or they are lying and are infringing SWIFT's trademarks yet have gotten away with it somehow.

>SmartContract founder Sergey Nazarov told CoinDesk:

>“We have successfully completed a phase one PoC with Swift, and are in active conversations about how to move further with the work we’ve done.”

>Founded last year, New York-based SmartContract was one of several blockchain startups to be selected by Swift to win a contract at its 2016 Sibos conference. A representative of Swift confirmed to CoinDesk that it is a SmartContract customer. Swift is currently working on multiple blockchain projects with various vendors.

pic related, SWIFT is a smartcontract customer.


>> No.15516233

Looks like $10 was a pipe dream after all

>> No.15516263

When did he say that tho, I constantly see it repeated but no source

>> No.15516306

>doesn't watch every Sergey video
you better sell

>> No.15516309
File: 83 KB, 750x199, C39F2967-D3EC-454E-BB23-F05C97C5F4C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys

>> No.15516314

This is exactly the type of shit reqqies said when it dumped from 1$ to 30 cents. Now it's 1 cent.

>> No.15516340

i wrote them a mail like 6 month ago that some weird cryptoproject claims to work with them and has logos of swift all over their presentationcharts and website
they say the would look into it - public mailadress are probably handeld by some lowlevel intern who doesn't know shit and sends standart emails
so far nothing happend with the website nor did they answer me
so either they dont give a fuck which seems unlikely based on how they treat the use of name and logo by thridparties
or they never looked into it
or they do have some workrelationship together

>> No.15516345

Then I suggest you sell all your LINK and never buy back, anon.

>> No.15516386


linkies have already made it. all they’ve got to do is WAIT.

>> No.15516410

Best follow up with that. I recommend a conference call with the marketing team and other heads of department. We really should protect the fair use of the swift logo by unscrupulous entities.

>> No.15516861

>or they do have some workrelationship together

see here >>15516210